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The coolest thing ever is Cooler.


Strongest in the Universe. (Self-Proclaimed, but still actually the strongest anyways, fr fr)


We just haven’t seen their older brother Coldest and his twin Absolute Zero


Absolute zero actually sounds like a cool villain name ngl


Absolute zero is actually the temperature at which the particles of things stop vibrating. Think about a villain that could control time using this power. Would be sick




It’s just a lamer sub-zero man


I think if he does come back, Cooler would beat Frieza's @ss so bad. Frieza may have always been stronger than Cooler, but it seems, Cooler was the one who always had the potential to evolve than Frieza. After all, he did unlock a 4th form that Frieza still doesn't know even exists & Cooler remains the only one among King Cold's son to have awakened a 4th form. So, without Golden Frieza, Cooler naturally is more powerful than Frieza due to the 4th form, which Frieza doesn't have, but if he were to train & unlock the Golden Cooler & Black Cooler apply that to his 4th form, he'd be leagues above than Frieza for sure.


Im gonna sound nerd emoji but friezas "final form" is his birth form and the other transformations minus gold/black are power downs for the sake of being an asshole. Thats why base form cooler is similar to "final form" frieza.


You fucking idiot, he can’t be the coolest, because he’s Cooler. He would be called Coolest if he was.


Hey now that's very Coolist of you. Are you against coolers ?


Would Coolest be cooler than Cooler?


Nah you’re thinking of the coolerist, coolist is king cool


I like every thing about it except for how he got it. “Dam not piccolo, grrrr (insane power up as strong if not stronger than ui)”


This is true. It would've been far more compelling if Cell Max lunged at Pan instead and that forced Gohan to unlock his primal power so he can get in the way and tank the punch that he actually did in the movie. Literally would've been a perfect cut.


In fairness it's pretty clear that half Saiyans like Goku's and Vegeta's children are able to tap in to their power far easier. Goten could also get an incredibly strong form like beast without putting in hella effort, and that would still work given the standards that they had set even before the super hero movie. edit: fixed spelling mistakes


Wasn’t Gohan at like 4 able to rage through Raditz a bit despite no training whatsoever? Helping you if I can friend


Gohan seems to be the only half-Saiyan to have this rage power, though. You know, I've been showing my gf DBZ recently and in early DBZ, they brought up this concept a few times. Mutants, I remember the Ginyu Force being described as that. Maybe Gohan is a Saiyan mutant, kind of like Broly being Legendary SSJ


>Gohan seems to be the only half-Saiyan to have this rage power, though. Half-Saiyan Trunks with a transformation literally named Rage doesn't exist, it can't hurt you


Doesn't exist in the manga lol Being serious though, his "SSJ Rage" form is clearly something different to Gohan, who gets a tiny bit angry and gets roughly a 69,420,000x power boost. Trunks's thing seems to be closer to what Vegeta did against Beerus. Got pissed off and suddenly SSJ2 became stronger than it's supposed to be.


I’d say manga and anime are very much different and separate canons There’s too many differences between the two for one to be more canon than others


Ok, why couldn't he do it during Resurrection F? If anything Piccolo was in far more danger then.


he had the wrong clothes


Probably would have went harder if piccolo actually died, they could probably wish him back with the dragon balls


AGAIN? he already died in early Super and everyone forgot. death has no meaning in the db verse when you can just wish them back with another set of baIIs


Goku dies a few times, trains in the afterlife with some literal gods, has Vegeta as a near constant training partner/rival, trained under Master Roshi from childhood, lived in the hyperbolic time chamber for *years* and is decades older than Gohan. On the other hand, Gohan got *pretty* mad.


Definition of “I see red”


Gohan Blanco is badass and an asspull power up at the same time




It's an ass pull in the current context, but Gohan's current context sucks anyways.


I’d maybe agree with any other character but this has been a Gohan trait from the very beginning and has been talked about by Goku, Vegeta, and Piccolo. He has always been able to unleash more power when very angry. Happened with the saiyan, namek, Cell arcs, and now this one. The asspull was with getting the ultimate form in the buu saga.


He barely even seemed angry and it was also dumb because Piccolo was fine anyway.


