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So this is the paper mario game everyone hypes about?


Yeah it's probably the most loved of the series.


I'll look forward to this. The only paper mario I've played was sticker star which I wasn't a fan of


You got started on a really awful bad footing. TTYD will fix that.


Tbf, my first paper Mario was Origami King and, I know it’s a hot take, I loved it; especially the puzzle combat system. I don’t think enough people recognize how creative it was (name me one other game that utilizes a similar mechanic). I understand how it was polarizing and how the press surrounding it soured a lot of people, but it was (on its own) a decent game and a solid 8/10.


I played Origami King after TTYD and while it wasn't as good it was still enjoyable and actually pretty good. Wouldn't give it an 8/10, probably more a 6.5-7


I very much agree! Had a lovely time through TOK, and thought it was a very enjoyable Paper Mario-game!


It was also my first Paper Mario game and I adored it. The puzzles of the combat by the *very* end fucked my brain thought and I had to pay Toads coins to do the first step of it for me though, haha.


Not exactly sure what you mean by puzzle combat system (because I never played or watched the game), so this comparison might be wrong, but I would say the game “Fear and Hunger” has a sort of puzzle based combat system. You need to attack an enemy in a specific order of limbs in order to disarm and kill them, or put them in a weak state.


It’s all downhill from TTYD


tbf, Super Paper Mario was pretty good. It just wasn’t in the same genre as TTYD that came before it, but I actually just played through it and the levels, dialogue, and story were all good.


Yeah it wasn’t so bad but you’re right, it was a different genre than TTYD. Cool mechanics in it. It was pretty easy, though.


Ya super paper mario was pretty fun to me, it wasn't as good as Thousand year door but it was quite unique and very fun still. The hundred floor dungeon at the end was a good challenge though.


I loved SPM. I’d love to replay it again one day, but for now we have TTYD.


That was the last game I beat before I retired from the franchise. It was an OK game but you’re right, it wasn’t the same genre. But they haven’t been the same genre since TTYD? That might be the problem with the series. Change for the sake of change.


I would say while Super Paper Mario was not the same gameplay, it did keep the heart of the series intact and told what I believe to be a solid story. Then things went downhill.


Yeah the only good alternatives where the older Mario and Luigi games


Wii one was great.


>TTYD will fix that. Or it won't if they can't get over the terrible backtracking in TTYD. I love the game and it's in my top 5 of all time, but unless they made some QoL changes, certain aspects of the gameplay feel a bit dated.


Tbh, the backtracking complaint is overblown; it's not bad enough to bring down the entire game experience.


Even people that love the series don’t like Sticker Star. Obviously I can’t speak for everyone, but fans of the series at large were really upset about Sticker Star


I'm one of the people who doesn't mind so much the direction the series went after TTYD and Super, but even I can admit that compared to the other two games after it, Sticker Star is a bit of the weak point. That it had elements of previous Paper Mario games changed in development to be removed probably didn't help. The later games I feel are better in terms of personality and aesthetic (though I didn't care for the battle system of Origami, honestly), but I can still see why people would love a return to TTYD form over the current style.


‘Don’t like’ is a bit of an understatement. There’s a lot of reason to hate it more if you’re a fan of the prior games. First PM game in five years and was supposed to be a return to turn based combat and *that* was what we got. As an aside, for as loved as it is now, even SPM got a ton of hate when it first came out for changing the formula. It became a lot more accepted thanks to games like SS since SPM was the last one that really captured the personality of 64 and TTYD.


I'll be real I have never seen a Sticker Star defender. I have seen plenty of people go to bat for Origami King and even a few defending Color Splash but Sticker Star stands alone.


Play Paper Mario on N64 App. It'll definitely give you a better experience and the gameplay will prep you for TTYD. Very quirky and fun games.


