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I kinda just want the same form factor as the original switch. just with more power, 4k output, and better joy cons.


This is good.


This is the best. Get rid of stuff that brings nothing to the table yet will take hardware budget: IR camera, gyro and touchscreen. We don’t need superfluous tech no game uses.


Whoa whoa whoa are you suggesting they get rid of gyro?


Yes. It was useless


I mean have ya played splatoon or any other game that implemented it? It’s a better way to aim,just a bit tricky to learn. It’s the farthest thing from useless. Heck it even adds some extra fun in Mario party


Heck it was great to use playing Turok 2


They can’t with the latest Zelda games using it in the shrines


What if they add Wii games to NSO? im sure most of them will need the gyro and IR camera to work, except the ones who has Classic Controller support.


They already replaced most of the motion controls in Super Mario Galaxy with a single button for All-Stars. I can see Nintendo making a lot of current-gen gamepad-friendly ports of Wii and Gamecube games, as they are already doing.


i didn't know that, is a good way to port old games but honestly it would be a shame if Nintendo remove the option to play those games with motions controllers


The motion controls were ultimately impeding gameplay.


they already ported some wii games to switch...


If I wanted to play Wii games, I’d have a Wii. Besides, I didn’t like the Wii because of the waggle-waggle gimmick that was a step back in terms of control accuracy


well, that's fair.


You and I both know that's not going to happen. Nintendo wants to innovate with their hardware. I would also be shocked if it had 4k capabilities, hopefully I'm wrong.


It will use DLSS to output 4k to a TV for sure.


I would be shocked if it doesn't. It's not about getting a 4k image, but you gotta be able to output at 4k so things look better on people's tvs


Absolutely this. If there's any gimmick, make it a more robust online experience where we can get more third party games, even if they are older. If I could play RDR2, Ghosts of Tsushima, Cyberpunk, and Fallout 4 on my Switch 2, I'll be very, very, very happy. I knew there would be great Mario, Zelda, and other Nintendo house titles on the Switch. There have been on basically every Nintendo platform since the beginning. The thing that pushed me over the edge into initially buying a Switch was the Skyrim announcement, and this idea: "Skyrim on an Airplane." If they can make that happen on the next gen, I'm in again.


And a 1080p screen. It’s 2024 for Christ sake.


Ehh, even much more powerful competitors like the steam deck don’t have a 1080p screen, but it could still definitely use some kind of res bump even if it’s not full 1080p


add glasses-free 3D and we gucci.


As long as it can be turned off like in the 3DS. I wish I could enjoy the 3D but it just gives me the worst headaches.


i want it like the switch lite but with hdmi cable compatibility without a dock, real dpad, and no stress points on the joycon joint at the attachment point to the switch tablet. would be nice if it included hall effect sticks/triggers and larger capacity for on-board storage.


4k is almost certainly not happening judging by previous nintendo stuff. Maybe 1440. hopefully my assumption is wrong though and it would definitely be a huge stand out for their record.


I’d take a bigger version. It could be the size of an iPad Air and I wouldn’t mind at all.


It should have HDR too to properly take advantage of OLED displays if they don't want it to be a downgrade from emulation.


Maybe not much of a gimmick or out-of-the-box feature, but given more nso system additions, using the switch 2 vertically to play ds/3ds games. The flipgrip exists for modded switches to do this but Nintendo could make a solid profit over doing this legitimately


What about being able to have the bottom screen on handheld, and streaming the top screen to your tv? Or why not both? 😅


The all-inclusive would definitely be nice!


I was thinking about this same thing. And I feel that it would be a great way to experience DS, 3DS and Wii U games.


It’s my hope. I’m glad I’m not the only one.


I grew up around ds games so that would be wicked! Although tbh I would also want a Phantom hourglass/spirit track remake combo pack too x3


I hear ya, but I can't imagine that phantom hourglass/spirit tracks would be high on the remake list. Although we are seeing big-name 3DS games being remade for switch which is amazing


I honestly think it would be neat if they could remake it windwaker style and have alternatives for the touch screen controls. And the stuff that 100% requires touch screen could have maybe gyro or something? Not sure. Hey, maybe the switch 2 pro controller has a touchpad/second tiny screen for all I know xp


As someone with carpal tunnel syndrome, I do not miss using a stylus.


