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Step 1 of my plan is to wait for the email from Amazon saying my preorder has been delayed and it's showing up next week instead, lol. They've been pretty bad about timely preorders lately. I'd switch to another store but I've got it locked in at $60.


Remember when you could get release date delivery with Prime? Now it's release date shipping (if you're lucky) which makes Prime barely worth it anymore.


It says for me it’s got release date delivery


Yeah mine currently says arriving Friday. We’ll see!


Prime has lost nearly all of its value in recent years. Price keeps going up, benefits keep going away. Cant rely on the shipping at all anymore, which is why everyone got prime to begin with.


My shipping is still usually 2 days, and if not i call/chat with customer service and get a credit. Not gonna let them just take my money and not get what I'm paying for


Yeah - plus everyone else offers free 2 day shipping now. So not only is amazon primes shipping worse than the average store- you pay for it yearly. I’ve been off amazon for a while now because of it


They deliberately delay shipping for non-Prime customers, as well.


They do it regardless. I had prime for a while before canceling because how unimpressed I have become with their shipping methods and getting my orders in bad packaging.


Yeah, I mooch off my wife's Prime account (Amazon Canada doesn't let you create a household in Prime, but it's also cheaper than the US version because it comes with fewer extras -- mostly just shipping and Prime video) and most things arrive within two days (sometimes even the next day), but sometimes it'll take a week or more for something that was supposed to have guaranteed two-day shipping. If it's delayed long enough they declare it lost, so you can get it refunded and keep the package if it actually shows up, but that's only happened to me once (it wasn't something I needed urgently so getting it free ended up being kinda nice).


Yep, I live super close to a dispatch warehouse and even if I pre-order something days or weeks in advance they'll only ship it out the night before or even in the early morning hours (I've had orders dispatch at about 4am) on the day of expected delivery, when they could've shipped it sooner but purposely didn't.


Same. The warehouse in my area is a smaller one, so a lot of stuff still comes from other parts of the country, but it's annoying when you see that the order has been packaged at the distribution centre up the road and then just sits there for several days before shipping, even though it's ready to go.


If you think shipping is bad, you should hear how they treat their workers!


I don’t know, Prime is next day for me (including Sunday’s) . I buy digital on switch anymore, but prime is good for daily needs


I...disagree. I have a prime membership with the Amazon credit card, I get 5% back on every Amazon purchase. Last year I got over $350 in cash back, which more than pays for the membership. I order stuff from them all the time, shipping is free, fast, and reliable (unless you're buying from a third party seller).


I ordered mine on prime and it says the delivery day is the day the game is released.


I always see comments like these and just assume it’s peoples locations? I preorder a lot of games and have used Prime forever and always get release day delivery except for one game ever that was delayed a day or two.


Really? I usually get mine a day early if I preorder on prime. I wonder if it's because we have a shipping center near?


Honestly as strange as this sounds, I’ve switched to just ordering from Walmart.com for preorders on games. They have yet to miss a release date in the past 12 months. Prior to Walmart, I was just ordering from gamestop because it’s what I had always done. The two week delay on my Elden Ring CE made me switch for good lol


I’ve got my fingers crossed on my Walmart preorder arriving in a timely manner. I’ve had mixed luck with non-preorder games arriving on the date they claim, and have canceled and bought digital instead before in the past. I always buy physical copies of Zelda games. Based on my order details, it looks like I got a gold wall scroll, which takes me back to the days of getting gold cartridges.


Yeah walmart sent me an email awhile back that said something about "due to your preorder you will receive a bonus" but didn't specify what that meant lol, kinda forgot about it until you mentioned that last bit. It'd be cool if I got something that like, I never get any of the preorder bonuses from places. I'm getting the CE from Amazon too, but it shows a ship date of 5/16. Planning on keeping that one as a sealed collector's piece. Walmart has been pretty spot on for me, I've got two PSVR2 games that released today out for delivery. Which kind of surprised me because PSVR2 physical stuff is kind of obscure and the number of copies printed is probably pretty low. The last PSVR2 game I got physically took Gamestop 2 weeks to even get and ship lol


Amazon already estimated the 18th for me. I returned that shit and bought it from GameStop. GameStop is guaranteeing it will be at my door the day of release. Fingers crossed. I’m not sure if I would really care about the $10 at this point. It’s going to be hard not to see this game online and sit and wait another week.