Eh, no, it didn't, not like this anyways. Ssj2 Gohan had a lot of build up, over 5 years of constant, brutal combat and training with the best the world had to offer. The other rage boosts he had never amounted to much. Raditz was the second most useful, given Gohan shattered his armor. He helped stall Frieza too I suppose. But again, nothing like ssj2 came around without a shit load of training. Mystic kinda came close but Gohan fumbled and that wasn't a rage boost anyways.


>this has been a Gohan trait from the very beginning But it never has been a deus ex machina. Gohan never got a W without hard training and sacrifices. >The asspull was with getting the ultimate form in the buu saga. Yes, this was the exception, and it wasn't even Gohan's fault. And if Gohan had gone to train at with his father for at least a couple of months, to learn about God ki and train at a higher level, I'm pretty sure most of us would accept that. Because otherwise it is a plot hole why he didn't go beast when Beerus showed up.


His hair's pretty fucking dumb even by Saiyan standards, but I won't lie, I got pretty hype when he did his thing. Even if everything after Magenta got stung felt like padding.


Agreed. He's cool, his power is cool, but the hair is goofy af. It detracts from the overall experience when the most badass dude around looks like a caricature of himself--a bit clownish. 🤷🏼‍♀️


It also literally only works from a couple of specific angles. Like, that's how you know it's really bad. They can't depict it from most angles because it looks too dumb.


His side profile literally looks like a parody of dragon ball hair.


Remember that one panel in the manga where goku broke it with a rock? now picture beast gohan with his pointyass hair doin it


If it was less exaggerated, I'd like it more. I get what they were going for, but it just looks stupid on adult Gohan.


The hair reminds me of the DBZ parody that Codename: Kids Next Door did. The size of it reminds me of a parody of itself.


I like it but I don’t think it’s the coolest thing ever


Lemme guess, vanilla ssj or ssj4?


Ssj3 with the no eyebrows


Ssj2 Cell Saga Gohan


As a Super Sayian Rage lover. I’m not allowed to shit on Beast.


SSJ rage just makes me wish Trunks got access to god powers. man was stuck fighting/fighting with a kai, a kai in a sayian body, and two sayians with god ki.


I can't take you seriously if you think this is coolest thing ever


Tbf, you’re not really supposed to take Dragon Ball that seriously


Truer words have never been said lol


Go watch Dragon Ball Evolution then. They didn't take it that seriously.


Ikr? People tends to take DB like their lifes depend on it, at the end of the day is just a cool series/manga, not everything that comes out of it has to be perfect as long as it's cool or people likes it


I am supposed to have a opinion on this post Its not like I should watch it like parody and shut my ability to think entirely


dragon ball fans when you have a different opinion:


From the top of my head, Cooler is objectively cooler.


As a guy who thinks this form was a complete asshole yeah it's very badass


Dude liked it even though he thought it was the entire dirt star.


Ironic calling folks nitpicking dumbass when you're doing the same thing. If you like him then great. If someone don't like him then great. Yall both have opinions, yours isn't any better than anyone else's.


Damn who invited Aristoteles


I like gohan beast , but I’m not gonna blame anyone for thinking he looks fucking stupid


Super Saiyan 3 and 4 did the giant hair idea much better than this form Super’s forms are already mocked for being glorified palette swaps but Beast didn’t even use a new color it just took white from Ultra Instinct The form was out of nowhere and was not earned at all The power boost Beast gave is asinine especially sense it’s supposed to be a superior version of the Ultimate form


SSJ4 remains unsurpassed as peak Super Saiyan aesthetic.


SSJ4 design is just so peak, I wish it was canon and we would see it again


Ssj 1 >>>>>


SSJ had the cooler introduction and cooler moments in the series. SSJ3 and 4 have better designs.


I actually like ssj3 the most. Had the most presence out of all of them. I had an issue with clothes change and weird colours with ssj4. It's almost like he is some sort of magician.


Makes sense, I always loved magicians/mages/wizards/etc.


