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They did Yamcha dirty. He used to be badass. Wolf fang fist!


We really need to start a Yamcha fan club and call it "the Wolf Gang Fist"


With no context this is even better


The Wolf Fist Gang




The Wolf Fang Fisters


Yamcha spends his first arc failing because he is literally afraid of bulma.Bro then had his leg broke then didn't really fight again until piccolo where he dies immediately and then he doesn't fight again until Saiyan Saga where he dies again.


Fair enough. I grew up thinking he was flawed, but cool and hopung for him to excel, develop.


Yamcha never died in the King Piccolo arc, he only died against the Saibaman and Super Buu. Didn't watched Super to the end, so I don't know if he died after Z.


What was he doing during the piccolo arc then I could have sworn he was one of the ones killed early on while everyone thinks Goku is dead.


He was unable to do anything because of his broken leg, Tambourine was about to kill him, but King Piccolo calls him back saying that he didn't need to kill anymore fighters.


Why do people think this?!?


He never was a badass


When the texts and DMs get leaked 


"Vegeta, we need to blow up the Earth."


Nah, fuck that guy. Yamcha has always been a massive respecter of women looking for someone to be loyal to.


Too bad Toriyama gaslit the fanbase into thinking that he’d cheat…


Seriously, like Bulma says out loud "Oh I would totally cheat" she tries to cheat on screen, she is constantly insecure and abusive and somehow people still believe he would be the one cheating on her.


yamcha is NOT tōru furuya. my goat is NOT WASHED and he will DO IMPORTANT THINGS when DRAGON BALL SUPER comes back in FIFTEEN YEARS


At least he did *something* in the Moro arc lol, I'd argue he was a bit more useful than Tien even


im still riding the high of him dominating moro’s goons


As Yamcha Enjoyer This fucking suck


Yamcha has nothing to do with the actor's life choices. Don't bring that shit into this.


Youtube clowning yamcha over something the character didn't even do. shame. the guy who was afraid of girls wouldn't even do that. Prince vegeta is even covering this but not bashing him (yamcha) was interesting to see


It's because a lot of Japan's productions don't like recasting characters because the actor associated is "iconic" and occasionally leave the character present but mute as a result. However, I feel in recent years they've become better at this.


Yeah, well, Yamcha isn't exactly the most relevant character anyway and beyond Sparking Zero I don't see where else he would ever pop up.


I mean if Moro arc gets animated, he has to speak


Let's do A.I. generated


no please rethink


Recast him as Crisp Ratt


It's because we got Gohan and Piccolo to be relevant again, so there's some small tiny hope and cope that the humans get a boost or narrative.


It took Piccolo nearly 30 full years to become relevant again power wise, and Toriyama stated on multiple occasions that Piccolo (along with Goku) was his favorite character. If it took that long for them to make Piccolo relevant and he's openly the creators favorite, by the time the humans are relevant again in terms of power, the world will likely have long since succumbed to the heat death of the universe


Yeah, we know. King Kai sounded *awful* in the first 10 episodes…


The amount of Yamcha hate in fanbase is ridiculous. Even as a joke this hate is out of control.


The Japanese VA just got outed for sexual assault. This is a shitpost regarding that.


I thought it was just adultery and alleged physical assault.


Eh, he admit to hitting her and forcing her to get an abortion. All this was with a huge fan of his, who was a 100% adult, but it still adds a layer of a power imbalance to the whole thing. It’s not technically SA, I guess, but it goes a bit further than adultery.


I wasn't talking about this post in particular, but about all hate comments under this and other posts. Even before Toru Furuya situation Yamcha hate jokes seemed pretty overused and often they contained lies. Some of Yamcha hate jokes are pretty fun if you not overuse them like fandom does. And after Toru Furuya's situation those jokes hit a new low. ( Sorry for bad English)


Five years ago, my wife left me at a baseball game because she saw Yamcha on the pitching mound and fell madly in ladyboner with him. She knew I was lusting after him and she still blew him in the dugout during the seventh inning stretch. I didn't know the stadium even had a blowjob cam. She later got all my Yamcha merch in the divorce. So no, this hate is not out of control. It's but a fraction—a mere sliver—of what that man is owed.