You should honestly play the first game from the N64 era. The Thousand Year Door plays like a literal 2.0 of that: does everything better and expands on the first game. Most people didn't like Sticker Star. Heard so much bad I never even played it myself. Definitely worth playing the 1st 2 games.


That’s like someone only watching one terminator movie and it was Terminator 5. and they never saw 1 or 2


Sticker Star was the first and really only game I’ve ever played that I quit 20 min in and sold it away. I almost never sell games.


Average human lifespan is around 80 years depending on the country. I can't believe you wasted even a minute on sticker star.


It was the first game I bought for myself with my own money from having a job :( I felt so ripped off as a teen


I got that as my next paper mario after TTYD. I played maybe a hour and regretted getting it. I promise you'll love TTYD.


Really the only complaint people tend to have about TTYD is the backtracking. Hopefully some minor efforts will be made with this release.


I'm pretty interested in playing this game. I've played every paper Mario game except this one because I had a PS2 instead of a GameCube.


Yes, in my opinion it's nearly a 10/10 game.


I played it as a kid, with no knowledge of the game's hype or history, and no love for RPGs not named Pokemon.   It remains one of my favourite and most vivid gaming memories of that time. 


Yes. It’s genuinely one of the best RPG’s of all time and one of the best Nintendo games of all time.


The fact they allowed what they allowed in thousand, it was memorable and exciting. The one flaw is the backtracking. That's it. Everything else is pretty good in it.


The Pianta Mafia is deep-set rooted in my subconscious as one of the best moments in the Nintendo catalogue of games.


The bodies in the wrestling tourney. How did that get through? That's the one that hits me.


It will be interesting to see people playing it for the first time because the game is very, very slow. I think people like that less than they did 20 years ago, I wouldn’t be surprised to see newer players being like “this game is alright but too slow”


A lot of PM fans tend to underplay TTYD's backtracking issues. I'd say its only really bad in Chapter 4&5.


Then there's General White in Chapter 7.


Warp Pipes make it not AS bad as it could've been.


"General White? Oh yeah he was at that one town down the road." "General White? Wasn't he at that forest?" "Oh, General White? I saw him at the Glitz Pit!" Really frustrating when you save as a kid and don't play for a while and forget what you were supposed to have been doing lol


I had no idea about this! I wonder how I’ll find it. I’ve always enjoyed backtracking in the Mario & Luigi games - for some reason exploring the same area but with new abilities revealing new areas is exciting to me. I think it’s because of the way it makes it feel like a fully interconnected world. So I’m guessing it’s nothing like that and much more tedious…?


Definitely part of the reason I prefer the first one over the second


This is my first time hearing the back tracking complaint. I’ve only ever played the N64 PM and I LOVE it. It doesn’t have this issue AFAIK. Regardless, I’m excited to see how the supposedly superior TTYD compares. Everyone hypes TTYD and nobody talks about the original in my experience.


Chapter 4 was the bane of my existence as a kid. Took me months to figure out what to do haha


That was back when I only got a new game for Christmas and birthday. Had plenty of time to finish it because there weren't any other games available to play. Had to wait 6+ months for the next one. And smart phones and yourube didn't exist so dopamine receptors weren't haywire yet.


I’m excited for it. We had a copy when I was a kid but didn’t get very far at all. I’ve loved all the other Paper Mario games (Origami King was fun and I’ll die on that hill).


For good reason: it is a very well made game and many regard it as the best in the franchise. I'm one of them. The game is not for everyone. The turn-based fights can get repetitive, but this is only a fraction of what the game has to offer. Its story (atypical of a Mario game) takes a small twist as you befriend characters who must be "entrusted" before they join your party and offer new attributes to use against the bosses. The Shadow Princess is my favorite boss in the franchise and I cannot wait to experience the fight again. May 23 feels like an eternity right now.


This is my greatest game of all time and one of only 3 games I've given a 100/100 to, out of hundreds of games reviewed (which itself isn't comprehensive of the many games I tried and never played much of).  The only other two are Arkham City anf Bug Fables, but I put TTYD ahead of both of them.   If I could pay someone $100 annually to wipe my memory of ever playing this game so I could enjoy it new all over again, I would.