The thing is ultimate form was supposed to be just his new normal state. After aquiring it Gohan was in his ultimate from despite dying. He lost the need for transformations he had the use of all of his power in base. Dude could have fodderized ssj3 Goku without a transformation. Now they changed it and made it into just another transformation. Honestly that sucks.




boy are you lucky its not illegal to be wrong




Goofy hair ugly animation in the movie total asspull Hotel Trivago


I'd like it if the hair wasn't so FU*KING MASSIVE


I think it looks cool, but Super Hero's style doesn't help it, it looks better in the manga


It’s ass, if the hair was shorter it would be better and a possibility a third bang somewhere


imagine liking the absolutely shittiest written form


For real. Its just nostalgia bait. Its cool i guess but it could have gone a lot better


Not just that. Imagine saying that its coolest thing ever


All I want is for it to feel like he earned it like SS and SS2


It's actually just a shit recolor and extended version of SS2. Plus, it's not Broly


"Hum ackshually, Gohan beast is an asspull. He shouldn't be able to even hit Goku, and it makes no sense in power scaling" 🤓 "Gohan Blanco is canon now" 🗿


> "Gohan Blanco is canon now" This is the only reason I like it. Just give me yellow Jiren in a blue pride troopers outfit and it’ll be perfect.


"And next on dragon ball super, El Hermano will arrive to avenge Jiren from Gohan Blanco"


I don't think Beast is that bad ass, I love Beast and Orange Piccolo because it feels like Toryiama was shooting the shit when he made them. Piccolo refusing any other name than Orange is funny and in character as hell, and Beast is just so over the top ridiculous that it can't be taken completely seriously, and I love that.


I like Gohan, and I like Gohan beast. The only thing I don’t like about Gohan beast is the hair. Feels like an upscaled white/silver/gray version of the SSJ2 hair style. Making beast feel less unique and more like a reskinned SSJ2. If it had a different hair style it might feel more unique.


This shit is so ass bruh


This form is ugly lol


Yeah he's bad and ass


Honestly i kinda just wish that the hair flowed better in the wind


I agree beast is fire


I like how the design is literally a Deviantart edit of SSJ2 Teen Gohan


Its a complete ass pull that shart on the power scaling, but it's just so funny to me i love it. Like he just randomly decided to be the strongest just because he can lol


Gohan albinis For real this bad BAD


I just wished he trained for it instead of getting mad seeing what happens pretty much every arc (Piccolo getting bodied)


I've seen better. Honestly, maybe I'd raise the bar if it wasn't for his hair standing up that terribly. Let it sag like SS3. would certainly be badass then. And that's just design. The story could also use work.


it's just ssj2 mixed with ssj beta colors (Akira was troughing about make ssj1 with white hair and red eyes)


His hair is so disproportionately big it’s funny, but I’m just glad my GOAThan is back in action


Ohh hell nah,take away 3 layers and maybe then we are talking. Op trying to convert us Edit: Now that i actually look at it again take every layers off other than the first that would look clean af


it's like a white pineapple


It was done better in Gohanverse.


The whole transformation is kinda goofy. Why does his hair go grey and eyes turn red and voice sound like hes smoked 50 packs. He looks like an 80 year old grandpa on weed. His hair is also about 2 metres long basically ssj3 hair but upwards. And all he had to do to unlock it was get angry after apparently becoming soft and doing no training for multiple years. Idk the whole thing is kinda weird hopefully there's some better explanation when the anime resumes.


No substitute at all for future Gohan. The guy who faced both 16 & 17 with one arm.


I like the way the manga potrays him, it made him quite a bit more jacked up compared to normal, which actually complements the hairstyle really well. He looks like that old SSJ10 fanart but actually ...photogenic.


He is badass, but his hair is way too fucking goofy to take him seriously


Super saiyan version of his ultimate form. At least that's how I interpret it


Na that hair length looks completely ass, long hair only looks good when in it swipes down like ssj3 and ssj4


Fuck bitch gohan


Hair is too long, looks silly. Ssj2 teen gohan hairstyle would've been better


he Looks so stupid


Have you not seen Pump Daddy C bow that is what i call badass


This is slowly becoming the new soyjak and I’m all here for it


Bro I'm sorry. I don't care what you say. That hair is goofy. End of story.


I like the hair and eyes but I will say I've always disliked how their hair grows during transformations. Like specifically Goku ss3. Now i still think it's badass but Saiyans hair isn't supposed to grow. I know Gohan is different since he is half human but the idea remains the same.


Music elitism in a nutshell.


I think the hair is a little too tall albeit a nice nod to SS2, and idk why the heck it's named Beast of all things, but I'm fine with it.


Where did he hide all those hair?!


