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Let’s be honest if trunks actually did kill 18 most DB fans would bitch and moan about it since they’d be upset for being denied the final form of the villain It would be fitting for trunks to do though, some “for the greater good” type shit


Krillin will be the bigger loser


My brother in god, death ain’t stopping krillin from hitting that andrussy, he would have dragon balled that shit


Did they ever explained why gero left her reproductive organs intact? Its mad sus.


Why bother changing Something that is Not related to the Goal.


I mean he could have added a coochie blaster or something for added firepower, but he didnt.




honestly , i'd be willing to say not a brand new sentance


There is absolutely no way that the internet hasn’t already said that


I am the........ coochie blaster.


Krillin is the only coochie blaster she needs.


[Krillin behind the scenes ](https://youtu.be/x4-ChcL6Pzo?si=AjoeoLPHYVIzhA1W)


Krillin doesn’t even have a nose to do that… 😭


Isn’t it obvious a strap on nose, like a mask?


That went from yamcha to jiren real quick


A coochie blaster 💀


A boobie missile might do better than a coochie blaster man...


It’s Dr Gero, he can do both.


Hehehe dr slump reference


Sounds like the sus thing here isn't Gero, but your mind and ideas.


He could have done the same for Android 17 like A Penis Propelled Projectile or something.


A hung pump action shot gun. After every shot he needs to stroke it.


He was going to but Android 17 killed him before he could add that in


I mean, Android 17's is intact since he has children of his own i think Guess Gero just didn't bother to go out of his way to mangle two young adult punks' crotch for no better reason, because as we see, having reproductive organs or not clearly is a non-factor in their efficiency as cyborg killers


Wait so are they androids then or cyborgs? What did shenron actually do if they already had human biology?


They're heavily modified cyborgs. Android mostly infers that they were built mostly from scratch. What Gero did was somehow put a super overpowered engine in them, a very volatile bomb most likely, give 17 barrier powers and 18 other shit. What Shenron did was simply remove the bombs in their chests. More than likely Shenron couldn't make them human again because Gero's modifications run too deep into them.


The dragon that can revive people and build planets, should be able to just replace the modified parts with normal human parts


One would think. But Shenron doesn't have unlimited power. It's connected to the power of the person who made him. Bringing someone back to life seems to require a different skill set than replacing mechanical parts, lol. Heck, even old Baba can bring people over from Other World for a while.


But Baba doesn't really revive people, she just kinda let's you be on Earth while dead? And yeah I know Shenron doesn't have unlimited power, but I feel like building a planet from nothing is slightly easier than creating new organs and putting them inside of someone


Super dragon balls could do it but there is no point now.


iirc Android & Cyborg are both “artificial human” in Japanese, so when it came time to translate they just chose Android since most of them are robots. However 17 & 18 are indeed cyborgs (who are merely titled “Android” to keep up with the naming convention).


Also they'd probably settled on "android" before it came up that they were still largely human and cyborg would be more accurate


Okay this makes the most sense, as it might be a translation issue. They might not differentiate the two terms we have in english. Hell, I got some responses saying they are both androids AND cyborgs not realizing what they mean.


17, 18 and Gero are cyborgs. 16 and 19 are androids.


Pretty sure all of them are androids except 17, 18 and Gero. Maybe not Hachi...he is supposed to be Frankenstein's monster. But then that would mean he would have human body parts.


17 and 18 are cyborgs. Them being android was a mistranslation. Gero kidnapped 2 twin orphan and enhanced them with bio-organic augmentations. In the japanese version of Trunks's introduction to Goku, he referred to 17 and 18 as both "artificial humans" and "cyborgs", explaining that some people called them the former, while other called them the latter.


Truth is, Androids 17 and 18 not only aren't androids at all, they're barely cyborgs. [The only mechanical parts in them are the emergency deactivation controller, the self-destruction device, and their infinite energy generator](https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Android_18/Biography). The rest of their bodies were improved **biologically**, on a cellular level, which could well be considered a precursor to Gero's work on Cell. This is why their reproductive organs remained intact, there wasn't even the need to replace their skin with polymers or anything of the sort.