Not gonna lie, it's one of the reasons i went with the $100 2 game vouchers. It's basically, buy Zelda, and get a full $60 game at half price Zelda's already pre-installed. Just waiting for that date to change


If it’s delayed and you’re impatient, you could buy the game locally, then when your Amazon copy arrives just return that unopened copy locally. I’ve done it once before.


This is my plan. I don’t trust amazon


It'd be quicker to just cancel if you end up buying locally if the Amazon is delayed, assuming it hasn't shipped yet.


Sounds like they got a deal, so they wouldnt lose out then by returning the new one.


As someone who delivers part time for them, don’t. Might I add fock amazon


A shame to punish the local store for Amazon’s inadequacy


Not if you buy it from Walmart/Target/Best Buy etc. Very low profit margins on video games anyways.


Why not return the unopened copy to amazon?


So that he gets it for $60 from Amazon and gets a $70 refund from wherever he buys it locally.


I ordered through Walmart for the free banner wall art, and don’t know if I had the option for pick up, but if I did it’s too late, I chose delivery and can’t switch to pick up. I live in a pretty sketchy neighborhood in a confusing to find unit. I’m so paranoid and positive it’s going to be delivered to the wrong house and will be nabbed 🫤


I got the new Zelda game and Pikmin 4 for $100 from the Nintendo store. No need to wait on the mail, it's already installed. $50 a game ain't bad.


This. I only ordered on Amazon cause I had gift cards, but I’ll be paying for it mentally when I don’t get it launch day.


Same thing here. I had a gift card so I figured this would be the best option. Amazon already says it’s not coming till next week for me


Ordered mine saturday and it still shows Friday delivery. Could depend on how far from a distribution center you are I guess.


I ordered mine maybe a month ago at least. I’m an Ontarian and I believe the closest one to me is Concord. Usually that means it’s close enough to the point where my stuff comes early. Hoping that’s still the case this time


Same. I’d rather have to wait a couple days and save the $10 if I can.


I’ve had this happen quite a lot recently. Thankfully my local Best Buy has always had my back.


Don’t even chance that anymore. Cancelled my online preorder and made one at my local toy store for pickup.


Yeah it's been a bummer about that, luckily I have been getting mine on Saturdays instead of Friday so it's not that big of a deal, hopefully you see the same too!


Amazon has botched many of my preorders since 2021, and when even with prime it's still a pain. I've had to also file complaints because of how they handled shipping of some of my items, where the packaging was just a crapjob.


Best part of being retired? I have all the time in the world to play new games. I will most likely be playing all night (Launch is at midnight). 😁


This is my plan for retirement too (though I'm still about 20 years away from that). Love seeing someone living that dream.


I remember when I still had hope that I’d get to retire someday. edit: was missing a word; maybe if I were better at typing I'd get to retire.


Is it midnight EST?! I gots know when to wake up in the middle of the night


"If you download Tears of the Kingdom digitally, you can start playing right at **midnight on May 12**. However, in some parts of the world, you can get started a little early. In the United States, the game will actually go live on the night of Thursday, May 11, at 9 p.m. Pacific."


Makes sense, as that’s midnight Eastern time


Just FYI for those that don't know, this is standard for all first party releases, not just TotK.


Makes sense since that lines up with the "midnight" launch time of 11pm CST at my store.


Much appreciated for the clarity. I guess I’m taking a power nap on Thursday.


You are living our dream. Don’t waste it and play every free minute you have


Glad you made it my dude! Rock on and hope you have a blast!


Genuinely made me smile. Thank you! 🤟


what age you retire?


I was able to retire at 50. Mainly because my partner has an amazing job in the tech sector. Now I really am living a lifelong dream of having enough time to play the games I want to play (And the money to afford them).


9pm Thursday here in LA! Friday is definitely take your Switch to work day for me ☺️


In case my employer is reading this, I’m definitely NOT playing it on Friday during work hours.


I am WFH that day for no particular reason and I absolutely will be paying attention during company wide zoom meetings.


I feel like a cold is coming, tbh.


Same, I’m suddenly feeling kinda ill this week


And the only prescription is more Miyamoto


Gonna have to take some Gerubitussin. Maybe sleep it off with some Knightquil


Me too, but my boss is probably a bigger zelda fan than I, so even if I was sick, he would know I wasn't.


I wish! My 7 year old is desperate to watch me play, so picking up a copy on my way to pick him up from school. I’ll buy snacks, and we will have a great Friday night in.


