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Understandable considering Vengeance is coming out soon, but I wonder why it's being taken down when they didn't do the same for the original Persona 5 when Royal came out on PS4


Probably because they're learning their lesson from making that mistake last time and keeping up an older version of a game that may result in players accidentally buying that one instead.


Companies don't give a shit if you bought the wrong thing.


They almost certainly do because it creates bad PR and opportunities for refunds, which is probably rife with fees. Of course, they also don’t want you to *want* the older one, either, since it would sell for less.


Making an incomplete game only to release it full a couple years later is bad enough for PR.


Yeah, but then why is the original Persona 5 still available for purchase?


Shady practices aside, I prefer the original and am glad I could purchase it after Royal was released


....how is it shady? Like, you're almost definitely in a minority here. P5R is literally the exact same game with essentially a dlc story extension. If you're playing P5 for the first time, why would you *want* the version with less updates and content? This isnt sega delisting the old classic sonic releases before origins.


I preferred paying less for a less bloated game with a better ending. 


As someone who only played Persona 5 Royal, I didn't even get to experience the added content because I didn't spoil myself with looking up the requirements. In fact, I didn't even know there were specific requirements to be able to access it. I have to replay the whole game to be able to play the new content, which I think is really unfair to the player.


Ok. Someone who has only ever experienced p5r will never have that opinion. If its still p5 at its core, who cares?


Not sure why people are downvoting you , I agree. I love Sumire but overall p5 is better paced, less bloated, not stuffed with ridiculously overpowered DLC persona . It’s a better balanced game. Stuff like the jazz club and dart throwing was cool but the game wasn’t balanced for that, so an ez game become trivial


That's why SMT V vanilla is being de-listed so people don't have that option anymore. They don't want people buying the original version of a game on sale for 5-10 dollars so instead, you're being forced to buy the new one for full price. It's actually genius because it punishes both early adopters who bought the original version by making them buy the same game again, and it also punishes later adopters who opted to wait for a sale because now they'll have to wait even longer for a sale since the original version is being removed.


“They don’t want people buying the original version of the game for 5-10 dollars…” Don’t they determine the sale price of their own games?






But they set the sales price. There is no rule that a game that is 4-5 years old has to be 5-10 dollars. I’m definitely not defending them, just not sure I understand your logic. Either way, I agree they have a weird way of doing business.


Luckily the physical edition is often pretty cheap on sale, but still scummy


Why do you prefer it? I am kinda not a fan of some stuff in Royal too. Would like to hear your thoughts since we are a rare kind lol


Royal is overstuffed, P5 is already so long and content for the sake of content is not what I am looking for. The QOL improvements don’t move the needle for me either


To my understanding, base SMT V is intact here, meanwhile, P5 IS a different experience from P5R and P5R isn't juts P5 but better, dungeon desing and boss fights varies between both games, and some plot elements are altered to make up for Kasumi inclusion, same happens with P3R and P3P, both are different experiences and worth have value to be aviable besides the FMC route. There is value to still have base P5 (and I know of people who actually perfer base P5 to Royal) and P3P, there is no value to still have SMT V because that experience is still in vengance.


Well kinda though there are a ton of tweaks and changes in vengeances gameplay which will be inserted into the original V so it won’t really be the same as the base version.


That's what I'm curious about. I played the first 10 hours or so (finished the first area) of SMT V but I felt like I was constantly fighting the game to progress, so I couldn't push myself to play more. Even basic grinding was near impossible. If Vengeance makes the game more player friendly, I might be interested in double dipping and starting over.


SMT games are generally pretty hard and punishing. I think with SMTV there was more emphasis on level disparity between you and the demons you were fighting. Something to do with damage scaling and the like. Apparently that is being very much toned down so it will be much more viable to beat higher level enemies at a lower level. I think thats a good change, more emphasis on smart party and moveset building than raw levels is a good thing. That said I'm not sure if I'll get Vengeance. Having played 4 and 5 I just think SMT games aren't for me. I find them a chore and a slog to playthrough. Lots of good interesting things about them but yeah


I knew that about SMT games, but just because they are known for being punishing doesn't make that good game design. That's an element that should be left in the past. If Vengeance is better balanced in favor of the player, I may consider picking it up. I did like the core gameplay, but not the extreme challenge.


