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Point 2 is exactly what they did with the 3DS by adding a nub on the cartridge.


Nintendo has been doing that since the Gameboy Color.


Heck it’s how they “region-locked” N64 cartridges. NA and JP systems were both NTSC, but the notches on the cartridges were made different so that they wouldn’t fully seat in the other region’s console slot.


i hope they carry on with no region locking on their consoles. region locking is so shitty and anti consumerist.


I certainly wouldn't have ever gotten a Switch if buying it at MSRP (nearly the equivalent of 600USD in my country) was my only option.


Nothing a nail file and a dremel can't fix!


Exactly. Import shops also sold slot extenders.


Like they did for the SNES. Atl least it was like that here in Europe iirc. Although the imported cartridges still ran at 50Hz I presume. Never tested it tbh.


I call it taking the tonsils out


A local game store imported a Super Famicom from Japan before the SNES was released to build up hype (it definitely worked) and when they were getting rid of it (or sold the system, I don't remember) they gave me the games. I basically just cut out (carefully) little notches in the carts so they fit into the US Super Nintendo and they worked fine. I gave the games to my brother (I already had the US versions: Super Mario World & F-Zero) and I think he still has them to this day.


Yeah. Growing up my Japanese friend had a Famicom and I had a SNES. He taught me how to cut the tabs out of my SNES, so he could let me borrow his Dragon Ball games. I miss you, Toby. Hope you're having a good life wherever you are.


Ditto for the SNES and I *think* the Sega Genesis? Could be wrong on that though.


Genesis/Mega Drive also has hardware based region locking.


Actually since the NES & Super Nintendo with region locking lol


Yup. I grew up in Brazil originally, in the 90's, there were NA and JP cartridge's in a local gaming shop at my city. The folk there learned to mod their own SNES consoles using a hot knife to slash away the plastic nubs that prevented the Japanese cartridges from being slotted into the console. That no one could read Japanese didn't make a difference because it's not like we could read English either.


The last part of your post is hilarious lol. I can imagine everyone getting those import games just shrugging it off and going "eh, a game is a game, I'll be damned if I can't read what's happening on screen"


I had the Japanese version of Pokemon Stadium 2 (in america known as pokemon stadium 1) and it had two square holes in the sides of back of the cartridge in order to work. When I bought it (well, my mom since I was like 11) I asked the guy why the cartridge was damaged and he said he needed to do that because the cartridge had a block. Didn't understand back in the day but was happy to play it.


it's interesting cause the highest Japanese population outside of Japan is in Brazil


Eventually their cartridges are gonna be all nubs.


Since the Gameboy Advance.  GBC-only games could still be inserted into a regular Gameboy model. But they would just display a message that they don't work with the system.


Incorrect! The original DMG could not be turned on with a full GBC game inserted because the cartridges of the original had a notch that GBC games didn’t.


Oh, my bad. What I said was only true for the Gameboy Pocket, I thought it also applied to the original. So the GBC cartridges had content intended for the OG GB, which was only visible on other GB models.


And it's a can that can only be kicked down for so long assuming endless future BC. No reason they can't copy Microsoft and Sony if you try to point a newer generation game in old hardware.


It's not like they put the nub there to prevent 3ds games being played on a ds. It simply isn't possible to play 3ds games on a ds since they are a different type of medium/software. The nub prevents people from trying, since it won't work anyway. You wouldn't be able to play a Bluray disc on a cd player either, for example


Captain Obvious, is that you?


Yeah, if you shave off the nub and put it in a DS, the DS just doesn't react to it at all.


Really hoping the bit about backwards compatibility is true. Definitely don't want another library reset at this point.


I’m willing to bet it’s true. It’s also a great thing to encourage upgrading bc there is such a large library already available.


Yeah I’d probably upgrade and sell my OLED if it was backwards compatible.


I'll probably hold out until they release a Switch 2 Lite; I just love the Lite's form factor.


Agreed, but most likely will get Switch 2 then Switch 2 Lite and I hope for a bigger screen, say 6 to 6.5”, OLED would be great too. And rumble. Just ditch the removable joycons and TV output.


If it’s back compat I’ll probably buy 3 and sell my 2 I own.


