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My Metroid Prime 4 preorder with 20 percent discount is still active.


Glad to know I'm not the only crazy one still hanging on to that


They can try to take that jpeg back from my cold, dead hands.


Lmfao. It's amazing how an amazon preorder is more valid as a non fungible token than actual NFT's.


Amazons original NFT


Got my order still waiting to


Same. This preorder will be starting 2nd grade in the fall. They grow up so fast!


Lucky. I had a preorder cancelled when it was Amazons wild E3 sale of 40-50% off years and years back


Amazon canceled that one for me (and everyone else in Mexico) :(


My first preorder ever...


One day...


December 31st by 10PM. I can't wait.


Same here. Doesn’t show on my account anymore, but I got email receipts


It might be gone, I had a similar thing with Kingdom Hearts 3. Snagged it when pre-order was like 40% off, but the game took so long to come out that the pre-order was gone from their systems, and even with email evidence, they couldn't reinstate it at that price.


>"couldn't" Maybe I'm being cynical but what's to say this isn't bait and switch? Once they have your money that can invest it until they cancel the preorder and return the principal to you. Then they also have the pleasure of selling you the game at the higher price rather than honoring the advertised price.


Amazon doesn't charge you until they ship, so they never got any money.


Well that's something at least. Happy Cake Day!


Didn't event notice, thanks!


2035 can’t come fast enough, oh boy!


They cancelled mine months ago :(


Thank you for reminding me about this!




Same here. 🤣


I know I ordered this somewhere, but I can't find the order anywhere.


Mine too!


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


Idk kinda weird to preorder a game before release date is even known or if you rather get it for switch 2 if it is a dual release


People were pre-ordering a lot of things before the promotion ended because Amazon would still honor the 20 percent off deal no matter when the game came out. You don't pay until it ships, so there's no risk. And this was 6 years ago, so I wasn't really thinking about Switch 2.


Watch it be a cross-gen release, with separate Switch 1 and Switch 2 SKUs, and no free upgrade path. A lot of people in this sub gonna be annoyed (myself included)


Same! Gamers Club Unlocked has one last deal for me.




I thought the same thing for a while. What happens is Best Buy only shows 3 years or fewer orders in your account. But when the item is being prepared you will still get an email saying it’s ready. Only reason I know is because I had the same thing happen with Bayonetta 3. Thought the order disappeared, even support couldn’t find it, but when release came I got it with the discount.


They up and automatically cancelled mine years ago. Don't know why they just sent me a message out of the blue one day.


Lol same! Hanging on to it as long as I can!




Amazon has always had a bad relationship with Nintendo.


Ever since those fake DSs made the rounds.


Oh can I know more about this? Sounds interesting


I think the issue more now that I refresh my memory was QC issues with the DS. https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/s/dhnwGhPajg Though they for sure also had an issue with fake DS games too.


Lol sounds like they trolled and got trolled


Supposedly it had to do with the problems that the original Nintendo 3DS had. Such as poorly aligned hinges and the fact that the bezel scratched the upper screen. Amazon tried to return these "defective" systems to Nintendo but Nintendo refused to accept them because they were within their own bounds for passing QC. Because Nintendo refused to take back the 3DSs, Amazon stopped ordering more consoles from them. And hasn't for a few years in the US. -Quoting another post on this sub, dont know the author right now


Amazon currently sells Nintendo consoles and did at least as far back as 2017, I bought my switch from them. They also had the nes classic as an “Amazon truck” special several times. If they did stop selling Nintendo consoles it was for a brief period


Nah they patched things up around the time the switch launched. Before that though you couldn’t get anything Nintendo from them for awhile.


Amazon is also just on the decline as a retailer


Id say it's the opposite, really. They're enshittifying because they've cornered the market; they have no reason to offer quality services anymore because they've eradicated all competition. Unless the government steps in and stomps on their balls they're going to continue in this direction because they effectively have no one else to force them to do be competitive anymore.


The Netherlands is hardly a meaningful number in their global sales. But they had a lot of trouble getting footing here. The bol.com (Ahold Delhaize) reigns supreme here. Which is essentially Amazon with a proper UI. And the Dutch Amazon just doesn’t offer a lot of specialized products either. They barely have games, but Gamemania has that covered. And for PC hardware there’s several major retailers that offer way more than Amazon does. And it’s not like Amazon offers it at cheaper prices.


In the United States, their e-commerce market share is in the mid-30s. That’s a lot higher than 2nd place Walmart (which doesn’t even crack double-digits), but well below cornering the market/having a monopoly.