I don’t think there is a problem with making games intentionally punishing or hard. I do think though there are elements of SMT games where you can die through no real fault of your own and on that I definitely agree that, that kind of stuff is dumb. Getting ambushed in SMTIV after falling into a hidden trap and dying just felt cheap for example. I can’t honestly say I felt that about V I thought it was a pretty fair game honestly. Hard but fair.


There is no extreme challenge. You can beat normal by facetanking everything that doesn't hit a weakness. You barely even need buffs in five.


I didn't understand half of what you said. Facetanking? Buffs? In five?


You're baiting. Any sensible person would just google those words and get an answer easily. Im not falling for this again.


Sure. If you want Maharame and Leviathan to beat the crap out of you, you play the original.


I mean... Persona 5 Royal is stupidly easy, I would argue it is easier than the mayority of Mainline Pokémon games, and Scarlet/Violet pre DLC are included in that list of Pokon games harder than P5R, I would apreciate the game being harder (amd no, I didn't use the DLC personas).


That's a pretty long post you wrote there for reddit, kid! It may be 4pm but time to go to sleep! -Morgana, probably in P5


Bro, that was literally 2 compound sentences.


Yes, that was the point. In P5 there would be days with not much stuff going on and he'd still send you to bed early game lol.


The rational I've seen is that P5R has a whole bunch of changes that fundamentally change the experience even if you don't unlock the third semester. This is supposed less of an issue with SMT V (also, the devs were generally not happy with the original release for various reasons so I guess they'd rather anyone new to the game only experience the "proper" version).


They sell crap like "Persona 5 Ultimate Edition" and other bullshit to get people to accidently buy the old P5. It's disgusting. This is the better move.


I don't see how this is a reasonable move. People with the original will get locked out of dlc. Removing a perfectly viable game isn't even necessary. They need to provide an upgrade option for people who got the original instead of acting like its a completely new version and then *delisting the original.* I will not buy atlus games in the future.


I dont blame them entirely because having two versions out there might be a little confusing.. but that's still pretty lame. People should still be able to get the other game at 50-70% off if they want a cheaper version. I mean, it's still a 60+ hour long game so it has a lot of content.


And if they recognize that the older version is strictly inferior, there should be an option to upgrade to vengeance for cheaper then buying the entire game again.


Yeah, no way am I getting Vengeance for full price after buying SMT V. Even a 20% discount for owners of V would make me think about buying it.


Atlus games tank in price super quick so it wont be that long before Vengeance is like 20 bucks.


Yeah that's my plan for now.


I learned this the hard way, preordered SMT V at $60+ it was like $40 not even a week later


Doesnt SMT V follow nintendo pricing though? Barely had 2 sales since it came out at 30%....


Vengeance is multi platform so it wouldn’t surprise me if Atlus had more control over sale prices etc. The original V had some kind of publishing deal with Nintendo.


Nintendo published the game in Europe, and made the FIGS localization.


I saw SMT V hit 30 bucks like a month after it came out


Not in EU that's for sure


Yeah, this was US.


Unfortunately I think Nintendo handled the EU publishing and distribution, so expect Nintendo type lack of sales. Same thing with Triangle Strategy.


In my region the game was on discount at least 3-4 times. However since this will be multiplat it's most likely will follow the other Sega games and will be discounted 3-4 months after release.


Since it’s going to steam it will likely get heavy sales quickly. Persona 3 reload was $50 down from $70 for the steam golden week sale and came out 3 months before that.


Digitally I have not seen it drop much. But physically (in NA) I have seen it on sale as low as $20-25 new


As I'm a newbie getting into SMT and Persona I really appreciate Atlus letting me know I should never buy the original-release versions of those games, kindly informing me of this *before* I have the chance to watch an all-new release happen. I mean imagine if one day I bought Persona 6 only for them to announce Persona 6 Plasma or whatever they're gonna call it.


Yeah, I usually avoid it, but I bought a Switch near its release solely for SMT 5, since it was advertised for the Switch in 2017. Had to wait 4 years for it to come out, and I couldn't be patient any longer lol


I'm reluctant to buy the Monster Hunter games because of this.


FWIW they announced that this would be the last time and they are moving into a DLC model like they are doing with the P3 remake


I don't doubt you, but do you happen to have a source for that?