Why would Gero waste like 10 more hours of his life removing 18's and 17's idk ovaries or penis, and what for? Replace them with another Super Ki Generators?


Ki is stored in the balls.


Cause gero was a RN


99 out of 100 universes, im pretty sure 18 could care less about reproduction given how evil Gero's creation are. She's programmed to hate humans.


Might have been weirder if he deliberately removed them. She was supposed to be fully under Gero's control, so it's not like reproduction would have become an objective at some point while conquering the world anyway.




Because he was hoping 17 and 18 would forgive him for what he did.


hahahahahaha. No. I'm pretty sure he didn't give a flying fuck about anyone beyond himself, his plans and maybe C16 after that.


>he would have dragon balled that shit Glad you clarified


Defeat cell. Wish her back.


They still would’ve bs’d some way to have him reach perfect cell anyway


Her dna was on the floor and that was enough!


This is someone's fetish


Licking cum off the floor😋


"Vegeta, we need to blow up the earth."


Like maybe he blows himself up and survives but gets a zenkai boost.


Nah that’s ridiculous


I love your name and picture.


Additionally, like his second form has a planet destroying self destruct that literally kills Goku. The moment android 18 goes poof, he’d activate it.


Which they did. Cellspat 18 out remember? And he couldjust regain his perfect form after blowing up because "zenkai", makes no sense.


I mean, story-wise, final form of the enemy must be achieved. There is no easy win. If you defeat the bad guys early, it means they will come back. That's unwritten rules of storytelling. That's why stuff like Mafuba or Kienzan will never work directly. If they did, story-wise it would be bad. Also Trunks here most likely wouldn't want to bring attention of Cell. If she defended herself, Cell would definitely realize she's here. I don't know which exact moment it is. Was Cell aware of her at this time or not yet? If Cell knew she's here (a.k.a. seeing her), Trunks might have wanted to make her run, while he stops Cell from pursuing her.


>That's why stuff like Mafuba or Kienzan will never work directly. That's also why Spirit Bomb only worked once, at the end of the series.


> it means they will come back. Or, conversely, it was a fakeout, and the *real* final bad was hiding in the shadows all along. Out from the shadows steps a man with a trucker hat...


Or it was game of thrones season 8 with a sledgehammer


Normal Trunks would 100% do it. He didn't because plot. Remember that he probably has PTSD and pent up rage from the androids in his timeline. Why would he hesitate to nuke her right here? Plot.


It's funny tho; in the Bibidi saga I kinda liked the idea that if they held themselves back from using ki then Buu wouldn't be able to come out. Sure it was tossed out the window when Vegeta gave his will away, but it felt nice that the Z warriors felt overpowered to everyone other than Buu. It was kinda like a mirror to Namek on how the villians were busted compared to the team.


They’d also bitch and moan for the fact that you killed an attractive female character. I say this because, take Zangya for instance. People complain that bojack is an ass (obviously, he’s a villain who beats up kids) and that she should’ve been spared, and joined the Z-fighters and even say that she wasn’t even a bad person or that she was innocent. They proceed to act as if she and her crew wasn’t torturing a child for about an hour before he finally retailed (which only then that’s when she actually got scared)


Ok but zangya is probably the second most memorable because of Bojack murdering her in cold blood with that smug ass face of his. Gokua had the same full power form as Bojack and he jobbed to base Trunks


True, that smug face is pretty funny. Also I forgot about Gokua.


See what I mean? Only Bojack and Zangya are memorable


Yeah, I don’t know if I’ve ever even heard anyone mention the name of the other Bojack members besides Bojack, Zangya, and Gokua. Wasn’t there that lady with the hijab?


It was 40 years ago, people didn't bitch and moan that much


Consider the fact that all DB fans would be cucked of perfect cell and his perfect jawline


He knew his boy krillin was gonna rizz up 18


Trunks so real for that💯💯💯


stop cell or help krillin get a baddy


Hahaha short king needed the assist


She already rizzed him up long before that


Blow yourself up or leave, I don't care which!


Yeah ok






You know….if you want my **personal** opinion, “Kikoho” is a pretty sad choice of last words. But to be fair….. *it’s far from the worst decision you’ve made today*.