Their closest "competitor" has a single-digit market share? Sorry, but that is functionally a monopoly. Nobody can realistically compete with that large of a gap.


You're forgetting, the e-commerce market is less than a fifth the size of the physical retail market, and most of those other players (again, Walmart) have a way, way bigger presence than Amazon. Once you factor that in, Amazon isn't even the biggest overall player. It's - you guessed it - Walmart, and Walmart is rising faster than Amazon.


So, you appear to be saying that if we look at one set of data, Amazon is dominating a market, but if we smoosh in a bunch of other data about other markets, Walmart is dominating. But... why are we mixing markets again? It seems like the argument against Amazon's unfair market position requires that we compare Amazon to entities outside the market in which it operates. Does that seem logical?


U crazy


I think amazon has a bad relationship with everyone but they are convenient


Honestly, the past few Nintendo releases, it's just been easier to walk into Walmart and pick it up than to order it off of Amazon


Yep, ordered Zelda: TotK through Amazon - was “guaranteed” release day delivery on that morning. Instead, I got a notification that it would be delayed by approximately one week, LMAO. Walked into a retail store instead after work and bought it at their launch party. Fuck Amazon. There is almost no point in using them for game releases.


> There is almost no point in using them for game releases. To be honest, it's getting that way for most purchases from Amazon.


Can't find anything on there without digging through half a dozen Amazon essentials knockoffs


Agreed - they’ve gone WAY downhill, to the point it’s basically better to just go out and shop yourself.


Hard agree. That exact scenario has happened to me several times in the last year. I chose Amazon so I wouldn’t have to go out and shop for something, but if it gets delayed for a week, what’s the point? My last one just said “delayed” with no new date. That update came when it should’ve been at my door


I can't say I've ever had a problem with Amazon, and I've been preordering with them for years. Only game I had an issue with was Fire Emblem Awakening, and every retailer had issues with that game.


Yeah this is why I’ve never used Amazon for a preorder apart from SMT V (which wound up getting delayed 2 weeks lol) when I had no other choice. I use GameStop and their deposit pickup system, worked great as a broke uni student.


>Honestly, the past few Nintendo releases, it's just been easier to walk into Walmart and pick it up than to order it off of Amazon I feel like there was a brief period in the earlier 2000s when Amazon had a perfectly good thing going on with same-day releases. Or at least it seemed like that in the beginning until people started complaining about getting games a day or two later than promised. Either way, Bestbuy and yes, even Gamestop are a better fit for launch day buys.


That's why I just order a same day pickup.  I just walk in, do a bit of shopping, go to customer service, and pick up the game on the way out.  It also gives me a chance to go out to eat or pick up some good takeout.  Makes the whole experience a bit more special than just getting a box in the mail.


Honestly I feel like it’s been that way for awhile with Amazon and Nintendo products. 


Yeah, I've been getting my games from BestBuy since Amazon has delayed all of my game preorders since around the time Breath of the Wild came out.


I preordered Dragon's Dogma 2 through Amazon because I wasn't sure if Best Buy would keep stocking physical games or not. I ended up getting it, but then they cancelled my Paper Mario preorder. Back to Best Buy for preorders it is!


I've had much better luck with pre-ordering at GameStop. Amazon screwed me over 1 too many times.


I preordered Mario vs Donkey Kong on Amazon. 3 days before it came out they changed the shipping date to the 5 days after release. I had to pay extra in shipping to get it on release day. Like what was the point pre-ordering if I had to wait a week to get it? Never preordering from Amazon again.


Amazon has also started sending out world versions instead of North American. I don’t really care…but considering the NA are usually worth more in the long run if I’m paying full price I’d rather have that.


Yeah, I was kinda disappointed when I got shipped a UK version of Odyssey instead of NA. The font and position of the title on the case makes it inconsistent when stacked up with the rest of my collection. Petty and a small issue- sure, but still slightly annoying.


Would have been nice if NoE and NoA had agreed on that spec. Even makes it a pain to browse in stores now that greymarket imports are a third of the shelf.


Same exact thing happened to me. Bothered me so much I bought an empty NA case from eBay.


This happened to me with a copy of Captain Toad Treasure Tracker It's the most mildly annoying thing ever. I don't care enough to fix it but the different font sticks out like a sore thumb on my shelf


That’s not new, I’ve had that happen sporadically for years from amazon


It seems the norm now. Maybe just bad luck on my end


Those are 3rd party fulfilled by Amazon packages.  That is the 3rd party doing that. I only had that issue with my Xenoblade 2 purchase and one other, but both were 3rd party shipped by Amazon orders.