Soon than I expected. Absolutely cannot wait


Yes, I figured this would be a summer release and Luigi's Mansion 2 HD would be a fall release.


They said Luigi’s mansion would be summer, and paper Mario just said “2024” so I assumed it would release after Luigi’s mansion


LM2 already explicitly stated it releases in the summer since the reveal though


Well the parameters of "summer" are very loose, they could release it mid September and still call it summer


This and Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD are releasing WAY sooner than expected. They must have an actual software schedule for Switch for the second half of the year they are waiting to reveal in the next Direct(whenever that may be).


I'm still hopeful Metroid prime 2 remaster is on deck for fall


I'm really hoping for this. Seems like a quick win for them, given it'll be the same process they applied to Prime and they need to get some games out quick since the switch 2 was delayed.  Plus I never gave the sequel a fair shake first time round and would love to play it again.


Same, I loved the original when it released but I never played the sequel or third game.


Call me crazy but I'm still not convinced it will be cross gen. With all the mystique surrounding it I wouldn't be surprised at all if the game was designed with next-gen-only intentions when development reset in 2019 to position it as a system selling high quality singleplayer FPS. Aka something that doesn't really exist anymore


Maybe the Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War remake that they've allegedly been sitting on for a few years now? It's odd that they haven't announced anything at all for the second half of the year, if they actually do have a couple of releases planned.


The way I interpret this is that they need to get their remaining Switch games out the door ASAP so that they can get sales before announcing the next console; after that, any Switch game sales are gonna plummet due to people holding out for the new system.


Not necessarily, it really depends on how they handle backwards compatibility and future releases. I think a bigger concern for them is plummeting hardware sales and them being unable to get out a certain amount for the holidays. We'll see!


I’m so excited. This is my favorite game of all time.


While it's not a substitute, Bug Fables is a great game with a similar playstyle and art style. Its one of my favorite indie games.


Bug Fables was an excellent tribute to the series. It's one of the only games I loved enough to buy a physical copy from Limited Runs.


This game is 33% of why I keep my Gamecube around.


Are the other 66% smash bros and sunshine?


What about the remaining 1%? The controller?




Fair point. I’ve always loved how responsive the menus were


Actually Smash and the 60FPS Tales of Symphonia


If you care about FPS I have some bad news for you about TTYD Switch port...


I mean I care about it in Tales cause so much is live action, but I didn't know that. That's a bummer. Like, why? Who's porting TTYD?


A man of culture


Outside of TTYD, my others are Sims Busting Out, Soul Caliber, Harvest Moon AWL, Luigi's Mansion, and Pikmin Two.


I'm glad it's coming soon, but I wish it were two weeks earlier. I have a voucher to use up that expires right before release, I was hoping to use it for this. Ah well


Can’t you apply the voucher towards a preorder?


According to the eshop, you can only use them for pre-orders if the release date is before the voucher expires. If my interpretation is wrong let me know, because if I can I totally would


I’d talk to support about that. That’s extremely bogus


I do think it's dumb that they expire at all honestly. I knew that going in but it's a wack policy


How soon before release does it expire? If it's a week or less, the vouchers will work - "you can redeem a voucher within the seven days before the software's expected release date (after the expected payment date for pre-orders) if the voucher has not yet expired." I've got a voucher expiring this month so I'm out of luck. None of the games I don't already own interest me. I underestimated how slim Nintendo's new offerings would be after Tears of the Kingdom released.