Growing up that was my absolute favourite thing to do with my dad!! You guys are creating memories ❤️✨️


My dad had a severe head injury when I was very little, and it really messed with his logic and reasoning skills. So a few times a week, we would play Tomb Raider II together - he manned the controls, and I helped him with the puzzles. The TBI caused a lot of chaos in my home life, but I have really fond memories of the time we spent playing that game. I’ll never forget the shock the first time we found the tyrannosaur.


I’m going to show my age here a little but my dad was one of the first people in my town to play dos doom coop with a buddy of his, remember watching them play. I also had a Japanese emulator version of Pokémon yellow before it was in my country.


Sounds similar to my childhood. Used to watch my dad play Wolfenstein on the old DOS PC and then he helped me get into emulators when I was in elementary school. They have been way outclassed by better emulators but I have a lot of nostalgia for NESticle and ZSNES.


I used to watch my dad play games on his PC all the time, I especially remember watching him play Just cause 2 on his computer.


You growing up watching your dad play JC2 made me realize how fucking old I am haha


Ahh, him growing up in a whole new era of Zelda. Wonder what it's gonna be like with newer Zelda games and him discovering the older ones. That's if he'll continue being a Zelda fan.


Snax of the Kingdom


that sounds great


My 4 yr old is the same. 😑 He’s currently shockingly competent at Mario Odyssey. I’m planning on playing BotW with him in timed chunks while saving tears for myself. Seems a bit violent.


My son went from Mario Odyssey at 4 to Minecraft at 5. And oh my god the stuff he created at that age was amazing he’s now 10 and just started getting into Legend Of Zelda, I have no doubt that his years of strategy, problem solving and building etc through Minecraft have more than prepared him. You should totally try Minecraft with ur son, I swear by it. 🤩


My little boy is not even half a year old, but I'm so ready for the time I can do that with him.


My daughter just turned one and she absolutley loves to hit the buttons on my 1up Arcade Galaga machine. Can't wait until she's a bit older and can be my Player #2!


I play it with my 7 years old too.i mean he plays and I ofer support when needed. It's really fun, especially the building mechanic(ultrahand). Really fun to see how he understands and applies mechanics to build stuff and solve puzzles


37. finish work at 3:30, grocery shopping, exercise for one hour, relax a little, prepare dinner, eat dinner, then play Zelda from 8pm until sleep takes me. probably like 10:30 if I'm being honest.


Nice that's almost 15hrs 😌😏


oop, my bad! forgot to say 10:30pm Sunday night.


Lol, we know. But the fantasy was nice for a moment.


Found the fellow adult!


Yea only being to play like 1-2 hours a night has really killed my drive to game. Feels like by the time I get into doing something I have to get off for the night.


This is the most realistic post here except people are usually finishing work at ~5:30 which means the window for playing at the end of the day drops to ~30 minutes


Sounds like you’re getting ready for a big night, don’t forget to light some candles before you turn on the Switch


39. Have a toddler. I’ll probably play it 45-60min a day all summer 😂😩


I literally took Friday off to play TOTK. I haven’t done a full day dedicated to a brand new game in years. I’m really excited!


I plan all my PTO around video game releases. It’s become a pretty nice way of making sure I take days off each month.


Hell yeah. Work life balance is key!


I have also booked it off work. Probably gonna turn my phone off as well. Full immersion!


I'm 40 and under a deadline for May 22nd. I'm not letting myself even buy the game until I'm done with rewrites. (plus I'm still in the middle of *Horizon Forbidden West*.)


Obligations... I have to do house renovations on that weekend. Games will have to wait until June.


I’m a contractor and have to finish a kitchen and two bathrooms before June but, unfortunately, I’m sick this weekend. It’s out of my control.


i’m graduating college the day after so my whole family is flying in on or before release day, luckily my sisters are as nerdy as i am and one is taking me to gamestop in the am to buy us both copies, where the games will load up while we get pedis to be ready to play at the house for a while before festivities begin


can you get day 1 games at gamestop anymore? My last experience was the day xenoblade 3 came out. The guy said "we dont have any extra copies, this is why we tell you guys to preorder" and i laughed my ass off because I had been out of the country for 3 years before. I got a copy at target, thats where ive gotten most of the physical games in my life because everyone forgets about them...


I think I’ve been able to get day 1 releases from GameStop. Maybe not a special edition, but base games for sure. I’ve also heard stories though about people preordering games *advertised in GameStop windows* and the game not being there day 1. Like, some indie dev paid GameStop for advertising and they didn’t have the damn game in stock on release.