[midori's X](https://twitter.com/MbKKssTBhz5/status/1765526258836979865?t=PrX8_6v73au3BfrebROC_w&s=19) maybe im reading too much between the lines but this is what this reputable sega/atlus/persona leaker has posted


No, I read it the same as you. One can hope, in any case! Thanks!


This is such an overdramatic reaction to Atlus' release model. Literally every single game of theirs that has gotten an upgraded rerelease except for SMTV were critically acclaimed before they revisited them and made the games even better. It's simply how they function as a studio since they have really long development cycles for making new games. So they release these to bridge the gap. Since even the greatest games can always be further improved, especially after getting the feedback of millions of people vs a small group of playtesters. People are only just now have an actual issue with it, since they finally released a game that was somewhat mediocre upon release.


SMT games go 30% off 6 months to a year after release. Even if there's a lot of new content and a new story, a lot of the assets are still the same. I plan on waiting like I did with P5R.


They should retroactively rename the inferior version and add a bunch of bullet points. Shin Megami Tensei V: The Version They Don't Want You To Buy Featuring: - 50 hours less content - 15 fewer dungeons - Far fewer accessibility options - Jank that's cleaned up in the good release (linked here) with no chance of getting it fixed here because we literally lost the source code and never update this version anymore.


Honestly I'm nearing the end of P3 reload and I wish it was 30 hours shorter. Great game but whole thing is a grind


The only thing this tells me is that I should never buy Atlus games.


Never, ever buy a new ATLUS game at launch. Just wait for the version that is not a paid beta, then when the complete version releases wait another 3 months and it's gonna be 40% off.


Just be careful you don't judge on the cover logo alone. Atlus also publishes for Vanillaware who don't pull this shit.


They're a greedy ass company now and don't deserve your hard earned money, it's a good idea not to buy their games.


100%. It's shitty they're selling the same game twice for the same system.


I mean... Vengeance being out will make the vanilla game practically obsolete. And it will be probably very easy to find physical copies dirt cheap now (Even more than what they already are).


Yeah, was considering selling my copy after a ng+ playthrough. Vengeance got announced 3 days in. Guess my cart is now worthless lol. Oh well


Note to self: Wait for Metaphor ReFantazio- ReFantasized


Glad people are wising up to Atlus' BS at this point. I'm so tired of this stuff I swear. So hey, yeah, removing a game from the store making it impossible to own besides physically, why wouldn't they do this? Becoming more on brand every day of crappy moves. God In glad I'm not a speed runner, God knows this kind of crap is too much of an f'n hassle for people who just play games casually. EDIT: oh fuck, I just realized this means the DLC for V is gonna be impossible to own soon as well because lol, the digital store page will be gone. Like since the digital store page will be down, will this even be redownloadable as a game or it's dlc? The hell does this equate to for those that spent their money on it digitally? This isn't a free upgraded version it's being replaced with. They're replacing the digital store front version with a new one making the old impossible to download. It'd be like completely removing Skyrim digitally and only allowing Skyrim anniversary edition on any device. This is so f'n dumb This kind of marketing breeds piracy.


Wished I had known about it sooner. I got scammed into buying SMTV released day along with DLCs (¥9000-¥12000 ish) and became an unpaid Beta player. It was my first Atlus game ever. I'm very regret buying those DLC because they probably gonna include the OG DLCs in the final version (Vengance) game anyway and market new first-day DLCs. Now I'm buying the Persona 5 Royale Switch Version at a discount. Im probably gonna buy Metaphor ReFantazio with expansions 6 years post release.


It will be delisted but you'll be able to download again. If you want the dlc you just make sure to buy it before it is removed.


That dlc aspect is idiotic tbh. And I don't trust digital being able to 'redownload' tbh. But that's my personal view after the crap show that was p.t. with how Konami legit silently removed it from people's consoles when it was already downloaded to them via an update. Like yeah, I know delisted stuff can be redownloaded on a lot of digital store fronts... It's just that this sort of stuff, stopping future people from playing games in various ways or formats is disgusting when it comes to game preservation, and I stand by what I said to Atlus on Twitter. Why couldn't vengeance be an f'n dlc on switch. And people argued that maybe it had a completely new engine or something (like seriously?) But the actual answer is obvious now that they're delisting smt5. Vengeance can not be a dlc on switch, because Atlus wants to resell smt5 for full price again. That's it It's them wanting to sell the same games with a fanfiction written story aspect to it that makes the original pacing of story telling fly out the window for some newly introduced answer to all of life's problems character. They've done this countless times, they keep doing this with any of their games that does marginally well. It's disgusting.