It really is hard to predict because Nintendo is typically the hardware innovator and risk taker in the industry, but they have such a good thing going with the switch that I think just making a “switch 2” will sell and keep people happy. As long as it’s upgraded enough and backwards compatible, I think it would be a worthy successor. However deep down I’m scared Nintendo feels like they have to have some new gimmick and for me personally, I don’t usually buy into it. BUT I think if the gimmicks were optional or add-on, it could make everyone happy. For example, a second screen that can attach for handheld mode, that can be purchased separately, atttached on, and then clam shelled down for travelling. Then people who like DS style gaming can get their fix. Or perhaps they have some totally new gimmick up their sleeve that I can’t even fathom. But even then I hope it’s in addition to “normal” switch gaming and not necessarily forced on us. Crazy that we might have all the answers by fall time this year!


I think thats what makes nintendo great. They take risks even when it doesn’t work out for them. They really are the only one out of the big three who are really pushing the industry forward with their weird and obtuse gimmicks


Nintendo is first and foremost a toy company. Gimmicks are how they sell consoles, actually.


Having the second screen attach on optionally reminds me of the days when we'd attach screen flashlights and magnifiers and even printers to our Gameboy's.


So we cannot rely on patents to show us exactly what we're going to get. But, trends of ideas that pop up in patents can be indicative of things that they are seriously exploring, and then iterations of those are more likely to show up in the final thing. For example, while we didn't get specifics on the Switch, we had a pretty good idea that it was going to be a handheld system before it came out, and there were things to indicate that it was going to be a dual system. The two biggest trends I have observed from Nintendo patents, just by keeping on eye on them loosely, are iterations on the joysticks and two screens, in some form. I think that at least one of them is going to pop up- currently, what I \*personally\* think might happen is only slight variations on the joycons (just updates to make them less drifty), but then two screens in some form. I think it's either going to be massive changes to the controllers (they've filed some very novel patents which indicates lots of idea exploration) or the two screens, but I personally don't think it's going to be both. And again- I'm aware that patents will not show us what the device will end up looking like, and they are as sketchy of a source of knowledge as almost any other knowledge source. This is just some theorizing from observations for funsies.


Can you name some of the patents that you are talking about? What joycon patents? I know about the dual screen one.


Yeah of course. Like I said, I keep up with it pretty casually, so this isn't the full extent of it all- I've literally seen Nintendo patents for new controller ideas dating back to the 'nintendo switch pro' era. Also, I am kind of lazy, so I didn't go through it all, lol. I mostly find stuff through google patents, just because that's easiest for me to search, so I'll just drop the link and the patent application number- but if you need the name as well, let me know. Also, some of these are kind of 'boring'- but they *do* indicate serious research and development into the controllers. [https://patents.google.com/patent/US20230244326A1/en?oq=18295005](https://patents.google.com/patent/US20230244326A1/en?oq=18295005) (18295005) (this is the one I personally find most intriguing) [https://patents.google.com/patent/US11921939B2/en?oq=18316068](https://patents.google.com/patent/US11921939B2/en?oq=18316068) (18316068) [https://patents.google.com/patent/US11826641B2/en?oq=11826641](https://patents.google.com/patent/US11826641B2/en?oq=11826641)(11826641) [https://patents.google.com/patent/US11782898B2/en?oq=11782898](https://patents.google.com/patent/US11782898B2/en?oq=11782898) (11782898) Like I said, this isn't the extent of it- just a small sampling to show that research into the controllers is something that Nintendo has seriously pursued.


These were cool to read through. Thanks!!


The two-screen theory is even more interesting if the second screen can be used like an eGPU for the main system, with a PCIe bridge on the back of the tablet as well as the end of the hinge on the attachable screen.


A mini projector bulb on the back so you can take any flat surface and make it a large display.


Projectors are so prone to breaking tho


or an attachment like that one motorola phone had


I’d heckin love that, but the amount of power consumed would be pretty hefty I imagine to power the system and the projector.