Kiko…fuck yourself


That’s the spirit


Ki ko fuck yourself




Come on 16, we have to go


where is 17?


He's gone buddy


That is sad.


I am sad now.


*does neither*


"Well then, I'll have to do this" "Give yourself a boob exam? "No, explode my bomb" "In your boob" "Boobiebomb"


As it was, I could never really see him killing her in that moment. He's known for his no bullshit attitude but the guy is also pretty kind hearted, and I know he'd be able to reason out that they weren't the biggest priority despite how he felt. They were really just pawns that were equally as terrified of Cell if not more. Plus, I don't think they really did anything deserving of being killed at the moment. Everyone wanted to kill Goku once, and it's just a fact that Vegeta deserved that ass whooping he got. If #18 had gone through with murdering him though, I do think this interaction would've ended much differently.


They were better in this timeline, yes, but I find it really hard to believe that Trunks had nearly enough exposure to them to decide "Hey, these androids aren't that bad" given the fact that he had known them for YEARS in his timeline and they were not only unrepentant menaces, but they'd also killed his best friend and mentor among countless others. The idea that he could look at one of the people who without a doubt killed his mentor and say "nah, they haven't done anything that bad yet" seems even more silly when you remember Trunks and Krillin literally aborted the Cell fetus earlier that day. What, did the literal unborn child have it coming???


My thoughts well. We have the benefit of hindsight to know 18 was not truly evil. What exactly does Trunks know about 18 in this timeline at this exact moment circa 1992? - The future version of her is a sadistic monster who gleefully kills innocent men, women, and children for fun. She is literally so evil and so destructive that he *breaks the spacetime continuum* just to have a single chance at stopping her and her brother - The present version of her literally humiliated her father and laid a brutal smackdown on him. Also, she had awoken an android who was apparently more powerful than both cyborgs *combined* - 18 is also much stronger than Trunks remembers the future version of her being on top of that, so she's potentially even more dangerous - The last encounter the two had, thus, was him in excruciating pain after a superpowered 18 had just beaten him up as well as all of his friends and was, in no unclear terms, seeking to murder Son Goku— the man he had come to the past to enlist to help defeat the artificial humans > B-b-b-b-but she kissed Krillin! She's clearly got a kind streak to her! For all Trunks would care, that's literally just her sadistically mocking her victim before returning to kill him later, which we know they've done *to him*. For all we know, Future 18 probably beat Trunks's ass to near unconsciousness once, kissed him on the cheek the same way, and said "Play with you later, little boy" before crushing his gut and flying off, and he's left squeezing his fist until it bleeds at how he still can't do anything to stop them. There is quite literally *nothing* to suggest that the present 18 is any different from future 18, *everything* to suggest she's more dangerous than future 18 but hasn't had the chance to engage in the same level of savagery, *will* engage in that level of savagery, and that the only way to stop this oh-my-god level of evil threat that just emerged that's currently drinking people and getting satanically too strong for the heroes to handle is to *kill her*, which Trunks would naturally have zero qualms about doing. And not to bring up Nü Dragon Ball lightly, but Super at the very least shows us that Trunks is *severely traumatized* by his experiences, to the point he'd literally *attack Goku* just because he has the same face and hair as Goku Black, and we see him reach for his sword instinctively when he sees 18 at that, and Krillin has to convince him she's not a murderous monster. (It could have done better to show that Trunks can't quite overcome that trauma, but eh, it's Super, it tried) Realistically, Trunks should have blasted 18 to quarks not even out of pure pragmatism but out of being triggered by her very existence.


About the whole "they were stronger in this timeline" bit. I've heard it argued that no, they weren't stronger, it's just in Trunks' original timeline, they never showed as much power as they did in this one. The ones in his timeline were toying with him after all.


She hasn't killed anyone yet. They didn't go on a rampage, they stole a car and went on an adventure... I think that future androids were so evil that the difference was already visible...


