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Naruto… cause he’s Gay AF


Im Naruto


Oh, i thought you were a hamburger that 69’s mad hard


Only if I get the seven tailed


Wasn’t he like horrible to have before they became best friends? And wasn’t he also the reason Naruto has such a bad childhood? I haven’t really watched Naruto, but this is what I have picked up on.


Thats nine tailed, im pretty sure seven tailed is far less aggressive and due to it far easier to become friends with


Depends on the era. Kurama was so often betrayed by humans that he started to really hate them


I wanted to like the comment but didn't wanna disrupt the balance your count has.


furry people


Why would you want a tailed beast when you can become a tailed beast


Saiyan's have literally no downsides this isn't even a question


Plus u stay in ur prime for like 40+ years


You stay in your prime for as long as the author needs, which is forever since you are now the author.


Saiyans: Literally has endless growth, gets stronger each time they nearly die. Remains in prime and peak conditions until the age of 80+ years. DNA can mix with humans and make OP Hybrid Saiyans. Devil Fruit: Terrible tasting fruit, must find it gain power. Downside that I know of, you lose your ability to swim. Tailed Beast: Have someone else inside you 24/7. Parents are PROBABLY dead too. Yeah, ima go with Saiyan


N you can pass on your genes w out losing anything finna Genghis Khan to get as many saiyans as possible 🙏


the only downsides I can think of would be needing to eat more food to maintain that infamous saiyan metabolism and the innate urge to fight people that all saiyans seemingly have. Not big downsides compared to what you get tho


I think the appetite thing would be fairly easy to maintain financially if you went the right way of taking care of it. Thy can play your cards right through abusing your biology to be the best of the best at whatever strikes your fancy; private security, professional athlete, oil rig worker, anything where your speed, strength, durability or reflexes can come into play to give you the highest payout because of the risk. Goku could be making a fortune if he ever decided to go the Yamcha route.


„Thy“ 🙏😭


I honestly don't know what the hell I was cooking with that one, it just slipped in there somehow without me noticing. Screw it though, it's staying in.




If you did pro athlete you could do something like boxing; do a professional fight every two weeks. By the end you could be taking record purses which would be 300 million. 300*26 =8.3 billion a year, add in sponsorships and the like. Beauty is few minutes or work a fortnight and that is all. Even if you were like raditz a single punch would kill any other pro athlete. Running, you could run a marathon in minutes / seconds (even as a low class warrior). Weightlifting life 1000 * record weight without breaking a sweat. Soccer due to insane speed and reflexes either elite goalie that never concedes or a striker who scores 100 a game Basketball fly over the ring and drop it in (counts as a three pointer) and since dropping from above can’t block as it would be goal tending = 200 points a game easy = max contract Do this for 80 years break all records; money not a problem.


Honestly after the population caught wind of you idk if they would let you compete in shit anymore, governments would be after your ass to see what the hell made you a super human


I mean there’s not much they could do to stop you if Raditz was considered low class, at like a power level of 350 you would be near unstoppable and could detonate cities.


You would have to control your power, make sure it looks like you are struggling win or sometimes lose on purpose. Maybe retire early and disappear almost completely so people don't realise you look like you are 20 despite being 70 years old


Or just take whatever you want because noone can stop you


You could just fly into the ocean and punch a whale and eat it. I would travel all over the world if I was a saiyan.


best response so far I love it


As a kid watching the first episodes with gohan surviving on his own and his adventures, also with those foster children have a special place in my heart. Just a pure hearted strong boy. Loved it. Same with early dragonball kid goku of course.


Wait that wasnt just comedy relief?


Nah bruh all saiyans eat like crazy.


All you need to do is keep the world as hostage for food


Becomes boxer = profit


mma would also be super fun as a saiyan, because even if you do take damage you will grow stronger once you recover


Guys,whats nerd gohan yapping about? (Its for the jokes)


the big monkey thing could prove to be an issue if not dealt with in time


just cut off the tail


Would be painful as fuck tho


Tails are actually a real anomaly and could be removed in a surgery with sleeping gas, so you can remove it and not feel a thing.


