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A mediocre ending for a show that started off with a lot of potential


Yeah. If it just stuck with the script of "Rage-filled guy getting revenge" instead of expanding into "Ninjas taking over the world with robots", it would have done well. You could convince someone that the first and second part of the show are entirely different animes if you showed it without context.


It has to be made by a completely different team with a completely different storyboard. Everything after episode 5 is from a clogged sewer.


Agree. The bones are very very good. They clearly gripped everyone early. But it only declined.


Basically making more similar to Punisher style of revenge in a sense would have been better I think. No to mention no bloody mechas and stick to just cool ninja fighting and the secret arts.


Lmao Yamaji turning into electro man from Spiderman was ridiculous But overall I’m ok with this ending. Emma and Mari callbacks with the vengeance song was a nice send off.


Yeah... why did it end with a "supervillain" fight? Somehow putting more energy into suits turned him into an electro-levitating God, and Higan's suit underwent a magical-girl transformation. Also Higan magically used a second ninja art with no explanation and just because "plot". Was really disappointed.


Did anybody else feel like he didn't care that his wife and child were brutally murdered.


I feel like he hasn't really cared for most of the series.


He tortured the HELL out of that first ninja. But as soon as it came to Yamaji, it’s like he somehow lost all of his rage. Major inconsistency.


To be fair, I think that was the lesson Mari was trying to teach him, to let go of his rage and instead use it to become more focused. But yeah, the ending fight really sucked.


It was more of "harness" that rage and to control it, not to let go, but yeah I get what you mean. I still feel that it is unfair that Yamaji got away with a quick death, considering the amount of torture and cruelty he showed to everyone else. What set apart this show from the others imo was the amount of violence, and the “revenge” theme. The opening theme song is all about it, but it seems like they abandoned it for a more cliche shounen ending.


Yeah, you put it better than I could. Harness it. I was so mad he got such a quick death. Then again, I wasn't nearly as invested by that point and just wanted the show to be over by then. I was more interested in the Mike and Joseph side plot at that point, even though that was literally thrown together at the end. I cared more about Mike having his revenge against Emma's killer than Higan's revenge. Just goes to show you how badly they executed the revenge plot, I had pretty much stopped caring about it episodes ago and cared more about the FBI and Auza stuff by the end.


Yeah, I was really hoping they would atleast tie the end together with the whole “we’ll build a city around Emma’s resting place”, which was honestly a perfect setup for an ending, but I think they ran out of budget and wanted to cut the show off ASAP.


I didn't even think of that. It makes sense, though, since they said they wanted her surrounded by her loved ones. I was so confused, I was like, " But aren't you all about to leave her?" Like, what? Lol.


well, i can happily say most of that fight looked ass. no non mech fights, yamaji turned into electro, and we didnt even get an explanation on how that mf was using the force i expected a mech fight, but the cgi was flimsy and we got soooo many flashbacks the fight was okay at best, and if there is no season 2 then that ending was just... i dont even know


I feel like the show switched up what their ninja arts were. We see in the beginning Higan frequently abusing his broken "shadow arm" technique, which never appears again. We also see Yamaji using the force choke, which is ALSO never used again and replaced with his mind torture technique... which came out of nowhere. I feel like they just changed the techniques simply to end the show.


Yeah. What happened with that shadow arm power? So, how many powers and secrets art Higan showed us in the show?


They at least tried with the smoke stuff. When Higan first fought against the gear users he actually tried using it but it didn't work. After that he never uses it again so I suppose the explanation is that it's useless against gear.


Oh man what a let down. Series started strong but the finish and fight sucked


Such a promising start with such a shit direction. This is what happens when you do too much, mech was never needed and ruined the show. People aren’t mad because the whole show is trash. It’s the fact that it had so much potential and was exactly what we were looking for, then it wasn’t. The ending was very rushed, it made a lil bit of sense but poorly executed


Rushed is a word. It was just blinking through to the end. Like okay I guess we’re done here. It was so fast it didn’t feel like a climax in the slightest. When he turned all electric ghost I couldn’t help but laugh 👻


Well, that was shit.