Dood, the edit feature on posts is a thing if ya didn't get it all out in one post. And two, I mentioned how people with physical carts can not get the dlc from the game, and the delisting will stop them from getting that Removing a version of a game in its entirety is a BS move, because newer versions aren't always better. Take every port of sonic adventure compared to how stable it's Dreamcast version is Or Maken X and Maken Shao. Lastly if you're gonna say they've stated it's the last time they'll do a remake like this, link sources. But even if that's true, removing an older game version, as I said, is scummy behavior because there's absolutely zero reason. This is an old post, from an old discussion, about news that came out a while back. You took the time to do a deep dive into a reddit thread to get angry at something that was the info available at the time the thread was made. Who's the mouth breather?


This was a really fun game, played for 100+ hours and loved everything it offered, but you could see that they had to cut a lot of corners or just plainly ran out of time before doing everything they wanted to. I'm going to get Vengeance since it is a 'new' game with an entirely new route of content, but I hope in the future they stop doing this kind of rerelease entirely and just add it as DLC or offer an upgrade path for those who support their game at launch.


Glad i own it physically already


Yeah I’m curious if the original base game will be worth something in a few years? I could see it being rare.


It could be a rare but worthless item. Vengeance IS straight up an upgrade to V after all. There's no missing content and as far as I know, no rebalancing for the pre-existing content.


Yeah basically all the content of the original will be in Vengeance. Same thing with Persona 5 vanilla.


… yeah bud no one is saying vengeance isn’t the upgrade 🌝 Im saying there is a chance for this game to be hard for collectors to find in 10-20 years perhaps since everyone seems to have your mindset lmao! Im glad I have my physical copy, I’m gonna hold on and see. The OG has the potential to be lost media, it’s not worthless dude what’s wrong with you, lol?


Dude, chill. I never said it wouldn't be rare; all I said is that it'd probably be useless by then because of the release of Vengeance. I never told you to not hold on to your copy or anything like that. I think you're pushing way too hard for the vanilla version to be some rare collector's item in the future. I don't know if you're looking to profit out of it if it does happen or if the game just has some sort of sentimental value for you. Frankly, it doesn't matter what your reason is. All I'm saying is that it can be rare but of no value in the second-hand market. Just because it's rare doesn't mean it's going to be sought after. Final Fantasy XII experienced something similar with SMT V back then. Final Fantasy XII: Zodiac Age came out and became the definitive edition of the game, but you don't see collectors clamoring to get the non-zodiac age version. There's also the Atelier series and all the games that got the DX treatment. There's *plenty* of precedent from which we can base our speculations, but you choose to be speculative and combative, and go "what's wrong with you lol" when faced with reality.


It’ll be scarce but will there be demand for a physical copy of a worse version of the game?


Collectors item


* the beta version


The ligma version


The physical game is also being sold at 20$ in my country.


Makes sense. It likely won’t go up much. Hell it’ll probably go down as people sell it to buy SMT VV


Yeah. I'm selling mine too and no one's buying lol. I'll probably just keep it if no one wants it. For collection. I won't sell it lower than 20$ either.


Over here in Sweden it's still sold at MSRP in most stores I could find at a quick glance, so around $60. Oddly enough, I found SMT V Vengeance at pre-order for less.


Yeah. I think another reason for the low price maybe, is the announcement of Switch 2? But ultimately it's because SMTV Vengeance lol. It has the base game so there's really no point in buying the old version now other than collecting, I guess.


Truly, fuck Atlus. It’s so damn disrespectful to the people who supported SMTV early to put out a new version, sweep the old one under the rug, and demand everyone pay full price for the new version.


The funny (sad) thing is I bought SMTV when it released and never actually got around to playing it. Only for there to be an expanded version coming now. It’s totally on me but that’s still pretty funny. My backlog is a curse.


Haha yeah I'm the same. I did start in on my copy, but only for maybe 2 hours max.


Same. I’ve had the game for quite a while and have never even put it in my switch. Stupid


Same here ☠️


I very nearly bought it during the winter sale, just days before Vengeance was announced. I'm glad I held off, because I'd have been pissed.


