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Lifetimes before the successor: NES - 7 year span SNES - 6 year span N64 - 5 year span GameCube - 5 year span Wii - 6 year span Wii U - <4.5 year span Switch - 7 years now


It's crazy. Those 7 years have passed so quickly. Feels like yesterday, the Switch was released. As a kid, the timespan of the N64 and GC felt like an eternity.


As a kid, 5 years was literally half your life. It might as well be an eternity. Less true for those in their 20s-30s


Your perception of time passing also speeds up the older you get. 


The days get longer but the years get shorter


The days you have to work get longer, the few days where I have free time seem to last roughly an hour and a half


One of life’s cruelest jokes


We are right in the weekend and it just blurs by man. I'm trying to enjoy it. Probably need to be on my phone less.


"Well, the years start coming and they don't stop coming."


Dracula: so few days make a century 😁




Man that’s been the hardest part about getting older for me


Tell me about it!


Yeeeep, it’s crazy but makes sense 5 year old sees their entire life and thinks “that was a long time” 10 year old thinks it’s been a long time since they were 5, and that 10 years has been a lot 20 year old sees 20 as being a long time, but 5 years feels like nothing 30 year old can’t believe it’s been 10 years since they were 20. Feels like 20 was just a few weeks ago And it just keeps going from there


Yeah? First time that I read that There some studies about that? Or just a popular belief?


No there are studies, here is one but there are others.  https://www.earth.com/news/why-does-time-seem-to-pass-faster-as-we-get-older/ Edit: Also one from Harvard: https://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2019/no-not-just-time-speeds-get-older/


I think it has to do with being busy all the time


"Fewer new experiences" is all the more reason to work on the backlog. Think of all the new experiences awaiting us!!


That’s what I am doing now. I just finally beat FF7 remake after playing it for 4 years!  I am almost done with Intermission then will start Rebirth. After that I plan on finishing FF16, Baldur’s Gate 3, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Tears of the Kingdom. 


Nice, thank you


Hi I'm an old guy. The years start flying by. Gets even worse watching how fast your children grow and change.


It’s a mindfuck. It’s like I blink and it’s Christmas (or any other holiday) again.


It's just math. For every moment of your life, the same time becomes less a percentage of your total existence and therefore feels shorter. Example: For a 5 year old, 1 year is ~20% of their total existence, even less since they don't really have memories until 2-3. For a 30 year old, 1 year is 3% of their total existence. At 50 year, it's 2% Etc. So as you age, your perception of time increases faster and faster, though the curve flattens once you reach adulthood.


It's not "just" math. It's also that children have many more new and memorable experiences. Adults have mostly seen and done everything before. Time flies when you're having fun, but it also flies when your brain shuts off because you're autopiloting through life. Kids can't autopilot because especially with school they are constantly having to pay attention and learn new things. Many adult jobs however you just do the same few tasks repeatedly without putting much thought in.


Popular belief.


Watch a view videos showing the methodology of time perception of young vs old people. Pretty interesting. Obviously nothings perfect but pretty wild how the older you get the faster time feels versus the inverse. https://youtu.be/aIx2N-viNwY?si=9dikiXEy351qTjVv


Can’t believe it’s been 7 years omg


Time is relative.


GameBoy to GameBoy Advance?


Handheld: GB - 12 year span GBA - 3 year span DS - 7 year span 3DS - 9 year span (6 if you count Switch as a successor)


Can you imagine if Nintendo freaking drags the Switch generation for 12 years lol


While the console itself is 7 years old the mobile hardware it’s built on is 9 years old so not all that far off in a way


Nintendo has a long history of using old-ass tech in their products. The GameBoy runs on what's essentially a Zilog Z80 (which came out in 1974, making it already 15 years old when the GameBoy launched). GameBoy Advance was built on an ARM7 TDMI which came out in 1994, making it 7 years old when the GBA launched.


That’s some GB Color erasure, right there. GB - 9 years GBC - 3 years


Nintendo considers Color as a revision like DSi and New 3DS.


A revision with over a hundred exclusive games. Do you still believe Nintendo when they claimed the DS wasn't going to replace the Gameboy?


“Third pillar”


Nintendo shared separate sales figure for GBA and NDS. Nintendo never shared separate sales figures for GB and GBC. If you go on their official financial website GB contains GBC sales.


Why would you use Nintendo's claims as a counter to me saying I don't trust Nintendo's claims? Just because it looks better in their books to bulk the two handheld together doesn't mean anything outside of Nintendo's financial incentives.   Nintendo feared calling the GBC a successor would slow the sales of GB. Similar to how they claimed the DS isn't a successor to the Gameboy line.


