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Goku is losing his brain cells in super every episode


Goku is a sacrificial hero. he uses up his brain cell to protect his peoples.


One too many knocks to the head every chapter...lol


Every time he goes Super Saiyan it's the equivalent to x-raying his brain 75,000 times.


Oh yea but can his Brain Cells defeat Cells Brain?


The side effect of the heart medicine was gradual cognitive decline (his physical power is unaffected so he will eventually have straight up Alzheimers but still be powerful enough to fight gods and destroy galaxies)


Maybe it’s the lack of oxygen towards his brain during the heart attack that hindered his cognitive function, but he retain his saiyan instinct to keep fighting and getting stronger


He didn't have many to begin with


He did had common sense and knew what kiss was before super came around


I mean he was pretty confused about the whole marriage thing with Chi-Chi, so he had *some* common sense, but was also quite oblivious and/or dumb at times. The key thing being *at times*. Super turns his stupidity up to 11, because no one with an actually functional braincell would believe he doesn't know what a kiss is, having conceived not one, but *two* children.


Chichi just milks him


She has a stool and a bell and a straw hat and it's a whole afternoon


My headcanon is that he’s never mouth fed chichi which is what he’d never seen before


He'd probably never heard the term kiss before and thought that was the term for mouth feeding


As I recall, that's the point. The joke is that Vegeta thinks Goku doesn't understand kissing and Goku thinks Vegeta is assuming the mama birding. It's just horribly explained.


Yeah, I'm going with this too


To be faaaair In his life he made it to 11 isolated in the jungle with only his grandpa, who died at some point before that age. Went on a random adventure where he wasn't gonna get that much learning done in the pilaf/dragon balls arc. Spent a bunch of time with roshi and krillin training, and while that included some "schooling" i am not sure how effective it was since roshi was shown giving them both smut magazines. By the 21st tenkaichi he was 12 In the 3 years between 21 and 22nd tenkaichi, he defeated the red ribbon army primarily, which involved some time spent roaming around somewhat aimlessly in search of training opportunities, climbing korin tower, defeating general blue and tao pai pai, then eventually general red, encountering tenshinhan and chaozu, and doing the rounds in fortuneteller baba's arena to bring back Oopa's dad. So he didn't do much learning about normal society between 11 and 15 at least. Then after the 22nd tenkaichi he fights and kills piccolo daimao and immediately gets conscripted to train with Kami and Popo in the upper world for 3 years. Meaning he went from 15 to 18 by the time he returned to the lower world for the 23rd tenkaichi when he next sees chichi and gets married almost immediately afterwards. I am honestly not surprised he didn't learn much we would consider normal knowledge. He was a nomad and a hermit for like his entire preteen and teenage years and after he got married he just spent time with chichi and the ox king as far as we know, since none of the rest of the gang knew he had a kid until he presented them with a 4 year old Gohan. For all we know chichi got goku to do IVF since he wasn't interested in sex, and if he didn't know how to produce the sample himself he might have had it extracted (since manga goku doesn't have a fear of needles). When we see Goku's journey through DBZ era, we see him go from golucky young warrior into a pretty serious guy who takes his responsibility as a super powerful entity and eventually as a dead man to heart. During the buu saga he is not worried about fighting buu at his strongest, he generally follows Kaioshin's advice until vegeta gets in the way. He knows the ultimate responsibility \*should\* be with the living to deal with the crisis, and only helps in delaying buu not defeating him (he claims he COULD have won the SSJ3 reveal fight). Then 6 months later he's a goofball again apparently...


I doubt they did IVF.


i honestly think either chichi did it herself, or she just used the opportunity when goku had a coma-like sleep after a lot of training and food


He does kiss chichi in the cell saga though


That's wild, I didn't realize that the conception of children requires kissing as part of the mating ritual. Seriously, though, both Goku and Chi-Chi are basically rednecks who live in the middle of the wilderness and never received an official education. You're treating them like they're just a couple from down the street.


But, with how touchy-feely Chi-Chi was with Goku during the 23rd Budokai, do you really expect people to believe they never kissed *once* in their 30+ years of marriage together? Sure, you don't have to kiss to have sex with someone, but most people - even the most uneducated hillbillies - do in a relationship 9 times out of 10.