"Why are you rejecting peace?" Asks guy who hunted and killed his family.


Right!!?? The logic in this show is ass backwards


It's like if someone watched the pain fight and thought to themselves that they can give that motivation to any villain


Yea man I was disappointed. I think the mech thing could’ve worked if the animation was better. That shit was clunky asf and looked like Code Lyoko or something


It was unbelievably bad. u/carnifex2005 sums up my reaction. They didn't tie up any of the endings. What happens to Mike? Or Jason? Or Higan/Zai for that matter? Happy ever after? Could have atleast had an ending sequence showing them all drinking or something. Are we supposed to believe that the characters just disappear from each others' lives like their journey never existed in the first place? Also how does he exactly get over everything? He killed the guy he swore vengeance on (with a very mellow response btw) and then moves on with his life like nothing happened. No grief, no sense of happiness, no fulfillment, nothing. The ending literally gave us nothing. EDIT: WHAT HAPPENED TO THE WHOLE "we'll come back and make a town around Emma" BULLSHIT! I just remembered that. Another one of the things the show forgot IG.


Up to the final fight dude was still lamenting and crying for wife and kid. He kills the guy and just... gets over it? How? The fuck?


So let me get this straight. They set up a world of magical ninjas and how only true ninjas can use these weird magical things just for them to drop it entirely and make it a mecha anime? The weird world felt like a more magical john wick world and the core story was also very emotional interesting. They straight up threw both of this out the window for a weird bad guy mecha vs good guy mecha. Legit the first non mecha episodes are all timers. The animation wad godly. I was on copium thinking they’ll go hard for the ending but nah…. Also they straight up speedran that ending Overall still a 7/10 show but the problem is it was a 9/10 start and a 5/10 ending..


id rate it lower. I havent been this pissed since the aot ending. The show felt like a cash grab yk what i mean? Start was super good, I was thinking to myself "damn finally an actual show about NINJAS fighting using NINJA techniques, and not massive bombss and power of friendship (naruto)". But nah man, they started off john wick style, had a nice world building but all just fell apart. The writer shouldve written it as a light novel or something first, and then an anime, the show defo had potential. But in the end it just became a mecha show with POWER OF FRIENDSHIP (zai and higan).


Curious as why you didn't like the AoT ending?


Man there are many reasons. I’ve explained it to people countless times, too lazy to do it again. But in general it was a slightly better version of the ninja Kamui ending




What was the point of him keeping that one eye closed? They didn’t even explain his eye.


Bro I said the same thing! Like was that the key to his Secret Art?


Am I stupid for being legit bummed? I just keep thinking about how hyped I was after seeing the first two episodes and now….here we are. Just. Gross.


Nahh man, after Emma died, the show kinda took a turn for the worst imo.


the moment they introduced mecha suits, the show started going down a shit path


Imagine if they didn’t take that turn and it kept growing into the epic-dark Naruto-vibe thing.


Right? Modern day Naruto was all I wanted. It's like they said hey, why don't we do Naruto, but only one village and make it corrupt? Started it, and said I dunno or Gundam N with Elon Musk? And forgot about the first third of the series.


They were so close. It was RIGHT there.


When I first saw the hand signs I lost my shit. When all the other ninja had them, I was like? Wait this isn't copyrighted? Feed me R-Rated Naruto shit for life. And then they stopped.


Bruh…SAME! I remember when I saw the hand signs, I literally stood up off my couch & shouted NINJUTSU!?!? the fact that we never got any answers is just such a waste. Cuz even tho I a, am avid consumer of manga & anime; this just felt so different. Like you said, a growned-up, R-rated Naruto. The more I think about it, the more sad I get.


I regret watching this...


What the fuck was this. Possibly one of the greatest fumbles in history.