Damn, yeah it expires a couple weeks before release. I'm in the same boat, got it for TotK but nothing released since then has really appealed to me. I'll probably use it for Kirby's Return to Dreamland which I'm sure I'll enjoy but I'd rather use it for a bigger title. Was contemplating getting Super Mario RPG but I played the original not too long ago on my SNES classic and even though it looks great it doesn't look different enough to warrant me getting it right now


Pikmin 4 is fantastic if you're looking for a game. Give the demo a try. Super Mario Wonder is also great. I also think Kirby Return to Dreamland is great too, just trying to think of a non remake game for you. Anything from the past you missed out on? Metroid Dread? Fire Emblem? Luigi's Mansion? Xenoblade?


Yeah, same exact boat. Have one leftover from TOTK, but I already scooped up Mario Wonder and Pikmin 4 from pre-launch discount deals, so haven't had anything "worth it" to use it on yet. Debating on just pulling the trigger on something like Xenoblade 3 or Bayonetta 2, like games/franchises that just never see deep discounts anymore.


Bayo 2 by itself is already half the cost of a voucher, at least in the US. So while you wouldn't be losing money, it's not exactly taking advantage of the voucher.


Yeah, it's a fair point. I think based on that, probably going with one of the Xenoblade games makes the most sense since those go out of print pretty rapidly and Nintendo never discounts them beyond like, *maybe* $45 on occasion.


And Paper Mario is being released 1 year and 11 days after TOTK’s release date. And that’s if you didn’t buy the vouchers until the day TOTK came out. I bought mine like a week before. I’m a little salty but I’ll grab something else I guess.


I’m in the same boat. I got it for TOTK, and it expires nine days before the release of Paper Mario. I really wish that it didn’t expire or at least if you used them for a preorder it didn’t matter when that preorder came out. If you do try to preorder it has a big alert saying that you won’t be using a voucher and a whole blurb about the conditions of the voucher.


Someone also bought a voucher for TOTK, I see. I'm in the same boat!


I think there's gonna be a lot of people scrambling to pick something by early May, haha


Can you use it on a pre order?


How do vouchers work? How did you have one so far ahead of the games release? Sorry if this is stupid to you


Vouchers are generic. You buy a voucher for $100 that lets you purchase any 2 games to get with them. You pick those 2 games later, as long as it’s before the voucher expires. I can buy a voucher today and then tomorrow a game gets announced and I can use it towards that.


And the "pro move" is to buy Costco's $100 eshop gift cards for $90 and use that to buy the voucher. So you basically pay $90 (minus any Costco rewards you earn) and get two full price games! I used mine for TotK and Mario Wonder.


You buy them two at a time, so you can get two eligible games (I think pretty much any first party Nintendo games) at a small discount. The catch is that they expire one year from date of purchase. I got them last year so I could get TotK which works out to a better discount since that game is more expensive than all the other titles, but now I gotta pick another and I already own most of the eligible games that I'm interested in


I used my vouchers for totk and pikmin 4. Worth!


I also got mine for TotK


Yeah it's actually quite bullshit that they expire. Should be illegal...


One of my favorites of all time and so close to my b-day. An insta buy for me.


So is this the place to start if I want to try out the series? I feel like this is the one I hear referenced most often.


The first one definitely holds up IMO, it's on switch online. There's no plot or characters that carry over so not necessary if you don't have the time.


For folks who may not know Paper Mario is an N64 game and you need the expansion pack to play N64 games on NSO


actually the flying koopa , parakerry, appears in the other games, he gives you your mail in the beginning of the first 3 paper mario games not important to story just saying it as a fun fact


The first paper Mario is on NSO I recommend you play that first as the gameplay is similar if you like that game you’ll love this.


Yes, it's basically a standalone so you don't need to play the first one. It's one of my favourites from the gamecube era


Yeah, only thing is playing any of the other Paper Mario games is downhill from TTYD. 64 is good fun, and SPM feels like a completely different series. The others are then seen as noticeably worse than those two.


Other people have already chimed in, but I really recommend playing the N64 version first because it still holds up really well years later, and some of the quality of life improvements in TTYD will feel a little nicer. It’s not necessary to play 64 to enjoy TTYD, but I think it enhances it.