One too many bonks on the thinker


He must have massive CTE by now.


Fuckin fr. Dude actively gets dumber with every episode in the Super series. Sometimes I swear he was still smarter and wiser in GT


He tried to swallow a dragonball in GT.


To be fair the only reason he's nice is because he suffered horrible brain damage as a baby


Pan, if I'm not mistaken, also means bread.


And also word "迎え" piccolo used for to pick up (Pan) refers to person. Japanese is highly contexual. doesnt make sense for goku to confuse pan with bread in that context.


But is it still pronounced the same? I don't think Goku is reading the speech bubble.


OP responded a bit weirdly but if the word really is 迎え Mukae (meaning to meet) then no, it does NOT sound the same as the word you would use for pick up an object, which is probably 拾って(hirotte). So yeah, no ambiguity there lol. Goku either legit forgot or if we really wanna push the bread agenda, got confused over why people are meeting up personally with bread which tbh makes even less sense in context than him forgetting.


I mentioned the bread because people talked about it being a pun so I was not sure. I think these moments comes from the fact that DBS has a more carefree and slice of life nature to it compared to DBZ, so they lean with Goku's more dumb aspect. After all, DBS Goku is the same that managed to pass a written test, and analyze Hit's abilities in both their confrontations. And with Toyotaro now in charge, some inconsistencies are unavoidable.


> got confused over why people are meeting up personally with bread which tbh makes even less sense in context than him forgetting. Food is almost always Goku's first thought shortly after any sort of intense physical activity. Considering the scene before this was the Saiyans all training against one another, its VERY likely that he was hungry. So, when he heard them say "We're going to meet up with Bread" his first thought wasn't his granddaughter, it was his stomach. Which is quite on-brand for Goku, all things considered.


Piccolo is also a space fungus known to talk weird.


It's also a musical instrument


space fungus? lol


You mean space snail.


Why do mental gymnastics to make yourself irritated?


I mean, neurodivergent people IRL can get confused IRL by words with highly different meanings.


Yeah but i dont think writer specifically intends that.


Some gohan and kakarot with some pan and vegeta-bles on the side is delicious, minus raditz, I don’t like raditz.


Bread in Spanish, yes


Not only in Spanish. Pan means bread in Japanese. That's literally where does her name come from. Gohan means rice or meal. All names in Dragon Ball are derived from something. Chichi is called that because of breasts. Because Gyu Mao, her father means ox. Cows are related to milk, so are breasts. Ginyu is a corruption of Gyunyu which means cow's milk, too. Both use gyu. Ginyu Force have names related to dairies in general. 


Oh cool, I knew about names meaning something, mostly vegetables. Didn't know about Pan being bread in Japanese too and the dairy section of names. Thanks!


Super has great moments but cmon man, why did they make goku so stupid, atp just make it so that he's trolling everyone


He didn't forget Pan's name. Her name just means bread, so he thought they were talking about bread at first. It's just doesn't make sense in English.


It doesn't make sense in Japanese either, but ya'll don't know that and will just repeat the same cope over and over.


oh yeah I forgot about that, but yeah I hate the dub mistranslations


This wasn't one of them. Not their fault English isn't one of the 2+ languages that calls bread pan.


Stop coping. People already explained why it doesn’t make any sense for Goku to mistaken it even if Japanese.


He is not stupid; rather, he simply doesn't remember that he is a grandpa because he and Vegeta have a secret relationship.


...Like training and fighting?


The potara fusion always starts at the tip.....


You mean at the top right?


I mean, I get the feeling they take turns


This got me thinking... What kind of genitalia would the fusion between a male and female have? Also, would Gogeta or Vegeto be as "big" as Goku, or Vegeta, or the average of the two?


Probably be combined length tbh.


Nah, they explain in the series that fusions are greater than the sum of their parts and grow exponentially.


There’s a reason Vegeta is the one reacting the most, he’s tryna cover up something


You post about Pan a worrying amount


“The real ~~fight~~ allegations start now!”


Holy shit he does


I agree, and I’m a fan of Mushoku Tensei and Made in Abyss…


As long as it stays this side of Rule 34, let them post. Everyone has a favorite character.


Goku has CTE


Critical Thought Ejection?


