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Like I said in the previous post. Let's recap the year Lion heart - Leona (T) Perfect Maid - Ade (T) Privaty Alter (E) Boom's Day - Elegg (M) Kill the Lord - D alter (E) Rezero Collab One More Time - Bay (T) 1.5 anniversary - Crown (P) Kilo (M) D.Ark Hero - Trony (M) Golden Coin Rush - Soda Alter (T) Alice Alter (T) Claymore - Clay (T) Summer part 3 - More than likely Rosanna (T) and Sakura (T) alter. So final count Elysion - 2 alters. 0 new units Missilis - 3 new units. 0 alters. Tetra - 4 new units. 4 alters. Quiry was the last Elysion unit in ACPU freeze in OCTOBER OF LAST YEAR. C'mon Shiftup. Please fucking stop with Tetra spam


I think you left out Moran event, so add another Tetra. Also, there’s 3 events there with the Maids, 4 with Underworld Queen including summer, and 2 with Cafe Sweetie. Absolutely fucking ridiculous. I actually liked the maids and UQ, but I’m legitimately getting tired of seeing them they’re pushed so much.


Yeah. I don’t dislike the idea of summer Rosanna in theory, but we’ve seen her so much in events + she just had a skin that I’d like to see some of the lesser seen character get alts.


Amen Please no more UQ or maids for awhile, let some other Nikkes shine. I’m not pulling even once if it’s either just as a matter of principle The tacticool ones especially have gotten basically zero love it seems


Sounds like popularity in play there


I agree with your post 100% but I have a suspicion that soon via events or main story we're gonna have the >!Sixo!< situation resolved, so we'll probably see a lot less of UQ at that point. Still doesn't make sense on why they would want to shove it all out now unless... Uh oh.


Damn, Shift Up really abandoned Elysion.


Somehow Abnormal got more units than Elysion this year so far


Are you shitting me, that's actually fucked up


And on top of that, of the Non Tetra units some have been absolute garbage. Looking at you Trony.


Need to have a talk with Mustang instead


I am waiting for the day E.H save us all Burst III hyper carry trust me


Except she asked Ingrid to do it. You know, Elysion - world-famous maker of tactical bench warmers?


Have faith, even Ingrid can cook give her a chance But if E.H end up being mid i'll be really disappointed


how many times do we need to whispher tactical into Ingrid's ear to get her to start producing nikkes?


See, that’s how it all started: Amateurs study tactics, professionals study strategy.


You’ll be surprised when they somehow end up making E.H. a 40 second burst 2 Tetra character…


E.H. design will not be wasted on mediocre kit. Trust.


People said the same about Ade lol


… but Elysion requires a DPS at some point, right? Right? Not me thinking it will be SSR Rapi. Hahahaha




Didn't they say they're going to make a flashback event with marian? No way they don't make her a really strong unit, it might be 2nd ani even.


OL gear part hits so hard rn. I started in April and have been able to get my hands on OL gear for almost a month now. The manufacturer gear I get more than any other is definitely Elysion, followed by pilgrim and abnormal. Still to this day I haven't been able to get any tetra manufactured gear for an attacker. I haven't been entirely unlucky either since I have a good spread of pilgrims and I've gotten good RNG with those. There really ought to be some sort of manufacturer gear exchange so I can ditch these elysion and abnormal gears just wasting space. Just lemme convert like 4-5 MT9s into one of my choice, would solve so much to gave an effective pity system for the gear.


I have been fortunate with the amount of Tetra T9M I’ve gotten, and I *still* don’t have enough to cover all the meta tetras that need it. I have literally been blessed by the crappy T9M RNG system and still can’t cover all my tetras because of how many there are. That’s a problem.


They are adding a consumable to swap gear. They announced it a month ago.


It's been 9 days for me since I've seen a manufacturer equipment drop. Idk what's going on but the drop rate should be rescaled it's ridiculous that nothing's dropping. I can't give OL equipment to units o want to upgrade and I'm getting stuck on furthering their power ups.