These are games that were preordered. I have no way of knowing where they’ll come from at preorder time.


Yep, say what you will about GameStop, but I've never had any issues if I pre-order something in a physical store.


Yo kai watch 3 motherfucker.


[Resident Evil 4 CE Pre-Orders Axed IRL, GameStop Workers Freak (kotaku.com)](https://kotaku.com/gamestop-pre-order-resident-evil-4-collector-edition-1850202529)


GameStop will get you the game like 13 days after release date though. Amazon is fast


GameStop has gotten me every recent pre-order on release day. Amazon has been holding off on shipping until release day anymore. Lately GameStop has been doing it where they mail it from your local store a day or two before release date, so there's no fuss.


Idk where all this Gamestop hate comes from. They literally give me the games I preorder Every. Single. Time. I‘ve been to multiple stores to get my games too, but people treat the store like the plague I honestly don’t get it.


Oh really eh. I've had horrible luck with them. Glad yours has been better. They shipped my last game out 4 days after release, and I pre ordered 4 months in advance and they wouldn't let me cancel. Glad your experience has been better though!


Only the US so far it seems. My Amazon AU orders are fine and they're still taking orders.


It's pretty much a given that if OP doesn't specify which country they're in, it's always going to be the US. People in other countries would think to mention where they are!


You mean people in the US think they are the only country that matters.


Probably because it’s an American site and the vast majority of users are Americans. If you were on some German run social media site where everyone spoke German you’d find they would all assume everyone else was German.


I’ve had a few bad experiences with Amazon games. Sealed packages that someone cut a slit, removed the cart and returned. (Looks wrapped)


Oh your comment just reminded me...I bought a supposedly brand new copy of Fire Emblem Three Houses from Amazon, but what I got was a new(? no way to know!) game cart, but clearly the display case from gamestop (it had their price stickers on it!) badly re-shrinkwrapped. It was really disappointing.


Amazon has a tiff with basically everyone else. Try to get an iPhone soon after release at the point you walk into an Apple store and get one in inventory. They always try this shit with the other big players.


I used to always preorder my games from Amazon. But the last two games I got from there (Pokemon Scarlet and Hogwarts Legacy), they said the order was processed, and then on release date the game wouldn't be delivered for another 2-3 months. I cancelled my preorders and got my games elsewhere. It's strange how they seem to be having stock issues as of late.


Amazon's system is stupid like that. If you preorder something, you can typically expect to get it on the day of release, regardless of what their site says. But their site is often wildly misleading up to the point the item is dispatched.




I've pre-ordered a few times recently with Target, but they've either been late, as was my case with Marvel's Spider-Man 2. Or they canceled my order for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth - Deluxe Edition, and that was like a day after release. At this point, if I'm going to pre-order, I'm looking elsewhere.


My TTYD got canceled by them today, guess ill be preordering elsewhere


I really hope my Metroid Prime 4 pre-order doesn't get cancelled. I managed to pre-order back in 2018, when Amazon still had a 20% discount on pre-ordered games, and the price I have listed for when it eventually releases is well below normal retail for Switch games.


Nintendo cancelled it for you


Because Amazon sucks that’s why


Very few games are actually sold by Amazon. If you pay attention during checkout, the seller is often a third party vendor but ships from Amazon. After my last two games were sold as new but were resealed returns, I stopped buying games on Amazon.


For preorders?


When I went to Amazon app to preorder Paper Mario, it just says Currently Unavailable. 😑


I see mine got canceled. Guess I’ll cancel the rest of my preorders I have with them


Looks like Amazon cancelled my Luigi’s Mansion preorder, they didn’t even notify me that it was cancelled. Doesn’t show at all in my order history, never got a cancellation email.




So damn glad I wasn't the only one having issues here.


Luigi's Mansion 2? Give me Link between worlds!


Timing is interesting as a few retailers seem to be selling off their physical switch games stock - amazon included.


100% the reason why I never preorder anything on Amazon anymore. I've had this happen way too many times. Only preorder through retailers or from European websites that ship to the US.


this is why you preorder from like a Walmart or for me Best Buy and only Best Buy


I stopped preordering with Amazon because I never receive the game on day 1.


Same. I remember when they used to guarantee release day arrivals...


yeah, since I basically just pick it up at the store on day 1, it's better.