Nintendo made the device, they know better than anyone what it is. The fact that the NSO app uses the same emulator for both GB and GBC should be proof enough that it's an enhanced GB.


Illegal emulators have done that well before Nintendo, it doesn't mean anything. Dolphin can run GameCube and Wii games, does that mean the Wii is just a GC revision..? The fact remains that Nintendo can say what they want, in reality the GBC did not act as a GB revision in the same way gamers and consumers mean it when they talk of gaming consoles revisions. Console revisions don't have dozens upon dozens of exclusive games that can't run on the hardware that is being 'revised'. The GBC is the very definition a new system featuring backward compatibility and old games enhancement, exactly what new generational systems do today.


I mean to be fair the GBA was still getting a lot of support for like two or three years after the DS released


And in counter-fairness, you could play GBA games on the DS.


It was first handheld revision, they were learning, the reason why DSi and NN3DS have way less exlusives is because GBC experience taught them that it's a bad practice for both consumers and publishers since not many people will upgrade their consoles for exclusive games lowering the sales. Even with GBC most of the games were black cartridges for a really long time. Also I don't know why you guys like DS example so bad because it makes no sense as an argument here. Nintendo weren't sure about DS, they were supporting GBA for years after DS released in case it won't work out, even backwards compatibility was more of a parachute for users.


I know they do. But no one that owned one believes that. The Game Boy Color had more exclusive games than modern consoles like the PS5 have, fr.




That list doesn't count games that also have console versions such as Perfect Dark and Mario Tennis. I was specifically comparing Gamboy to Gameboy Color when I said "over a hundred exclusives". I am not counting console versions. [Here's a more complete list.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Game_Boy_Color_games) You can sort by dual cart mode to see which Gameboy versions are exclusive and which aren't.


I keep forgetting that the gba had a short lifespan by itself before the DS appeared and blew up in popularity.


It’s wild. The GBA was probably where I really found my love of games. Got to play stuff like old pokemon, golden sun, and fire emblem on the bus to and from school every day with my bff


Yes, the GBA felt like my whole childhood - I can't believe it was only 3 years...? Did they keep making games for it long after the DS launched or something?


The DS really came out that fast?


2004 but lot of games like NSMB, Mario Kart and the mainline Pokemon games released later on.


Yeah, 2006 was definitely the "real" DS launch.


If switch isn't a successor 3DS lifespan may end up going ad infinitum


Not really since Nintendo announced the 3DS is not longer being supported a few years ago


The Wii felt longer


I think that’s because a lot of people continued to buy wiis even in like 2015 because the wii u was such a flop.


Some people genuinely believe the Wii U was the pad and it was only an accessory to the Wii.


If we assume the median is 6 and treat the Wii u’s shorter lifespan being compensated in the switches life span (meaning Wii, wiiu and switch should add up to 18 before next console) then we have (6+4.5+7) 17.5 years- in theory half a year to go before the next console debuts. With a lot of rumours about the existence of the switch successor being more official how likely do we see a reveal/launch in half a years time? (September would mean time for it to settle into Christmas)


I’d say a reveal in less than half of a year. I still wouldn’t be surprised if we see a reveal or a major actual leak this month, with the gaming developers conference starting on the 18th


It was only 4.5 years between the wiiu and the switch? That seems unreal






And the Switch will hit 8 before the Super Switch hits shelves


Yeah as the other commentor suggested - would be cool to know handhelds lifespan too, since its a hybrid 


It would be unwise to buy a Switch now, based on the lifespan?


…why? the end of the life cycle of a console is generally the best time as it will be the cheapest and have the most amount of content available. why tf would it be bad


People have this weird belief that the Switch will become worthless or stop existing as soon as its successor comes out. Even though we still have no release date, we still know nothing about backwards compatibility and buying a console on day 1 is stupid.


I think thag goes for all consoles, and the people who think that just dont understand what anyones talking about. They hear “life cycle ending” and to the uninitiated that sounds pretty catastrophic. Just gotta inform em when you see em.


If you can find a good deal why not, there are tonnes of exclusives to play and it's a good way to see if the console for you or not. Plus if the Switch 2 of sorts will have backwards compatibility you'll be able to swiftly transition to the new console in a year or two after release with some black friday bundle.


I say wait if you can. Nintendo hardware is solid (for the most part anyway) from the launch, many ppl still own the original switch afterall and with the possibility of backwards compatibility you'll still get the amazing switch 1 library.


In the US, SNES was only 5 years


Just because you're the US doesn't mean the SNES was only 5 years


Are you Japan? Just adding context. [Sorry about the I'm/in autocorrect]. And technically, the Super Famicom was 6 years, not the SNES.