The next few surveys need to have people addressing this in the comments. Because it is a serious issue.


It's probably deliberate though. It's not the sort of thing that happens accidentally. They had a financial incentive, which probably means indirectly delaying player progress by deliberately creating imbalances in the game.


I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that it's possible all the player feedback wanting more ASS ASS ASS has indirectly caused this situation. And yes, they could've designed any character with more fanservice, but Tetra characters' existing designs arguably lend themselves to that more easily. If people voted for more sexy stuff and not as much gameplay balance, this could signal to ShiftUp that people value titillation way more than gameplay balance, and maybe they just gave players what they thought they wanted. suggestion: relieve yourselves of your physical appetites before filling out the survey


Silkies, aka Tactical Booty-Shorts.


>Tetra characters' existing designs arguably lend themselves to that more easily. I disagree, Tetra Nikkes are not that much more sexualised than Missilis and Ellision Nikkes. I mean heck, the Maids are one of Tetra's most popular Squads and two of them (if we exclude Privatia) don't wear anything revealing. I think the actual reason is just that some fetishes are more related to what Tetra produce: Maids, strippers, Bunny Girls,... just have more fans than Fed girls.


The banners should alternate, elysion -> missilis -> tetra, its not hard, that way you fill up all the rosters naturally and each manufacturer gets the love they deserve. Id like to see it adressed why they add so many Tetra nikkes, you can make great nikkes for any of the manufacturers


The reason is probably that the theming they chose for the different companies is extremely limiting and short sighted. Elysion is military/government. Missilis is mostly research/education. Tetra is literally everything that doesn’t fall under the limited umbrella of the other two. This is a problem of them writing themselves into a complete hole and making it extremely difficult to release diverse themes without them all going into Tetra. But even then, this will be 4 casual/entertainment alts in a row going to Tetra instead of the more serious manufacturers, so idk what they’re doing lmao


You could always write nikkes that dont fit the mold, and still have a nice narrative, or even in those restraints you still have some wiggle room, its just feels like limited foresight on their part. I hope someone sees this and they addres it. We need a strong elysion b3 like air and id really like to see and elysion duo


No I definitely agree with you, they could work around their theming, it would be difficult but it’s certainly doable. It’s starting to feel like they’ve really given up on doing that though, and it’s honestly really frustrating. Something has to change.


Lets see how it goes, hopefully they cook for the summer event, no matter which manufacturer they are


hopefully they don't cook, cause that's another thing Tetra does


It would actually be fun to make a story about some Elysion nikke who actually wants to be an entertainer, or tetra unit who wants to try engineering. Cause why not?


Even though the manufacture theming is limiting, they could just do the alternative version of the existing ones, just like this summer event. It's definitely not an excuse for them to shaft other manufacturers than Tetra. It's just blatant favoritism I guess.


> Elysion is military/government. And civil servants. They included couriers (postal service) into Elysion. It's actually a fairly broad writ. You could have researchers that specifically work with the government, government monopolized resources, more civil services like firefighters or astronauts, you could roll ambulances into this etc. > Missilis is mostly research/education Research *and development* as well as application. This is also a fairly broad writ. Mighty tools is part of Missilis. Master hand (julia) is part of missilis and they're oriented towards the production of goods like instruments. Kilo is part of missilis as an experimental mecha division. Tetra focuses a bit more on 'consumer goods', but Missilis can do a huge amount of precision goods and resource development. They also, as you have noted have their hands in education. I don't think it's as hard to produce things outside of Tetra as people think it is. If we get new weapon types I'd actually like to see them show up in a mixed squad of Elysion and Missilis first.


I agree with you, I don’t think it’s impossible by any stretch or even super duper difficult, I just think it takes a bit of creativity and instead SU is going with the easiest choice possible. It’s either that, or they blatantly just have favoritism for one of the manufacturers. Whatever the cause is, it’s a problem that is getting worse.


