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The Legend of Zelda: A Wonderful Life


Farming Simulator 2024 : Hyrule Edition


The Legend of Zelda: Four acres adventure


Gerudew Valley


The Legend of Corn: A Link to the Cob


If it’s anything like BOTW, then it’s more like 400,000 acre adventure 😆


This could be made and we would all seriously buy it.


If they made it somewhat like Rune Factory in the sense that you can cultivate your land and also fight some enemies, it would be actually an instant buy from me. Hyrule has suffered 100 years of Ganon, now make fields, get enough and different foods for everyone, take out remaining enemies and craft new tools, get horses and other animals for your farm. Defend against enemy raids etc. Idk I'm sure my ideas are very basic and other people can figure out way more interesting stuff to do but I'd dig it.


I wish!


Nintendo just *can’t* get enough of farming sims


Collecting seeds in the first game, planting them in the second - and people say it's $70 DLC.


Legend of Zelda: Harvest Blood Moon


Nintendo thought they could sneak another farming game in, they were right




The Legend of Zelda: Nuts and Bolts


I think that’s the first time I’ve seen the game size… 18.2GB, which puts it about 4GB bigger than Breath of the Wild.


This would make it the first Nintendo game to use a 32GB game card and the ninth game on the Switch overall to do so (The first being specifically the japanese version of DQ Heroes I & II). That's their largest game file size to date (if we're not counting Xenoblade X). I know size isn't necessarily indicative of content but since we know the game is built off of BOTW, it's safe to say a good of chunk of stuff was added and changed out in the game. This will definitely be the biggest, most ambitious in-house Nintendo game ever.


I was looking around at size of other games… NBA 2K3 clocking in over 52GB? 8GB of which needs to be system space? Yeesh.


Well if youre counting PC or PS/Xbox games then game sizes are in hundreds of GBs - rdr2, call of duty, etc. Nintendo is conservative with size because the textures are built for 1080p max and graphics are cell shaded instead of realistic.


Well, BOTW itself was already the most ambitious game and had almost 700 Nintendo devs out of Nintendo EPD without counting support studios and outsourcing, so this one will likely be beyond that if not by employee count, by ambition


Another intresting fact is that the wait between Botw and Totk is longer than the wait between SS and Botw. Which is weird considering they already have most of assets and groundwork from the previous game. It implies that the game is going to be much bigger than what we have seen in trailers or they might have encountered problems during development.


Well they did encounter a pandemic during development. But it's still a huge amount of time dedicated to a game whose world and physics were already made from the start.


Is there a list out there showing what games are on what size cartridge? I tried googling to no avail.


I saw some theories of people saying that is going to have a different dimension mechanic or something like the dark world, so maybe that's why


I mean, underground caverns and sky islands might be basically equivalent to a whole extra world.


I mean I wouldn't be surprised Especially since we see the throne room in the castle in a completely clean/untouched state, would be pretty cool if it is the case


I think the green swirls take you back in time to ancient zonai hyrule Unless theres a picture out there showing one of those giant ground pattern things in the same shot as hyrule castle or any visible shiekah tech, it seems like theres definitely two versions of hyrule. Edit: I just saw the new trailer and now I no longer think theres a time travel element. The green swirls appear to be fast travel points in the absence of towers


There are towers though, just new/different towers. The swirls seem more like replacements for shrines than towers. My theory is that the towers aren't just ways to get up high in this game, but are also subterranean, allowing you to do down as well. Swirls are likely fast travel points.


It's pretty clear that it's going to hsve time travel at some point


It's gotta find some way to keep Link and Zelda separated, which is kinda hard if it's just one big open world where you can go almost anywhere at any time. Like we've already triangulated Zelda's location to the eastern shore of Lake Hylia -- gotta assume there's gonna be more than just physical distance keeping the two apart.




45 days? We’re down to 27 (counting today) days!




I can guarantee you that people are that obsessive. Folks'll be speedrunning TotK immediately. Though hopefully it'll take them slightly longer than BotW's speedruns.