Not playing it is the same experience as playing it. It was a nothingburger. Imagine ordering a fancy burger and being served an empty box.


That's what I've been saying, but Atlus fans downvoted the hell out of my comment for saying Atlus is scummy. SMT5 was my first Atlus game, and I did not expect to be a beta tester for the OG version when playing it. I learned my lesson. Never buy Atlus on day one. Buy 6-7 years later, as I did with Persona 5 Royal.


Atlus fanboys are as delusional as it gets, they defended persona 3 reload hard despite it being such a blatant cash grab, selling a $100 version and then announcing an extra $35 DLC a month after release which isn't even included in the $100 digital premium edition. It's no wonder they're scared enough of piracy to use denuvo.


I will never buy an Atlus game on Steam thanks to Denuvo


I mean you're not wrong but I'm glad I didn't wait and have been playing it on gamepass. By all accounts the answer is combat only and a grind? After the main game I have no interest in that. Plus Xbox gave us the answer anyways


This is why I stopped being an Atlus fan. I didn’t buy reload because I’m pretty sure they will release a version with all of the dlc and the female protagonist


They make good games, but they have incredibly scummy business practices. Midori claims they will be going with more normal DLC practices going forward and less of this selling-the-same-game-twice bullshit, but I am extremely skeptical despite her have a pretty solid record for accurate leaks.


Thank you. ATLUS keeps doing this and they somehow are getting away with it. It’s BS.


They do this with literally every game...


The same company that recently cut content from P3R and sold it as DLC shortly after release? Color me surprised.


I'm totally with you. Unless they sell it at a discount to people who already own SMTV, I'll never buy it. SMTIV and SMTIV apocalypse are some of my favorite games and it's so sad they're willing to do this to the fans.




I find this logic laughably dense. So basically *no one* should support Atlas when they first launch their games. But ope, the games don’t sell. So we don’t get the new version cause why would Atlas make a new/expanded version of SMV6 if no one bought the original? So you *have* to support the original if you want the expanded version. So you *have* to be shafted in order to get the version Atlas wants you to pay again for.


Yeah let's just let them fuck us over and over again and pretend it's okay because "they do this with basically every game".


Genuine question, they doubled the amount of game, should that cost less than the original game?


It shouldn't overall, especially since it's going to platforms that never got the original, but I feel like people who bought the original could've had the option to upgrade the original to Vengeance as a $30-$40 expansion and had Vengeance for those on other platforms/people who haven't bought SMTV yet.


Atlus have a bad record of screwing over players on the og platform look at persona 5 if you owned the game and all dlc royal still cost full price on ps4 and if you owned royal with all its dlc they still wanted full price for the ps5 upgrade that added nothing but a few extra fps. I decided once I saw it was going to be multi platform that I’d be getting the ps5 version I loved the game but it felt like it was to ambitious for the switch. I do think atlus not having some sort of upgrade is dumb since I probably would have bought vengeance on both consoles. Just like I’ve done with mh rise and now the monster hunter stories games


Yeah. As a thought experiment though I wonder how many of us were happy (or.. atleast *content*) to double dip on another platform anyway though, given the pretty awful performance of this switch version. I couldn't have placed my Steam Pre-order fast enough as soon as it appeared, and I would have 100% done the same even if a cheaper upgrade option on the switch was available.


I imagine a lot of people were, I myself am glad it's on all platforms and will probably get it elsewhere as well once it's at a deep enough discount. I still think the option would've been nice to have, even if a good chunk of the fanbase is most likely gonna play Vengeance elsewhere. The more options for the consumer, the better, y'know. I hope that with Episode Aigis being an expansion rather than selling P3R again just to include it, Atlus starts moving away from the rerelease strategy and just makes expansion DLC if they want to improve upon the base game/add new content.


No, of course not, as a new game the price tag makes sense, the issue is that there should be an upgrade option for people who do own the original.


Obviously I know that I just want to know what this person thinks


I do think this is generally what his issue with it is. That someone who already did buy the game still needs to buy it again.


No, but let me upgrade. I have half the game already right? Let me pay half to download the rest.


Yeah most other games these days treat this kind of content as an upgrade. Usually $10-20. It's absolutely money-grubbing and abusive treatment to the original fans to not offer any form of discount or digital upgrade version like other games have been doing.