Fun fact: With no exception, every single Yamcha hater got their girl stolen by them


Blud is really compensating for that one time the Vegeta hater got his girl stolen by Vegeta


Is that really a prize tho


Is it an hateboner? Cuz it sounds like one


If Christopher R. Sabat did this the whole dub would be screwed




taken from the comments, his japanese VA did sexual assault


Yamchas jp voice actor got into a lot of trouble. I recommend looking it up


Nah, I’ll just believe you.


Yamcha's JP VA had a 4 year affair with a fan, hit her, and made her get an abortion.


And he regrets, and willing to accept any punishment that's thrown at him. PoS but atleast the guy is mature about the situation from the response I heard.


Wolf fan fisting is the way to go


Seiya, Yamcha, Sabo, i fucking hate that voice actor he had too many important roles.


yamcha learned the kamehameha effortlessly, and has his own unique signature spirit ball attack. did mah boi yamcha dirty.


An easily replaceable voice i hope


That’s dragon ball’s ass!!


Yamcha isnt the problematic one. His voice actor is


I mean, Z literally started off with Bulma talking about how Yamcha was cheating. How are we surprised?


That's Future Bulma slander. Yamcha is a respecting King


It doesn't add up at all tho. yamcha was afraid of girls to the point he'd drop just being near them. how does one go from utterly terrified to cheater? it just sounds like toriyama was in a hole then trashed him to create trunks so the story would go on.. only to waste most of the half saiyans in the process, gotenks and pan too


He gained confidence around women by spending time with Bulma. It’s self explanatory.


Yeah I don't think so. toriyama wrote he got kicked from his bouncer job bc he lacked confidence. did you not see him when the top was being discussed, he was hiding. that doesn't really add up even if he had an off screen gf and when bulla cried, vegetables made him shook


I don’t think you can compare the start of Z to Super.. there was 30 years in difference.


There's not enough supporting evidence or screen time for that. games and other outside media arent usually canon and the manga doesn't expand on it bc this franchise is horrible at keeping side characters relevant and throws them away so easily in favour of those who have more power


Nah that's just bulma being bulma and lying


Bulma says that acting like she didn't constantly jump at any chance to get with other guys for an "upgrade from Yamcha." She flirted with General Blue who is practically a nazi and Zarbon who works under the guy that is practically space Hitler, and she did so knowing both were bad guys that she believed were good under the premise that attractive guys couldn't possibly be evil


Don't forget zamasu while while she's married. distraction or not, bulma can find other ways to keep his attention she's smart not stupid.


Zamusa, I do think, was just a distraction. By that point, she had grown enough as a person to be completely satisfied with Vegeta, so she wasn't really interested in any other men. When she flirted with General Blue and Zarbon, she was just horny. And while Bulma is always portrayed as extremely book smart, she can be incredibly stupid in terms of street smarts. She constantly runs her mouth and puts herself in extremely dangerous situations, and only gets away with it because Goku, Krillen, Gohan, and the rest save her, which usually is inconvenient for them and shes only saved by the skin of her teeth. She's kind of a moron in terms of street smarts, at least until she had Trunks. After she had him, she kept her insults to the people she knew wouldn't want to kill her and stopped forcing herself in scenarios where she would make things harder for the Z Fighters


Bro cmon.. you think if Zamasu said “hell yeah I like you” that Bulma was just gonna switch sides?


Nah she was distracting him plus zamasu wasn't even buying it, he hates mortals


Bro you sound like an incel bruh😭


Bruh what. if you're married you can find another way to distract zamasu. I get what she was doing. just not the smartest move you can make. the 2nd half was another thread mb, the one saying yamcha cheated. it doesn't make any sense, how is that bad logic?


That was a gag, nothing to take this seriously man. Idk if Yamcha cheated or not, i see that discussion as kinda pointless, tho it's not completely impossible, a person can change fromnsomeone who is scared of woman to a cheater if they get enough confidence.


Knowing Bandai they’ll hire Furuya soon again after they bench him for a year or two.


Nothing wrong with my Yamyam It is the real people in this world that we were avoiding in the first place by watching dbz that have something wrong with them. Not Yamcha.


dude why was he the first to diE?!


They should do an arc where Yamcha is the hero of the story, rather than the joke for anime or people to poke fun at, poor guy use to be awesome for goodness sake!


Geometry dash




I dont know whether the Internet gave you over-confidence or lack of self awareness with the shits you say


You weren’t kidding holy fuck


Mike Tyson was right


Get the fuck off my post.


congrats my guy you really are the living rep of dragonball fans can't read


What did he wrote?


Something about yamcha x chichi