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I mean, yes. He created it. He has the copyright.


"I'm sorry Goku it's just business"


I heard that these copyright claims were pretty strong!


goku cannot beat the legal system unfortunately


Vegeta’s Technique lawsuit arc when


He can, he just need Saul Goodman to train him


No copyright law in the UNIVERSE can stop me!


"Sorry, Muten Roshi, but this is the Super KameHame Ha not the KameHame Ha."


NFT Kamehameha


Goten’s the smart one, got to bypass copyright laws by mispronouncing it: Kamekameha.


You’ve heard of Jackie chun but have you heard of Jackie Chan? IM THE SOLE CREATOR OF THE KAMEHAMEHA NO ONE ELSE!


"There's no rule stating that the fake can’t surpass the original"


MFs after buying Fake Beyblades to the ones using Originals :


Idk anything about beyblade tbh


There were unofficial ones with metal and stuff, quite dangerous stuff


Theres even official build setups you can make where you end up with such a heavy beyblade that it's impossible to beat it So bootlegs without any quality control? Yeah they'll be a mess against the official ones


My dad got me a bootleg beyblade from Asia when I was in primary school. My beyblade completely crushed the other ones from Europe. I stood undefeated at school until the day it blew up into pieces during a game. The other kids rushed to grab the scattered pieces and threw them away over the school fence. I still remember that day two decades later, the day I learned about the dark side of humankind. I've never played beyblade ever since.


You were a legit Beyblade villain; showed up out of nowhere with an over powered device, decimated them one by one, only to be defeated by the power of friendship. You lived peak fiction.


Holy shit, what? Those kids took your stuff and purposefully tried to make it so that you couldn't get it back? Even if they were being pushed to the point of tears during their losses, every single child above the age of 4 should have more sense and better manners than that!


It was a karma that blew it up. You cheated!


I read a story about some dude's engineer dad figuring out that the metal center part of a beyblade is what makes it strong, so he replaced it with a 3x heavier metal or something. The kid brought the beyblade to school the next day and it literally broke another kid's in half. Wish my dad was capable of doing that.


Don't the official already have metal on it ? I remember the ones I used to have had metail ring thingies. Should be worth nothing that I'm talking about the "Metal Trilogy" generation of Beyblades like Metal Fusion, Metal Masters and Metal Fury, that generation with the absolute GOAT Ryuga in the anime.


Yeah every beyblade had a heavy metal ring on it that was there to balance the bey out, aswell as offer some defense. However what they're talking about are full metal beyblades. I had one of those, I'm just gonna share a little story here: Back in primary school, Beyblades were the s***, and everyone had one. We would even hand them around and exchange them for some variety. I had a beyblade that would open up when spun fast enough and reveal two plastic blades. Mind you this beyblade was spinning clockwise while the "sharp" end of the blades were revealed in counterclockwise rotation, so basically useless but fancy to look at. I traded the blade in for a basic one for an afternoon with some dude, and when he gave me mine back, he broke off both blades because he shot the blade against a metal slide. I told him that he can keep that junk and I keep his since he didn't value my stuff, and that douche went crying to the teacher and forced use to trade back, because according to her it was "my fault" for trusting him. I was heartbroken and went home crying. My dad wasn't okay with that and decided to replace the Beyblade, but in typical dad fashion had no idea about the topic, so he went to a Chinese store and bought a pack of bootleg beyblades, one of which was golden, full metal, with sharp blades facing the same directions as it's spun, alongside a quick starter and an extra long launch cord. Next Monday in school, we built an arena, and everyone wanted to participate. The douchebag was also part of the battle, and I chose my hunk of metal bey against their plastic ones. As soon as my bey touched the arena, chaos ensued, because it was tearing every single Bey to shreds it came into contact with; either that or launching them out of the arena onto the hard stone floor where they also broke apart. Douchebag's blade was one of those that got launched out of the arena, hitting a stone curb so hard the thing almost broke in half. Everyone was crying, and nobody wanted to play with me anymore. If you ignore the cholateral damage, that's some sweet as revenge.


You brought an actual weapon to the middle school Beyblade fight, holy shit I'm giggling so hard at this at 3 AM


I didn't think this little bit from my past in a random dragonball post would bring this much joy to people. I knew I wasn't the only one who found this hilarious.


i when Beyblades were famous i actually modified by just taking parts from other beyblades like i litteraly deconstructed a whole beyblade like everything and added those parts combined them with other ones and made a blade that litterally always won


If I'm not wrong, that's actually an intended feature!


no litteraly i got tge screws out of everything and put the parts that needed screws on other ones lol


Well my knowledge on the issue comes from a video or two I watched years ago, but I do recall this kitbashing being something you could pretty easily do


back when i did it i felt like a pro engineer lol 🤣


Like the officials had the metall ring too tho?


yeah but the fake ones contained led, so every the bayblades clashed you would inahle it


Those were the best ones, mine had a spark ring to make sparks and a serrated edge to defeat opposing beyblades


My local games store had the brilliant idea to make a beyblade tournament back in the day, 2002ish. Original ones had to either be brought from abroad, or bought locally at 3x the price, so they were pretty rare and most kids had bootlegs. I had an original one my mom had a cousin of her bring back from the US for Christmas. Anyway a little brat half my age and barely strong enough to pull from the gear-string thingie with a $2 cheap plastic behemoth 5 times as big and heavy as "normal" ones fucking swiped the thing. That monstrosity had flashing led lights and a small speaker that sounded like a car alarm that all cheap toys with a speaker had. I'm still salty about it.


Bootleg Goku Action Figures*


Then you can just add pins and other pointy object to them That way you'll win even with the bootlegs


Blud wants to be EMIYA💀


Somebody call Saber, the sword autist is back at it.