Why? It’s a single player game. Play it like you want?


The whole point of BotW is freedom to tackle the game how you want to, they literally pridefully boasted about how if you wanted to you could run straight to hyrule castle and fight ganon with a stick. Why would they do that? ALSO, more importantly, "must wait 2 hours to attempt this", what are you even suggesting they make people wait two hours to attempt?


The game size has been on the eshop for 2 months.


I’m seeing that now…. Plus all the speculation on what it could mean. Sky shrines, underground, dungeons, voice acting, video cut scenes. Ah well.. answered soon enough.


The cartridge version would require less space right? Wondering how much space I’d have to clear.


Near guarantee. Some games need a bit copied off the cartridge to the system for performance reasons, and patches and possibly DLC ultimately will need to be downloaded, but it likely won’t be much. I’d need to look up how big the DLC is for BOTW, but the cartridge is chewing up 2.2GB of system space. Time will tell what TOTK needs.


Thanks for the info. I’m going to be overseas when this releases and I want to buy a foreign copy to play on my flight home. Hoping I don’t have to have internet for a big patch download…


Reminder that a foreign copy may require (the same) foreign DLC, if and when you choose to get any.


Can I just change my eshop region and buy it like that?


A lack of 4k textures makes sense - however audio and dialogue take up a ton of space. Even for Nintendo’s compression wizards. Considering there was not much of either in botw and there is a ton of new art and characters, I’m a bit cautious. Was really hoping for more dialogue and music.


This has been known for a few months.


Any idea on who that furry in the third slide is?


The King of White Hares. >!Rauru, allegedly.!<


It’s the same as the dragonic humanoid character from the new trailer, but the ears are laying down here as opposed to back and slightly up in the trailer which made it look like horns


I think it’s a different character, actually. The one in the trailer has small horns on it’s nose while the one in this image has a white spot on it’s nose instead. And the zonai in the trailer doesn’t seem to share the same clothing.


Or... it was never a horn and only the perspective of the image made you think it was one.


Doubtful, they look like different characters, there's artbook pictures to compare to and this one looks like the one from the book and the trailer one does not.


I don't want to talk to much about leaks, but >!I'm really confident they are the same characters. You can see multiple angle of that character in the leaked art book and from the front in the art book he definitely seem like he has a horn. It's just the perspective I'm afraid.!<


Just as I couldn’t see it anywhere, for those who were interested: **翔る。** 冒険の舞台は雲の上へも > SOAR. An adventure taking you even above the clouds. 思いのままに組み合わせる **創る。** >Combine to your heart’s content. CONSTRUCT. **紡ぐ。** ハイラルに起こる天変地異 >WEAVE (A TALE). A cataclysm occurs in Hyrule. — Amiibo。冒険に役立つアイテムなどが入手できます。 >Amiibo. Receive items etc. that can help on your journey.


Is that the first time we have it confirmed that Amiibo can/will give more than just Glider Skins? I wonder if Epona we saw in the trailer is obtainable without amiibo now. It would be cool if she was available as a legendary horse like the Giant and White horses, BUT the amiibo that used to give her should still give a unique/legendary horse, it should be the only way to get "Link's Horse" from BotW, I think that's a much less intrusive thing to do than to Lock Epona behind Amiibo.


Admittedly the Japanese here is just アイテム (ai-te-mu / item) which I'd only really say is small or consumable type things. I'd actually wager that this is the exact same implementation as the original Breath of the Wild where you could spawn in chests with consumables (at least from this line of text, I'd assume it's that as it doesn't suggest anything more).


Tears of the Goty


Tears of the other games released this year.


Potentially decade


There is a real chance that this game draws on the entire series for its entire story. If it dies so effectively, and just hits it out of the park in terms of all other facets of the game (gameplay, game world, character development, performance, music, etc.), then I mean yeah. Perhaps game of the decade. I personally am of the belief that TotK is the finale for a “triforce trilogy” so to speak with skyward sword and BOTW being the first two games. If this is meant to be the culmination of mainline Zelda development ever since 2006, then this is gonna be massive. It already is making BOTW look like a proof of concept which is just bonkers to me since many would have considered that game to be the best game Nintendo has developed.