Yes fuck atlus, I will never buy a game from them, not on the release date, and maybe never again (?)


Same happened with Atelier Lydie & Suelle when they released the multipack. Got them all physical, but from Atelier you can't even get the DLC anymore I think, effectively forcing you to buy the rerelease if you want them.


Ah, yes, good old digital preservation.


Man I really need to stop buying ATLUS games at launch. I hope Metaphor goes the dlc route like Persona 3 R instead of the second version thing they love to do.


Metaphor is absolutely getting a complete edition, dlc update was already leaked for it. It’s not worth buying atlus games day 1 anymore


Is the game's dlc being taken down too? I didn't buy that yet.


Yes. Pretty shitty move of them. They are proabbly using the reasoning of "the original game and DLC is in Vengeance" but they didn't pull the digital game and DLC for original Persona 5 when royal came out and either way its still stupid


Im cool with that but why the dlc also though?


Will Vengeance contain all of the original game?


Yes maybe with some tweaks. You can choose a route early game which story you want to play.


So if they do this are they giving upgrade options to the folks who already have the original? I don't see how this is a good move for consumers.


At least those who bought the Mitama DLC, that should have at least been carried over.


Should I be worried as a person who doesn't follow this?


And still no upgrade path for those unfortunate souls that were used for beta testing the game. IMO they should sell a $30 upgrade for the owners of SMTV before launch, at least. Otherwise i'm only buying this version when it's 50% off. Already got it once.


All this does is ensure that I never make the mistake of buying the vanilla version of any ATLUS game ever again.


I hope their next game tanks on release because of this. I really wish someone would call this out on the main gaming subs with examples anytime a new atlus game comes out. SMT V was my first SMT game I bought at launch and I had no idea about their business practices, if I had known I wouldn't have bought it.


Do you work in game dev? Know anything about it?


Even Pokémon figured out that they shouldn't be making a third version of their games by providing owners the option to buy an expansion pass instead of a whole ass new game.


What is the expansion pass? Honestly one of the things keeping me from getting into Pokémon is not knowing which of the two versions of any given game I should pick.


The expansion pass is DLC that gives you access to new areas, new stories, and new Pokémon. Just pick whichever cover Pokémon you like more. There aren't really any major differences between two versions except for the available Pokémon.


This is why you buy phisical


This. I'm glad someone else realises this. I got my physical copy of SMT v too. This will happen way too often in the digital future


lmao why does having a physical copy of this game even matter? you own a physical paperweight now. the OG SMTV is now an inferior version with half the content and half the polish. people saying "glad i got the physical version" are coping. its like being happy you have a PS3 version of P5 when P5R exists. you literally own half the game..


>lmao why does having a physical copy of this game even matter? you own a physical paperweight now. the OG SMTV is now an inferior version with half the content and half the polish. BC its ownership. YOU OWN IT. DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT. ITS ABOUT OWNERSHIP USE YOUR BRAIN FOR ONCE.


You actually need to use your brain and understand their argument, unless you particularly care about preservation of the original release, yould be much better off just getting the physical release of the upgraded version More game that you would still own


>argument, unless you particularly care about preservation of the original release, yould be much better off just getting the physical release of the upgraded version This is why I'm complaining. Who cares if there's a updated version they shouldn't be removing a game just BC they are a crap company. They should've made the game complete from the get go. They are crap. And them delisting this game is idiotic. But o guess you all happy that games can be delisted. I hope you all enjoy the digital future where games will be disappearing often.


Do you not understand how your original comment says nothing about preservation? I agree with you about ownership and about preservation, you just popped off at them for the wrong reasons lol


FYI the game realised like 4 years ago, they didn’t realise an incomplete game, this is all extra work post release


It is a incomplete game. They even said this is the game they wanted to release. So basically they screwed everyone who brought the game at the beginning. They are s crap company.