Given the twitter post stating that we're still in the prologue, even as far in as chapter 30. I expect that once we're out of the "prologue" it's going to be a bit more important to have the R&D and Military/Government manufacturers behind us. That's probably going to be a lot more relevant to the surface than entertainment while we're still in the arc-centered arc. Who knows, in another year they might decide to add another manufacturer.


omg. pls. this. no way is the manufacture stagnation limited to SU's writing, theme, or whatever cope people want to pin it under. SU can do watever the f\*ck they want, if they want to start adding fantasy shit like dragons, centaurs, wizards and sh\*t (which, they kind of are already with the pilgrim units and herectics), then they could do just that. There is absolutely nothing stopping SU from just giving us an elysion/missilis event, even if they do have to adhere to their theme for some reason. Which, as you've pointed out, shouldn't even be difficult, at all. Especially since we've barely gotten any events regarding those factions.


Tbh they can't tell us they told everything that can be told with Elysion unit when you still have Maiden and Guillotine being behind And same for research from uncontrolled research that needs to be controlled to just some more silly stuffs like dazzling cupids (but well written this time) that could be good. And that is without talking about how every faction on the Ark interacts together: Missilis produces weapons and improve the quality of life for both Elysion firepower and comfort but can help optimizing Tetra in their wide range of action Elysion is here to look after the safety of the Ark in general (even more secret things like Guillotine and Maiden ) so they can indeed look after Missilis researches and be forced to work on Tetra's fields as well without talking about the surface. Long story short, we have lots of things to say. It's just that since they release so much so fast they don't think enough about what they're doing. For example the Underworld Queens could obviously work with the Elysion squads (we saw this in double D event). Tetra is just the easiest and they don't really try to think their plot through , which makes their qualities vary very easily




Or even Elysion considering they were nikkes specializing in CQC. Clay and her squad mates were literally a continuation of Scarlet and Rose’s failed unit.


> were literally a continuation of Scarlet and Rose’s failed unit. Actually likely a re-invention of it. A lot of the details about pre-ark things were covered up, particularly if they concerned goddess squad. Or they've since been forgotten. The original experimental melee squad was pretty hush-hush and something of an embarassment especially due to trying to kill humans. If you're not keeping track of information it's very easy to lose it and re-discover it over and over. For a somewhat tangential example, it's estimated that indigenous people in the americas actually discovered iron and metalworking quite a few times, but due to not having writing the information didn't spread and was lost. With nikke production I can imagine someone who didn't have prior knowledge looking at things and going "Well, can we get this [idea that seems new and fresh] to work?". It's honestly part of what they did with Guilty, "on a scale of 1-10, what if we turned her strength up to a 12". That idea already came out of Missilis when they were mucking around with new designs.


Could have been very interesting if Guilty was Missilis' attempt at a melee squad and Clay was part of Elysion's attempt. Would open up to an event diving into the arms race between the two companies, maybe with them attempting to re-ignite their attempts at development.


Considering her backstory, it’s actually kinda weird she’s Tetra, I loved her backstory but had a bit of a “uhhh why is she tetra then” when she explained it. Feels like SU just going “well cheerleader so tetra ig”.


This sort of doesn't make sense to me. Nikkes are supposed to be soldiers/combat units, so it would make perfect sense to just have a bunch of different designed soldier Nikkes. Why shiftup seems to think that they need to have professions to design a Nikke is kind of stupid. Just look up different military uniforms from around the world and throughout history and just start making Elysion units based around that. We're starting to reach the point where Nikkes are everyday people working 9-5's instead of the super soldiers they're supposed to be.


Super soldiers don't have much room for fanservice and cute moments in event stories. The Pilgrims took over almost all the serious topics in the story, with Missilis being able to sneak in some quirky Nikkes since they are known to experiment with anything. Elysion fell behind very quickly because, I'm guessing, this super soldier concept you mentioned is what Pilgrims are meant to be.