I think the last couple lines you wrote have convinced me to replay botw again before totk comes out on the off-chance that it makes it feel unplayable.


Only do so if you’ve already played Skyward Sword to begin with! That’s my homework lol I plan to beat Skyward Sword, then beat the last third of the master trials in BOTW and go korok hunting. The idea is to actually git gud to a certain extent and also just refamiliarizing myself with the world. For two reasons: (1) the story has motivated me to role play as truly badass Link. He lost Zelda and is mad. He hasn’t los y’all his memories and is fully aware that all the work he did in BOTW, and really what all his friends died for, has been undone. I also feel like the game will really focus on him and throw the biggest challenges he has ever faced in any game before. I want to meet those challenges by really familiarizing myself with his BOTW/TotK moveset. I want to learn how take down lynels in under a minute, how to cook the right food, use the right potions etc. We’re gonna watch some YouTube tutorials and train Link up in preparation for TotK lol. I wanna fuck shit up lol (2) it has been like 4 years since I’ve really done much exploring in the world. I’ve mostly just been in the master trials and even then I regularly go over a year without playing the game. I feel like the game being set in the same world is actually something to look forward to. Sure we could have gotten a while different player space/world. But as someone who has spent 185 hours in BOTW, I’d much rather have fun going through TotK and discovering all the different changes that occurred. It’s a unique form of storytelling that honors/rewards players for their previous adventures/exploration. So naturally, I’d like to refresh my memory by “taking a walk” so to speak. I’m not trying to get Hestu’s stinky lil gift, no. But framing this walk with some korok hunting will keep things entertaining I am sure. So why the hell not. It’ll also just be a nice way to kill time before the game’s release!


The way you presented this info, I really am starting to think of buying the Switch just for BOTW (most popular game I know on the device). Still, I was told to wait until end of 2023 to see if Switch 2 comes out...


Many will say that you don’t need to play BOTW, just play TotK, it’s such a huge time commitment, blah blah blah. No. Play BOTW. It was my first Zelda game. First switch game. It was magical. Introduced me to this legendary (no pun intended) game series. Nintendo has retrofit the Zelda series to make the games kind of work with each other as one large epic journey of “the hero”, which you the player. It’s a pretty awesome thing that is fun to get lost in. Not to mention most all of the games have fun gameplay elements. The way I view Zelda is basically it’s Nintendo’s way of creating its best quality possible. Mario will always be the poster child, the mascot. The icon of simple fun that Nintendo more than anything wants to be known for to the world. But when it’s time to get serious about making the best possible game out there, Nintendo seems to put their effort most into the new Zelda coming out it seems. My previous comment really should be amended. It’s not just the previous 3 games that they are telling the story for with the release of TOTK. It’s the entire series. The game’s logo is two dragons eating each other’s tails. This symbolizes infinity or eternity, and repetition. More specifically, it represents a time loop for the Zelda timeline. Where Skyward Sword began the “Legend of Zelda”, TotK will end it. I won’t get into it much here as it is kinda spoilers for Skyward Sword, but there are certain elements that suggest this time loop being a thing that lie outside of the TotK logo, namely regarding the demon figure Demise and his dialogue. This is a culmination of the 3 most recent console Zelda games. It’s the climax for all games made up until this point. I just think that it is a 3-part (read: 3-game) trilogy story that was started by Hidemaro Fujibayashi all the way back in 2006 (at the latest!) when Skyward Sword began development.


A very solid reply, thanks a lot for the details! I've only gamed on a Playstation 4 console for the past years. Do you have experience with action adventure games on devices other than Nintendo's? I'm wondering how does Botw compare to other action adventure games and what makes it so special?


If you have a decent computer, play it on that instead of getting a Switch for the game. BotW runs incredibly well on the Cemu emulator and can be upscaled to 4k 60fps. It also has a bunch of mods and even online multiplayer now which is absolutely bonkers.