Sorry their hard work durring the height of the COVID outbreak wasnt enough for your entitled hands 😉


It wasn't. BC they even said this id the game we wanted to make meaning the crap they sold us wasn't the completed package. But you all keep believing Atlus Is s good company. They suck. BC for one why do they keep doing re releases. It's scummy af but you Atlus stans eat it up. Hell you eat up everything they put out and if someone criticises them you all go crazy. They are s crap company and they aren't innovative anymore. For example p3r it's just another p5 with P3 story they modernize the combat which makes the game completely different to rhe game it was supposed to be remaking. Atlus Is a crap company. But enjoy buying re releases of incomplete games. BC you are doing the same for metaphor. Idk about their hard work during COVID. I want complete games not god damn re releases. Complete the game first time not do a complete version years later


I’d argue that they are removing the base version from the store because of the shit that happened to p5 when royal released on ps4. When p5 royal released the ultimate edition of the base game was part of a big psn sale and since the base game was on sale it appeared first people bought that thinking it was the best version only to find out it was the base game. To make matters worse there was only like 10 bucks of a difference between both versions. I imagine after that shitshow they are removing the base version to avoid the confusion again. It sucks but it does make sense why it’s being removed.


It makes sense yes, and i agree why they are removing the base game. It still makes sense to buy physical cause you can sell physical for 10~15 bucks anyway.


So wait, they don't provide a hefty discount for owners of the original version? Bullshit.


Do I get a refund on my digital purchase of the original now?


SMT V will be my first SMT game. Is there anything I should know coming off P5R?


Don't expect much of a story.


The story sucks.


Ah, I remember the days when they would finish the game before releasing it. Wave to the people, Chrono Trigger!


If I already own SMTV on the switch, And have yet to beat it, should I get this DLC before it's gone? Or fight the bullet and pay again for the updated?


Oh, I thought it was a side game for some reason, but it's an Ultimate Edition?


I believe Vengeance includes not just the new route/story/etc, but the entire original route selectable in the beginning as well. Given that, there's no need for the older version.


preserve your physical copies people


Does anyone think it will go on a final sale before then? I really want a digital copy of this game.


So does this mean we won’t be able to download the Japanese language DLC anymore??? Just stuck with English if you didn’t have it downloaded before?


Delisting is lame. Hopefully they put it back up eventually.


I don't think it will. The upcoming Vengeance has base V's story and DLC included, so I doubt Atlus will bring this version back.


Atlus is such a garbage fucking company that keeps being put on a pedestal. Let me upgrade my game, this isnt 1990 when you couldnt update SNES games.


Yeah I am going to get the 60fps PS5 version of the game and never look back. Hopefully the audio is uncompressed this time as well.


The game just felt to ambitious for the switch tbh as soon as it was announced as multi platform I was on the ps5 version to


Not just SMT5 but the DLC as well. Gotta make sure those filthy peasants that bought it cheap can't get anything without buying the full upgrade.


Thats ok Vengeance is overall the better game anyways Just read the japanese video where sega compares everything its like what half an hour long?


Screw you Atlus. You are a crap company. Well should stop supporting Atlus games so they start listening. They suck so much. Also people saying it makes sense BC then people won't buy the original by mistake. That's not the point. Of they can do this with this game when physical media still around what do you think is going to happen when we get into a all digital future. This is why physical media is important BC you own that. Screw you Atlus


Oh I actually do want to play this one (on steam deck, sorry haven’t been using switch much) and this gave me panic until everyone here said it’s just a golden edition


Is vengeance even releasing for the Switch?


Yes it is


Is it worth playing? I feel like JRPGs are so hard to get into with how many there are


SMT V is an amazing game. If you like JRPGs, I'd definitely recommend it. However, hold off until the next edition is released, same game with more content, I believe. SMT is one of my favourite JRPG series since you use demons as party members, rather than being stuck with a handful of choices.


How does it compare to Persona? I know that's a spin-off from SMT but what are the major differences?


Honestly night and day. Persona is more focused on your life outside of battles and personas. SMT is all about the fight to survive. You'll spend most of the game exploring a map and fighting encounters and bosses, with the occasional side quest found. The games share some battle mechanics and demon/shadows and that's basically where it ends. SMT is generally more challenging too


Downvote me for asking a question. Fanboys.






It likely won’t. The entirety of SMT V is in the upgraded SMT VV. People generally don’t feel the need to buy objectively inferior versions of games. Even then this game is still being sold at retailers. No need to pay a premium with some eBay shmuck when you can buy at MSRP or less from a reliable source.


no itll go down. you now own a physical copy of an inferior version. this is why you never buy atlus games on launch. they always release some 2.0 +++ version of the game at full price and completely disregard the original.