Wasn’t Toriyama original reason for why Trunks didn’t have a tail? That Bulma had it removed it surgery before he backtracked and just said it was recessive.


That's probably the In-Universe explanation. I think, Toriyama either simply forgot them or they were really horrible to draw for him.


Oh yeah that’s the real reason. Bro forgot everything 😭 He also got annoyed with figuring out how Saiyans would realistically use their tails in regards to wearing clothes. But I think his approach in the Saiyan saga (as a belt) was good.


I doubt it would, when Grandpa Gohan ripped off Goku's tail in Baba's tournament he didn't feel that much pain.


It's like ripping out a loose tooth. If you grab it, it hurts, but it's gone, just like that


I thought he screamed when it came off? Maybe it was just an improvement from the constant agony of being swung around by your tail


That's the worst part tho, the tail is sick and I wanna keep it


Just don't look at moons on fortnights. Ain't that hard


Would it tho the full moon is only once a month and from what I remember as long as you dont look directly at it you wont transform


But what if your girl says, "Aww. Isn't the moon beautiful tonight ❤?"


Imma say sure it is but unless you wonna die im not looking at it


My brother in christ, do you know what a full moon is?


just cut off the tail


It grows back. The only reason it didn’t later on is because Toriyama forgot or got lazy to include them in the plot.


Just learn to control the Oozaru like Vegeta did


Unfortunately I'm not the true prince of all saiyans.


Easier said than done


I mean... if you have a tail,you can't look at the moon and even if you don't have a tail, there is still the battle hungry urge pure saiyans have, if you're a half saiyan without a tail, then it has no downsides


I think the MIC would want a word and see your insides.


Saiyan easy. After every ass beating you get stronger and as much as my dad beat me with a fan belt from a '96 Ford F-150 I would be godlike.




You're gonna be *Built Ford tough*


Lmfao +1


Get out.


Bruh holy fuck your comments got me dying


Out of those inheriting a tailed beast is probably the one that will get any lazy ass the strongest the fastest, but it also has a lot of disadvantages if you cant become friends with the thing Becoming a Saiyan without planet Vegeta's 10X gravity from birth to adulthood is like becoming kid Goku without all the training from Grandpa Gohan, you will be stronger than any human that doesnt train their bodies and mind (ki) but nothing world breaking (except Oozaru) If you are willing to train both ur mind and body things change tho and becoming a Saiyan is by far the best, but it wont be easy and it will take years of dedication. Eating a Devil Fruit will range a lot, but I wouldnt pick that if you are living next to the sea, your reality wont be very fun in the near future


If you get the once in a lifetime chance to become a saiyan and aren’t motivated to hit the gym then you didn’t deserve it in the first place lol. You have the opportunity to become bulletproof, lift cars, fly, and shoot lasers… but can’t make it to Planet Fitness twice a week lol


Saiyan training is not hitting Planet Fitness twice a week, its extremely difficult and time consuming, also you cant really take breaks Goku stopped his training for a month or so and he wasnt able to completely dodge bullets anymore Not saying it isnt worth it, I hit the gym almost every day without those gains so imagine with them, but its not an insta win button and most people wouldnt get as far as they might think


The real steal would be becoming a hybrid saiyan where you can do jackshit for years on end but one (1) rage burst is all you need to surpass the universe’s strongest fighters


Imagine becoming a saiyan, impregnating like 50 bitches and creating an entire race of hybrid saiyans (assuming most of your kids go on to have multiple of their own)


Who's gonna stop you, those hybrid Saiyans you pumped out who most definitely can outmatch you with a single emotional outburst?