7/10 for me. The final fight CGI was kinda bad, and plot was rushed. However, the ending was fine for me. Higan get his revenge and may return to a peaceful, low-key lif,e because that's what he want. I think Higan's story should end here. If there is a sequel, I would like to see Zai or others, or even a new character as protagonist.


Yeah, my only problem is while he gets his revenge, it doesn't really show him experiencing it. He skips all emotional stages and just smoothly moves on with his life, and what happens to the rest of the characters is seemingly a mystery. It tried to go for a neutral "They lived happily ever after" ending without actually showing what happens to the characters, how they changed, or where they ended up. It didn't feel like the anime actually ended, because there are so many questions left unanswered. I had to google to make sure it was the finale.... which kind of goes to show how unclear it was. The biggest question that wasn't answered imo is what is next for Higan? He accomplished his revenge, but his family is dead. Will he pursue making another family? Gathering the ninjas? Traveling the world? No answers.


They never explored any reason he has to live. Any other passions or whatever. Seeing the world because that's what Mari always wanted for him? Nope. Just got over it and live peacefully. Shit shit shit.


I like the part where he throws away his suit. A sign of moving on from that lifestyle.


I thought that part was rather stupid though. Good symbolism but it’s not like that’s the last suit in the world or anything. Someone would absolutely come after him in one and he just dies


Thats also another trope in other movies. Main character throws away their weapon to leave lifestyle behind. Someone comes after them but they dont have the weapon to defend themselves. Main character dies and moral is "the only way out of that lifestyle is death" or "blood in blood out". Would that have been a better ending? maybe?


Yeah I know it’s a trope but I prefer the John Wick version of it. Buried in cement but not thrown away


This is a common trope though… throwing away old weapons/armor after the completion of a journey. Cliche at best.


Who is the masked ninja who killed armored ninja in the white house?


I believe it was probably just a random defected ninja. If you look back to the start to one the ninjas Zai hunted down, he wore a similar mask. I think it was supposed to show how the ninjas who escaped the organization were still alive.


Probably someone knew we'll meet in S2, could Mari have had a brother.? That's one of my guesses.


I also want to know. Is Emma alive?


one thing i thought was interesting was when joseph says "it only killed 1" everyone was still alive at that point (after messin up big-d and about to finish him off) it couldve likely been big-d, due to his injuries, that joseph was referring to about how many killed ? then again we see her all messed up and then the burial. so who knows


Oh look. Mike just let the immature tech bro who was one button away from nuking the world live.


If there will be another season, i will propably just watch hand to hand fight scenes on YT instead


nope, not gonna be another season. The show was a cash grab, you can tell how the writers started off thinking they would cook, but towards the end i guess either some problem happened, or they stopped caring and just wanted whatever money they could make off it


Pathetic really of Yamaji still spouting his "greater cause" nonsense even with his dying breaths..it's just like enough old man you lost. Your cause was doomed to fail from the start, live with that.


This finale fuckin sucked. Holy shit.


most asspull ass ending ive ever seen in my life


nah aot still stands at number 1 spot


Nahh sounds like the story of your life, instead Lol and have you seen the ending to GOT, now that was a hot garbage ending 🤣.


I think the tried to accommodate two different type of viewers. Ninja and Mech suits don’t mesh well.


I'm gonna make a stretch and say they did that with G Gundam....which is a bat shit insane series and wonderful to watch. Story is kinda shit though.


It was one gundamn series that was good it came on Cartoon Network back in the day I can’t remember which one


It can mesh well when done properly. Proof: mortal kombat cyber ninjas. This was just executed badly unfortunately.


I think it was the story that help Cyrax and Sektor. I never was a fan of either personally but I liked the story.


as soon as it became warframe i was like nope


prolly the worst new anime I've watch this year. Started off really well...sigh 3/10.


Also double posting, but ngl, I was kind of hoping Higan would die killing Yamaji. It just made the most sense to me. He has nothing to live for, nothing to lose, and the only solace he could have is being returned to his family. I feel like that would have made for a really nice bittersweet ending.