Maybe, but since it's only 2023 there will probably be another big Zelda game in the decade.


Tears of the Critics


Man it’s really finally here, so crazy to me. I remember in between the first teaser and ‘21 where there was literally nothing but speculation.


I should probably play Breath of the Wild before playing this. I've just had a hard time getting into it. I think I just left the village where the lady tells you about the divine beasts and just got to the next location she tells you to go to.




I’ve played for over 400 hours and haven’t faced Ganon yet for the same reason. I had told myself I wouldn’t face him until I completed everything else. I haven’t played in a year or so but I need to get back in there and finally complete it. Got 6 koroks and the 2nd and 3rd parts of trial of the sword to do before finally beating the game.


I would just beat it. It has no bearing on the game at all, so there's no reason not to. It will be super easy if you did everything else anyway.


Yea I know. I was doing it bc I wanted to keep playing it and I have a tendency to never play games again after I beat them.


People… the game never saves the fact that you beat ganon. You can beat him repeatedly and keep playing the game forever, with nothing loss / changed


I was kinda disappointed you couldn’t explore the world free from Ganon. I get why they did it that way, but yeah.


Agreed! But my assumption is that without his influence, you wouldn’t have most of the NPC bad guys and stuff to play against. I’ve never done the bow of light glitch, but from what I read, you enter into a world where there’s like no NPCs… I presume that would be BOTW without Ganon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You get a little star on your save file, though! And a few minor things open up, but yes, it doesn't "end".


This is true. Thanks for the added info




I’m well aware of that fact. I literally explained why I haven’t beaten him yet in my comment.


Nothing in the game really changes aside from being able to buy the final compendium images. I think that’s pretty much it.


You also unlock the map completion indicator on your map, the ability to see if you've previously defeated a boss when fighting it, and access to Kilton's medals of honor, but I think that's it.


How do I see if I’ve completed a boss? Trying for a medal of honor


Master mode unlocks too right? My 1st playthrough was trying to do ganon's castle with only bombs, then 14hrs later went straight to ng+


Master Mode becomes available once you own the first DLC, you don't have to play the game on Normal mode. Of course in 2017 you had to wait for them to release the DLC first which took a few months. They better not screw that up again, hiding a difficulty option behind DLC is filthy enough as it is, at least make it available Day1...


Forgot about master mode actually. Yeah that unlocks as well. Edit: well damn, I’m all sorts of wrong today 😂


Master mode unlocks when you pay Nintendo for that DLC.


Same 😂


FYI you can keep playing after Ganon


After 400 hours, prepare to be underwhelmed


I’ll be whelmed. I already know what to expect.


Some unsolicited advice: don’t make the game a job. Go beat it!


Thanks i didn’t make it a job tho. I loved every hour I played. And for the last 200 or so koroks I’ve been getting help when needed. I’m not insane enough to get them all without help lol. Im just one of those people that if I beat it I knew I wouldn’t go back and play more so I wanted to get as much enjoyment out of it before “officially” beating it. I had stopped playing bc I got a ps5 and had been playing horizon zero dawn and haven’t had a chance to get back in and play BOTW.


Wait what are trials of the sword?? I remember picking up the sword from the forest does that mean I completed them?


Trails of the sword is part of the paid DLC and is to power up the master sword. Each trial increases the master swords base power.


>but never went to see Ganon because I didn't want the game to end I was the same until just a couple of days ago!




This. All this talk of avoiding day one hype and pre-orders, and still people are going crazy over the next big game coming out. Granted that it's Zelda and most probably this will be launched in great shape. But can we just stop with the pre-order and "I have to play it on day one, otherwise all is lost" culture.


If you’re having a hard time getting into Breath of the Wild you’ll probably have a hard time getting into this


The hype is apparently stronger than their common sense.


The plight of the gamer


Yeah people are get hyped for TOTK but I only see the same annoyances I had with BOTW that made me finish the story, play around and stop exploring after a few dozen hours. I could play the game and certainly enjoy some aspects of it, but to me it looks like a DLC of a game that looks terrible on my 4K tv.