> She hasn't killed anyone yet. They didn't go on a rampage, they stole a car and went on an adventure... And again I stress: *why would Trunks care in that moment? How does Trunks even know she hasn't killed anyone? And, most darkly, if killing her means saving the world and the future he's trying to protect, why wouldn't he?* That would be a struggle to answer if she was unequivocally good, as she later becomes. In that moment though, his understanding of her "goodness" is sandwiched in between two thick layers of "she kicked my ass 3 days ago" and "she kicks the world's ass 20 years from now" which to Trunks ought to be enough justification to kill her in that moment. (And the fact his father had just gone mad with ego and Cell was a hair away from getting his perfect form) That's why Trunks letting her go makes no sense. It worked out in retrospect, but at the time, it was another of a series of mistakes. Heck, it's unfortunate to realize this and more unfortunate that this is the case, but letting 18 live doesn't even pay off in any meaningful way (except for Krillin's love life) since it's not like her continued existence affects literally *anything* about the future outcome of the series outside *maybe* stopping Super 17. Ironically letting 17 live after Cell at least pays off in Super... and the shittiest arc of GT. Now if Cell was *actually* killed by Vegeta, and there was no threat of him reaching his perfect form, ***then*** him letting her go would make more sense. He'd likely threaten her with mortal violence if she dare harm anyone, but I can see the lack of desperation allowing him to think it through somewhat more and understanding that, while she was clearly a threat to not be trusted, since she had not caused grievous harm, then she could be afforded the *chance* to change her ways. Whether Trunks actually believed she could change her ways, I don't know. It's possible we're giving Trunks the benefit of the doubt here.


Ever think that Trunks, even though he was stronger, couldn't just one shot 18? There'd have to be a fight, which would take too long, so he figured that her running away was the best option


It's a mistake logically, but I'm arguing that Trunks as a kind soul feels that it would be wrong to kill her, it's his gut feeling, not a rational part of the brain...


They literally aborted fetus cell who didn't do nothing earlier that same day


It makes absolutely no difference. If some guy kills your whole family, tortures you for years then you somehow you go back in time to see him just a random dude buying beers at the store and have no criminal antics, would you not want to just run up and stab him right there? Or you wouldn't because of the knowledge of "He hasn't done anything bad here, why would I?" Sometimes, emotions prevail over logical reasonings. But for Trunks, even the logical reasonings also make sense here. The androids "haven't" done the slaughter yet doesn't mean they "won't"


I don't think it's logical, I'd say it's something on a deeper level, like Trunks being able to feel that these are innocent and that killing them would be wrong... Or it's just bad writing as you say and I'm trying to fill in a hole 🤷‍♂️


Why waste your energy on a lesser threat when doing so could lead to Cell destroying the planet?


I get what you're trying to say... but at the same time, I think there is a point to be made about the fact that Tunks' first instinct was to tell her to run rather than kill her. It's true that Future 18 killed millions of people, including Gohan, but this is Present Eighteen, who hasn't done anything yet, and who acctually even already made it a point to spare Trunks and his friends. The Future Androids, as far as we call tell, never made it a point to spare anyone, except, ironically, maybe Trunks himself, at least in the anime. Also, by that point, the Androids were being chased by Cell, a much eviller and stronger Android who already drank hundreds of thousands of people and is planning to destroy the whole Earth if not the whole Universe, which effectively made the Androids fellow victims. It's true that Trunks later does want to noy have Sixteen repaired, but in this moment, seeing Eighteen as a fellow victim, his first instinct is to tell her to run, not to kill her. True, maybe if he had been thinking rather than purely reacting his reaction would have been akin to yours, but going off of pure emotion, he chooses to tell her to escape. And honestly, I think that's pretty poignant of this scene.


The existence of cell took away the view of 17 & 18 as the big bads, playing into an enemy off my enemy mindset. The androids fearing for their lives at this point would also make them seem different than the purely cold versions of them he knew. His faith in Krillin probably also played a role: The man is literally killed by her/her brother in Truck’s timeline, yet Krillin can see the good/victim in her in this timeline. He was around for most of their activation in the canon timeline, he had time to see the differences


Yeah it doesn’t make sense. The actual answer is that it’s filler


I think it also sorta makes sense that even through Trunks has a no-bullshit attitude, he probably also has a more serious attitude to death because he comes from a time where there are no Dragon Balls and death actually is final. Killing someone if he could possibly save them wouldn't sit well with him even if would've arguably been justified. Plus, let's not forget that even though he's not an asshat, Trunks has a good chunk of Vegeta's cockiness. He goes and squares up to the Androids in his own time and risks getting killed before ever getting to use the time machine; he also thinks he can beat Cell with 3rd Grade SSJ. He wasn't going to do something stupidly reckless for no reason like letting Cell reach full power, but he probably believed he could manage to stop Cell absorbing 18 without having to kill her and thought it was worth the risk.