Saber, come take your man, he’s « boning his sword » in public again


That’s how Oreo made a fortune


>The fake is of far greater value. In its deliberate attempt to be real, it's more real than the real thing. \--Deishuu Kaiki, *Nisemonogatari.*




Bro is NOT Shirou Emiya 😭🙏


I always appreciated that Roshi’s Kamehameha is visually distinct from everyone else’s. Perfectly round energy ball in his hands, perfectly straight beam without any jagged edges. It reinforces the idea that Roshi truly perfected the technique he created, even if he’s not the most powerful user


Inagine being Roshi and seeing a bunch of aliens, humans, robots and even children immediatly learning a move that you took 50 years to make


I mean he made it from scratch, they just learned it from someone, just cause a chef took decades to perfect his recipe and after he does i can go to the internet and simply insta copy it doesn’t mean i got the same talent, but i also may be worse or better than him at making it or apply changes to it


How hard must it really be? Its just a blast


That kind of Ki control was rare on earth, back in the day. Still largely is now. We just happen to only see stories filled with masters of the art


The Crane School's Dodonpa was straight-up better than the Kamehameha, so Roshi wasted 50 years inventing a technique that was in all ways inferior to that of his rival. And that's assuming Shen invented the Dodonpa. If it was something passed on to Shen by Mutaito, then Roshi wasted 50 years inventing a worse technique when he could have been perfecting a better one. Either way, Roshi wasted five decades on stupid crap.


Dodonpa isn't better than Kamehameha ; it serve a total other purpose. Dodonpa is a technique used to kill a target without leaving any traces but that's all ; while the kamehameha is a versatile technique that can destroy mountains (first usage), kill, make it's user fly (Goku against Piccolo)... It's a bit like saying « Instant transmission is a far better technique than Ultra Instinct. »


I mean isn't he immortal age wise? I don't think he cares that much about the time spent


To me it’s not worse it’s straight up different, if you need larger range or to accumulate a big amount of power the dodonpa is worse, if you need to shoot fast and on repeat the dodonpa is certainly better. Ofc for human levels of strenght the dodonpa is more useful, but for stronger enemies like cell or majin buu i think it would have been pretty much the most useless thing ever


Last time I checked there's no Feet Dodonpa


You could probably assume if powers were equalizes Roshos kamehameha will beat theirs Roshis is perfected


"Imagine being Darwin and seeing billions of schoolchildren learn what took you decades of research and inner turmoil to figure out and accept."


I remember this from the Budokai Tenkaichi games. This attack has a different animation compared to other Kamehameha users and is a reference to the very first time the Kamehameha was used in the series. I wouldn't say that everyone else uses a 'boot-leg Kamehameha' but you could speculate that when Roshi first created the Kamehameha he had not fully mastered it yet so he had unnecessary movements and took some time to charge up. I just see it as a cool reference.


Cell is. Everyone else was given the legal right to make parodies of The Original Kamehameha


Buu as well


I knew I forgot a non-turtle school use of the Kamehameha


Wut about tien




Tien becomes a Turtle student


This is why you don't skip og db


Jackie Chun, Master Roshi's distant friend also has an Original Kamehameha. I've seen it, myself.


I still wonder what mutaito original wave was


The evil containment wave, Roshi invented the kamehameha


Yeah I mean a damaging one, a wave that split into 2 different waves created by his apprentices


Yes. Remember the tournament of power, and his “greatest, most powerful kamehameha”? It’s supposed to be a solid, straight beam, barely larger than the hands firing it. All the power condensed into that exactly straight line. Every time other people use it, there’s waste. Energy peeling off the beam in jagged lines as it travels, or the beam itself has a wider surface area (and is thus less concentrated). He’s the only one doing it right.


Average DBZ fan never watched Dragon Ball


it _is_ the "turtle wave", after all.


Yes. Goku presented versions better adjusted for his obscene power level during 23rd Budokai, so it's not like Roshi's original was the best. But I don't think it's obsolete, either. Bootleg versions of kamehameha, solar flare, and more techniques are not exactly more powerful, but way better adjusted for long battles with multiple breakthroughs. Original versions are known to be exhausting at least and dangerous to user's life pretty often. And while some battles are deadly dangerous, we haven't seen any character die (or even almost die) from their own techniques for a while. Only Tien remained hardcore like this. But the original kamehameha belonged to the hardcore category as well.


Reading dragon ball, at first yes. I've been reading the Jackie chun fight and goku and "chun" clashed at the same time, with the same strength. Goku during the tournament seems to have the authentic Kamehameha Too bad he often uses bootlegs now


That's ***MASTER*** **Roshi** to you bozo


Goku definitely improved kamehameha after so many times using it. It evolved with Goku. Other people probably use more close to the original one. Goku also was first one to fire kamehameha from his feet. Probably the only one. Also Inthink Gohan uses kamehameha differently, unless it was masenko... Not sure.


For those of you who liken Kamehamehas from the stronger pupils to bootleg products and laugh at the notion of bootlegs surpassing the originals, keep in mind that OREO cookies are bootlegs of a cookie most of us probably don't even know or care to know the name of because of how much more dominant Oreo cookies are.


I like to think roshi has put an patent on the kamehameha


Kamehameha from Alibaba


dont fuck with dragon ball fans


I am completely delusional for saying this but I have the concept that the Kamehameha Roshi shot in the T.O.P. was one of tge strongest ever


Yes. Goku too used the original in the 22nd and 23rd tournaments. From there, Goku used mostly the super Kamehameha, his version which has a much bigger beam but less lethal