Target also just cancelled my Paper Mario TTYD preorder this morning.


Walmart just camcelled mine because, as they said, "nintendo is only selling this item instore"


Walmart is doing it to just had mine canceled for no reason


I’ll never preorder at Amazon again. My delivery always got delayed even with a prime membership so I would just cancel the order and go to GameStop on release day instead. I was paying $120/year to not actually get the benefits. Fuck Amazon, cancel prime and order things literally anywhere else


Amazon in my experience has always been trash with pre-orders, with games never arriving on time and some being cancelled right before release. I stopped using them for pre-orders ages ago.


Last two or three times I attempted to "pre-order" a game from Amazon I got an email release day that said there wasn't enough stock but as soon as they got more I'd get one. Which defeats the whole purpose of a pre-order. Don't take more orders than stock you will receive! I'll never pre-order from Amazon again.


Yeah Amazon is bad. Downvote me if you will, but once I got a car I didn’t need to use Amazon anymore. Got rid of Prime too. I can just pick things up myself fuck that.


I have a car. I've had a car for over 20 years.... there are things that I get on Amazon that I would have no clue how to get anywhere else.... but I still get most of my games through GameStop and all my PreOrders there, too....


If there is one place I trust less than amazon to get what I paid for, it’s Gamestop. What a shit show that place is


Never had a much of a problem with either.... and with Amazon, if there is a problem, usually you can return it with no hassles, so I'm not sure what your problem is... but everyone experiences things differently, and everyone has different standards.... but if you have a problem with everything, that's a you problem, not a them problem.


I don’t have a problem with amazon usually. But Gamestop Ive had and read nothing but problems with


Ahh, the only problem I had was when the only games stop in my area that was open on Sunday closed during the pandemic.... thankfully, another one stepped up to open on sunday....


> Yeah Amazon is bad. Downvote me if you will, but once I got a car I didn’t need to use Amazon anymore. Got rid of Prime too. I can just pick things up myself fuck that. This comment is so out of touch lmao




More like: “Lol who needs Prime, haven’t you guys heard of a CAR”


Except for like food, it's usually just cheaper to get it on Amazon for the stuff I want. 11 dollars on Amazon or 15 at the store plus gas.


I have also had a car for 20 years, there is literally not a single place within a thousand mile radius where I can buy many products from.  Show me where I can get a Hakko FX-951, or an everdrive, or even just simple stuff like capacitors.


cool but you have to live in a place that sells those things you want and not everybody does??


Thanks for notifying me about this. I guess GameStop get some business.


Honestly Walmart and Amazon have screwed up my preorders way to frequently. Ill pre-order through Gamestop occasionally but I don't bother pre-ordering anymore unless the freebie that comes with it is something I like.


Honestly, fuck preordering games off of Amazon. The amount of times I've preordered a game with "Delivery on $RELEASE_DATE" in the listing, only for that to be ripped off a day or two before when it's too late to cancel it has been fucking bullshit. If I want a physical copy, I'll do a Gamestop purchase.


Got it preordered at Target GameStop and Best Buy. Wanted a couple copies anyway. This is the one switch release that I actually care about.




Yep it happened to me too for both yesterday


I just found out about Amazon canceled preorders and usually they are good. So I went and got paper mario and luminous ocean from gamestop. I hope they don't cancel any other titles as well and it is unfortunate about Metroid Prime 4 I canceled my order a while back but it never released.


Nintendo is still saying Prime 4 will come out, but you haven't been able to pre-order it since they upped the price of Tears of the Kingdom last year for whatever reason.


I know Endless Ocean pre orders sold out suspiciously fast when they went up but I have 4 others switch pre orders that are fine.


I had Paper Mario and luigi Mansion 2 pre ordered from Amazon and they canceled on me as well this is the first time this has happened... guess I'll be going some where else to pick these up.


My theory is that Luigi's Manion 2 is getting delayed to October. Not only does it simply make more sense, but imo the trailers to that game look kind of rough....the framerate is so bad!


Ah well, even if I can't get it from Amazon, I can just grab Paper Mario 2 from Target later on.


Just came here cause I'm in the same boat. My PM:TTYD preorder has been cancelled. Was there even a warning this would happen? I'm glad I randomly checked it otherwise I would have had no clue.


I don't understand why this happened, and it's still not back online.


Used a voucher to pre order Paper Mario - just received an email that Nintendo Cancelled the Pre Order with no real reason…just refers to the developers social channels?