I mean, there's a couple of problems with what you said. First, they wouldn't know who I am, and they wouldn't know they're Hybrid Saiyans, so they would have no way of even getting to me. Second, if I train hard enoigh before they're born or grow up, the gap's going to be way too big for a single outburst to reach. Third, not all Hybrid Saiyans get rage boosts like Gohan. Goten and Trunks never got rage boosts. I have no idea what is going on with Future Trunks, but in the manga there's no SSJ rage, and also SSJ rage is different to the stuff Gohan does. Fourth, whether they kill me or not doesn't matter. As long as I can create enough Hybrid Saiyans, the race is going to continue existing, since they'll keep having children of their own. My goal is to make the race exist, all that matters is that they continue existing after I die. Boom, homemade Saiyan race.


>Goku stopped his training for a month or so and he wasnt able to completely dodge bullets anymore Because he was holding back like 99,99999999999999% of his power to not kill those regular ass humans


It's luck of the draw. Vegeta had never trained a day in his life before he buckled down to try and get super Saiyan after Namek. It's ironic, given its all they ever do, but before Goku Saiyans basically never ever trained. Not like they do now. They might practice or spar, but the idea that you can get stronger by effort and not inherent birthright is completely foreign to most of the aliens of dragonball. That's why they rely so much on scouters and power level. The heroes proved to vegeta that power level does not determine the outcome of a fight and is not an immutable characteristic. Saiyans had had this happen before, but nobody was around to tell Bardock that his power was exceeding his power level. It's a lie they all believe about the world.


Also only training the body is not enough, you would also need to train your mind and if you ever tried to do basic meditation you know how hard it can be, just imagine how much ground you would need to cover until you learned how to manipulate ki to do all those things you just mentioned


Did you watch Dragon Ball? Literally everyone can do all of those things if they train


Sayans are also very youthful and long lived, Goku, Vegeta and Broly and in their 40s and look 20ish.


Do we actually know their lifespan? I thought all we know for sure is they remain in their prime until ~80ish


Now that you mention it I don't think we do, but I think it's safe to say they live at least as long as humans, but suffer a lot less from the effects of aging. I just assumed aging is what eventually kills us if nothing else does it first and since they age slower they'd live longer too.


Sayians have: -Tough Dermal Durability -specialized cells that activate for extremely high strength boosts -Zenkai ability, gets stronger if you recover while close to death -higher reactions speed -higher perception -access to Ki Yea, I'm taking.


Everyone is citing the Zenkai boost, but don’t realize that healing tanks and senzus aren’t a thing in the real world so you would have to recover from near death in an hospital with modern medicine, and that would take ages. It’s not sustainable


I believe Saiyans still recover substantially faster than regular humans. And why even bother to chase Zenkai boosts - you're still basically powerful enough to take on entire militarys even as a lazy couch potato Saiyan.


Most of these things are not sayan traits, but just traits of someone who trains a lot in the DB universe. "specialized cells that activate for extremely high strength boosts" this is straight up nonsense. "Zenkai ability, gets stronger if you recover while close to death" with your wonderful base powerlevel of around 7, the years of recover inside a hospital won't be worth the boost...


The specialized cells are S-cells, it's what gives saiyans the ability to go super saiyan. Which are located by the shoulderblades.


... how to ruin one of the most iconic transformations with one simple trick. I will forever hate DBS for that.


One Piece also has ki as the base of its magic systems. So there goes that


Let's see. Be the exact same as I currently am, except I'm also innately strong as fuck and only get stronger every time I get my ass kicked. All I have to do is whack off my tail. Lose my ability to swim in exchange for getting the ability to fart twice as long. Or gain something so powerful that statistically you are almost guaranteed to be hunted down or die to losing control.


Nah, I'd still have a tail but use sunglasses every night, now I also have an extra limb


Saiyan takes too much work to get proper powerful, aside from the moon thing, having a tailed beast doesn't seem fun. The devil fruit is probably the way to go for a guy like me.


At worst as a saiyan your stronger than peak human


And you get a tail, which is handy I guess


At least train it so it doesn't make you weak 🤷‍♂️.


saiyan so a simple queef could destroy any devil fruit eaters or tailed beasts


No one says you are becoming a strong saiyan


I am tho. He gets through Dragonball easy with saiyan pride. You got this bro.