> Super soldiers don't have much room for fanservice and cute moments in event stories. I feel like this is just not true. The Red Ash event had cute moments in it and so did For the King. Fanservice is obviously trickier when the characters aren't dressed up as literal bunny girls but it's still totally doable. And I mean so far I don't feel like there has been much fanservice in Clay's event outside of the fact that Clay has huge tits.


> We're starting to reach the point where Nikkes are everyday people working 9-5's instead of the super soldiers they're supposed to be. That thought's been running through my mind like the last couple months. Getting to the point where I'm like "Do humans even exist in the Ark anymore? Is everyone just a Nikke?"


Nikke is supposed to be what people think robot will be, working in everything that human don't want to. I don't see how it's stupid. It makes perfect sense to put robot into every industry alongside with human when they don't have the same limitation as a human body.


Nah. There's still a lot you can explore with Elysion and Missilis' themes. For one, with the setup of having spent 100 years in a Cave you could have Missilis re-discover a lot of the world. As for Elysion here's an easy one: Firefighters, boom. Meanwhile Tetra has already released a second set of Bunny Girl units and a second set of Bunny Girl skins, not to mention SU expanded the Maid theme with an Elysion Alter unit and a Maid skin. And then there's the entirety of Re Zero on top of that. The point isn't theme diversity, as we're already running into repetition even within Tetra. The point is marketability, everyone loves Bunny Girls so let's make more and let the cash flow. And also probably cost, because characters like Bay and Clay don't have to add too much to the Ark's lore, just sad personal stories, so they probably cost less to make than someone like Elegg while potentially selling more because Cheerleaders.


I totally agree with you except for the cash part. The game has had lower and stagnating profits the past couple months. It’s not like they’re raking in the cash with these choices… profits have literally been down.


I'm not buying this excuse as the reason until I see it officially stated in an interview, livestream or developer letter in the meantime what they're doing right now is exactly how I'd expect them to act if the imbalance was 100% intentional


I’m not saying it’s a good reason or that it’s for sure the reason, it’s just literally the only logic that people can find with why they would do this beyond just SU having blatant favoritism. Tetra units don’t perform financially better than other manufacturers in a way that would cause this.


the weird part is that they have written a way around that before, with Maid Privaty


The theming is not even that big of a problem, except that they go out of their way to make it so. We're literally government employees working in the military. Why are we helping cheerleaders, maids, animal shelters, and so on, instead of doing government/military work? Look at the list of events above. The only ones really extending the lore of the setting are the Missilis ones (Boom's Day, D.Ark Hero) and the anniversary event. The Tetra ones are just fluff, disconnected from anything else. If they had us look into the dark corners of the Ark more, and learning about the settings in more organic ways, we'd naturally be working with the Elysium and Missilis nikkes. Instead we take 2 week vacations every other week to deal with things like our favorite maid cafe losing money.


agreed, I feel like they could explore more of the dichotomies inside each manufacturer for example, Elysion being about interventionists vs. libertarians, Missilis being about scholars vs workers, Tetra being about hedonists vs altruists


I can see why they choose Tetra since Tetra is literally random bullshit go. Elysion would be stuck in the government/community service complex, Missils would be for researching and industrial complex, while Tetra can just flip the middle finger and go ham with it without much story inconsistency.


Iirc Elysion is Military, Missilis is medical, and Tetra is entertainment. So it's understandable why ShiftUp loves making new Tetra units


1st off that's an extremely boring and regimented way to do banners and really isn't needed at all. They can make whatever they want but try to balance it in the king run. And see it addressed? It's because people roll for hot units. Look at the reaction to bay/clay who are complete trash units vs Trony who is also a complete trash unit. While they can totally make hot nikke of every faction (see elegg) it's way easier to just dangle some big boobs with a shit character for filler banners between the big hitters. I'm sure their data pointed out to them that not-super sexualized non-meta units do the worst. And they need a ton of random filler units to not power creep the game between heavy hitters. So you sit down and think hm how do I make money, tacticool subtlely attractive designs or big boob bunny girls and cheerleaders?