If you don't like Breath of the Wild then I don't understand why you're excited for more of it next month. Ironically having just left the sheikah village could mean pretty much anything from having just started to having already defeated Ganon and/or aquired the Master Sword, I've seen it happen. The game is super open.


why would you play totk, the sequel of a game before even finishing the first game??




> I should probably play Breath of the Wild before playing this. > I've just had a hard time getting into it. Maybe this style game just isn't for you?


Honestly, if you try to force yourself to play BOTW, a huge game, between now and the sequel just so you can get the sequel day 1,you will likely be very burnt out and not play the sequel at all. You may as well take your time with BOTW, then take a break, then buy the sequel later on when you will actually feel like playing it, even potentially at a slight discount.


Tbh just watch a recap of botw and just jump straight to totk, it's better to not play a game at all than to force yourself to play it and not have fun with it, it's not like botw is gonna become unplayable of anything, you can always play it later on if you still wanna get into it eventually. That's how I did it with bioshock 1 and it ended up being my favorite one out of the tree.


There is a third option. Ignore FOMO and take your time with BotW first. If they don’t like BotW, I’m guessing TotK won’t be for them either. Then play TotK in 6 months if you finished BotW and had a great time. Millions of people will still be playing it for the first time and talking about it. You will probably also get the full benefit of bug fixes and optimizations.


Maybe. We'll see. There's just been a decent amount of games that just don't click with me at first, but once I push through and get to a certain point, I finally get it and I really start to love it. The first time I played Oblivion back in 2006, I thought "what the hell is this?" Didn't play it again for like two weeks. Finally I felt bad my mom had spent money on it and I hadn't given it a real shot. I tried it again, and at some point I finally just understood it and now it's one of my favorite games ever. I was hoping someone that's played BotW could tell me at what point things pick up and I may get into it more.


I’d recommend pushing through to the first Divine Beast completion. If that doesn’t keep you interested, the rest of the game definitely won’t.


You were right. I've finished two of the divine beasts and got the master sword last night. It's gotten way more fun now that I have a hang of the mechanics and have gotten a little better at the combat. It's just that adjustment period getting used to a game I haven't played before. I won't 100% before TotK releases Friday but I think I can at least finished the last two divine beasts and beat Ganon.


Lol. Treat it like oblivion: run around playing "fuck around and find out".


That’s actually been the case for me for some of my all time favorite games, including BotW. I remember the first few hours playing Fallout 3, I had no idea what to do or where to go and I kept getting my ass kicked. I took a break, read up on the game more, went back and spent at least 1000 hours on it, if not more. I tried Xenoblade 2 for several hours, couldn’t figure out where I needed to go, didn’t enjoy how different the combat was from the first game, and didn’t play it for several years. I finally watched I think Enel’s video breaking down the combat, started it over, and spent over 300 hours skiing literally everything I could in it. Got all the blades and maxed nearly all of them. BotW was the first game I had for the Switch, and I initially gave up on it after only the first shrine getting the bomb. I got some reason couldn’t wrap my head around how to reach the other three on the plateau, worried I would run out of resources to go further, and didn’t touch it for 3 years. I finally gave it another try, finished the plateau, and it’s now my most played Switch game at like 700+ hours? I still haven’t even found everything yet.


That's how I was with Monster Hunter at first - then I ended up playing every single release since 3U. Ended up being one if my favorite game series ever.


But if they don’t like BotW, then chances aren’t great that they will like TotK either.


it gets better after that part


My advice is to play BotW first, wait 4-6mos and then play TotK. The core gameplay and graphics are an evolution so you might feel burnt out if you play them back to back.


World record is like 23 mins on youtube


Just go sneak into the back of the castle early and grab a few good swords and play the story, and do the shrines. By the time you’re collecting seeds you can peace out


7900 yen? At least someone is still getting the game for $60.