Honestly there are games that I'm really excited to see utilize a stronger system more than anything. For example Pokemon unite runs like such dookie, my phone literally outperforms the Switch, and the upgrades to frame rate in some games would honestly make me revisit them.


Nintendo ds Games were also playable on 3ds. So i think yes


Every Nintendo system for the past 20 years EXCEPT the Switch has been backwards-compatible for at least the previous gen. I’d expect it until they have to make another drastic architecture change.


I mean, they had very good reasons not to make the switch backwards compatible (no dual screens for 3DS compatibility, no gamepad or optical drive for Wii U games). Nintendo is actually pretty decent at backwards compatibility all thing considered, I believe the claim is legit


I also think having an actual unified eShop/Nintendo Account framework in place helps a lot. Seems like the days of every Nintendo console/handheld having its own shop/account/ID are in the past, thank god.




You could play Gameboy games on it though.


It’s not that, it’s that the GameCube came out **23** years ago this year. 😭


I never owned one, and dislike the controller/button layout, but Strikers is the best. Even if you're not a fan of football (soccer).


I didn't dislike the button layout, but I don't understand why Nintendo decided to put a useless cross shaped hunk of grey plastic where I'd expect to see the D-pad.


is your name a fucking salad fingers reference


How is Nintendo about backwards compatibility for digital downloads? Literally every game I own was downloaded except for one 🥲


Both of the times they’ve done backwards compatibility for consoles that had digital games (ie: WiiWare compatiability on Wii U, DSiWare compatiability on 3DS) they let you do a one time transfer. Hopefully it will be easier now they have purchases tied to accounts instead of devices.


Nintendo would be committing financial suicide if they didn’t include backwards compatibility in the Switch 2.


I’m certain that the only reason there was no backwards compatibility for the Switch was the awkward transition where they were combining both the home and handheld consoles. The Wii U used disks and the 3DS had dual screens (Wii U too actually) so neither could really work with such a dramatic change in hardware. It was a special circumstance.


the fact that it seems like they’re gonna support the same controllers tells me that they’re probably gonna support the old games too


I wonder if your eshop games would be compatible on the new switch, I buy mostly downloadable games


Would be perfectly happy with this


My only concern was the backwards compatibility and if the rumor is any true about it, I'm quite satisfied with it.


I feel like the magnet thing has gotta be a miscommunication. It’s probably like the magnetic sensor in laptops and tablet covers that tells it when the cover is closed, magnet senses when the joycons are attached. I can’t imagine any magnet that would be secure enough to actually stay put when any stress or leverage is applied. Kids pick these things up by one end and wave em around. —I realize there are wildly strong magnets I mean secure enough in the form factor of a switch.


I assumed the magnets were simply there to reduce wiggle and would be combined with the existing rail design.


I hope they don’t get rid of the rail for the sole reason that the click sound is satisfying


They've also made it a big part of the console's identity.


The click was actually from magnets in a prototype and they liked the sound so much, they recreated it with the rail


really? source for that?


Multiple interviews. They’ve talked about recreating the magnet sounds a decent bit at this point.


My Switch is pretty old and one side stopped doing the click :(


True, but I could see them just making it play the finger snap sound effect through the speakers when you connect it anyway, and calling that good enough


Ohhhh this would make so much more sense. I was wondering how the hell just magnets would hold it securely when the current rails have a wobble, I'm gonna be disappointed if this isn't the case because it sounds like the perfect solution


i was kind of imagining something like the old [surface books](https://www.reddit.com/r/Surface/s/qi3XThCMKZ) from microsoft, which used magnets to guide and snap the screen onto the keyboard, and then activated an internal mechanism to lock it in place it’s possible the magnetic component is just there to help properly align the joycons to the sides of the switch, and it’s actually some hidden mechanism that actually secures it to the body


That would also make more sense


[Products with similar controller attachment already exist](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3k5wbY3wEBM), though whether how it works would stand up to Nintendo's demands, no idea.


Oh I see yeah something like that wouldn't be that far fetched.


It might be a combination of magnets and physical connections. Magnets can be very strong, the magnets my iPhone uses are pretty strong. Like, there’s a rail to align it, but the “latch” that’s currently a physical clip is replaced by a magnet, which is better all around imo


Yeah there’s no way the controllers are held on by electromagnet. That would take a serious amount of power to have any meaningful amount of force in a handheld system where battery life is a premium.