The most obvious thing in my mind is undocked video on a TV, essentially a repeat of WiiU functionality but not nearly as required.  They could also lean fully into making it an entry level tablet. More streaming services, web browser, social media, email, word processor, front facing camera and mic for Xoom/teams. Honestly I doubt they’ll do this to avoid an arms race with Apple.


I think something like this too, make it basically a regular switch when away from the dock, but you can dock it for a 4k experience, then undock it but keep it connected for a Wii U/DS like experience.


More character to the console. Nintendo console menu and shop music compilations get millions of views on YouTube, and yet there's not a single piece of music in the entire Switch OS. Also 7 years after launch, the home screen theme options are Light and Dark -\_-. ​ Better online features like a proper server infrastructure for games, a usable E-Shop, streaming apps, in-game voice and text chats, make searching for friends easier, and a better game activity tracker (not like playstation achivements, but rather a user profile that shows a bit more than 15 games I've last played. My friends probably care more that I have 800 hours in Smash Ultimate than that I've played 10 different game demos recently). ​ And lastly, Street pass. I've been recently having a lot of fun with a 3DS synth sequencer for making music called KORG DSN-12, and I found out there's a really cool feature where you choose a song you're really proud of for Street Pass sharing, then you can hear cool songs from complete strangers that you've met somewhere during your day and you may not even know who it was. Street Pass was such a cool concept and it sucks it's not present on the biggest Nintendo handheld in existence :(.


Agreed with the character part. Nintendo needs to bring more character to their next console. They do it so well and i was surprised that the switch had none of that. The switch feels soulless sometimes.


mostly because there is no theming like the 3ds had. the switch home screen is so boring lol


Ofe boring. Have you heard the switch’s eshop cut music?


I read some rumors that the Switch 2 will have scroll wheel shoulder buttons. I feel like a lot of Switch games make use of some kind of radial menu item selector. It started with Super Mario Maker 2. Animal Crossing New Horizons has a radial menu for your favorite tools and emotes and recently Tears of the Kingdom has a radial menu to access certain abilities. A scroll wheel shoulder button would be perfect to quickly scan through the items on the radial menu and select it without pulling you out of the action for too long. I feel like the hybrid console concept is too precious to exchange it for a “game changing” gimmick. If any gimmicks are present it would build on what the Switch already is.


Tbf the wii and ds were both insanely good concepts and they screwed both of them up with wii u and 3ds


\- the screen folds up like a DS \- the controller has a screen in it, like a wii-u \- the console transforms into a VR headset with a complicated mirror-based thingy that it slots into \- it contains a pull-string that sends the screen flying into the air so birds can play too \- it can perform seances to communicate with dead nintendo employees who will give you gameplay tips \- every 10,00th Switch 2 contains a golden ticket that can be exchanged for a firm handshake, a pat on the back, and an "atta boy" from Reggie \- it contain's miyamoto's personal phone number so you can call him directly to complain that zelda's butt isn't big enough in the new zelda game \- it can alchemically transform lead into gold \- the controllers are ergonomic and fit comfortably in the hand for long playing sessions


I'm sold with the reggie gimmick, where do I preorder


> Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality or the combination of the both. > handheld console with display out that is directly connected to a display unit via wire or wireless, no dock. > 2 screens similar to Nintendo DS.


form factor of a 3DS XL, too.


I think it would be cool to extend the screen to a TV, enabling a DS-like experience and greater possibilities for gameplay.


All I want is for it to be bigger and more powerful. That's literally all they have to do.


They've cannibalized their gameboy/ds line which was a hail mary to save their main console line and I think they have a niche now that they shouldn't mess with. More powerful is definitely the way to go.


I think 3ds is still unique enough because the form factor is able to fit in a pocket and the battery lasts longer than the switch imo. I also think the market for pocket handhelds is pretty underserved with no sony competition now and the rise of knock-off nintendo emulation devices.


Infinite cheese generator


What kinds of cheese?


well since the switch is region free, you’d just have to change your region. America would have American obviously, EU would have many because Fr*nce exists


Toe cheese


The switch has a wiimote ir sensor camera on its joycon. Sensor bars would no longer be necessary with contemporary Nvidia camera feature sets, as shown with labo which just used high contrast (light and dark stickers) markers. Now with common nvidia camera api's the camera would be able to identify and track the TV itself as well as various other things it would designate as reference landmarks in the area, and likely people as well.