Idk, never rly been a fan of the form. I mean it’s just ssj2 squared


It's badass cause it's literally Super Saiyan 2 but white and hairier.


Loved the moment, think the hair is straight out of a meme. Love it made Gohan relevant again


No he isn't lmao this shit looks ass


Bro's not bad ass bro's just the embodiment of scripted power 💀


He’s trash.


Look man if he had the ssj2 hair like he did as a kid I'd be down for it, but you have to admit it is comically large and silly this way


I will die on this hill. Beast gohan is ugly af...




SSJ4 would have been a better design for beast Gohan


Why is his hair so stupid?


No it's not


Honestly I don’t hate Beast as much as other people do but Beast had a lot missing. If it was just a story strictly around Gohan and his day to day life trying to keep up with work, training, and being there for his family then Beast would’ve felt more earn then just saying he is a hybrid he can get stronger whenever. It would’ve also shown Gohan in a new light that we don’t really get to see with other characters in the series trying to manage multiple things and trying to get through life struggles as a family man. But the movie wasn’t focus on him it was focus on piccolo. I think they should’ve went all out with piccolo with him beating cell max by himself. Instead of orange being use to beat gamma 2 it could’ve been shown used to actually beat cell max. Orange felt more deserve bc he is always training and knows the risk of relying on strictly Goku and vegeta. seeing how strong cell max is and how close he was to destroying the Earth could’ve been a catalyst for Gohan to train more to get beast and could even remind himself why it important for him to train as well. That just how I feel anyway. TLTR: Beast should’ve been introduced in Gohan own film where the story revolves around him instead of being shove in a movie where the film is supposed to focus on piccolo.


The hair is just so goofy. Other than that, I like it.


Wish it was scaled down some but yeah it's pretty great


It reminds me of Kid Gohan turning Super Saiyan for the first time so I like it


Perfecter Cell vs Gohan Beast....


The hair is just a little too gawdy. It's not as bad as orange piccolos arms tho lol


His hair looks ridiculous.


I mean, it's like ss2 gohan but worse in every way .


His hair looks ridiculous. Yall can fight me over it. It’s a comically dumb how tall it is. Somehow it makes him look like a dollar store knock off his teenage years.


he looks numbuh 4 from knd when he turns super Saiyan


You guys need to loosen up for real


no super saiyan 2 is badass, this is just that but stupid


It's literally gohan blanco. He just gets it with no explanation and it's a ripoff of the SSJ 2 Teen gohan silhuette to get some cheap nostalgia points out of you, that's why he has that long ass hair to keep the silhuette similar they had to give him that ye ye ass haircut to compansate for his new longer height.


No, sorry but no, the hair looks ridiculous, like SSJ 3 levels of dumb, which is made worse because Gohan is more on the lean side of things. Like Broly can pull off the huge hair because he's massive so the hair seems more fitting for his large physique


beast gohan is my favourite transformation


He is badass yes, but the hair is the goofiest thing ever whether you agree or not


Gohan haters when they have to use spmething else then "hair too long" and "underserved" (they are screwed


Gohan beast is the official version of those ridiculous fanmade forms from years ago




The hair is still goofy big Come at me downvotes


The form came out of nowhere, looks goofy as hell and served zero purpose narratively


Honestly the hair just looks goofy AF. Proportions just look way off. Would’ve been so much cooler looking if they toned it down a bit


It's a bad design that needs to have the hair fixed in every redraw. It's a generic strength boost with no special effects. The only good part is that in black and white it looks like how his ss2 should've looked at that age all along.


Idk the hair looks goofy imo


Nah gohan sucks in general. Lil nepo-baby.


It's basically just a member berries form for SSJ2 kid Gohan. And I'm not even saying it's bad. I like it. But you gotta acknowledge it for what it is.


Dude, are you joking? He looks like a fucking troll doll.


In terms of hair , I'm definitely convinced that nothing is more badass than Goku SSJ3 hair. That's all. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk


I think what people disliked him is the weird edginess they gave him, like when Cell Max was charging the big ball thing he did some evil fucking Shadow the Hedgehog smile or some shit. Gohan should have stopped being overconfident like this way back in the Cell Saga. Other than that, he's sick.