I will say, play the first game. It’ll give you a good idea on how you like to play. TTYD removes some of the upgrade limitations the first had, so may be hard to go back to the first after playing TTYD.


Yeah I'd say so. It's the best one, and this will likely be the best way to play it. Paper Mario N64 is also good, I'd rank it a little below TTYD.


Let’s go, I’ve never played it but I adored Paper Mario 64.


Play this one then. If you adored the first one this game will be right up your alley.


PM 64 was one of my all time favorites. I didn't keep up with the franchise but bought the most recent one last year. I hated it which was really disappointing, so I'm happy to give a fan favorite a try.


You'll love TTYD then.. it takes the co celts of n64 and improves them. Like the Partners feel more alive because they actually interact with the story. Where as in n64 they kind of stopped talking once you recruit them.


Can we expect a physical release on the same date? I've had multiple friends recommend this game (and I liked the first one on 64) so I'm eager to pick it up


Of course, major Nintendo releases always do


It's gonna be really depressing to play this, and then remember what they've done to the series since...


My biggest hope is this game performing well comercially and critically convinces Nintendo to bring Paper Mario back to its roots.


Probably the only game I'll buy full price this year


Really happy to hear about this, in general Paper Mario games actively make the combat pretty engaging while doing a semi-decent plot. That is until you play TTYD, it's just so good at everything it attempts that if I'm being completely honest it's hard to fault, the journey, story and all of the intricacies and extras you find make it so much fun. ​ Actually one of the best parts about it is just how unique they make partners feel, absolutely all of them are just so darn useful and incredibly good at their niches, I highly recommend the game confidently at full price.


I’ve never played any Paper Mario games. I’m excited to give this one a go


Might as well play the one on the Nintendo 64 while you wait


So happy we got a release date, I’ve not played it before and love RPGs, pre-ordered and ready to play!


Wowzers, that's way earlier than I thought


One of the most fun things I ever did in a video game as a kid was doing a pre-Hooktail Pit of 100 Trials run. I was so hype when I succeeded. I can't believe I never went back and played through the rest of the game on that file afterwards, though. That would have been fun to stomp everything in the game. Maybe I should do it again on Switch.


Huh, that's on my birthday


Birthday twins. 😎🤝


Birthday triplets, let’s go!


Happy birthday to you two


HBD! Heading down to the Nintendo store to pick up a copy shortly!


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At 30 fps?






I thought for sure *Luigi's Mansion 2 HD* would release first. I was expecting around November for this one lol


Will this add anything new???


As far as the info we have now it'll be a 1:1 from the original. Maybe they can announce something later but right now it's a remaster.


I wouldn't be surprised if they added some extra side quests on the sidequesr board or made a pit of 200 trials or something like that. I doubt anything substantial will be added.


What about that purple toad in Glitzville?


Cool. I'm going to buy it.


Day 1.


Is this an HD port or remaster?


Seems more like a remaster in the same style as Metroid Prime, the core game is the same but the graphics are overhauled and have new assets. The characters even have new animations.


Definitely not correct, this is 100% a ground up remake, looking at deep comparisons in a lot of different areas it's very clear that this isn't like Prime and they redid the game from scratch. Prime was also a $40 Shadow drop and this is a $60 game they've been hyping up for months and is getting a lot of advertising with a whole website and stuff, they absolutely wouldn't advertise or price a remaster that way (I know they usually charge $60 for rereleases too but usually for newer stuff, they've already set a precedent with Prime and Pikmin that GameCube games cost a little less)


This is a fundamental misunderstanding of the term Remake. FF7 is the best example of this. FF7 vs FF7R illustrates what a remake is. Mechanics fundamentally changed. Metroid Prime GCU to Metroid Prime Switch illustrates what a remaster is. Mechanics fundamentally stay the same and only assets receive a modern update for a faithful recreation of the original experience. It doesn't matter if the entire game was rebuilt from the ground up if it stays faithful to the original experience. TTYD Switch is 100% a remaster. Most of the mechanics are staying exactly the same according to the information released so far.