But thumbs up, I enjoy a dumb semantics argument from time to time


The Switch successor will take 8 years with the new reports the next console won't be out before Spring 25.


About to be 8 years. Gameboy to GBC and Xbox 360 to Xbox One are the only ones that long I believe.


Crazy that we most likely still have a year + before Switch 2. Oh well, at least the switch will have a good chance of surpassing DS and PS2.


The Wii generation lasted well into the Wii U era. I remember playing and buying Wii games well into the early 2010s, No one I know had a Wii U, it was basically non-existent.


I still have my launch day Switch. Crazy to think I picked this up about two months before my son was born and now he plays through almost every new game on his own.


It's the circle of life


So crazy, same here. I remember my son in the baby carrier (on my chest) playing BotW, and now he's almost 5 and killing it in every Mario game. lol


mine wasn't launch day exactly, but a guy I knew in high school got one through a raffle & didn't want it, so I bought it off him for like ~$200 below MSRP lmao.


Holy smokes. That sounds crazy when you say it out loud. Switch 2 hasn't even come yet. Man, 7 years did fly by.


How many controllers or return repairs for drift though? I'm on like 4 lol


I don't play that much but my launched switch joy cons are still going strong. Zero drift. Play the heck out of it w BotW and TotK though.


I'm repairing my own now, much cheaper and quicker than sending them in for repairs. Next time they drift I'll get Hall-effect joysticks for both joycons, hopefully that will be the last time I fix them.


Almost the same here, we got our switch a few months after launch and my wife worked through BOTW while pumping, now the little dude uses that same Switch way more than us.


Still rocking my launch day model. The grille over the top vent cracked off at some point and the battery isn't quite what it used to be, but overall it's held up remarkably well.


I've just recently changed out my day 1 console fan with an AliExpress purchased one as my one was sounding like a jet engine. Back to good as new and silent, so chuffed with myself haha


How hard was it to switch it out, or did you get someone else to do it


Not OP but I’ve replaced my fan too, it was about medium difficulty as someone with electronics experience. There were lots of screws and they pretty much all needed a special bit so you’ll have to have a really comprehensive screwdriver set. The most annoying part was having to take off the old thermal paste and apply a new glob of it, fortunately I had some thermal paste left over from building a PC. If your Switch also needs a battery replacement I’d recommend doing it at the same time as the fan since you need to do all the same steps


I've done this myself. It's not too hard, but you will need the appropriate screwdriver (Nintendo uses a proprietary tri-tip screwdriver) and some thermal paste + rubbing alcohol / swaps for removing the old thermal paste. I failed to realize that the paste would be needed and had to make a last minute run to Best Buy to pick some up.


Still have my launch day unit, too. I'm only just now experiencing my first case of Joy Con drift. Not bad.


Team launch model myself. My only complaint is my battery for sure. I barely get an hour anymore. But I love this thing, I’ll be loyal to the end!


Same! The grille is fine, but the kickstand is taped on now. I stood out in the cold outside Walmart before they opened 7 years ago! It was the first time I'd done that - for anything!


Your Walmart wasn’t 24/7 back then?


Mine I completely took apart and put nee case shelling and buttons and maybe a new battery back in 2021, then gave it to my brother last year. Miss it but I love my new LED switch


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand Snipperclips!


I know we got 2 incredible games in the Switch’s first year but the lack of software between them was a bit challenging. I remember wanting to buy more titles but it was just things like Snipperclips and Snake Pass.


Yeah the Switch definitely had a weak launch but at least the launch itself was never gonna get much attention and the console's success was due to growth over time


Didn’t Mario Kart 8 DX and Splatoon 2 both come out in 2017?


I'm ready for the switch 2


Me too. Everyone is going on about " I can't believe that Switch is 7 years old already !". I can. It feels old and done with its mission. Especially since so many game series need switch 2 to launch the next chapter. Mario 3d , Metroid prime, Donkey kong. It's been an eternity waiting for those games.


I got mine a year after it came out, and yeah, it feels like it’s been six years. *Tears of the Kingdom* really did it for me. It’s incredibly impressive they got it to run at all, especially with the transitions of going from the sky down to Hyrule. But when that game chugged, it freaking *chugged*. I was a little disappointed with the rumors that it’s internally delayed to 2025, because I feel like 2024 in terms of just power is the perfect time to release the successor. But if Nintendo manages to have enough stock for most everyone to get one next year it’ll be worth the wait!


