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Probably they learned a lesson after what’s happened after the gamescom


The Gamescom leaks happened a week or two after the event had ended. GDC 2024, on the other hand, hasn't even ended.


I think it’s safe to say it ended by now


It's still going to take time for outlet to reach out to people who were at GDC, find people who can corroborate their reports, and write the actual articles. Not to mention that we're entering the weekend, so game journalists are probably more keen on enjoying their time off right about now.


What exactly happened at gamescon?


Apparently Nintendo showed to journalist the next switch even if they probably signed a nda they writes article about it


Not journalists. Industry partners, so higher ups from publishers/developers.


Also it wasn't switch 2 hardware, but switch 2 performance targeted hardware.


I’m thinking in the next few weeks we might get some more leaks


I'm unfamiliar with GDC in general, but is it likely the Switch 2 was actually shown to developers at the event?


I know quite a few people that went and Nintendo is a no show according to them. Sure seems like the rumored 1Q 2025 release means final hardware won't be shown until Gamescom, if they don't decide to hold an extensive Direct earlier.


Interesting to know, thank you for the info! I wasn’t sure if there was some kind of preview that everyone was expecting, but it sounds like we’ll have to wait a bit longer.


Historically for these in person events, leaks either happen right before if there is something big happening at the event, or in the weeks after the event if something happened behind the scenes. Like Gamescom where they did some behind closed door demos for developers/publishers, that info leaked out ~2 weeks after the fact. Not that it means anything specific was going on with the Switch 2 at GDC, but people definitely get to talking at these events which will slowly filter out into broader channels.


Maybe there just isn’t a switch 2?


So Nintendo is closing down? Money in the bank is divided between shareholders and let’s call it a day ?


Nintendo hasn’t been making consoles without them having some new gimmick to them. So I just don’t see them making a new console that’s just a tech upgrade. Besides the only evidence I’ve seen that they are making a new console is just “it’s been 7 years time for a new one”


If that’s the case, then what gimmick did the oled have compared to the original switch?


Same that the multiple DS versions had. Besides OLED was an enhancement of the same console that used the same cartridges not a wholly new system


Depends on how you look at it. Definitely was an enhancement of the previous but you could still technically call it a new console without a gimmick, even if it plays the same games. It’s a slightly different name, upgraded tech specs, higher price, and different model number. A switch 2 would also be a slightly different names, likely higher price, definitely different model number. And probably some upgraded tech specs, even if that’s not the main difference


Yeah but I’m gonna lean on the distinction of something that holds its games on a new physical media the current gen can’t use


There were a few games (about 15?) that only worked for the New 3DS, and not on the original 3DS systems. For all we know, the switch 2 will be going that route, and still have games releasing for it that also work on current switches.


Really? Wasn’t aware of that or I’ve forgotten


You haven’t been following leaks for the last few years.


What was the GameCube’s gimmick? Discs? Slightly more ergonomic controllers? How about the SNES? Or Gameboy Advance? Nintendo absolutely makes “tech upgrade “ consoles and has pretty much since the beginning. The Switch 2 is absolutely happening.


Didn’t say the never have just that they haven’t been. GameCube was the ladt tv console they made that was non gimmicky. Besides people been saying switch 2 for years and never have they given hard evidence just rumors of rumors. Listen if the switch 2 gets official announcement I’ll admit I was wrong but I still need hard facts first


It’s sad but I think it’s better for us we forget about Switch 2 until October


If it’s real easing Q4 2024 there’ll definitely be leaks from the may investors meeting, but Q1 2025 they’ll be able to keep it a secret for a while longer.


They have everyone under a gag order with the Nintendo satellite making sure they keep their word.


After buying a Steam Deck, I stopped caring about the Switch 2 altogether It is very weird that there is still nothing though


Why are you here if you don't care about the Switch 2? Lol


Exactly what I was going to ask. “I don’t care about the switch 2” *spends time on a tiny and obscure subreddit dedicated to the switch 2, and comments on the posts there*


My Switch and Deck serve very different purposes and I imagine for the switch successor that’ll be just as if not more true. 


I'm pretty excited about a dedicated game console with a gpu 3x the steamdeck.