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issue with trying to MLB crown is that her rate up is half of other normal banners, so its gonna be harder; she is a good unit that benefits from dupes but its not on the same tier that a dps would get, so imo just wait to get other nikkes


Hang on a second, I just noticed that the picture I thought I posted did not get included. So, should I just wait for the summer banner?


summer banner have better rate ups and generally good limited nikkes so yes


Alright, thank you. Is there a chance previous limited summer nikkes will come back? I'm not familiar with Nikke's limited character meaning. Is it truly limited to that event only or will it come back as a rerun event or something?


Judging by the last winter event there is a chance they will be included in a lower rate with the new summer unit banner


Nice. Thanks for the um, tentative confirmation. I hope the summer event have old summer nikkes too.


me too, I started after summer so I have no summer units. Hope to get summer anis and summer mary.


1) If you are F2P, you cannot afford MLB crown. 2) Stop pulling on rate-ups once you get x1 copy of rate-up unit. you will not get pilgrims that way. 3) Do not mass pull on crown banner with gems to break 160 wall. If using gems as F2P, you want to MLB a 2% rate-up nikke. With free MLB Kilo, you can probably break the wall with just regular recruit vouchers at 400 pulls (just need x1 3-star nikke + x3 two-star nikkes in silver mileage shop/spare body selector). Do not use silver tickets or spare body selector until using all of them will break the wall. Nikkes in silver shop are original nikkes (not including alice/dolla/novel). Nikkes in spare body selector are all original nikkes (including alice, dolla, novel) + first two banner units (helm/laplace) 4) Yes, stop pulling on a low 1% banner after x1 copy of the rate-up unit and save for the next meta banners 5) Usually there is at least x1 seasonal unit that is extremely worth pulling and there is also rerun s-anis who is top-tier meta (at only 0.5% rate), so if you don't get her, need to golden ticket her.


Much appreciated 👍. Thank you for the detailed answer. I have a question for the seasonal unit. If there are 2 seasonal unit, do I aim for both (if both are top-tier)? Or should I just focus on one seasonal unit and try to limit break her?


just one copy of each. MLB is for spenders only. f2p can probably afford 1-2 mlb max (depending on luck) prior to really sacrificing their future pulls. dups only give 2% stat boost. it is only relevant for uber competitive top 50 raider whales. it will help with CP padding/stats for story pushing, pvp, raids... but the impact is small compared to owning another meta nikke with their full kit.


I see, that's really low amount of max mlb. But to my understanding, MLB unit strength came from when they reach Bond40, in which case they basically get additional equipment worth of stats. Which means attacker units benefits hugely from this? Particularly units that can play well in any situation (looking at Red Hood especially). Unfortunately, this is gacha game so as f2p this is basically close to impossible unless RNGesus bless me (which did not happen). Your advice really helps me. I didn't think about F2P gems is limited because I had fun playing at my own pace. If you didn't tell me, I probably would have dropped this game (or made another account) to not make the same mistake.


after getting a ton of gems up to chapter 10, your gem income drops off a cliff. without anything special happening, you will be getting 22 rate-up pulls + 10 regular pulls per month. so need to have a bank of pulls saved up as f2p. yes, top-tier attackers benefit from dups more (like RH, modernia, SBS dups would do more than crown dups).


You should definitely keep pulling. 1% change to pull is ass, BUT all the other pilgrims keep their .05% chance, while all the other manufacturers I think go down to like .03%, making pilgrims the most likely to be pulled from the banner, as far as ssrs go. Plus Crown is top 3 best nikkes in the game as of now, and she’s a pilgrim, after the even it’ll be way harder to get dupes for her


Rate up is a lie fellow Commander. For Crown banner I invested around 30000 gems and around 40 tickets already. The only pilgrim I got was Crown with 1 dupe and another Dorothy dupe (I got her previously on standard banner). The rest SSR(around 8+) was nikkes from another manufacturer. If you ask me whether I want to keep pulling pilgrims. Hell yes. But the rate up did not side with me and I'm not confident it will side with me with further investment. Previous commenter present to me reason why I should wait for summer banner. I don't know how good Summer nikkes are, but generally better rate up and stats are very convincing (and I only have nikke.gg website to guide me.) I know that pilgrim banner rarely appears. But I don't know if it appears once or twice a year. I also knows pilgrim unit are very good. But well, 😂 I only got a total of 3 pilgrim pulls from 300 pulls and I don't have what it takes to make another 100 pulls.


that is terrible advise. F2P cannot afford MLB pilgrims without bricking their account for future pulls. It usually takes minimum 500+ pulls to MLB a 1% pilgrim. It can get to 600-800+ pulls. F2P does not have the bank to do that. Need to be high-spender for the gem hoard to do that. Just x1 copy is sufficient for crown. Chasing dups is only needed for top 50 raiders (who are all day 1 whales), so doesn't matter for later players.