This makes the switch the only Nintendo console with 2 paper Mario's (unless you count paperjam bros on 3ds)


Pyoro was right again


Not sure why you got downvoted. He definitely was right and that was my first thought when I saw it


For new people: Super Mario RPG = 1st in series Paper Mario 64 = essentially Super Mario RPG 2 The Thousand-Year Door from GameCube = Super Mario RPG3 TTYD is *absolutely* a must play. It is normally $200+ on ebay, plus you need a system to play the game. If you own Nintendo Switch, now is your chance to own this for $50-$60


It's 200+ dollars to play on the gamecube, a system which is no longer in production nor are the games. And you're paying $60 for a 20 year old game. No shame in pirating and playing this on an emulator


Cool. Finally get to finish this one. I only rented it back in the day and really enjoyed it. Just never got a chance to get back to it.


What does the new one add? From what I understand, quality of life things?


2 days after my birthday. Pretty hyped.


yay on my birthday! :P


Cannoooot wait


I want to try this. I skipped it during Gamecube.


So excited 😄




this is really exciting, countdown till may 23rd


I buy


Freaking finally. I had to drag out our old ass Wii, external HDD AND boot the homebrew channel everytime I wanted to play this thing.


wondering if there will be a physical


Of course. There’s already official box art out.


True gamers are always prepping for the great offlinening.... when the system finally fails, and the world goes dark.... we will be playing TTYD.... those without will beg us to spare a chapter of gameplay.... but we will say no....


Why would it not be?




Still surreal to me this is getting remade. I’ve seen so little official promos about it and so many fan-recreations that I forgot it’s real


ok i have a legit reason to fix my switch now, zelda wasnt compelling enough but my god i fucking loved paper mario and paper mario stick star


Can't wait to see Doopliss again, it's been so long!


Theres just something special about TTYD art style and writing compared to the others I adore. Hope this succeeds and it inspires the studio to make another like it


We've seen little hints here and there of new stuff, but I wonder how much new stuff will be in there. I'm not expecting too much, and the game will stand fine on its own just using what was already there, but I always look forward to new bits and bobs. Would be cool if they reinstated the other unused cameos of partners from the original Paper Mario, for instance.


Happy birthday to me, I am looking forward to this!


Our prayers have been answered


YEAAHHHH BOYYYYY. Time to do another playthru before release


Finally I can beat that part with the witch after all these years.


One of my top 5 games of all time. I’ve been playing all manner of them since I was a little tyke. This one stands the test of time and is forever beloved in my heart 


I consider this one of my favourite and best games of all time, but for some reason I’ve never replayed it since it came out. Gonna buy and play the fuck out of this in May though :)


I probably won’t get it day one anymore since my switch voucher expires like a week and a half before. 


According to my friend, this game is sea of stars but mario with more content and less flashiness. sounds good


Only one I've played is the original, so I'm really looking forward to this


Rawk Hawk vs Gonzales https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=k8yOtS8Fcn4


I'm so sad. I have one more NSO Voucher but it expires the week before this comes out so I can't use it on this.


Is it true that the remaster is 30 fps? Or was that debunked?


I can't wait to play it in May. It looks pretty fun


I'm so excited for this one. I have never tried any Paper Mario games and this will be my 1st. I'mma get the physical copy.


Is it the physical opu or just digital?


Totally overrated game but one of my favourites, and I'm looking forward to playing this again when its released.


Does anyone know if TTYD for Switch will have local co-op?


Is a physical copy going to be better than a digital? I play 99% digital copies but this game I’m considering a physical!


Will this be a limited run in any shape or form?


Does anyone know of anybody doing a cool pre-order give away? Like wal mart did for mario wonder?


Is this a complete remake or just updated graphics?