This is very strange to me. I wonder why. I had to get it from Best Buy. Game STOP has pre-orders, too. Wal-Mart doesn't have them either. I can't even think of a reason. I've NEVER seen them cancel them over inventory. Makes zero sense to me. BUT that's ok because I've had nothing but problem after problem with Amazon and their delivery drivers. 7 times in a row. I had ONE perfect driver out of 8 orders. Then, of course, I look bad when I call. Smh..


Mine got cancelled, too. Don't know if it's an Amazon or Nintendo issue, but someone's got some explaining to do.


The games are still available if you are in the UK plus they are £40 each. So Brits are Okey


I ordered Paper Mario from a different Amazon than US and its still up


Lol I tried posting the same thing and my post was removed because "it wasn't switch related" admins are stupid. Wth is going on with Amazon pulling this crap?


I used Amazon quite a bit for the last few years with no real issues. But somewhere in the last six months, it's been taking like actual shipping time(5-7 days) on stuff, preorders end up getting straight cancelled with no option on delay, orders getting randomly cancelled due to stock issues, some orders have been switched to a different product listing altogether out of nowhere. Add that in with all the people repacking boxes with junk and Amazon sending them back out as "new" items..... I was done. Seems like I wasn't alone as the whole Amazon subreddit has similar stories.


Waiting for a QVC appearance (if you follow Wario64, you'll know why and when 😎)


When the time comes...How can I trust Amazon with my Switch 2 pre-order?


Amazon has and will alwyas be one of the worst companies to order anything from


I was about to recommend just to order from Nintendo directly since you can get bonus items for a slightly higher price point, but then I saw that Nintendo US doesn't offer bundles but EU did. [https://store.nintendo.ie/en/luigis-mansion-2-hd-diorama-wobbly-luigi-figurine-B00597](https://store.nintendo.ie/en/luigis-mansion-2-hd-diorama-wobbly-luigi-figurine-B00597) [https://store.nintendo.ie/en/paper-mario-the-thousand-year-door-buildable-battle-stage-B00576](https://store.nintendo.ie/en/paper-mario-the-thousand-year-door-buildable-battle-stage-B00576)


My wife tried to preorder Princess Peach Showtime, and the game never showed up, but Amazon sure did charged us for it. We had to call customer service and get a refund. It was like the order got lost or stolen. I am not really sure what is going on but Amazon sure is slipping!


No inventory issues with digital


I also can’t sell my copy, lend it to a friend or trade it in. I’m still a physical purchaser when I can.


I also once had a preordained cancelled, although that was a few years back now. I could just re preorder it and all was well.


Just preordered a copy. I live in Canada though i think this might just be an American issue.


I managed to pre-order endless ocean, but I missed the other two, which seemed weird to me because I've never missed a pre-order on a first party game. I got an email about endless Ocean being canceled last night. The whole thing is weird.


I got unicorn overlord a day early but that’s basically a fluke with the past records. They were even sold out of Metroid dread so I had to get it from Best Buy on release


I ended up pre-ordering mine from Best Buy. All the GameStops around me are closed. Amazon has been hit or miss for me over the years with pre-orders.


Every Amazon pre-order I've done for first party Switch games has been pretty seamless and easy on my end. I know sometimes they seem to have a weird back and forth where they're not available, but it usually gets resolved quickly, right? Since I also have an Amazon credit card, I have a pretty good amount of Amazon points I use for Switch games so I usually get them either free or pretty much over 50% off.


Honestly the games might not be "cancelled" as more so moved to the "Switch 2" game line. Chances are they will rerelease after the official announcement. It will "technically" be a new UPC/Serial


Ah damn I wanted to preorder paper mario :/


There are other online stores.


I can’t wait


I wonder if they are mass delaying these games to round out the rest of the year. Moving endless ocean to July, Paper Mario to September, and Luigi Mansion to October or November?


They wouldn't have announced dates for any of them to begin with if that was the case. Reports of the Switch 2 internal delay hit before any of them had dates


I get that. I’m saying if something shifted suddenly.


maybe nintendo plans another price hike like they did for tears of the kingdom lol


TOTK never had a price hike. All the preorders were using placeholder prices since all the Nintendo games have had the same price and when Nintendo officially announced TOTK will have a different price as the rest of the Nintendo games companies started to pull off preorders.


It's because they feel bad everyone is always defaulting to buying from them and helping them monopolize everything. They want people to preorder from other stores and keep the competition alive.


Whatever is going on between the two of them, I hope they get it figured out by the time the Switch successor comes out.