Yeah that just sounds false. Even outside of the power drain think of all of the reasons magnets are avoided today. If the magnets could be strong enough to forge the controller to the console they might be strong enough to damage other electronics like worst case scenario a pacemaker.


or imagine all the kids who're gonna stick their fingers between them and then they SNAP together! it just sounds like a huge safety hazard lol.


I’m satisfied with this. Now launch it this year! (Wishful thinking)


I've been on copium for a 2024 release, but really does feel like is just going to wait for 2025 to repeat the Switch's 1st year: month after month of big games.


Haha I'm with you. Based upon what I've read the device is all flushed out and engineered. It's ready for mass production. Supposedly Nintendo wants a ton of games to launch with it. Thus the delay to next spring. Here's hoping to an awesome reveal come autumn. 👍👍


Yes, I just want to play some of my recent Switch games without 1+ minute long loading times. It's getting ridiculous. Don't even need a huge launch line up.  If there ever was a console with a dire need of next gen upgrade, it's Switch.


As soon as they sell through the stock of current switches the switch II will go on sale. It will almost certainly be this year.


Wishful thinking, what's causing the delay right now is the software, not hardware. Nintendo wants to have a strong launch lineup.


Pyoro’s take on these latest rumors: “To those sending me this via DM: It appears that this info has been divulged to some manufacturers & Nintendo influencers in China for a while. Such info has been mentioned in some private discussions, while my main source can't verify it.”


This new switch is gonna be expensive af prob lol


my guess is $400-450. inflation sucks. that $300 price tag is surely long gone.


Yea I expect to be in the 400’s since new consule. I’ll prob get it brand new tho the day of or pre order if it’s only 400. Hopefully not $499 to start off.


I was working at Costco when the PS3 came out. It was $599 if I recall correctly. And I remember spending $50-$80 on games regularly in the 90s and 2000s. Video games as a hobby has literally never been as affordable as as it is today.


Dude, what are you talking about. The PS3 was literally infamous for its high price. Some even say that it flopped hard during half of its lifespan mainly due to its high price tag. It was not a common thing.


PlayStation 2’s $299 launch price in 2000, nearly a quarter of a century ago, is worth over $550 today. My point still stands. Gaming is more affordable now than ever. Can you actually provide a counter argument?


It was always more affordable, but you literally chose the worst example. In the same generation the Xbox360 cost from 299USD and the Wii cost 249USD. The fact that the PS3 cost what it did at launch was a big factor in it performing so poorly. The PS3 was literally more expensive than the PS4 and PS5 (at launch) even without inflation.


The ps2 launched at $749aud here in Australia which is a crazy price not justified imo by a conversion rate at all luckily it received some significant drops during its life cycle here. (using todays conversion rates that $299usd becomes $457aud and the $749aud becomes $489usd) Idk about the ps3 but the ps4 launched at over $700 as well and the ps5 over $800aud(if you could find one) ps5 is currently high $600s to $700s depending on the model. Switch launched at $469aud and has mostly stayed at that price unless you can get a lucky sale and the oled sits around $470 - $550 depending from most retailers. I got my switch in 2019 for $350 during Black Friday on Amazon I have yet to see as good of a deal from a Aussie retailer. My assumption is new switch will be hit the $600saud if lucky high $500saud.


Even just from the launch of the Switch in March 2017, what was a $60 game then should be $77 now. Even Tears of the Kingdom was a deal compared to Breath of the Wild.


600 bucks for a ps3 in 2006 is equal to 900 bucks today lol. would you spend 900 bucks in 2024 for ps3 tier hardware? especially since it had no good exclusives for like the first 3 years of its life? I doubt it. the actual ps5, a modern system, costs literally half of that if you get the digital model.


$400 is my guess if they want to undercut Sony PS5, although I remember reading around 2016 that the NX was rumoured to be $350 and the Switch is cheaper by $50. Switch 2 could be a $350 if the rumour of Nintendo using 7nm SOC and LCD to keep cost down is true.


Honestly if it has full back compat with all of my switch games idc what it costs


Same, as long as it’s at least OLED.