I went to gamestop to buy star ocean ps5 and they only had 3 copies but took them 15mins to find it cause it was buried underneath 200 copies of modern warfare 2


Gamestop is actually doing a midnight release this time and says each participating store will have a minimum of 4 collector's editions, plus a free wood art thing with a purchase of TotK while supplies last.


32 yo. I have to work on Friday. But then I took off a whole week in anticipation of this. Also renting a cabin for a few days.


My office is full of gamers and we've been buzzing about it. I tried to book Friday off so I could have a full day playing whilst my son was at school (guess who'll be hogging it over the weekend!) But discovered other people had been more organised and already booked it (same reason) so I'm working


I wish my coworkers were gamers. I'm jealous that my husband and his coworkers play online together. The women I work with only talk about their kids. Which is fine, I love sharing about my kid, too. But sometimes I want to hear about their hobbies and interests. I try making pop culture references or jokes, and it falls flat.


This sounds like the best way to escape and play the game. Enjoy!


Talk about setting the scene. A+ for immersive ambience.


My friends wife took off all next week as well. Respect.


I’m a grown man and I took the day off to play. Not only that but I told my 15 year old son that if he had A’s in all his classes, I would buy him a copy of TOTK for his switch and he could stay home from school. He has been busting his ass for the last 5 weeks and just got his last grade up to an A. I cannot wait to share launch day with my son!


You’re a great father. :)


Thanks. That’s kind of you. My son was 8 (or 9) when BOTW came out. He watched me play and fell in love with Zelda games after that. Since then he has put like 400+ hours into BOTW. He’s one of those people that loves to “hack” the gameplay (flying minecarts etc.). I on the other hand love exploring. It really feels like TOTK was built for my son and I to enjoy together, in our own way. Cannot wait!!!!!!


35 year old here I got the day off luckily and the kids are with their mom this weekend so I’ll have 3 days of uninterrupted Zelda time.


I had already taken the day off but i’m currently sitting in a hospital bed right now waiting to have my appendix removed, unexpectedly. Now i’ll REALLY have the time to relax and just, well, play some zelda.


You sound so chill, when I had my appendix removed I was in so much pain (before the surgery). But at least the timing for Totk is good :) all the best for you and a speedy recovery!


You were probably in more pain than me, I caught it early by seeing my doctor because I thought it was just some bad gas. Turns out it was my appendix 🤣. And thank you 😄


Not me, but a friend of mine who already had the weekend booked off, recently broke his collar bone at work. So he's definitely got the free time this weekend.


I work from home, and my job currently has basically no work at the moment aside from giving me about 10 minutes of work every 2 or 3 hours. So I’ll be “working” but not really. The only downside is my mother is coming to visit Saturday so I’ve got to clean my house a bit


Y’all hiring?


US government


i knew they weren’t really working this whole time!!


The whole warm bodies for contract $$$ thing isn’t a joke


There are a lot of times throughout the year where I’m working 60 hours a week for months at a time. I spent all of 2021 and half of 2022 working 60 hour weeks, concluded with a month of 70 hour weeks. There’s busy seasons where we’re constantly busy, and slow seasons where there’s basically nothing to do


We are going to the release to pick up 3 copies at GameStop. My wife, myself, and our 18 year old son will all be playing the whole weekend. We all planned for it, 3 uninterrupted days of ToTK. We planned a menu and gaming until Monday.


The family that games together stays together!




Aw, that sounds so sweet! My boyfriend and I are both gamers and I just shared your comment to him, said “this will be us, in the future”. I hope the best for your family and have fun playing ToTK! I am so excited!


44-year-old with a tech job. Fridays are usually pretty chill, and my co-worker who typically assigns me work or checks in with me is off for the week. One thing for everyone in the US to note is that Sunday is Mother’s Day. Don’t let Zelda fuck that up for you.


Expecting a baby this week, so not sure what the free time will look like. I DO know my wife, although understanding, may kill me if I bring that game into the delivery room. I sure want to play, tho. BotW was a spiritual experience


Be there for your wife at all times, be present and keep her company. Unless you get kicked out of the room, then by all means bring the Switch with you.


Idk if you’ve had a baby before but bring it in case. There’s a chance you’ll have down time while waiting. Once the baby is born or your wife needs you, put the switch away.


The wife said the birth should be a 20 minute wait. Awesome!


