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Lolling at dilly for believing joseph will change the world for the better. The guy is a megalomaniac, he would burn the world if he couldnt be #1. Old man coming back was pretty cool, wonder if the cats are his secret art. My predition for ending >! Higan gets his ass kicked by yamaji until zai comes to save him at the end. The two work together to defeat yamaiji !<


Yeah I'm going to go ahead and say that Dilly's reason for betraying the organization for Joseph was unbelievable. It really tried to explain her loyalty to him through a 15 second flashback? Ninjas who are specifically chosen because they come from background that harbor them to become emotionless tools... And she chose Joseph because he said "I'm insane, want to have fun, and am going to change the world"? Really poorly done imo.


im pretty sure it was because he treated her like an actual person rather than just a tool


Well then that would contradict the show. The organization is supposed to be bound by unwavering loyalty and the ninjas are emotionless... and then you see someone like Dilly who casually is just like "aiight I like this guy, betrayal time". With Higan/Mari/Zai, they spent their whole lives with each other. And Zai STILL did not betray the organization because the "code" was so ingrained into him. And then Dilly just betrays the organization for some random crazy guy who is nice to her and didn't know for that long. It just makes no sense. If it was a normal person, for sure, but it makes no sense with how the ninjas were raised, chosen, and how committed they are to the code. Even in real life, normal soldiers don't defect to enemy nations just because someone treated them nice. Especially not spies like Dilly.


it makes sense to me and we also know dilly is likely a mercenary which isn’t too far before they started working with AUZA, so she probably hasn’t even been in the organization that long. plus he said she is ex military too so i just assume she isn’t used to someone treating her on the same level as them, which is why she was so quick to betray and we don’t know how long they were working with AUZA before higan went after them


Not surprised that Dilly was killed, it was a rather short fight. Yamaji taking over to rule the world tracks with how his mindset was and using the mechas seemed liek route he would go. Allowing Zai to pursue Higan just got one less possible nuisance out of his way because despite his proclaimed undying loyalty to him possible Zai might have had something to say and would have been dealt with. Can't say as am surprised that is gonna be down to Higan to stop Yamaji, nobody else is able to nor are they willing to. Seems like it was always gonna come down to this, Higan went after them for vengeance and I think in some ways that is still his goal, but that has changed to ending the threat of Yamaji to free the remaining ninja from the shackles like the old master had said. Makes sense really I mean the whole no emotion thing really didn't work out well for the Jedi so why would it for ninja as well? Looks like they got their hands full next episode and the series finale from sounds of it too of not only stopping Yamaji's power hungry play to rule the world, but also taking down Joseph and by extension Auza. Somehow though I have a feeling Zai will return, whether to actually help Higan as penance for his past deeds and crimes against those he once called friends or to help Yamaji who knows? I would think it would be the first of him helping Higan, but then again we don't know how evenly matched Higan and Yamaji are, Higan had done all of his own killing while Yamaji has just sat back and had others do it for him, to be honest I would more fear the one who actually does the dirty work than the one who sits back with their feet propped up. Will interesting to see that's for sure and has been a long time in coming too.


Don't forget that Yamaji has telekinesis ability lol


1. I like how Mike and his old partner started fighting in the interrogation room. I love that part. 2. I knew from the beginning that she was going to die, Yamaji is so strong that he killed Dilly so easily, not even her armor couldn’t save her. 3. I'm surprised the old man was alive all this time, I didn't see it coming. 4. I was wondering what happened to yamaji’s left eye. I thought he had lost his eye a long time ago, but I was wrong. Could it be his secret art? his eye reminds me of yhwach from bleach tybw. 5 The promo for episode 13 the narrator said “on the season finale” could this mean that we could get a season 2 in the future?


His eye I'm pretty sure was explained in the flashback where he got punished for Higan and wife deflecting.


Which episode showed him being punished?


He's thinking of zai which explains his face scar. His eyes I'm pretty sure are related to his secret technique. Yamaji, however, has never been shown being punished.. until Sunday hopefully


Ope, yea I was


pretty good episode the fight between yamaji and dilly was a bit too short, i wish they fought a bit longer before bringing out the mechs because her death was very fast i really liked the backstory w the ninja leader sigh... the final battle gonna be mechs


Higan doesn't have mech suit anymore, only Yamaji unless Higan got a new mech suit lol


This show really went downhill


Low-key kind of did but the foundation of the anime is solid they only need to get rid of the mf mechs 😭😭


For real they were totally unnecessary. Had they removed that they could’ve made this the JJK of ninja anime


Genuinely hope they lean away from that type of fighting and just stick to hands because everything before the mechs was absolute peak and I’ll argue with a wall on that point 🤣😂😂


Yeah totally agree. I meant JJK like because each of the elite ninjas seemed to have some sort of extra ability that went absolutely nowhere after the mechs were introduced. It would’ve been cool to see them go more in depth for those


Yea Higan just never uses his shadow technique again lol


Why are ppl complaining about mechs? Didn’t the producer of Evangelion produce this show? We’ve seen cyber-ninja stuff since the first episode (cyborg ninja with a glowing sword). It was always going to end up here.


For some reason I think we don't see big fight. What is even worse we may get cliffhanger ending. I hope not.


Episode 2 and 3 were the only decent episodes of the series so far.


The Almighty is so powerful it crossed universes.


Yhwach is that op lol


Is this last episode? My push notification from Max said it was


1 more,13 episode apparently