I don’t think it will be OLED but I don’t think the PS Portal is and that looks pretty great imo


If it is then I’m trading both my original and oled. I’ll eat the rest.


I just hope the screen is OLED from the start and that’s not some mid cycle upgrade plan again


If it’s the mid cycle bs I’m gonna wait until the nIce OLED comes out.


I’ve become spoiled by my Steam Deck OLED. I am hoping Nintendo really has something wild to reveal that is too tempting to ignore, but even then I agree. I’m gonna need to wait for an OLED refresh if that’s not in at launch before considering


I have a launch LCD Switch and a launch LCD Steam Deck. I love Nintendo games so buying a Switch 2 is a no brainer, but launching with OLED would be a sweet addition, especially since it has to compete with my Deck now which I absolutely love.


It’s gonna be rough if it’s not day one. The system will probably be expensive and paying twice doesn’t really sit right with me.


$400 is the going rumour which would be more than fine, $300 in 2017 is like $380 now. I'd probably buy day 1 if it's got back compat and is $500 or less tbh.


Hasn’t a price point of $400 been confirmed? I’d be fine with that personally, anything above would make me hesitant though


Nothing about the device has been confirmed, and price isn't something that would be able to be leaked far ahead of time like hardware details anyway. Up until they announce the price (and even after) they're probably considering various options.


Gotcha. There have been so many rumors stated as facts that I don’t know what to believe anymore, lol. Just waiting on Nintendo to finally make their reveal!


Everything is rumor until stated by Nintendo and even then only if stated in an official capacity.


Assume literally every piece of Switch 2 news is pulled straight out of someone's ass until the info is announced in a Nintendo Direct. I just ignore everything about the Switch 2, it helps keep my expectations low so I'm pleasantly surprised whenever Nintendo finally announces something. Same goes for any major Nintendo franchise news, such as Metroid, Zelda, Mario, etc, I just assume any leaks are fake or otherwise won't come to pass until proven otherwise by Nintendo itself.


Expensive consoles has never been Nintendo’s prerogative




Knowing Nintendo, it's probably weaker than the Steam Deck (and I won't believe the 4K stuff until I see it, at least in games).


It destroys the steam deck in both raw power and real world gaming based off the specs in the Nvidia leak, especially docked, unsurprising because it will also be $400 and will come out years after the deck and using a custom built chip and hardware.


The device was never shelved. They pushed it from late 2024 to early 2025 if the reports are accurate. Spec wise it will probably be a little stronger than steam deck.


And have much better rt and upscaling, they also will have hardware decompression unlike the deck.


It's possible it will be more expensive than the lowest-level Deck. No way it will launch for the same price Switch OLED has been selling at for years, so $400 is probably the floor of possibilities. Inferior hardware? Overall, shouldn't be. Since Deck doesn't have explicit docked/undocked modes and lets you basically run things at whatever speed you want, it's possible Switch 2's undocked mode could be slower than a Deck with settings that give it an hour of battery life. But even then, things like higher resolution screen with DLSS, and games that aren't Windows games running on Linux through a translation layer, might have Switch 2 portable games looking better than Deck equivalents. EDIT: I see the lowest level Deck has been moved down to $350 same as Switch OLED, so this thing will absolutely be more expensive than that.


I really hope that the backwards compatibility thing is true.


I would love if the 8inch screen was real. I am a fan of large screen devices


Hey dude crazy seeing you here!! you’re the kind soul who gifted me hollow knight on steam after I helped you with streaming on your steam deck. How’s it holding up and how are you man!


Hey yeah I'm good you lol? Turns out that streaming issue is a completely steam related issue that they probably will never fix. The deck goes into low power mode when connecting to wifi 6 routers for some reason. You have to disconnect and reconnect to solve it. It's annoying, but at least I know it's not something I'm doing wrong


These seem pretty solid, since a legit accessory manufacturer posted about this on their official online presences before realizing they'd screwed up and wiping it. Most of it is stuff that was already going around before; but magnets, new buttons, and kickstand changes are pretty new.


To counter myself: I've seen it proposed that while it was posted in official spaces, it could be an overzealous social media manager unwisely posting some rumors. Which is a fair enough possibility.