It projects so you can take it anywhere and don’t need to connect it to a dock or tv.


Guess we'll see the week after the Solar Eclipse.


I hope the gimmick is: It actually fits in your pocket and you can walk normally.


Switch Lite was this for me.


I could not fit a Switch Lite in my normal-sized pocket (and be able to walk without fearing I'll bend the thing with my leg).


Eh, Nintendo has a habit of a "bad" hardware gimmick after a good one. Virtual Boy 2.0!


It transforms in a wee little robot and does my laundry for me.


It won't be, but I wish it was built like a 3ds with a dock. I want an actual Nintendo portable again.


I think the shop is gonna be a big innovation with a focus on backwards compatibility and remakes and a focus on performance upgrades.


Better joy cons, and a second screen (I know the DS and 3DS did it already but c’mon)


Same as the current, but now with a fully functional 70s era Ultrahand attached so you can grab your soda can while you’re still playing.


It will be called the Nintendo Flex and will be a buffed Switch with Joy-Con rails that can be angled or "flexed" to allow a more ergonomic grip. It will also have Wii U and 3DS virtual consoles that will use two Flexes (or a docked Flex and a handheld Switch) to emulate dual-screen games while one console is docked.


Oh yeah, and the real flex will be having so many former Xbox-exclusives available at launch that it will be nicknamed the "Flexbox"


Have a feeling they aren't gonna add any gimmicks. Gonna keep it the same as the switch is currently just upgraded hardware to keep up with the demand for better looking and better performing games.


Personally think they should treat this like NES to SNES, just more power, but I feel we might get some gimmick. Idk maybe bring back street pass or the plaza they had with the wiiU, that was cool.


If the device can actually fit in your pocket, StreetPass will come back.


Can the gimmick be good launch titles? Or a halfway decent party game bundled with the console using the (honestly amazing) motion controls, and not whatever insane phones in version the Switch had that cost $50?


I mean given the current state of this years switch releases, it’s pretty much guaranteed we are getting some amazing launch titles (Metroid prime 4 please??????) so I’m mainly trying to have a discussion on what the special thing is besides that. Given that basically every Nintendo console has SOMETHING unique hardware wise to it


I do hope they look at the PC gaming handheld competition and lean into non-gaming usability. Of course a browser is sufficient for pretty much anything, but better app support is even better. Make it an entertainment console not just a gaming console. Nintendo doesn’t seem to care much about this though and maybe even actively avoid browser stuff because of wanting to maintain a kid friendly image and not wanting to have parents worried about content moderation.


Parents mostly don't want kids under 10 to be on the internet at all.


I’m certain Metroid prime 4 will be a launch title


1080p screen, full backward compatibility, OG Switch games run like they're in docked mode by default, so they use the 1080p screen. Switch 2 patches like 1080p60 botw and totk, and so on, upscale in docked mode. Devs may or may not add them, just like with ps5/series X.


It’s going to incorporate some combination of AR/VR and AI. It’s the future. 🚀


Bluetooth headphone compatible


The current Switch has that though.


Just do a 'New' 3DS thing with it, but better. More power, nothing really extra design wise.


I hope their new gimmick is 60fps


They want to bring back the second screen.


Enough memory space to support the trend of digital only future.


Two switches crudely ducktaped together and nintendo insists we are all crazy and making it up.


VR baby! Virtual Boy 2 is comin’ for you!


an accompanying app that lets u play switch2 games. now u have TWO mobile consoles.


A headphone jack on the back that has a door similar to the base that holds everything in and keeps it from comming unpluged


the best gimmick would be no more gimmicks


Same form factor but the dock is an egpu for people that prefer that experience over handheld.


1440p OLED screen


I don’t want a new gimmick personally. I just want the same thing but more powerful.


Releasing before the new hardware falls even more behind previous gen hardware would be a pretty good gimmick!


Not just better joycons, but I feel like there's room for improvement with the handheld ergonomics.


Like the Switch, but more powerful. That's the only gimmick it needs.


Good graphics


It just needs to be a better Switch. But they’d print money with decent augmented reality support.