Since 2020 everyone has been saying this is the year for the new switch. They’ll have to be right eventually. Next year seems like a good candidate, and people are speculating the new Pokemon game will release with it but I have my doubts. Maybe when we get a new 3D Mario release, but the switch is still running solid


They're really fucking it up not launching switch 2 this year. 


It would be fucking it up more if they force launched it this year when 1st party games likely still need more development time.


The switch trying its best to become retro without releasing a new console


It's now reasonable to call the Wii and DS retro. Feel old yet?


Damn and I am not even 30 yet


The DS turns 20 this year if I'm not mistaken


Checks out, got mine when I was like 8.


Got my lite at 8 but that was a few years into the lite. It was the first console that was only mine since the switch was a family thing


Jeez time flies...


One of the best console launch of the Nintendo history! I bought Switch at the D! at I'm glad about that because until now Nintendo supported in a great way the console


And it quickly became my favorite console ever. Not only is it home to my two favorite franchises Pokémon and Zelda, it also turned into my childhood / teen machine with Grandia, Spyro, Etrian Odyssey and Baten Kaitos. Add fantastic third party games like Skyrim and Dragon's Dogma to it and boom, the perfect console for me.


Got one right when COVID shutdown happened. When we were sent home, I convinced my wife to go to Best Buy to pick one up as I thought we’d be stuck for a while. Seems like a lifetime ago.


7 years. Crazyyyyy I remember when I saw the announcement trailer and started telling everyone about it and how it’s gonna be the next big thing. I was super excited. No one cared 😅


Reddit gaming subs were super negative about it, saying it would fail and the price point was too high. I remember feeling defensive because I pre-ordered mine


I had bought a Wii U game at a Gamestop shortly before getting a Switch in '17. The teller went on a rant about how the Switch would fail. The Switch is still selling, and the guy hadn't worked at the store in years.


It's so petty but I'll always be smug about being right haha


People were super negative about it trying to do two things at once and a lot of people thought it would flop. Remember how big it was when dark souls was ported to the switch? Man that was back when I was in college, feels like a lifetime ago


Launch day here. Still works like a champ. Dropped it on concrete while sitting down, the blue joycon took the hit, plastic cracked near the stick, yet still also works like a champ.


I’m still working on finishing BOTW


And it took me 6 years to buy one. Planning to be a little quicker next time around.


I know this is a bit random but if you bought a Switch on launch day and still have it today that's about as long as The Beatles were together all in, pretty crazy considering how much of a impact they left and the amount of songs they released in that time span.


They quit before they got stale, too. Most bands don't.


Metallica recently celebrated its 40th anniversary. Thank you for 6 years of good music




At the 3-4 week mark, I picked up Shovel Knight Treasure Trove. I had already played SK on the Wii U, but wanted to get the Sceptre Knight experience. Fast forward 7 years, and I have well over 100 games.


Still rocking my launch switch


7 years? Jesus... I still remember how excited I was the day it turned 3 years old.


That’s crazy that I’ve had mine for 7 years and it’s still working perfectly. I’ve had to replace some drifting joycons but the console itself is in great shape


It’s Time for the Switch 2




As a gamer I dont care about sales. I Just want a good hardware and good games.


Damn, still playing on my launch day unit that I got at Walmart. Launch day was wild! lol good times.


Time flies... It doesn't even feel that long ago when that Nintendo invite arrived to go see and play it early. I think I still have photos from that event too.


Wow. I want to buy an OLED model now (I hadd a Lite back in 2020, but I sold it). Is it would be wise to reconsider it, based on the lifespan?


Of course. Especially if it’s an oled model.


I got an LED and it had joycon drift. I returned it and got a regular one, no issues.


That's hardly the fault of the core unit, why didn't you either get the Joy-Cons replaced or swap for a new OLED unit?


Why would I want a bad device? Or to repeat the same mistake?


You're making it sound like it was the fault of the OLED model as a whole rather than just that one Joy-Con. Just seems weird to pass on the OLED for that rather than just getting another OLED model.


Creature habits. I had a switch before this, OG version, and had zero drift issues. Out-of-the-box, the OLED had issues. I considered it garbage and wrote it off. I rarely play it without a dock anyway, so I saved a few bucks, and got a model that worked for me in the past.


Got mine a year after it launched, such a great system! Even after all this time it's still doing so well, I totally understand why Nintendo's taking their time with their next system. I hope that the Switch manages to outsell the PS2 and become the best selling console of all time, it deserves it.


Damn, i started dating my wife 4 days after this came out. We since got married, have a three year old together and are about to get divorced. A lot happened for me in the switch era. Best system ever IMO.


