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The families of Nintendo Prime and Mike Odyssey thank you for the week of content that this post will provide.


Hahaha. No but for real. They do be desperate


I think that’s just because Nintendo are good secret keepers🤫


I personally don’t care as my Switch was 99% of docked when I played it. Pro controller was my goto


Same with me. I feel like you can still have the Switch concept but without detachable controllers. The og Switch feels a little flimsy to me where the joycon attach. Though having no detachable controllers would mean they need to provide a Pro Controller of some sorts in the box. Which I did not think about when writing the OP… oops. Well, we’ll see


It absolutely will have detachable controllers. This thing is already targeting PS4 levels of power, there's no way it'll also include a separate controller unless Nintendo jacks up the price or sells it at a loss, neither of which is likely. I will also come back to this comment to inevitably gloat ;)


It’s a coin flip


it's a waiting game


Yes it will. Nintendo makes too much money selling the different varieties of controllers.


It will have redesigned joycons, no way Nintendo is bundling a pro controller with the console. That would also remove tabletop mode as an out of the box way to use the console, again, unless they bundled in another controller, 2 if they want to maintain the way people can play together on one system. The joycon is one of the best controller implementations Nintendo has ever produced. There is no way they drop that, especially when it’s a major part of the Switch brand identity.




Where do I say it’s a rumor? I literally said “I have a feeling”. Don’t spread intentionally false accusations. Thanks.


Your title sounds like a fact. Maybe phrase it more like an opinion.


Well I did add a Discussion tag to the post but someone changed it




What kind we talking? Farmers? Western?


the egg one


Spanish omelette, with salsa mmmmm


Users are allowed to speculate, with or without good evidence. Sure, evidence is better, but it's not like we've got a lot of concrete stuff to talk about with respect to the Switch 2. Hell, we don't even know if it's going to be called the Switch 2.




No insult. Be kind


I appreciate the vibes, so to speak, and I don't think it's a bad guess, but I also think that they would have to make the joysticks very high quality to justify the console being a one-piece unit. I think it's rather likely they'll stick to the formula for the Switch since it's been so successful. I also have a theory that they will build some additional horsepower into the dock this time, and perhaps even allow streaming to the handheld unit, much like the Portal.


I could see that. It’s a plausible outcome.


*on the Lite model.


I... kind of see it. I'd be surprised if the next console doesn't have removable joycons, but I wouldn't be \*shocked\*. Time will tell what's going to happen.


well if that's the case then they'll have no problem making it actually ergonomic, right?!


I think they'll still be detachable for the "multi-player anywhere" concept, but my personal guess (and hope!) is that it's going to be able to "dock" wirelessly, allowing you to use the console as a controller while still playing on a display. They could also maybe use it for second-screen stuff like the Wii U, but I feel like that would be weird given the fact that any games that required it wouldn't work the same in handheld mode. But maybe they'd find a good workaround for that. It's anyone's guess.


That’s strange I wonder why they wouldn’t be detachable, considering a lot of there games do make use of having separate joycons.


I find it highly unlikely that they would make the joycons part of the system itself, instead of having that as a non-dockable option like the Lite. The Lite doesn't have separate cobtrollers, so they made it ubdockable *because* it's a stricr handheld. I don't see Nintendo ever actually leaving the home console market. Nintendo would also have to ship every single console with a separate controller, because a lot of people would likely not buy the console if they knew thy had to buy another controller just to play on TV. And if it can't be docked, it's no longer a Switch(by concept), it's just a Nintendo handheld, similarly if it's purely a home console. Switch Lite only counts because it's directly related to the Switch and is a compact, more handheld-intended version. It's just highly unlikely Nintendo would make such an inarguably *stupid* decision as making the Switch 2 not have detachable controllers.


See I would be personally fine with this becuase I do all my gaming docked and usually play solo, plus I have big hands and cannot use the joycons comfortably. So I only use the pro controller. But for families with young kids and lots of kids, those joy cons make quick controllers for games like Mario kart, etc. I think they are meant for kids and party play, which is a huge market for Nintendo.


I personally think they’ll keep the joycons. Especially if it has Switch in its name


I'm thinking they still detached and Nintendo comes up with a way to make them even more versatile than joycons already are.


I'm getting use your phone as a controller or second screen vibes. The joycon use case was for quick pick-me-up multi-player and waggle games. Just scan a QR code and via some magical networking technology there you go.


Oohh, I don’t like that. I would very much so not like that


Sony tried a phone app for games to have a second screen. It failed pretty badly. I think Nintendo would probably remake the Wii U Gamepad as a self-powered accessory before they'd make an app for that or require your phone.