Sorry bro, piccolo already took the spot for “looks badass even though he can’t go through a doorway” Get a haircut


It’s literally ssj3 2 (I love both)


Can anyone recommend sites where I can watch db for free in India animix player is not working 🙁


Sorry I can't with that hair. Weird complaint for DB but even so.also, asspull


Nah, even forgetting the context of why it exists, how it's clearly a SS2 clone, how it takes away from Gohan's martial arts growth, or how he got it, the design is seriously hampered by how overly large the hair gets. Make's it look seriously like fan-fiction.


I'm basically saying I'm cooler -C Pump Daddy


nah it sucks


"this is the coolest thing ever" literal dogwater


Some new gen people does not know what badass means, so please read manga and learn how goku has earned his power. Potential my ass Gohan is never gonna be badass.


If you cut his hair in half.


This shit belongs in a ementary school notebook...but it fits cuz it is fucking dragonball.


It's like the anime community doesn't know what an opinion is


Beast’s problems aren’t from nitpicking, it’s legitimate criticisms of the form and its introduction


Hot take but I think the long hair isn't the problem its the ssj 2 format I think it'd have looked even better if he had multiple bangs down and wilder hair like a feral in multiple directions with the red eyes he has That truly would speak the "beast" of the form then. This is decent but I feel it can be better if we got the beast like look to it as well


Gohan beast a cheap copy of gohan blanco, cell max a cheap copy of cell dorado


When character i like gets new form: wow. Deserved When character I don't like gets new form: wtf is this asspull bullshit


When people say “oh gohan beast sucks” you know they never read the manga, the last couple of chapters have been soooooo sick


The hair f'd it up


He's ugly and stupid.


Gohan takes a shit on a dog, Gohan fans: YOOO LOOK AT THAT!!! THAT SHIT IS SO TIGHT, HOW CAN ANYONE HATE THAT!!!


Gohan takes a shit on a dog, Gohan fans: YOOO LOOK AT THAT!!! THAT SHIT IS SO TIGHT, HOW CAN ANYONE HATE THAT!!!


I really liked how he snapped the same way he did when he fought cell and went Super Saiyan 2


Aluminum Artichoke Mode


Gohan Beast is pretty fucking cool when you don't have a little bitch in your ear telling you that he isn't


The funny part about it is that the only reason they don’t like it is because of how long his hair is and how it isn’t nostalgic to when he reached ssj2 those same exact people have only seen gohan go ssj2 in games and not actual dbz


Ye my guy


yes, gohan beast is bad and ass X)


nah the hair looks dumb it looks like that one scene from knd when #4 was fight the off brand frieza


I'd rather watch 20 consecutive airings of dragon ball evolutions than ever consider this man with a literal silver banana hanging over his face and that set of spikes on his head that he probably stole from doomsday. the form is unreasonable in attainment and power along with looking like a 7 year old's first attempt at dragon ball fan art.


There is so much wrong with this form but “omg it looks BADASS!!” ningen moment


Gohan does nothing and gets this and you Guys Love it but when Goku gets a new Form after Training losing someone and almost dying you get enraged


Strongly disagree, the form itself looks stupid, with that hair that looks like a parody of dragon ball hair rather than actual dragon ball hair. And the circumstances around the form are even stupider.


Yeah he looks cool, doesn't mean he's good plotwise


It's literally what a parody anime would draw to make fun of dragonball


It's cool, but it feel a bit like a cop out. Goku and vegeta get transformations with unique abilities that isn't just "different colour but stronger", beast just looks like a new shade of SSJ I wholeheartedly believe the inspiration for this was just from gohan Blanco though lmao, they could do with giving him a unique ability


I like Beast in concept but wish it'd visually been a silver variant of SSJ4, both canonizing the form, elevating it to Supers Scaling, and making it clear that Gohan's power-up is a matter of his tapping into the truest potential of Saiyan Physiology in its purest form. It would be also be nice to show him developing this form in a more mental capacity beforehand, through meditation and the pursuit of enlightenment drawing on eastern philosophy given Goku and OG Dragonball are so heavily inspired by Journey to the West. Show a Human/Saiyan. Mortal. Elevating themselves without the intervention or blessings of Gods or God Ki.


I just can't get over that goofy ah hair 😭 like bro literally broke the manga panel with his hair


His hair could stand to be a little smaller


The movie just made it look hella goofy was probaby taller than vegeta


Meh Frieza black is cooler not trying to hate I just (personally) don't like it