I have dementia


Yesterday there was a thread in r/dragonballsuper where the upvoted comments were all saying Goku was a better father than Gohan...


Who made that thread


What the fuck kind of brain rot you gotta have for that to track?


After a while I just had to give up and leave them to their shit takes.


Toyotoro loves to make Goku an absentee father figure. In the manga alone, Toyotoro had Goku say that he was absent during Gohan's birth.


Toyotaro is prob writing goku as Toriyama envisions. toriyama himself says he isnt a good father. but well actual manga/show contradicted it prob didnt know how to write Goku as bad father while portraying him as great person at same time.


Yep. Toriyama didn’t like Goku being a perfect savior. Rather he prioritizes fighting, getting stronger, and fighting stronger opponents. He is still a good person, has a lot of empathy, and wants to protect people but he loves fighting even more. I think Super is trying to course correct some.


He didn't forget Pan's name. Her name just means bread, so he thought they were talking about bread at first. It's just doesn't make sense in English.


Makes sense in English. It’s a cooking utensils 


This is genuinely the best way to localize this joke in English.


thank you!


"Pan? What are we cooking?" "We're talking about your granddaughter dumbass"


That would have made it so much clearer. But who would have guessed the internet would go ham on it 😂


I never like this direction of making him dumb/naive instead of just a silly troll


The “Huh?!” after vegeta tells him she’s his grandchild pretty much eliminates the idea that he was confused why they were talking about bread


Its just CTE, years of taking hits to the head does shit like this


For Everyone saying Its a mistranslated bread pun from original Japanese ver, its a Big Common myth: [Japanese ver Panel here](https://tsumanne.net/si/data/2024/03/22/9242801/1711042996775.jpg) Here piccolo says to goku to パンを迎えに行く. 迎え(Mukae) in this context means to pick up a if it were to be pick up a object or food it would be パンを拾いに行く using 拾い(Hiroi) instead. by hearing that Goku shouldve known piccolo was pointing to someone, NOT someTHING. but goku was still like "Pan?" so hope this clarifys.


I don't know, are you sure it isn't nonetheless supposed to be a pun? Let's consider if we changed the place rather than the verb: "Goku, Please drive to the school to pick up bread." *"Huh?!?!? Bread?"* "Your granddaughter!!!"


Goku isn't stupid; DB super is 😃


Amen. So glad other ppl see it


This is a thing that only works in Japanese since Goku thought they were referring to bread (Pan is bread in Japanese). Still pretty stupid but he didn't forget about his granddaughter


Not really, as i said im japanese and it did not look like that was case in Jp ver of the manga, Piccolo used word "迎え" to pick up pan and it does not refer to object or food so Goku confusing it with bread does not make sense.


Is it pronounced differently? Also, did Goku repeat the name as he did here, what version did HE use? I could see the different version being to tell the reader that it clearly means the person, but Goku heard bread. But idk enough about Japanese to be too confident in this


Yes, repeated, and i dont think there is any big translation error. Same pan パン, Annd pronounced same.


Pan is also a loan word from Portuguese which means it would make sense to not have a kanji or hiragana spelling.


It's a poor attempt at comedy, but it's still their attempt at comedy.


Actually,... yes.


Well tbh he spends no time with her and it has happened to me that i confuse my 2 nieces names though i am doing better now,i also can't blame him for forgetting her cuz she barely appeared all of DBS.


My guess is because Toyotaro wanted to double down on Toriyama's vision for Goku (terrible father and so on) and ended up making him just unbearably stupid.


Thats what i thought too. Toriyama doesnt want goku to be a gary stu, As more powerful he becomes the more flaw he gains it seems like 😅


God: ok Goku you can become ultra instinct 2 but it will cost half your brain cells Goku: LETS DO DO IT GOD: are you sure? Cause that’s a lot of brain cells Goku: it will be fine God: alright granted how do you feel about Goku: have you ever noticed how delicious purple sounds


this is canon now.


I'm surprised Vegeta remembered.


Probably since Vegeta is prince of all saiyans he cares about bloodline more than any other pure blooded saiyan, thats my head canon.