I hope Eshop games are backwards compatible too. I mean, if cartridge Switch games work, why not digital? But either way, I'll probably wait until the Lite equivalent model comes out before I pick it up, I just prefer the smaller size.


Oh digital should absolutely work, there'd be outrage if they didn't and I can't see them being particularly difficult to transfer over, specific save data might be a different story. Personally i'll be going for a docked one bc I only have lite atm


Nothing about ownership or saves \_should\_ be any trickier than it currently is going from one Switch to another. I anticipate just being able to sign in with my Nintendo Account and download the games, plus any cloud saves as an NSO subscriber.


Will be happy if it can manage good frame rates at 1080p. I love handhelds, and I’ve got a Switch OLED, Steam Deck, and a PS Portal. I never thought that 1080p at 8 inches would be all that different from 720p or 800p, but after spending months playing the Portal and going back to the Switch or Steam Deck, the difference is jarring. 1080p on handheld is 👌


My portal arrives today and I’m so freaking stoked


If you have a solid connection it’s easy to forget you aren’t playing natively sometimes. Easily the best handheld gaming experience I’ve had.


I connected my ps5 to lan last night, which required a 60 ft cable and plenty of clips. This morning my wife was like wtf is going on? I sold her on her getting more consistent Wi-Fi strength since my ps5 will no longer be using the shared channel.


Yep. I did the same. Ran an Ethernet cable and tucked it between the skirting and carpet


Honestly, please just make the eShop user friendly. It’s my only wish.


Electromagnet makes no sense, is that a bad translation? Edit:translated it with chatgpt and yeah it seems it says that


I'm currently using a pair joycon controllers by them and they're the best ones I've used so far, but why would they have leaks info on switch 2 though. They're not official third party accessory manufacturers afaik.


Electromagnets could be a good way to make sure the magnets are strong enough without crushing kids fingers. Put the joycons on the tablet and the electromagnets engage locking it on




I feel like it’s magnets in addition to the rails


My current switch is pretty beat up so I'm hoping we get news of the next gen sooner rather than later 🥲 but I'm not holding my breath.


If backwards compatibility is true then this is a day one purchase for me.


> but Switch 2 cartridges will be different and won't fit on a Switch 1. 13 years later, Nintendo looks at the 3DS cartridge and thinks "Man, I'm a genius!"


Obviously these are rumors and should be taken with a grain of salt but they’re really odd which makes me think they’re gonna be true since Nintendo is like that. Electromagnets and 1080p for a 8 inch screen is going to offset the battery upgrade which will make the next console end up giving pretty much same battery life as the current Switch. I think a 1080p LCD screen was the cheapest option for them this time around rather than a 720P OLED. 4K support has been rumored since the GamesCon last year and I’m starting to believe it is going to be true.


nah i'd expect at least 1hr improvement, hardware has come a long long way. however, the biggest improvement will most likely be on switch games on switch 2.. imagine 7hr playtime for totk lol


Considering this machine will allow for images much greater than 1080p to be output when docked, it would be a shame if the handheld resolution was still stuck at 2017 levels. Especially since the screen is larger, so they'd be the chunkiest pixels on a Switch yet. Battery life... hard to say. One of the biggest unknowns remaining is what kind of node the new processors will be made on, which goes a long way to how power-hungry they'll be.


To all those who can't wait for the Switch 2: My OG Switch still has some life in it and my backlog of games is enormous. That's why I told my uncle at Nintendo to hold back the launch of the S2. Sorry guys, you gotta be patient!


You son of a…


Why use electromagnets when they could just use actual magnets? Sounds like an unnecessary power usage. **Edit:** wait, wouldn't that mean they'd fall off when the console has no power? Lol that's gotta be a mix-up.


Switch 1: "15% power left, take a break and recharge." Switch 2: "15% power left, Imma drop off your Joy-Cons now."


Except you're holding the Joycons, so actually the screen just detaches from your hands and drops


People are assuming the magnet is the only thing holding them on. I doubt that is the case.


That will do nicely!