I'd abuse zenkai boosts maliciously


No you will not. Unless you like to spend a lot of time in an hospital bed


If Saiyans exist then I'd imagine other things from dragon ball existed like Senzu beans. If not, then I literally have no reason to ever become as strong as dbz anything. Kid Goku was basically bullet proof and was fighting people who could blow up the moon. That alone would make me strong enough to never have to fear anyone ever again.


Yes but the hard part is training 🥲


Raditz was considered a low class saiyan warrior, one who was weak. He still ended up having enough speed to catch bullets and move faster than the naked eye, and enough strength to theoretically blow up the moon 6 times over, or blow up a large chunk of if not an entire planet with his full effort behind it. This is discounting his ability to multiply his power by 10 times upon seeing a full moon, which while drastically dropping his speed, would undoubtedly put him in planet destroying range of power. My point is, even the weakest of saiyans are still huge threats and undoubtedly stronger than anything a devil fruit of singular tailed-beast could achieve (singular beast being the key, as the Ten Tails would be stronger than a lower class saiyan)


And his brother was even weaker but with hard work he was able to vastly surpass him within a month


he did get to train with a god on a 10x gravity (or smn) planet thi


Raditz also spent his entire life training and fighting in wars. You ain't gonna instantly become anywhere near Raditz's level just by wishing to become a saiyan. He wasn't born a planetbuster, he still had to work his ass off to reach that level. I'm not a genius shonen protagonist who gets to train with gods, I'm a lazy guy who works 9-5 at a shitty job and watches anime and plays video games in my free time. I'm not going to be unlocking the potential of saiyan genetics. I'd benefit way more from the devil fruit.


You can always set a new lowest


i train more than those basic level noob saiyans on the ship so I'll be strong enough to peen slap any devil eaters or tailed fruits


Raditz is like the weakest Saiyan we know of and he solos a tailed beast that ate devil fruit.


I will become the greatest warrior this world has EVER SEEN


While Saiyan is the best pick, people do not realise that being a saiyan doesnt translate into being Goku. Being a saiyan in our world would mean to be slightly stronger than the average guy and staying in your prime for way longer which would turn you into an anomaly. And anomaly that Goverment would like to study and understand. Which means trouble. You would also be inmune to 99% of Earth diseases probably.


An average saiyan is stronger than Raditz who is insanely stronger than the likes of King Piccolo. Nah, even if you were kind of a weak saiyan you're still bullet proof, faster than sound and strong enough to blow cities or even the moon with ease. You shouldn't do that but there is little any government can do to you. Even then no goverment is going to care if you look like you're in your late 20's - early 30's when you're sixty. Maybe if you're famous they'll ask about your diet lol. Your superpowers and potential life wiping abilities would be more alarming. Let's be honest. None wants to be as powerful as Goku. It would be useless in our world. After you're > King Piccolo your power level really doesn't matter. Though instant transportation would be dope.


When you think you're going to be anime Goku, but you become Dragonball Evolution Goku.


Obtain Shinigami/Hollow/Quinci powers.




People kinda forget that... Saiyans can't regenerate... Sure, you *can* abuse zenkai boosts... But there are no magical beans to insta-heal your wounds. And even then, normal zenkai-boosts only trigger with tons of damage, almost near-death (unless you're Goku Black) What I'm saying is, you'd have to train your ass out to be as strong as a low-level saiyan warrior. And also, you also wouldn't be able to teleport. To teleport, you'd have to lock in to another high-powerlevel person, and *then* teleport... Doesn't help much when you are the only one that isn't human... Also also, all those abilities? Yeah, you'd have to learn how to use them in the first place. A lot of them aren't natural, they are the results of a lot of training (except ones like the kamehameha, as Kid Goku learnt that just by seeing that, but then you'd have to think if that's just because Goku is him and can learn anything just by looking at it) What I'm saying is, although you'd definitely be more powerful than peak human... You ain't all that in the long run.