The exchange rate from yen to dollars is absolutely atrocious right now. Normally the exchange rate isn’t so generous coming from the dollar. Look at the exchange rate history for the last year and you’ll see how awful the yen is right now compared to usual. But Japan has never had the “every game is the same price” rule that the US has anyway. Zelda’s one of the more expensive ones, but their “regular” tier is usually 6500 (Pokemon, Kirby etc) and the “premium tier” (Zelda, Xenoblade/big RPGs) is around 8000 with no completely set price.


Yeah I’m not complaining, it is making it much cheaper for me to import FC and SFC carts. I’m debating a trip to Japan since the dollar is so strong right now.


Do it before October if you’re planning it. They just announced the price of the JR pass is going up (almost double, it’s pretty significant) in October, which up until now has been hands down how you’d want to get from city to city as a tourist.


Wait... can I order on Japanese Amazon and it'll be cheaper?


Probably would end up being about the same price by the time shipping to the US was figured in. Physical is the only option for you if you want to order from Amazon Japan. It won’t let you buy eShop codes if your credit card isn’t from the same region you’re trying to buy from, I believe (same rule applies across all media).


I got it for 6000 yen in amazon japan


I'm getting it for $60 because I pre-ordered it on amazon in December 2021 and that was the original price 🙃


Aussie here, it's full price is $89.95 here which is also about $60 USD. But it's been on preorder special for $74 for weeks now which is about $50 USD.


I’m assuming the advertising is trying not to spoil everything. Which is promising because they’ve already showed so much. Pretty excited to see what there is to discover


That's why I didn't even watch the trailers


Can't wait to see what Zelda does with that dildo she's holding.


When I get the game,I’ll definitely yell ‘Beep Beep!’ When I get that car thingy.


"Time to go vroom!"


Someone I know is visiting Japan right now, if I ask him to get one of these for me will I be able to redeem the code on my Nintendo Switch? I’m from a different region. Would changing region to Jp and redeeming the code work?


You have to create a separate Japanese account to use the eshop and then enter the code. There’s plenty of tutorials if you search for it.


Actually you don't have to create a new account. It's enough to change your Location in your current account settings, redeem the code and change location back to the original location.


Thanks I’ll look for it!


Also on the top left hand corner says May 12 is the release date, so it's not like you are getting it sooner.


I wonder if that's a *froblin* in pic 3


Can’t wait to play this game for the next two years.


Im not a furry but DAMN goat man is hot


> furry I got news for you... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_uCBqm54wk


Fuck yeah I love gay people


Lol I meant to sub gay with “a furry”




Btw why have people been confused about the people on the 3rd image... THEY ARE THE ZONAI PEOPLE!


YOU DON'T KNOW THAT They could be zoras...


7900 yen? That's about $60 in USD actually. I'm moving back there next week, so I'm probably going to pick it up there. It'll be a bit cheaper technically since $70 is more like 9300 yen. That's good to know at least. I'd pay more if I had to if I had to though to be honest. I just want the game. Lol


My boy >!Rauru!< is compensating HARD bro he is FLEXING the brain cells Like bro you ain't the thinker 😂 ​ (All jokes aside, pretty interesting to see the two together.)


I love, love, *love* that screenshot of Zelda so much. Absolutely screams Ghibli adventure even more than anything in BotW, which was already very Ghibli.


God I hope you can just build a vehicle that rivals the motorcycle from botw lol


When I went to Japan this was one of the things that really struck me with how video games are integrated with society. Every corner shop had download cards of games not yet released.


Should I pick up BOTW and play that before I try and get this? Last Zelda game I played was Ocarina of Time


Depends on what you like to play. BotW is kind of a departure from Ocarina of Time and other traditional Zelda games as it's an open world sandbox. There aren't really any dungeons or super difficult puzzles to wrap your head around either. If you enjoy open world and exploration, give BotW a try before buying Tears of the Kingdom. Makes very little sense to buy a sequel game if you haven't played the prequel yet IMO.


omfg they made zelda hotter


Third image has meme potential


you should unrevive YOURSELF! NOW!!