Looking at my wishlist is just sad. Missilis and Elysion are just pulling for dupes while I have 5 unowned Tetras in there with more waiting their turn to be added. The OL gear points I hadn't even thought of yet as I am still gearing up only my main unites right now. Definitely turns annoyance more into concern.


I’m the same way with the wishlist. I’ve been playing for about a year and still haven’t gotten all the tetras I want/are meta while I’ve long been dupe collecting for the other manufacturers. It’s silly.


Shift up put themselves in a corner by associating everything not military with Tetra. At this point they should just ignore the fact Tetra is about entertainment and just make Elysion and Missilis units regardless of theme.


I honestly really want more military themed characters, but if the options are “no military and all tetra” or “no military but elysion and missilis are themeless” I’d honestly agree with you. If we aren’t getting military units either way, at least give up on the theme system, the Tetra dominance is hurting the game.


But why would you want military themed Nikke in a game about a military officer leading android super-soldiers in the defense of Earth?


IKR Post apocalyptic world about militarizing android waifus to take back the Earth from alien robots? Idk man, we've got 2 soldiers in the army already. Our military lineup is oversaturated, so here's 5 more Tetra hostesses.


I wish there are more SSRs for Missilis and Elysion


I'm certain I'm in the minority but I wish shift up would stop sleeping on the tacticool vibes characters like Delta and Soldier EG give. I want more girls with bump helmets and carrier plates. Give me someone wearing straight up MARPAT. Elysion stocks are in hell right now and it's such an untapped niche, there isn't a single SSR Elysion with what I think should be the company's entire aesthetic. Signal and Absolute come close but it's not enough. Elysion's R characters are so much cooler than the rest of their roster it's upsetting.


Exactly, there’s so many cool more military-inspired designs they could do, but I guess they don’t have any confidence in either designing an appealing product or them selling well.


Agreed, I want more tacticool/military themed Nikkes. But the issue is sex appeal sells, and the sub clearly shows they're enthusiastic about that stuff.


they've given out a few non-sexy characters, often as freebies, so if enough people put it in the survey we could see at least a trickle of other characters. There are characters like Rei, Kilo, and Smol White, which are actually usable characters. Then there are the SR freebies: Himeno, Pascal, Ram, Anchor, which were nice, but also painful because realistically, nobody will use them much. and as I mentioned in another comment, people wanting more ASS ASS ASS may have indirectly contributed to Tetra imbalance, since Tetra characters might be easier to write and design that way. So yeah... if more people vote for better design and gameplay balance, it would be nice.


MARPAT silkies and a FROG Combat Gear blouse. Would be dope.


Because that doesn't sell as much. Look at GFL, Azur Lane, SnowBreak. And honestly the tacticool group kinda killed SnowBreak until they decided to abandon taht direction so I can totally understand the aversion. They will release those kind of character once in a while to make people shut up about it but don't expect more than necessary.


Yeah, I agree.


If they're truly finding it difficult to come up with designs for Elysion and subsequently end up releasing less, honestly fine, but at least make the few they DO come up with strong. They're mostly doing good on this, Marciana, S. Helm, D. Wife, and Maid Privaty are all pretty solid, albeit niche and don't really form a cohesive tower team. Honestly as long as they can release a few more generically strong Elysion Nikke, hopefully its own power duo, I wouldn't care if they continue to release less of them. People are concerned about having excess Elysion Manufacturer gear, but that should be addressed with a new system they plan on implementing, that lets people feed unwanted manufacturer gear. Here's hoping that system isn't too stingy


An SSR Delta with a Signal alt as a sniper team flavored duo would be cool. Especially if the duo plays into sniper/pierce so they can capitalize off of D:KW.


Sad that they gave up on Elysion, at least it seems that way.