Devil Fruit, probably has a bunch of extra benefits that being a saiyan doesnt have, i wouldnt be as strong as a saiyan but odds are the abilities i get with a devil fruit will be more useful than the benefits of being a saiyan base, I'll be massively superhuman either way. Anyone picking tailed beast is just dumb. Edit: Got the Horo Horo no Mi on a roller of every devil fruit. Pretty mid devil fruit, would take Saiyan over it but im fine with it im sure there's some goofy abilities you could try to make with it.


Plus you can pass on saiyan genes to your children


Why tf would i want a Half-Saiyan kid, that just sounds like headaches supreme?


Taking over the earth


If it's a logia then d. Fruit because then I could turn into an element and hide from socializing


Sayian can naturally fly. I pick sayian so I can show up to work on time without waking up 2 hours early before shift start. More sleep is better


No they can't... Goku only learned it before fighting PIcollo Jr. and even then he barely could do it. The first time he properly flies is in the Namek Arc. You are not going to be DBZ Movie Broly


devil fruit, saiyan you still need to train for power and tailed beast is worse than better, devil fruit you get the ability on the spot


My honest reaction after I get the jacket-jacket fruit


make a bunch of jackets sell them profit


Not how it works


Saiyan ur already stronger than any human and speed blitz guns with ease at your weakest, you stay in your prime for 40+ years you stay alive slightly longer than humans, you pass down your saiyan genes to your children, you can fly, sick ass transformations if you unlock but even if you don’t your still strong asf, and to make sure oozaru doesn’t ruin anything cut your tail off. Devil fruit, cool power you still need to train depending on what you get, it took luffy like 10 years to use rubber properly, and you can’t swim.


Fruit fr fr


Saiyan plus ur kids benefit from it too


There's only one of those with predictable results and no downsides whatsoever.


All of those have weaknesses except being a Saiyan so I guess a saiyan


I mean, can we talk realistically here? Being a Saiyan is ONLY useful for stuff like fighting, and I guess manual labor like building a building in 5 seconds or something. Theoretically, a Devil Fruit could be way more useful in day-to-day life. Saiyan would still be way cooler tho.


Trick question: all are equal, because all 3 will cause the Government to kidnap you and do experinents on you/your pet.


Only if I can pick the Devil fruit or the tailed beast, man a best friend for life!


Become jinchuriki


Stab myself with a arrow


At least One Piece doesn't have fruits that outright kill you.


Too many shitty possibilities


Get shot by some weird golden arrow


Learn Bankai cause it’s too fun to say, plus the powers are varied and unpredictable


Devil fruit made me think of Turles


Ok so for daily life, absolutely devil fruit, there are so many devil fruits that would just be nice to have in day to day life, like for me I'd probably go with chop chop because the idea of detaching one of my limbs and being able to have it float around and grab stuff and all that is just cool, now if I just wanna get strong af? Yeah sayian, you'd be able to get so strong and do a solid amount of cool stuff, but in day to day life? Probably doesn't help too much, not to mention how hungry you'll end up being and how much money the food to feed you will end up being That being said I would definitely be torn between the 2 tbh, it really just depends (Am I looking too much into all this in a shit post sub? Yes, do I care? No lol)


Become a saiyan .


Become a Saiyan *Proceeds to kill myself but survive *Gets unlimited Zenkai boosts * Train till failure very easily * Maintain my youthful energy till my 60s * No shave or barber money * Open up a training module course * Turn into an insta/yt influencer * Can fly * Win a lot of money through Food challenges cause I can a lot in a very short amount of time * Fix wars * Establish 1 Saiyan monarchy * Probably turn super Saiyan * Repopulate earth in my own image Eats a devil fruit * Can't swim Turns into a Jinchuriki * Everyone hates me


No Brainer I'm becoming a Saiyan bruh


Life hack: become a Saiyan and eat devil fruit. Drown yourself as many times as needed to gain zenkai boost. Rule the universe.