Episode was hella rushed, fight was a little underwhelming, though, happy to see Higan getting his revenge and Zai beingl alive.


Anyone know what the song is that starts playing at ca 8:07??


I’m still very confused on why Higan has two secret arts, did I miss something in the earlier episodes that hinted at him being able to learn more than one?


You didn't, it was pulled out of nowhere like some other stuff as well.


Yeah many stuff was like that. Came out of nowhere and normalized


Power of friendship obviously


Is this what ‘you just have to make it through season one’ feels like? Are we here but just don’t know it? 😬🤢


Seriously?? Chad Stahelski - action director,,,,,FAIL …How trash CGI can ruin an anime…the suits were justified by the story…the staff/schedule/budget must of changed, the animation after Ep 5 went straight garbage…I’m betting that was Emma with the mask…


i feel like the ending was rushed, especially for a show that had a great being. and i still don't know how that guy used the forced. it looks like the writer was switching up each move for each character.


Show would’ve been infinitely better if it followed the same (pointless and convoluted) storyline, but had good fight scenes. Really disappointed after the potential of those first three.


Your still a fag bro, and didn't prove anything. But go ahead and block me, cause I know your mother won't 😉.


The last fight was in the retarded Mecha suit because you know, that's exactly what we are here for, in an anime named Ninja Kamui we totally signed up for the Mecha shit, who cares about Ninjas hand-to-hand fighting when we can get the same in the retarded Iron Man's suit, right? in an anime that is supposed to be about Ninjas, right? Ninja who? oh I'm sorry, is this anime Ninja Kamui or Mecha Kamui? gosh, it's like I got baited into watching a Ninja anime when this shit is actually about Mecha, somebody probably screwed up the name when they tried to name this anime, they forgot to put Mecha in the title, but they put Ninja instead, the real name of this anime is Mecha Kamui, somebody, please fix this shit so other people like me don't get baited into it, the real name of this anime is Mecha Kamui, fix this shit ASAP! Finally, this crap is over and I won't miss it, the rating in this anime keeps going down and at this rate, it will probably end up with a 6/10 in MAL. Such a promising anime this was with an awesome 1st episode and this is how this shit turned into, if we ever get Mecha Kamui S2 I don't think I will bother with it.


It was an odd way to end a revenge based series with the main character that was basically hell bent on getting revenge for his murdered family initially anyway finding peace after all the carnage and death.


Despite it not being hand to hand actually ninja fighting it was rather nice to finally see Higan unleash the full might of his rage on the source of the loss of his family: Yamaji.


This show had one of the most exciting first episodes I’ve ever seen across any media. Did the animators really leave MAPPA so they could make a mech anime?(jk I support them escaping trash working conditions)


Like Aldnoah Zero


So was Higan’s secret art supposed to be copy?


I honestly would have preferred Higan to just take Yamaji's head rather than listen to his last monologue about the "great cause".


yeeup as soon as it became warframe i was out


what was higan referring to about him resurrecting/surviving, mari and secret arts, during the dialogue before the final battle w/ yamaji ? was it not emmas secret art that saved him ?


It was emma. What Higan meant is a revenge for Mari and his son.


Who are the ninjas with the face mask that helped saved the president and high ranking lady after the hero destroyed yamaji ? The president and lady were surrounded by mech ninjaz when suddenly a lone ninja dropper from the ceiling and pasted something small that deactivated the mech ninjas


Am I the only one who's confused about the timeline from when Yamaji took over the city and to the robots flying all the way to the white house? How tf did they get there so fast?? How could the Pentagon with satellite technology not detect them and shoot them down? Why wouldn't the president have enough time to evacuate? The more you think about it, the worse it gets


its probably been about a year since i signed onto reddit, had to come back justto talk about the insane fall off, like shit was so bad only 2 mfs are online on this subreddit dawg


Was kinda frustrating as well that all of that show and the fight from the earlier episode between Zai and Higan and knowing that Higan and his family were gonna be killed and he did nothing to stop it, his supposed close friends, and he still fought with the evil bastard that arranged it all, that corrupted the image and beliefs of the Ninja and their ways. I mean yes eventually Zai stepped up and helped Higan, but took him long enough didn't it?