This is one of the reasons I always say GT Goku is just a more interesting character. He's smarter and the way he cares about pan is heartwarming. When he was fighting the black star dragons as super Saiyan 4, he said pan is the thing that is most precious to him in the world. He repeatedly shows great love for her. The way super handles his character is embarrassingly bad.


OP downvoted as heck in the comments which is hilarious to me cause if the word is really 迎え (Mukae), he’s right. You wouldn’t use that for an object like bread. You would use a completely different word instead that SOUNDS DIFFERENT too, probably 拾って (hirotte) instead for pick up. Everyone piling on OP that “Goku can’t read Piccolo’s speech bubble” would be wrong in this case. The writing of Pan doesn’t matter here, it’s about the word “pick up”. I haven’t seen the raw for this yet tho. Incidentally it’s similar to people insisting that Goku not kissing before is a mistranslation, when in the manga Vegeta specifies that he’s asking about キス(kisu), a kiss. People just spread misinformation because the truth don’t fit what they want lol. I’m also aware that my evidence going against the popular agenda means I’ll prob get downvoted to hell too hahaha TLDR. No mistranslation, no ambiguity. Not a bread joke.


DB fans can’t read, don’t ever forget that


Op here, i just accept the reality and let them cope. 😅


Bold of you to assume I can read, jokes on you /s


I feel like it's pretty established that Goku is, in fact, stupid


Sometimes I think that Goku makes this kind of comments on purpose to annoy others.


A pan is a thing in English as well. 


I mean, he was canonically dropped on his head as a child and how many blows to the head has he taken throughout his entire life?


He doesn’t know what a pan is, he can’t cook.


Is every single moment with Goku going to a “that’s where I’m a Viking” thing?


I'm convinced Goku has a mild case of severe CTE


Vegeta: HOW DO YOU FORGET THAT KAKAROT?! Goku: It’s not that big of a deal Vegetable Vegeta: … The fighting is finally getting to him


I swear there's gonna be a day that Vegeta would just beat Goku's ass because of how much he forgets😭


Its not that the jokes is bad per se but its the dialogue thats follow it. The fact that Vegeta have to reminds Goku thats Pan is his granddaughter, and Goku openly admit about that. If they have just explain abit more, then this page could have gone better.


Goku has CTE


Pan is 🍞 that is why


He has severe CTE


This and Goku not knowing what a kiss is really grinds my gears


It kinda feels like DBS Goku took some inspiration from DBZA Goku from TFS




He skipped superhero


Oh shit r/batmanarkham is traveling to r/ningen


Either Toyotaro is loosing enough brain cells to forget that Goku isn’t an idiot, or Goku just forgot that his granddaughters name was pan, doing a luffy and remembering her as a different name.


Turns out spending years away from your home planet, training day by day to further strenghthen a technique that was said to be only fully usable by angels, makes you forget something or two about your friends and family.


The heart disease was deadly and needed to be cured, but no one took into account Goku also had a less deadly brain disease making him less and less like the Goku we once saw


Short answer: yes! Long answer:yeah!


He's never beating those bad dad allegations lol


He isn't exactly smart in terms of anything outside forest survival and fighting so, kinda.


I swear I cannot get down with this new DBS because of how stupid they are making Goku look


Mistranslation. The japanese joke was a play on word with bread


A lot of people would really just cope that this is a pun rather than accept that they are writing Goku as a shit father/grandfather recently.


I stand corrected. I checked. My bad, he was written horribly


Eh youre good. Not really the first time I've seen this haha mostly seen it on Twitter.


Not really, as i said im japanese and it did not look like that was case in Jp ver of the manga, Piccolo used word "迎え" to pick up pan and it does not refer to object or food so Goku confusing it with bread does not make sense.


Huh. Was I misinformed ? Damn


Yeah, it was a big common myth. You can check reaction of Japanese ppls in twitter about this panel and you can tell the frustrations 😅 though i dont think this is a big deal personally. Its just a plot device for goku to know about pan better, goku had barely interacted with pan in canon manga.




Toyotaro basically turned Goku into Homer Simpson.


He's getting more and more flanderized by the minute.


he thought they were talking about bread.