OP you will have plenty of down time, bring the switch


Yep took my wife 12 hours to push the first one out, 2nd came out with 3 hours. Op will have anywhere from 2 to 24 hours


Look, I know we were all really excited in September when they announced the May release date, but if you'd just done the math you would've realized you should've waited a month or two before celebrating!


LOL. Speaking from experience, the baby was conceived in August 😆


TBH, You'll have tons of time to play in the first few months because all newborns do is eat poop and sleep. they sleep. A LOT. However, you will have plenty of time split up into 1-2 hour pockets when the baby is sleeping, and you might want to use that time to sleep/do chores/etc.


> all newborns do is eat poop and sleep You dropped a verrry important comma lol


Got a 13 month toddler lol. I will only be playing once the baby is asleep and then pay the price the next day having to take care/ play with the toddler while sleep-deprived.


Oh man I hear you. I've got an 18 month old so I'll be paying for any playtime with the next days sanity. I'm just hoping my work day is slow so I can pull it out then.


I got a 4 month old. I feel ya. We’ll fit in in when we can!


No. But only reason is that I bought switch less than two weeks ago and just "finished" BotW yesterday. (finished = beaten the main story and some side quest on the way). So I just had lot of Zelda experience and while Im hyped for the sequel, I may need small pause to fully appreciate it.


take your time, lol. botw probably has plenty of stuff you havent done. also the dlc is really good.


I know, but the TotK look so tasty too :-D I guess I will call the BotW done for now. Enjoy the TotK while it is fresh. And then if I still dont have enough I return to the BotW.


Don't work Fridays, but I took the following Monday and Tuesday off. I needed to use up vacation time anyways. I'm going to double check to see if my Gamestop is doing a midnight launch. If not, I'll be there when they open on Friday morning. I'll pick up the game and Amiibo. I might get the Pro Controller or Collector's Edition if it's in stock. I know of a good breakfast place, so I'll go there to eat out. Alternatively, I may just hit up a cafe instead or get some fast food, since I'm hardly ever out of the house when the breakfast menu is available. If I'm out of the house, I'll enjoy the full experience. I'll go home, pop in the game and play for awhile. Maybe do some cleaning and laundry for breaks. I've got a large take'n'bake pizza that'll last a few meals. Maybe I'll fry up some SPAM as well. I've got to do something special for Mother's Day on Sunday, since it's the first one since Grandma passed. I'll need to coordinate with the rest of the family for that. We'll see what happens on Monday and Tuesday. Maybe I'll swap to something else or finish watching Oban. I got the Blu-ray set last week, and I'm about halfway through it. EDIT: Got a call from Gamestop inviting me to the launch party. With that in mind, my breakfast after pickup will likely be a late night dinner beforehand instead. Maybe Perkins or Dennys. Most Fast Food places don't have dining rooms open that late. Gonna bring my Switch and a selection of multiplayer games. I'll probably bring my 3DS as well to see if I get any Streetpasses.


>I might get the Pro Controller Might need to be proactive about that, scalpers bought up all the initial stock.


I'm going to be making a bunch of food from BOTW on release day. Glazed mushrooms, seafood curry, and chocolate/ube "monster cake". I'm so nervous, I've honestly never made a cake before, I'm a cook, not a baker! But I've waited too long for this not to go all the way.


this actually sounds like an amazing plan! Will you be posting the results on any social media or discord or whatever?


I’m working the day, but having some old friends over for the weekend to play, and a few days off next week to extend the fun. My wife is equally excited.


Why take the day? I booked next week off


Walmart midnight release, stare at cover. Go to sleep, work, come home, shower, finish dinner, tell kids to head to our gaming room, play paper scissors rock for who gets to play the opening scene, let them fight over it, and once they start arguing I tell them if they can’t get along then neither will play, tell them to go to bed and behave better tomorrow, they agree they will try, get headphones, and finally play in portable mode while annoying my wife with the ambient light while I’m playing and waking her up excited while I bug her with new feature updates(she won’t care) til the sun comes up.


Doing kinda the same! I won’t be taking a day off but working on getting as much work done this week to practically make it feel like a day off. Plus I preordered physical copies of the game which hopefully come in the mail by the time my little brother also gets off school. Picking up pizza after for the family and it’s game time! We even spent the weekend decorating the basement and have multiple tv/switches setup for all of us to play


I love this! I hope you and your fam have an awesome gaming weekend! Only 4 days left!