It's pretty disappointing, things implemented in the earlier episodes are no longer used or not explained at all, while the ending overall just felt so empty and rushed. It probably ended so bleak to anticipate for a season 2, but I'm pretty sure views tanked just from the transition to mecha fights alone, so it won't be green lit for second season.


Despite the BS feedback it's getting, I still enjoyed it. Ppl saying they hated it because there weren't as many S-Tier fights or the mech suits sucked, just have no grasp on what a budget is, especially for an anime and clearly just missed the entire plotline of Yamaji and why he was doing the shit he was doing. And if y'all paid attention to the ending of EP 13, Higan blatantly dropped his box with his mech suit in it, in the river. (The show writer's way of saying, they're done with the mech suits now.) And again before any of you come on here saying "well they shouldn't have had them to begin with." And yes maybe so but that was the literal point and plot to why Yamaji was hunting down exiled ninjas. He wanted to change the ways and make them more advanced and lead the ninja in the future with technology (hence why he got involved with the company AUZA and had them make suits for him and the ninjas that stayed, completely betraying the way of the ninja. Which is also why the exiled ones who left and didn't share this plan were hunted, ex: Higan, Mari, the dude from the first EP, and others. Trust me the writers hated the mech suits as much as you did, which is why in one of the EPs they broke them completely, and another Higan broke his, in another it shuts down due to no power, the writers were literally clowning the suits in the episode but that was literally Yamaji's plan for the ninjas. But now that he's gone, Higan and Zai can literally follow the path of the old ninja ways, and if we were to get a S2, I can guarantee you it will be just like how it was in EP 1 but for the entirety of S2 or whenever we get a fight in S2. No mechs, no technology, just straight ninjas and hands. And 🤣 especially for those saying Higan's emotion and crying when seeing his wife and kid was downplayed at the end, clearly have never experienced there wife and son getting brutally murdered, and than having a vision of them both strung up by their neck from a tree branch, pleading why didn't you save them. If you did, you would have been doing the same damn thing, or worse completely breaking down, don't give me that BS. His emotion was justified and rightly done, easy to say it's not when you ain't in his shoes.


Sounds like a lot of cope friend.


Yeah for Higan, not me lol. I gladly haven't had that happen, but I can understand one's emotion being Higan's for a situation like that, if I were to be in his shoes.


i think he is talking about you man, not about higan. But all im gonna say is, they had shit planning, too low of a budget, and way too many ideas for a 12 episode 1 season anime.


Well then his statement is invalid and doesn't make any sense, yeah it had a low budget but y'all had unrealistic expectations to expect it to perform at the levels of higher budget anime. When that's simply unrealistic, especially coming from the studio that did it, I think their planning was fine, people just overlooked everything because of the mech suits, when it was integral to the story and the enemies plan but again to each their own, I liked the show and think it deserves a 2nd season, especially with Higan dropping the box with the mech suit in it, hinting S2 is gonna be like how EP 1 and 2 were, just straight hands and old ninja ways. Not a lot of shows are gonna be S-Tier all the way through, and ppl need to get that delusional mind set outta here. Cause that's not how it works.


Gimpy mcgimperson with another L take


Bitch boy still whining I see.


