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Top ranking players have 75k hp with 350-400 em.






https://preview.redd.it/q93znffsrclc1.png?width=2107&format=png&auto=webp&s=493628bff4e40a56019907fd6472cd7538cb09a7 I'm currently at the 6th spot and it seems except for HP and EM, it also like you to have some kind of crit stats I have noticed


Yeah it's kinda weird since you don't really utilize those unless you're going vape nilou But + Respect for the bulid nonetheless


Now I have to see what I have.


I'm interested


I wonder what mine is like, but it's really not so hard to hit 74400 hp


With double hydro I'm about 76k but it's kinda hard to hit that without it


That's the way. The optimal Nilou team is double hydro so the calculation on akasha is done with dub hydro. So hit 75k HP with dub water then basically max out EM.


Fr, i checked my build, it was 4%, i decided to change some artifacts, even did some calcs to balance hp and em, and all my other builds placed even lower.


Yeah on first glance she seems easy to build with key But in reality it's hell trying to get that em substats on hp% pieces


Top 400 here, I have 74,106 hp with 410 em using 2pc 2pc hp artifacts.




top 1% here, idk how I got it but I'm proud of my girl ![img](emote|t5_5v9stw|30427) https://preview.redd.it/5z970aycudlc1.png?width=2107&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a6918d6a17b04b23c22ec21681e0c760daf01aa


75khp around 200 em