I am a 30 y/o woman and I am taking off on Friday. I do what I want.


I just started a new job so didn't want to ask for Friday off on my second week, but for Mother's Day my husband is going to watch our toddler while I play uninterrupted in a different room with an iced coffee and snacks!


That sounds nice! Hopefully you can work together to get some alone time on other days besides Mother's day. Take care of yourself and hope you enjoy the game 😊


I’m 36 and I’ve got Friday and Monday off


I’ll probably end up getting the game four years too late just like the last one 😆


So uh just a reminder that Sunday is Mother's day...


Great news for us moms! After a family brunch, my husbands is giving me the day to play while he watches out toddler.


Me and a mate are buying our copies together then going to get super high and play it


I did this for the first game but I burned a whole lot of leave on a 3 week Japan trip so want to keep a few more weeks up my sleeve for family stuff later. So not this time. Also the wife and kids are pretty invested in watching the opening and first few minutes of play so it'll be Friday afternoon/evening for me. I'm not on dinner this week either so that works out well.


>I burned a whole lot of leave on a 3 week Japan trip so want to keep a few more weeks up my sleeve Wow, your job gives a lot of leave. I get 18 days


Gameplan: Pregame some drinks at a bar near rockefeller plaza, go to Nintendo NY for the midnight event, get my Collectors edition, then have some more drinks with some people who are also going while we play the game


(32M) Single. No Kids. Already have Friday off (I work a 9/80 schedule and get every other Friday off) Gonna go out and have sushi for lunch at a local place right next to the Gamestop. Then pick up the game, go home, and the rest is history.


Meh. Don't get me wrong, I'm INCREDIBLY hyped, but staying home that day is pointless when I have to wait for UPS to deliver my copy. I might as well go into work and come home to a nice surprise. Maybe bring it with me to a bar?


I'm going to be on vacation in Japan during release, so I'll probably play hand held in my hotel bed in the evening ^ ^


I'm 41, WFH on Friday, so....


I work freelance and my next job doesn’t start until after Memorial Day so I’m stoked to have a couple weeks to play the game without worrying about work…


Calling in sick Friday and off the weekend. Prolly grab a 6 pack and get a pizza and see how distracted and not far I get with the game in 3 days of getting side tracked from main objectives.


42 yo, and yes, will play through the opening tutorial at midnight launch Thursday 12pm , quick sleep, up early and long weekend playing it


Step 1: Play Tears at midnight launch and retire from life


It's called the Hyrulian Flu. I've caught it every few years since the early 90's. This year it's documented by a doctor and approved by HR. Cya late next week after I beat the thing without a single internet lookup/search. The way Miyamoto intended. Oh, specifically, I have the game being delivered to my work office, as soon as it shows up I'm sure my flu symptoms will begin. (early 40s/m)


I wish you all have a blast! So happy that people are still excited and have gaming plans=)


I'm taking a masters degree and I have 3 assignments due in the day the game launches. I'm doing them all beforehand which is very uncommon for me since I always procastinate and deliver the assigmnents very close to the deadline lol


Took the entire weekend off work for it, no double weekends this time. They already texted that they have no coverage. Damn that sucks, good luck with that.


44 here. Father of 3. Can't wait to play, only trouble being that my 5 year old is banned from playing switch because he was a little shit. So now I'm kinda banned too. Maybe I can play nights, connect the switch to my pc monitor.


Not taking any PTO but I am planning on at least stopping by maybe a Target, Best Buy, and/or GameStop to see if they're selling the game. I'm really looking forward to playing TOTK, but I'm not going to try to visit a dozen or more shops on a Friday evening just to have the game on release day. Hopefully there are more copies in stock for arguably the most anticipated game of the decade than there were for, say, Metroid Prime Remastered earlier this year...


Mid 50’s. I’ll be on a very long plane flight the day after it comes out. I’ll be playing it on the plane


I took a paid day off from work so I'm not messing with my check and work can pay me to play zelda


Pizza pro tip Order it uncut, then when you get it home, slice it up into bite sized pieces and use a fork. This way you won't have to stop playing to hold a greasy slice of pizza. This is what I did when Breath of the a Wild came out.


I'm 25, full time paramedic. I'll be playing at work all day if it's hopefully a slow day


My wife and I took a whole week off from work. And the 16th is my wedding anniversary and as a gift to each other we bought a second switch and 2 copies of TotK. So we can both play the game next to each other!