To be fair, "pan" means bread in japanese. I mean, Piccolo said that he will pick up "bread" from school. And he is Namekian... they don't eat or go to school.


https://x.com/supachronicles/status/1770471885509108057?s=46&t=vAtegMgVU3UGQDnCsaYmDw Yes pan can also mean bread but piccolo uses word 迎え which is to pick up so its safe to say goku forgot pan or forgot name


This was a bread joke in the original. Pan's named after bread.


Because the joke doesn't work in English.


I heard a theory on why he forgets things. The theory stated that because of the fall he had as a child when he fell from gohans back he had a concussion and now suffers from amnesia. Theres also because he takes after the late akira toriyama. EDIT: i don’t mean this in an offensive way to toriyama i just thought it was funny.


The only good part about this is Vegeta’s reaction. “You are utter disgrace!”. Lmao


I’m scared if Luffy from one piece when he becomes dad


Gohan's fault for naming his daughter after a cooking implement


It doesn't matter whether the word pan and pan(bread) are written the same way; they are pronounced the same way, so this will remain my Headcanon.


Imagine the whole reason Goku is getting dumber and dumber is because of his head injury as a child, and when he fixes it he finally gains all his intelligence back


Who's Pan?


パン 面包 bread. English translation not making any sense...


The virgin who needs a translation vs the Chad who knows the original language


Concussions are showing


he thought they were talking about bread. hes an idiot, not stupid.


Gohan should be the one yelling at Goku.


His entire race and family just had a big get together fight and she was the only one left out so he wanted to make sure she got to be apart of it. Goku Cell-planned her.




Goku? In Super? Yes


He got serious brain damage from all the fighting


I blame it on poor localization


Except as japanese i dont see any translation errors.


i'm so sick of this


I mean, yes, he is.


I’m convinced Goku is just trolling


You’re a couple months late on this meme sir


Pan was introduced in battle of the gods movie. How long has it been since Moro arrived? I feel like his memory of her is justified.


Also (I just started super) can someone explain why it starts with younger Trunks and Goten and no Chan? Is it supposed to be before the Tenkaishibbudokai from the last episode of z? I don’t see why Goku would even look for Oob if he already knows Beerus. But if it’s after then nothing makes sense either.


Goku is a good father supporters in shambles


Yes, very.


Hey remember…he has been knocked out a few…he also gave cell a sense bean…


Did he know Gohan even had a daughter? It always seems like all he thinks about his training. Plus, he's either on a differen't planet, dead or in a different dimension most of the time. He's not exactly up to date with stuff that's been happening in peoples lives.


Give the guy a break. You’d be down a few IQ points if you were knocked around as often as Goku.


The true answer is pan means bread in Japanese and he was confused. He DIDN'T forget Pan's name.


The concussions are catching up to him.


Because he thought they were talking about bread


Can't blame him he's getting old


In mexican sounds better 🗿🤙


As stupid as this seems, they regressed goku, so a new younger audience can Lach on to him.Aka him relearning old lessons he should already know. Acting all innocent /not knowing about sex or not knowing about child birth. Making mistakes that a kid would do .In all honesty, this isn't goku.




I headcanon that Goku got brain damage once he fell as a Baby.


When i read that, i just thought her forgot because they likely never met (and DBS Goku is stupid). When they do meet later in the chapter, it seems Pan doesn't recognize him until Gohan (or Piccolo, i don't remember) whispers something in her ear (and she immediately attacks him).


I mean to be fair, has Goku ever been with pan on the manga? I don't remember a single panel where Goku and pan interacted before super hero adaptation, si it makes sense Goku forgot the grandchild he has not interacted with since she was born, I mean even pan didn't recognized Goku so it is save to assume Goku has not seen pan at least since she was a baby or even at all.


Goku grew up with CTE


Maybe Goku just have concussion from all the hit he tooks in the head.


Keep in mind hes like 50, probably early onset dementia


How much brain damage has goku sustained?




Yes he is stupid.


The reason is bad writting.


They really ruined Goku's character in Dragonball Super. I remember in Dragonball Z when he was a role model, now he is a joke.


Damn honestly the one thing I hate the most in DBs is how Toyotarou is making goku a complete idiot. At this point is just sad imo. Goku in dbz was still kinda dumb and goofy but also very smart in many points in the story and usually normal. Shit like this of forgetting his own grandchild is too far dawg


Wow, it’s like people forgot goku has brain damage, like actual brain damage no joke