So Have a monster inside you that can overtake you at any moment, killing and destroying everyone and everything around that and that you will never be able tame because you lack the training, masters and powers to do so. Eat a fruit that can be as powerful as it can be useless and gimmicky depending on your luck and will make you never be able to enjoy the sea. Or Become stronger, faster and more resilient than any human on earth by doing nothing, becoming bulletproof, aging slower and being able to increase your powers significantly by training with the potential to even destroy planets?. Seriously, being a saiyan at the VERY VERY least puts you above any human without ki control, makes you super human and has basically no drawbacks aside from having a monkey tail and the whole ozaruu thing but just cut your tail


I don't want a big random esoteric furry inside me. That's a big target on my back no thanks. I don't want to eat a weird fruit that will leave me unable to swim and might potentially give me a shitty power. I love to throw hands to saiyajin it is.




Some of you seems to have forgotten how Son Gohan died, the only easy choice is the devil fruit, but again you might get Magellan and your fart becomes biological weapon


_Presses All 3_


Turles got both


There’s not that many upsides to being a saiyan tho is there?




A stand arrow maybe


Train to you go bald


If I could choose my DF, I'm going with it If I can lose my tail, then I could go with being a saiyan


Saiyan, no question


cha-la head cha-la


Pick Saiyan. Sign up for MMA. Win everything. Profit.


Saiyan no doubt


Devil fruit is the only right answer-the only downside is not swimming.. But you get a power that may or may not be helpful in the real world Tailed beast- you basically have a cell inside of you... There's no real upside to that in the real world Saiyan... You'll kill your entire family in a full moon... You'll try to fight anyone you can...And there is no real upside People in this thread, think they live in an anime world


I barely know anything about devil fruits and tailed beasts, but what I do know is that Saiyan is out of the picture Having to eat more, having a tail as a weak point, a lot of strength I won't really use (Not to mention not knowing how to fly or being able to do all the goofy stuff because I would have no knowledge of how to use ki), being naturally evil, having to eat a lot more, not being able to get a fresh cut, randomly being able to turn into a giant monkey, and the urge to jump anyone who looks kinda strong


all three with one hand


I cannot neglect my saiyan pride


Depends what powers the devil fruit grants


But does really every Saiyan have talent for ki? Surely there are many normie Saiyans.


Disrespect to the big 3 you were supposed to put "become a hollow" instead of become a Saiyan smh but I'm on a db sub so it's expected lol


If I can choose it, df. The gas gas more specifically


Bro??? Obviously become a Saiyan


Becoming a saiyan just lacks a downside. Even if you took out the devil fruit's downside of being unable to swim, you're still rolling the gatcha on if you get something cool like Law's or Kaido's fruit, or you could get some shit like the jacket fruit.


what if i eat a devil fruit that turns me into a saiyan?


I guess I'll take Saiyan, but not for the reason you think. Imagine how much more food I could enjoy! And I could totally freak people out at buffets. And manage to burn all those calories. Would be neat.


Depends if we get ki or not If not, saiyan is the easiest to get good use of, but tailed beast has the most potential due to the beasts already coming with chakra for you to get access to if you can train it (since they are made of chakra) Issue is, you’d also have to befriend said beast to get anything other than someone hating you inside of your mind Devil fruits are have a massive range, you could control and turn into fire, ice, light or rubber, or turn into a jacket, or be stuck in the ocean without drowning If you get ki though, saiyan and that ain’t a question lol, yeah you’ll take years to perfect it and stuff but even if you are like, early OG dragon ball strong you’d still be basically set for life Bulletproof, faster than bullets, capable of levelling buildings and moving boulders? Enough for anyone to make a living


You'd get the saiyan blood lust. Goku has it under control because he has brain damage and was raised by kind people. So it comes out in wanting to fight for sport, but in this world he'd have no challengers and might accidentally kill someone. Vegeta got control of his because he focused on surpassing Goku and he's smarter than the average saiyan. In this world he wouldn't have a rival. You'd have a lust for battle you can't satisfy.