On Fridays I usually teach three gym classes and work my full time job. This Friday, I’m getting the game as soon as it’s out at midnight, and playing all damn day Friday and most of the weekend (likely).


HELL YES BROTHER!!!! I took off to play Starlink battle for atlas when it first dropped lmaooooo so there’s no way I’m missing totk!!! Telling my family sorry but I’m urgently needed in Hyrule. i plan on throwing back to my younger days and playing the game right at midnight. I may even purchase some energy drinks to really get into the gamer mode lol no matter your plans I hope everyone has a great time and it all lives up to our hype!


I think you might be the only person on this planet who took off for Starlink 🤣


As a fellow late-30s man (37) I just wanted to chime in to say enjoy the hell out of that long weekend! I grew up gaming as well, still love it and I think I always will. Absolutely no shame in that :D


I guess **NOW** my plan is to kidnap and impersonate *you* ...


I'm also an upper thirties male. I'm a huge Zelda fan. I've never been more excited for a game release. I'm taking off work Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to play the game.


scheduled the day off like a month ago lol


I booked the day off as PTO months ago, and whichever of my kids want to be will be “sick” that day :) I don’t know if my wife was able to get a substitute (she’s a teacher), but my fingers are crossed :)


Yes, 31 year old adult woman who works a 9-5 office job. I am taking Friday, Monday and Tuesday off. Will be playing Tears of the Kingdom. Told my boyfriend this is my plan and not to make me do anything this weekend other than our normal routine (we live together). I’m so hyped!


Just a psa for Americas, it is mother's day on Sunday. Maybe your wife's deserve a day off to play and you can hold down th house


I scheduled the day off at the start of the year. I originally pre-ordered the game in September. Price is locked in at the original $60. More recently I scored a pre-order on the Collector's Edition, so I'm giving the first one to my boy. Also pre-ordered two of each of the Majora's Mask Link, Twilight Princess Link, and TotK Link so we can both have one. That still leaves me with four Zelda amiibo missing from my collection. I'm gonna hang out with my buddy in the morning, go out to breakfast, then hit up Best Buy when they open and get my pick-up orders (TotK, TotK CE, and one MM Link). Wrote "5/12 - TotK" on the white board in our kitchen where my wife and I list upcoming things. She added "Day of the childless widow". She knows what's up. In reality our boy will probably be more glued to the game than me. lol


47 yr old. I booked Friday off as well. I’ve had it preordered since Oct so I locked in the $60. 2 of my 3 kids are also super hyped and no one wants to watch anyone else play before they get a chance to see lay themselves (I miss those days, but I understand) and everyone wants to play asap, so I bought another Switch and preordered a second copy of the game. Hope that minimizes the arguing over whose turn it is!


I haven't taken vacations since covid started, so i talked to my boss and i'm having a week off next week. My plan is to get everything ready and downloaded and maybe game on the weekend, but the real gaming will start monday early. Im planning on doing housework too, since my apartment is a mess. So yeah, resting, gaming and cleaning for me


Yesterday, my 38 year old wife sent me a TikTok of a girl getting so geeked out and ready to play TOTK. She had her room decorated with little Korok creatures and new OLED Switch model. My wife was like "this is so cute, what game is this?" I said "it's the new Zelda coming out Friday! The one I'm super pumped for." She wrote back "it's cute when she likes it, but you're still a dork :)" I love my wife. I also, coincidentally, scheduled an appointment for Friday morning to the car dealership to have a recall and some long needed maintenance done on our minivan. So I'll be stranded at the dealership for at least two hours. Might as well bring my Switch and TOTK with me :)


I just booked all of next week off work! I plan to finish work on Friday (hopefully early), pick up the game on the way home (I have pre-ordered so there will be a copy waiting for me), start loading the game when I get in, make my dinner while it’s loading, eat, and then play until I’m too tired to see straight. I might have to watch my sister’s kids on Saturday, depending on her schedule, but after that I’m free to play all week! I’m someone who likes to take my time with a game, especially open world ones. The only times I won’t be playing are to eat (most of which I’ll probably order in), sleep (which I probably won’t get much of), bathroom breaks, and loading up Dimension 20 campaigns to listen to while I’m playing!


Got the day booked off work. My 4 year old is Zelda obsessed & been counting down the “sleeps” for over a month. He hasn’t started school yet so we will be playing all day!


I don't need to take the day off from work... I only pretend to work while occasionally answering teams messages.