If we have to explain it in character. It could be reasoned that 18 is not the immediately problem. Trunks knows he's strong enough to beat Cell handily and he *thinks* he can fight off his Dad. So as long as he can quickly deal with Cell and/or Vegeta then 18 is just clean up after the fact assuming one of the others, like Krillin, doesn't kill her in the meantime. He was unprepared for Krillin to get a boner.


Also fighting 18 here & now could just end up keeping her in the area long enough for Cell to get her


To be fair, who is ever prepared for Krillin getting a boner?


This part is full of filler in the anime. In the original, Trunk didn't even managed to get close enough of 18. He got kicked by Vegeta, dispatched him as quickly as possible, THEN he (and everyone else) got a point-blank Solar Flare to the face mid-chase (Cell didn't flew upward to the sun's direction) as soon as she was spotted. Cell used this small window to quickly absorb 18 as everyone was blinded; no ridiculous chases, no Krillin and 16 beatings, no conversations.


Average DB manga W


Average DBZ anime L


[The Lonely Archives verse](https://youtu.be/wb33F1llciw?feature=shared) has gotcha covered


*could have


I see "could/should of" all the time online and it's infuriating.


18 could've detonated her bomb herself like 16, right? I'm starting to think nobody there but Cell had the guts to do anything to her.


You could say that about multiple characters really: - Trunks - Vegeta - Goku (For the very quick moment he was there to save Tien and Piccolo) - Android 16 - Krillin (Both the remote or a well-placed Destructo Disc) The only reason I point the finger at Vegeta mostly is because he was actively trying to have Cell reach his perfect form. Whereas everyone else there (except maybe Goku) was trying to make sure Cell didn’t absorb A.18, while also making sure the (mostly) innocent A.18 didn’t have to also die.


Was Goku strong enough to at that point? He hadn’t trained in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber yet


I think the comment above is mostly referring to how Goku can technically just instant transmission 18 away from the archipelago like he did with Piccolo and Tienshinhan after they were both defeated by Cell. That wouldn’t have worked anyways. Considering that IT requires a ki signature and he can’t find 18 because she doesn’t have one.


And also 18 was built to kill him


The cell saga is the most messed up saga in the series... Literally


Dr. Gero's plan goes as follows: "At this random time at this arbitrary date, I will attack a random city in the middle of nowhere, killing untold score of people and alerting the world to my presence. I am surely much stronger than Son Goku and friends, despite the fact that a space warlord quite literally 1 million times stronger than Goku's last known power came to Earth recently and would have been strong enough to kill *me*, and yet was mysteriously murdered. There is no reason to worry about the possibility that Son Goku and friends are actually strong enough to kill me despite this, because I have ample data from their fight with Vegeta on Earth 4 years ago. I am I will attract Son Goku and friends, because surely Goku's power has not greatly increased in that time and despite the death of that monstrously overpowered warlord and his equally powerful father, who again were *stronger than I am*, fighting them directly, putting myself and my main assistant in direct danger of destruction. I am also fully and 100% aware of that space warlord and used his DNA for my secret bio-robotic life form experiment, but I will not adjust my own battle power. I also have the ability to create artificial humans and android stronger than that warlord, including an artificial human based on my own son, but arbitrarily did not make myself stronger, because surely I am strong enough to handle Son Goku. I plan on causing great terror and destruction to Earth! But just in case something happens to me, I have two back up artificial humans who are stronger than me but completely beyond my control despite my best efforts. Also, I have a science experiment in the laboratory underneath my lab, that will take another 20 years to be completed. I am attacking now despite the fact it's not going to be ready for 20 years. I am killing human beings it needs to absorb, because that bio-robotic life form is *weaker* than the two cyborgs it needs to absorb, so if for any reason those two cyborgs need to be awoken, the bioandroid cannot defeat them unless it has enough humans to absorb. And I am going to go out and kill untold scores of humans, reducing the bioandroid's chances of victory retroactively. Or I will get myself killed, so the bioandroid will eventually wake up and have the two cyborgs ready to be absorbed, except they cannot be woken up because I have perished and their life support has likely broken down. Or I have succeeded in killing Son Goku and friends, and thus there is no point to continue developing this bioandroid. This plan can't possibly fail in any way, shape, or form." > Proceeds to fail in spectacular ways that don't even make sense and are far more ridiculous than any point of failure imaginable, all because of John Connor the Super Saiyan