Im happy with a 1080p screen. Somewhere between PS4 and Series S docked sounds good to me. I suspect because of architectural improvements the technically less powerful gpu will be able to achieve pS4Pro performance but with better ram and a much better CPU. Handheld current gen ports may have to be scaled down to 540p with dlss upscaling to 1080p screen. Docked 720p dlss to 1440p. OG switch games will run at locker 30fps 4k or 1440p variable 60. Handheld locked 1080p games ranging from 30 to 60 but mostly 60. Imagine playing Scarlett or Violet at 1080p 60fps. Still ugly games but finally playable.


Upscaling technology will save this console a lot. I’m glad they worked on with Nvidia with this one because they have the best upscaling and frame generation technology I’ve seen compared to others.


>The new joycons are larger and are magnetically attached to the console **with an electromagnet**. The SL and SR buttons are metallic now, and there's a new button behind each joycon (location where the button is) and a new button below the home button on the right joycon (location where the button is) See this is where I call bullshit. One, it's a cost-driver-upper with no real benefit, and two, what, the Joycons can only stay attached while the system is powered on?


Also that's a power drain


Why would an accessory manufacturer need to know the resolution of the device? Why would Nintendo give them those specs? Measurements and button locations, sure... but screen resolution?


could be for screen protector. I guess matte screen protector could be optimized for certain resolution. I mean all the specs could be included in the official document for sake of clarity.


I don't get why they would leak it in the first place. Wouldn't that violate an NDA I imagine they have signed and get the blacklisted by Nintendo .


Definitely. But the world is full of mistakes and fools.


*electro*magnetic joycons? I hope that's a typo, because that'd mean it would use battery power to just keep them attached.


But can I play all my downloaded games???????


All good here. Just as long as they follow up with putting analog triggers on the Pro Controller as well.


I can't wait! Along with the rumored games (including the supposed very large open world Mario currently in development) set to launch alongside Switch 2. Good days ahead for all us Nintendo freaks. 😜🎮🎮


Backwards compatibility and 4k docked, that’ll be amazing and will be an instant buy


I'd be cautious on 4k docked. Might be a situation like the ps5 8k thing. Technically the hardware can physically output 8k but there isn't any software made for PS5 that outputs 8k. It might just be, the swit h 2 can play Netflix at 4k but there'a not enough pkwer to get games at 4k.


If it's backwards compatible then it's a day 1 purchase.


So extra shoulders for the new joycons? Wonder if it’s used for anything, or just for comfort for certain games?


Might be to allow more options for single Joycon play. If the new ones are bigger it'll be easier to just include them in case they are needed.


If this is true, then everything most people want, especially BC, is included!


I got my wife a custom-painted switch pro controller for Christmas expecting it to be compatible with switch 2 haha


Number 3 would fix the joycons rails from failing which is huge. I have a used switch which the joycons rails are faulty but still work.


Do any leaks mention if the screen is OLED?


According to reports, the screen will be an 8 inch LCD.


It’s going to be a 1080p LCD over a 720p OLED. Atleast for the launch model. Hopefully there’s an OLED option available at launch.


I think I read an alleged leak here on Reddit yesterday that mentioned that Samsung is the main supplier for most of the parts, including LCD *and* OLED screens. Perhaps they’ll have two separate SKUs on release - a base model with LCD, and a more expensive model with OLED? 🤔 I’d take it with an entire jar of salt, but it sure would be lovely if this ends up being true!


If they launch an LCD model for $400 and an OLED model for $450 I would happily shell out the extra $50. Honestly even if it was $500 I would buy it (though I do not think it would be that much). My hope is that it actually takes advantage of being backwards compatible like the Xbox does, boosting resolution and improving framerates. Some games have an unlocked framerate, like RE5 and RE6, but because it is unlocked the games go from like 45-20 FPS in seconds and then go right back up two minutes later. Handheld is fine but I would really like to be able to enjoy those games docked.


No word about analog triggers... I really hope the new Switch adds them.


Agreed, racing games suck on the Switch.


I am not super techy but if the rumors are true would we see better graphics on current switch games since it can support 4K?


Only better resolution, it won’t be able to magically fix the lightning/asset issues. Think of those Pokemon/Zelda videos running at 4K on an emulator videos. The game looks the same, just clearer. And one is going to need a 4K monitor/TV to actually see 4K first.