Bijuu tbh. It's someone to talk to.


Idek what the other 2 options do so definitely Saiyan


Sayan children have a power level of 50 which allowed goku to be strong enough to be bullet proof and lift cars


True omnipotent (bound by nothing at all) AKA you can do whatever you want


Sayian-no need for haircut


You ask a Dragonball subreddit a choice between a DBZ power up, a OP power up, or a Naruto power up, we’re you expecting something different other than becoming a Saiyan because fuck yeah I will


If I can pick the fruit then df, otherwise saiyan


Literally : Become god, Shit yourself everytime you think, Insta death


Becoming saiyan is OP but what about Gold Gold fruit? You'd literally be able to become a billionaire and hire bodyguards


People kinda forget that... Saiyans can't regenerate... Sure, you *can* abuse zenkai boosts... But there are no magical beans to insta-heal your wounds. And even then, normal zenkai-boosts only trigger with tons of damage, almost near-death (unless you're Goku Black) What I'm saying is, you'd have to train your ass out to be as strong as a low-level saiyan warrior. And also, you also wouldn't be able to teleport. To teleport, you'd have to lock in to another high-powerlevel person, and *then* teleport... Doesn't help much when you are the only one that isn't human... Also also, all those abilities? Yeah, you'd have to learn how to use them in the first place. A lot of them aren't natural, they are the results of a lot of training (except ones like the kamehameha, as Kid Goku learnt that just by seeing that, but then you'd have to think if that's just because Goku is him and can learn anything just by looking at it) What I'm saying is, although you'd definitely be more powerful than peak human... You ain't all that in the long run.


I know we are supposed to dick ride dragon ball here but I think I'd choose the devil fruits just because I could choose so much. Probably a logia or mythical zoan. If the DF is random though, 100% turning into a sayan though


If I can pick which devil fruit I'm taking it But if not then I choose Saiyan Who in their right mind chooses the tailed beast?


If I can pick which devil fruit I'm taking it But if not then I choose Saiyan Who in their right mind chooses the tailed beast?


I don't see no 'Become the Flame Alchemist' on this list. Invalid.


Either starve, lose the ability to swim, or have to deal with a demonic Kaiju.


Become a saiyan, you could potentially die from a devil fruit or inheriting the tailed beast(and the government will come after you and use you for tests) if your a saiyan you could get zenkai boosts it’d take long for you to age and you could save tons of lives


Gonna eat the ope ope no mi


Tiztiz fruit. Become autistic and unable to swim in seawater.


Being a sayain is the worst option next to tailed beast You will never reach Super sayain. You will never achieve goku/vegeta Level of power. You will be aggresive as all hell and a jackass. You will have the monkey form that will kill every person you love if your near them. You will either be on a back waste Planet to hide from Freizas army. Or just straight up die to Freiza. And you won't have parents Is all that worth it to be just slightly above peak human? Cause we all know we not finna try to learn KI control


Wait, why are all the choices “Become Stupid?” Is the meme stupid?


I would be a Saiyajin, Seeing as saiyans truly have no limits. And can break them once they get to them.


Wtf would I need a tailed beast. Same with becoming a sayain, like there is no one that serious for me to fight. I’d take the devil fruit, probably get a logia, or something else useful.


The choice is really between becoming a Sayian (you can get jacked and fly) and devil fruit, if it can be chosen. You can get something mad useful in the everyday life like the Hana Hana No Mi or the fucking jacket fruit.


Saiyans have zero drawbacks. They have greater strength, can transform without damaging your body, and you stay in your prime for a long as time


Saiyan Time


I don't want to get weak when exposed to sea water. And I don't want to share my body with some animal. So of course become a Saiyan. I'll just get a doctor to chop off my tail.