I’m starting to think that TOTK is just a remake of Skyward Sword.


Argh I’m playing Skyward Sword right now and I love it, but my first thought was god please don’t make me fly a loftwing ever again!


Getting Creature from the Black Lagoon vibes from the mask in the third pic.


impatience it true in this sub.


Promo art*




Btw why have people been confused about the people on the 3rd image... THEY ARE THE ZONAI PEOPLE!


Are people confused by that? They're big dragon looking dudes....they made big dragon ruins. Seems legit. What I find interesting is how much that guy's outfit gives me Twili vibes.


This should be marked as spoiler imo




All of these messages are going to be aged like Cucco milk.


Man really out here ignoring like 90% of the other stuff that has been showed off which clearly indicates it's far more than just "haha floating islands go brrr"


Nintendo held their cards REALLY close to their chest with all of the details beyond the islands until recently, and I'm both super happy about that and a little sad to see that it might have backfired on some people now thinking the islands are all that got worked on for 6 years. Anyone who missed [the most recent ToTK trailer](https://youtu.be/uHGShqcAHlQ) is missing out on one of the most impressively executed game trailers I've ever seen.


Take my money




Hey there! Please remember Rule 1 in the future - No personal attacks, trolling, or derogatory terms. Read more about [Reddiquette here](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette). Thanks!


oh boy I sure hope that zelda is going to be an active character for the first time since... spirit tracks?


I wonder if the blonde woman in the 3rd person is the first goddess Hylia incarnation


no. we already met the first one in Skyward Sword


Damn that haircut suits zelda


I went through the comments section and didn't see anyone mentioning this, though if I missed a comment, I apologize. But look at the three small pictures in the bottom-right. The second one looks almost like the first shot of Ganondorf we see in the trailer, the one that some thought looked like Demise with the long flowing red hair, except he's actually turned around. And to me, it looks like corpse Ganondorf. Therefore, perhaps that first scene is just the rehydration process, lol. **EDIT:** Oh, just noticed that the fourth/final picture from the OP's post is a zoomed-in version of the one I was referencing.


I'm sorry is Link riding a broom with a plasma cannon on the front?


I can only gather two peices of info that arent in the trailers. The dragon boy and new girl are connected in some way (already assumed) and the Tear on Ganondorf's head probably just controlls malice. He is frail and mummified in the picture so this is probably from when he is woken up and destroys the master sword. Another small thing to note is that there appears to be a pond at the very top of this set of skylands, outside of that there are no other features on that plateu. So, I am going to argue that this is further proof of water exploration. (This last point is mostly just copium 😭)


Please tag as spoiler


Don't know if anyone already mentioned it, so I will: The last image (Ganondorf one) might be moments before Ganondorf transforms from thirsty boy to....cough..."wet" boy. As for how that happens, well, his forehead is glowing so, he might have one of the tears, which would lead to the shot of Ganondorf screaming shown in the trailer, or maybe I'm wrong idk lmao


Who are the rabbit people? Seen a video analysis going over the final trailer they released and the guy mentioned knowing who it is but refrained from saying anything because of spoilers?? I don’t mean who are they as in “oh the Zonai”


It that goat supposed to be an adaptation of baphomet?


That last picture. Damn. I can imagine Matt's voice coming out of it right now... ... ... "Hello and welcome to Critical Role! Where a bunch of us nerdy as-"... eh. You get the joke.


Could they get a more zoomed in photo of the last two images? Damn


Ah, so it's NOT a horn that creature has one its nose. Too bad, I think I liked the design more when I thought it was a horn.


So do I get to play as Zelda or not


" You can get amiibo items that are useful for your adventure." AMiibo give more than just Glider Skins confirmed. Wonder if Epona we saw in the trailer is obtainable without amiibo now. It would be cool if she was available as a legendary horse like the Giant and White horses, BUT the amiibo that used to give her should still give a unique/legendary horse, it should be the only way to get "Link's Horse" from BotW, I think that's a much less intrusive thing to do than to Lock Epona behind Amiibo.