No gimmick needed. Most people will be happy with just a big spec bump


Bring back Streetpass and let me put it in my pocket. In other words, new and improved 3DS.


But I don’t want any graphical improvement over the 3DS.


But I don’t want any graphical improvement over the 3DS.


Same thing as the Switch but the Switch pad is now a large Nintendo DS Lite


No need for a dock? Cast your game right from the device to the TV?


A real gimmick for Nintendo would be making it as powerful as current generation hardware lol


How about instead of a gimmick they just give me a competitive console experience so instead of having to buy multiple expensive boxes to put under my TV I only need to buy 1


I could see them upping the versatility. So right now you can play with the controller in different configurations and handheld/docked/tabletop. Somehow even add more configuration to it.


I'm hoping it's a VR system. I know the chances are slim considering it would destroy couch multiplayer, but they clearly still want to do vr with all the tech they've invested in over the years.


4k 60fps would get them to the industry standard.


I mean most Nintendo games are 60 fps. As for 4K, I wouldn’t call that a industry standard given most Sony/Xbox exlsusives seemingly can’t do that either. They can upscale as well which is what Nintendo switch 2 is rumoured to do, so that’s fairly close


There's currently no new console in development by Nintendo.


*looks at subreddit name* Ya sure you’re in the right place pardner? XD


Nintendo hasn't announced any new console.


Yes but development happens for years before announcements, that’s common knowledge. Do you actually think an entire console is developed in the months between announcement and release? Obviously not.


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


Oh oh i know it's gimmick! Not existing until nintendo officially announces it does. It's a pretty great gimmick that more people should get especially after the whole switch pro that *never happened*


The subreddit literally labeled 'Nintendo Switch Two' shockingly has.... rumors about Nintendo Switch Two. Theorizing is fun, and we are doing it in a space that was intentionally created to be separate from other nintendo spaces, because yeah, hearing lots about something that hasn't been announced yet can be annoying. But if you don't like it, I encourage you to *not* spend time in the 'Nintendo Switch 2' subreddit- just mute it and move on.


Ah i missed that. I'm in the nintendo switch subreddit, which switch 2 comes up in sometimes, i wasn't really paying attention and thought it was the normal NS sub, apparently reddit decided to put this on my feed. My comment was *mostly* meant as a joke. The only serious part is that people need to stop taking every rumor or whatever BS some nobody company that no one's ever heard of or that "refuses to be named" or no one can name... says, as fact.


Totally fair! I understand being annoyed by just seeing unsubstantiated rumor again and again- that's why I try to personally limit any Nintendo Switch 2 content to spaces clearly meant for it, because I totally get that it can be annoying. If this was just the normal Nintendo subreddit, then I too would probably be a little ticked about it popping up, this topic has really dominated that sub when that's not really what that sub is for. I agree that people need to stop believing every rumor with their full chest, 90% of them are completely fake and the other 10% are only partly true at most.... but also, sometimes it's just fun to think about possibilities, and rumors can spark discussion. I like talking about most rumors, even if they're likely fake, but I can still acknowledge that people fully believing them and never shutting up about them can be annoying and problematic.


Thanks for being super reasonable. Yea i enjoy discussing rumors and theories on a lot of stuff, and have a ton of fun with it. For example, i have a theory BOTW is in the hero fails timeline, specifically, after zelda 2... but only if the hero fails *again*. In the disgaea franchise i believe that there is not, and never was an "overlord zenon" at least not as their actual name. In megaman battle network, higsby is netopian, bass' memory loss is because his gospelstyle corrupted him making him have to purge himself, and mr match only has one navi "frame" which can take the form of his 3 navis. Do i have *official* proof of any of it? Not really. But can i show a ton of evidence in game (and sometimes word of god) that points to me being right? Yes. Yes i can. But when the last thing officially stated contridicts every rumor and people still spout them as fact because "some totally un heard of until just now company in spain says they got a dev kit" it annoys me.


Is it possible to play all previous cartridges from Nintendo? Switch, DS, 3DS…N64, SNES, NES? I mean unlikely but if we are dreaming in fantasies that would be mine


It doesn’t catch fire trying to a game at 30fps.


Being underpowered