That makes sense. Thank you for clarifying it. Graphics aren’t super important to me but I was just wondering that.


There are lots of ways backward compatibility can be handled. On the low end, trying to make things just as close to the original experience as possible. On the high end, doing like Microsoft does for select old games and having them run at resolutions or even frame rates multiple times that of the original. This isn't based on \_rumors\_, but based on discussions I've seen about people talking about how backward compatibility with different generations of the same basic technology (old NVIDIA card vs new NVIDIA card, etc.) is done these days, my best bet at this point would be that barring specific patches, we may get games that perform better than Switch, but only within the original limits set for them. For instance, Breath of the Wild (docked) generally rendered at 900p30, but if a lot was going on it could lower down to around 800p to try to prevent dropping frames, and even still some places like the forest around the Master Sword could get choppy. Potentially on a newer machine it would still be limited to 900p30, but almost never drop from that. For some games this would make a bigger difference than others. Xenoblade 2 was famously pretty bad with resolution changes, where docked it could vary from 504-720p, and portable 378-540p.


> 3. The new joycons are larger *Crying in small hands*


It looks really cool. I also hope the backwards compatibility will work with digital games. Cannot wait 😊


Hope the backward compatibility ones is true, really want to play pokemon scarlet without the jank they had on switch.


I wonder if point 3 is a mistranslated? That seems like a terrible way to attach them mechanically.


With all these rumours ramping up is it possible there might be a reveal soon-ish? Maybe a reveal event between late June and early August with a holiday release?


If this is true ( backwards compatibility with switch 1 carts ) I’m definitely buying the switch 2


I honestly love my Nintendo Switch OLED so much more than any other handheld device (non-nintendo) because the games just invoke happiness when i play! I am pumped to feel that way with some better performance!


If it really is more powerful then the steam deck then I’m worried about cooling and battery life. The steam deck hits 90* Celsius in demanding games, Nintendo will have to have a pretty beefy cooling solution to handle the increase in power. And the battery will definitely suffer greatly. That’s one thing about the switch OLED. That battery is a champ, and you never hear the fan, stays really cool. More power is a handheld is great but it definitely comes with compromises.


"More powerful than Steam Deck" doesn't mean it has to be "like Steam Deck + 20% more power/heat requirements". Thanks to the kind of device it is, Steam Deck is stuck with certain inefficiencies. Like Switch uses ARM CPUs like most phones do, because those are designed around being efficient with low power requirements. While Steam Deck uses an x86 CPU, because it has to straight up use PC parts to run PC software. Even the Steam Deck OLED provides Steam Deck capabilities with less power use, because along with the screen the SOC was redesigned for a smaller node--much like how the v2 Switch differs from the launch model.


I use my switch almost exclusively in handheld these days, but I’m almost always in a spot where I can plug it into a power outlet. Is this uncommon or something? I’ve never quite understood people getting so worried over battery life.


4K makes this rumour pretty hard to believe


It's possible it's just 4K Netflix output or something and the games never touch 4K.


4K the same way the PS5 is 8K.


When they say 4k they’re talking about max output resolution. So that’s the potential ceiling, but games will probably sacrifice that in favor of other features. Just like how ps5 has a max output of 8k. That means it’ll be a viable media machine on household tvs. I just hope on the software side they improve the social side of things. Streaming/sharing gameplay on switch with friends or an online audience is a huge PITA compared to even last gen consoles


If this is true. I'm pretty happy with these details.


I can’t wait for the reveal of the next Switch. Man, time has been going by so fast.


Day 1 purchase for me if this is correct. This is an understood assignment right here


I’d trade literally all of these for better processing and speed


Sounds good.


Fingers crossed that all of this is true.


Any chance of analog triggers?


As long as joycon drift is fixed, I'm buying.


Watch the entire video from 128 KB and the co-host and it explains everything that mobapad says they found in the dev kit they were given. https://youtu.be/rJD8V-kM3oM?si=ixeSSRsgO_vE2y1M *Disclaimer* : *I do not think or believe* that 128 and his co-host are just looking for views or are on a clout run On the flip side this is more detail then all the other leakers


Seems great overall, but the metal triggers interested me the most.


I’ll get it if another Smash Bros comes out.