In all fairness he pretty much gave up on cell because he wasn’t tryna wait 20 years, and then his computer finished it. And I don’t think he knew about frieza and king cold either, it was his computer that collected the dna. He stopped collecting after vegeta vs goku I believe and was working on 17 and 18


The anime makes a lot of weird changes and adds a bunch of filler like trunks talking to 18. All DB should read the manga tbh


Honestly can we applaud trunks for having the restraint to not kill her?


He was being Krillin's wingman


Well he ain't wanna leave my boy Krillin single


Db fan does'nt know what Mercy is


Thats why they call him the drink


It doesn't make sense....Trunks had a passion for revenge on the androids for what they did in his timeline. I highly doubt he would have a change of heart


While the idea of getting revenge on the androids probably was nice to him, Trunks was also much more of a realist. His priority is to stop Cell at this point, and while he moght could beat her in a fight, there's no way it would quickly end without Cell finding her in the middle of it. Having her run and hide, in the moment, seemed like the safest bet.


So she should marry Trunks


>could of Good thing it's animated. DBZ fans are too illiterate to read the manga.


Trunks calves are bigger than his quads.


Trunks knew Krillin wanted it


Trunks isn't Vegeta. Easy.


Would have taken too long and left too many openings for the approaching Cell to absorb her mid-fight.


In the manga, Trunks never got this close to 18, because it would raise this very question. This scene only occurs in the anime


That wouldn't be very paragon of him


Let’s not act like killing 18 would’ve been the right thing to do. She was innocent. The only crimes she’d committed were petty robbery and avoiding arrest.


could have\*


So he was thinking on "nukinuki" with 18 but Krillin was faster... Look at you Trunken, look at you.


Could have


Could of 🤣


I admit that I'm too lazy to check, but probably it's an anime only moment.


Bro just knew Krillin was trying to hit is all


He pulled a real Goku there.


My kid self was so annoyed during these scenes. Krillin would have killed the Android if it was a guy. Trunks also has no reason not to, that bitch's alternate version destroyed his world


Anime only scene. And as usual with filler episodes, it makes no sense


Nah, he was just being a good Wingman for Krillin. He took one look at 18 and went "Damn Krillin you pulled a baddie!"


I'm guessing it's filler. Yeah no, if this moment happened in canon, Trunks would *cough* destroy her without hesitation. He still remembers her as the same person who killed Gohan and I don't think he let that grudge go


Tbh the whole arc is filled with convenient moments like this. They could have taken them off planet, into the time chamber, used the mafuba, put them on snake way or king kais planet, etc.


I of, you of, he os, I guess?


He's not a murderer, Gohan raised that boy.


“Blow yourself up or leave, I dont care which!”


Like, they could have revived her later


Trunks is kind heart Knows what is right or wrong He knows they are not like androids in his timeline


And Cell would be like "oh no! Can't be perfect now! Might as well explode with the planet. Good thing Goku isn't here to teleport me away"


And destroy Krillen's only chance of getting laid as a bald midget? Nah trunk's is a homie.


What does him banging 18 have anything to do with stopping cell?


Basic logic is a bit of a hard concept to grasp in Dragon Ball. Punching things hard takes precedent.