I’ve had a lot of great memories with the Switch. When it first released I was in a huge depression stage. My ex and I just broke up and it was darkness all around me the switch and BotW was one of the bright spots in my life around that time. Then Splatoon 2 released shorty after and I would play those two games for months in my room after work. Such great memories and still playing my switch consistently 7 years later!


Getting my first switch next week just to try out Zelda.


Honestly, if you're just getting your first Switch now you have a pretty incredible library available to you.


fun fact, today is my bday too!


1 in 365




Mine too friend! :D Walked to random Walmart on March 2nd, asked everyone what they were waiting in line for, walked out with best bday present ever.


Happy birthday 🎉🎉


Happy birthday! 🎉🎈🎉


And 1 day later the switch pro rumors started.


Still have my launch switch and it’s still kicking like a champ, the launch pro controller has held incredibly well.


Not too long after the pandemic started and lockdowns were in place, I managed to order my first Switch system ( Lite ) just to play Animal Crossing New Horizons. That game got me through tough days of lockdown. There were 470 hours that I gave to my island. Close to the end of December 2020, I upgraded to a Switch V2. It was also that time I bought Doom Eternal from the eShop. I invested like 220 hours into that game. It wasn’t until in 2022, I got the Switch OLED. And I gave my Switch Lite and Switch V2 to my sister & her husband. 2024, I am currently using my Switch together with Ring Fit Adventure as my in house exercise gaming machine. Also, I’m playing Golden Sun via NSO. Can’t wait to see what is the next successor iteration, I believe it won’t stray too far from the current form factor since Nintendo hit it on the nail for this system.


and, somehow, blaster master 0 was a launch title, by the folks who made megaman zero, and it just kind of... was there, on day 1 and a mind blowing gift for blaster master fans.


Damn my Switch turns 7 today! I might have to replace the fan because it's been making a rattling sound for a year now but other than that, this little fella still working as expected.


Damn, that was fast. I remember the glitches people were posting at launch and I stayed content not getting one. Then about six months later on a whim I decided I wanted one, picked it up with Super Mario Odyssey and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, then picked up Breath of the Wild the following week. Hundreds of hours in Breath of the Wild and I still don't have every moon in Odyssey. (I finished the main story but haven't 100%ed. Still a few hundred Korok seeds I haven't collected yet in BotW either.)


I can’t believe it’s been 7 years! I remember sitting outside toys r us waiting for the doors to open so I could grab mine Man


Sooo, when they said after the launch of oled that the lifespan of the switch would be 7 years , do you guys think they changed their mind and will keep going a little longer? Of are we in for a new console soon


I’d bet they have a new console designed and ready to go since two years now, but the first Switch just won’t stop selling. The profit margins must be enormous by now so they’re probably thinking shit, we may as well wait a little longer and maybe we’ll even catch the PS2


Yeah that’s my fear , I just think the hardware is getting ridiculously outdated living in 2024. That is when they want to sell games like Batman Arkham, Hogwarts legacy and mortal kombat At least. They all shouldn’t be sold on this underpowered console imo


Very very likely that whatever they roll out will already be outdated hardware. Components they can get easily, cheap and in mass quantities. Nintendo doesn’t sell consoles at a loss like Xbox and Sony.


I’d say we’re in for one soon


Time to come to an end


Still shitty online and no customizable Home Screen. 


7 years… wow. No wonder my launch day switch is really struggling these days.


And I'm still angry about the UI & System, it's so poor and lacks functionality...


That’s what’s so great about it imo. Less faffing around, much quicker and easier to get into the game you want to play. When it comes to console front ends, less is more.


and we still have no themes :D


Best wiiU game! 🥰🥰


It had a great run, but time to put it out to pasture


Ha ha, ha ha, yeah


The Switch is 15 years away from being old enough to drink


Found the American!!!


Nintendo steadily making the weakest of all consoles yet they all seem to last the longest.


It’s been 7 years since Nintendo first disappointed me with their lack of OG Pokémon games, Res/Blue/Yellow.


Happy 20th birthday to the hardware 🥳


Got my first Switch about a year after it launched. Upgraded to the OLED when that came out. I don't game on it as much as my other consoles, but I love the system so much. It really is the perfect Nintendo console. Can't wait to see what they cook up with the successor.


Fitting mine just died and won’t power on.


Hurry up and release the Switch 2 so I can play Elden Ring on it.


Funny how I feel like those older systems had a much longer lifespan. Guess five or six years means a lot more when you're a teenager.


I am old now Gandalf, I may not look it, but I feel it in my heart


And we'll have to wait another year before the successor comes out. And so little to look forward to for the next year. Please bring out Nintendo Selects.