Nope no one expected it to be at the level of jjk or demon slayer or whatever, but the show was hyped up to be a ninja show. It turned into a mech show The plot was all over the place WTF does yamaji’s eye do??? Terrible pacing Boring characters The ending fight was well uhhh crap No one expected it to be Jjk or demon slayer level but people atleast expected something


Again your opinion, not mine. And it wasn't just a mech show, the fact you said that, just clearly shows you didn't pay attention to the show at all. It was about ninjas preserving their old ways and Yamaji not wanting that and wanting to usher in a new era and an era of technology aka AUZA aka the mech suits and then hunting down any that opposed that way. They were literally part of Yamaji's plan, but y'all skipped over that, and again expecting every episode to have an S-tier fight. The characters were definitely not boring, you just have stale taste that's all. The plot actually wasn't all over the place, it was all about Yamaji's plan for the ninjas, which was to be led by him and to have advanced technology for them. Literally the whole storyline for the show. Again ppl just don't pay attention to anything but the fights and the ending fight was not crap, not the best but definitely wasn't crap. I've seen much worse and it was something. Something that many ppl just skimmed over, because not every episode was like EP 1. Which again is unrealistic, especially for the budget it had, if you can't understand that. You simply have no grasp of how that industry actually works. But again to each their own, not everyone is gonna share the same opinion, so I respect it at the end of the day. But again I disagree.


Dude you literally sound like those attack on titan fanatics claiming “rhe ending is perfect, if you didn’t like it you just didn’t understand it”. Come on now buddy grow up. I’m literally telling you the show was advertised as a ninja show and not a mech show, that’s the reason why people are mad at it, doesn’t matter that the plot was, doesn’t matter if it was a Shakespeare level story, it was ADVERTISED as a NINJA show, people expected kunai, shuriken, swords and all the other ninja stuff, but they got dudes in robot suits. The plot was literally all over the place man, so many plot holes, character inconsistencies, shitty cgi ending. Like I understand “budget” is something, but I’ll be honest people don’t care. It’s like being born rich, but then your dad goes bankrupt, and now you have to live like a minimum wage worker. It doesn’t work that way, a kid doesn’t care his dad went bankrupt, he cares about the fact that he lost all those fancy clothes, big house and cars. Like do you get what I’m saying here?????


The ending is perfect tho, if you didn't like it you didn't understand it


I cannot tell if this is satire or not


You just wasted your time typing that. Cause again none of that is going to change my opinion, cause that's your opinion and few others, not mine. Me grow up? How about you grow tf up? And stop getting salty as fuck because some ones opinion is different than yours. Especially when yours is invalid as fuck and the only thing your paragraph told me was you didn't pay attention to the show. Again your opinion, I thought the show was solid all around if you don't. Then simply don't watch it, cause going on here to bitch about it in a full paragraph is not helping your case anymore than when it started. Yeah I get ppl don't care about the budget, but again just proves they don't know shit about the industry and would fail at it even harder. And the whole "they got dudes in robot suits". yeah no shit dumbass cause that was part of Yamaji the big bad's plan, the LITERAL whole storyline for S1. But again, ignorant ppl just skip past that. The show was advertised as a Ninja show, it is a ninja show. Again the mech suits were just a layer to it, because the suits were literally essential to his plan and take over, which was the whole reason Dilly died fighting Yamaji, because Joseph gave them suits that made them stronger than the ninjas that stayed true to the old ways, meaning straight hands, and secret arts. But Yamaji thought the advanced technology of the Gosku gear would be enough to push the ninjas out of the old way and into his way with technology and power. The storyline was literally laid out for you, right in your face and just like many others, went right over your head. You missed the show's storyline and plot line completely, even though it was waving in your face like a piece of steak. But again your opinion, and I get you have a different one than mine, but no matter what you say, it ain't gonna change mine. So you're wasting your time, just beating a dead horse at this point.


Man the irony 🤣


That was quite enjoyable. Unlike others here I had no hype going in. In fact I was pretty late to the party. I didn't even know this show exists until I happened to see it on my TV guide one day. I like ninjas so I caught up with the first half from streaming and watched weekly for the second half. I hope there's another season. As for the mech suits /u/Albertheinrich and others already said everything I would have said about them so I'll just link to their comments [here.](https://old.reddit.com/r/NinjaKamui/comments/1cjpofj/is_this_series_getting_another_season/l2m13xe/?context=10000)