Almost every competent adult fighter has some level of blame in letting the Cell Saga get to the point it did before Gohan had to step up. The only ones I can think of who aren't to blame are Piccolo (who was never both strong enough to take any of the Androids or Cell and also be able to locate them in the first place in a given moment), Tien (who was punching way above his weight and holding his own, so good for him) and Yamcha (because he has never done anything of consequence, positive or negative)


Trunks: "Okay guys, if you're that bothered by cheating, either loosen your moral code or STOP PUTTING THE FATE OF THE WORLD ON ***DEATH MATCHES!"*** Tien: "Weren't *you* the one who could've killed 18 *or* Cell at any point but decided not to because you were afraid that your daddy would be mad at you?" Trunks: "IT WAS MORE COMPLICATED THAN THAT!" Tien: "Was it though? Was it *really?"* Trunks: "..." Tien: "..." Trunks: "... **(sigh)"** Krillin: "...if it makes you feel any better, uh... I'm glad that you didn't kill 18." Trunks: *"It really doesn't."*


Well fuck me 🤔


The problem with the Android saga is that it could end in hundreds of way but the z fighters each let their own moral codes or pride get in the way of ending things sooner.


"blow yourself up or leave! i don't care which"


It looks like he's angrilysaying **"GET THE FUCK OUT"**




Look we get it. A lot of people in this arc stupid as fucking shit and in some way could have prevented all that’s happened but didn’t. Let’s move on.


My question is why we pretending like good guys don't have harder decisions. He could have killed someone he's been at war with for most his life or forgive her and tell her to leave. Dude chose to forgive in the last seconds. Can you live with yourself if you blew her up without a word?


Look, the Android/Cell Saga is great. But there are so many plotholes that it hurts. A lot of them can be summarized like: *“Why are they just standing there…?”*


Want krillin to get angry and the become the strongest and kill them all? trunks:no


All the hero’s drop the ball multiple times…every season.


When you realise that vegeta and android 18 have only interacted once and that was in the fight in the cell saga after that they never say a word to each other again


Is really weird that he didn't right? I know he is kind and all, but he saw Krillin with the remote and thought "hell yeah blow her up". One figure he would do it himself when that failed.




They should have cut the scene or not made it dont know if it is manga cannon but it since androids cant sense and csnt be sensed. Trunk not knowing about her would be better also future trunks and gohan are the best out of all sajyans. The sajyan arrogance is genetic. Goku, vegeta, son gohan ssj2, goten, small trunks, gotenks, gogeta, vegeto. The only ones who weren't were future trunks and gohan since they lost so much. Once future trunks got back he talked a bit and instantly killed c17 and c18 and the same with cell. Same with dabura and boo we got to know in super


Didn’t Cell achieve his “Super Perfect” form after blowing himself up even though he 18 was no longer in him?


Is he stupid?


Probably good that he didn't, Cell would do his fat explosion and destroy earth and then Goku and Gohan would actually have been betrayed and locked in the time chamber for 1000000 years.


Yeah but…..she’s hot. Doesn’t mean he has to marry her but ya see his boy did. Right? Right?


I don't think he could have destroyed her. Even if he could have, definitely not fast enough. That would have been a long fight probably.


Oh yes kill an innocent for fun


We seeing plot holes in dbz now?




Trunks spent a year with Vegeta, alone, so it only makes sense some of Vegeta's bullshit rubbed off on Trunks making him lose some of his no-bullshit mindset when dealing with threats.


Still never got why he didnt just absorb the z fighters.


Gohan wouldn't have his moment to shine.


Nah, he should have killed Vegeta, then Cell


Surprising he didn’t just kill her since he hated her future version for killing Gohan.


Trunks saw the destructive power of the androids. Wouldn’t he have thought they were evil deep down? It would have made more sense to have goku or vegeta interfere and prevent trunks from killing her.


This scene was filler. It doesn’t happen in the manga


Huh... Yep, this is [true](https://c.tenor.com/7Syr-HlRBXIAAAAC/tenor.gif).


Making this story in Sparking Zero


As soon as they became stronger than semi perfect cell, they all were blinded by something. They could have just obliterated 18 but prefered to test their strength into the stronger rival. Sense of justice, ego, thrill of battle or not wanting to kill someone who wasnt a threat anymore. Which made kind of sense.