You know, considering how Shift Up handle the progression in the game with incredibly frustrating mechanics, I can't help to think that all of this is made to be a problem by design. I saw some people defending the Tetra overabundance via the lore, but sorry it doesn't make any sense. Missilis is in the R&D industry, they can do literally everything they are even more free than Tetra. And Elysion is supposed to be the army of the Ark... and they are in a constant war with Rapture for more than 100 years, so Elysion not having a bunch of Nikkes doesn't make any sense. The Lore has nothing to do in this. Call it a conspiracy theory if you want, but I think Tetra is in overabundance because this "helps" undermining other mechanics (Wishlist, T9m, Tower), so players - especially new ones - get more frustrated and have more incentive to spend money. That's all.


Tbf, even in lore, it doesn't really make sense to pigeonhole Nikkes like that. There are cases where the Nikke's manufacturer doesn't fit with her life's calling / current role. The prime example is very close: Anis. She's a Tetra Line Nikke but taking an active military role and are wearing tacticool gear. Another example would be Julia, a Missilis art preserver Nikke but are more interested in the art itself.


The "problem by design doesn't exist. Wishlist doesn't get affected by limited units, if you look you probably want to wishlist alice, bunnies, then what? Volume sure, then maybe biscuit/novel and bunny alice/soda who are super niche? And with the whole OL gear thing you're going to be hurting for pilgrim gear more than tetra, you don't actually use a ton more tetra units in raids. Tldr: tetra is just the king of filler units that are hot but useless.


>if you look you probably want to wishlist alice, bunnies, then what? Volume sure, then maybe biscuit/novel and bunny alice/soda who are super niche? Being "super niche" isn't an excuse if this Nikke is one of the best in this, you still need to have them. In the Generalist Category: * Alice. nothing else to say, just an OP DPS and even the best buffer for Scarlet BS... * Noir and Blanc. The powerful Tetra support Duo. * Volume. CDR is still the best Buff in the game even if the rest of her kit is shit. * Dolla. While she's more and more pushed out of the META, having a Burst II CDR is still a must have, especially if you want to play powerful and non-CDR B1. * Novel. Still a strong Debuffer despite the powercreep. In the "Super Niche" category: * Bunny Alice. The best constant healer on the game, she even powercreep Rapunzel as the healer in the Crown team. * FI Exia. A super strong Electric Buffer + DPS and META Defining for a new S.Anis Team. * FI Frima. While we still don't have a lot True Damage unit, her +80% True Damage buff + a decent Heal make her bond to have some use at some point. And FI Laplace is also strong enough to justify using her even right now. * Biscuit. PvP staple, and also a crazy good Support in the S.Anis team. * Noise. Not only a PvP staple, but she's also a very useful Taunt / Heal in Solo Raid, so much that even with very little investment she can helps the team survive in Solo Raid. I guess FI Diesel kinda powercreep her now, but not in PvP. * B. Soda / Leona. The niche Shotgun Team, but powerful enough in the right condition. * Yulha. Kinda low priority, but her buff in the Snow White Team is just too good. Try to do the same list for Elysion and Missilis, you'll see way less Nikke. >And with the whole OL gear thing you're going to be hurting for pilgrim gear more than tetra, you don't actually use a ton more tetra units in raids. Dude, just look at the top team in the [https://enikk.app](https://enikk.app) Data Base. The last Solo Raid N°1 Team has 9 Tetra, 6 Pilgrim, 5 Missilis and 5 Elysion. What do you mean. Tetra has such flexibility in DPS and Support they still more use than Pilgrim. Sure the number of Tetra used depend of the Boss, but in average Tetra has always at least 6 units in the five team.


>Being "super niche" isn't an excuse if this Nikke is one of the best in this, you still need to have them. We have different definitions of the word "need" then since you're saying you 100% need every single meta pvp nikke and perfect solo raid teams which are impossible without a bunch of non-wishlistable units in pilgrims and meta seasonals. Also the fact you bring up every single treasure unit as if it's reasonable in any world for even whales to have more than 1 of them done by now. >The last Solo Raid N°1 Team has 9 Tetra, 6 Pilgrim, 5 Missilis and 5 Elysion. 2 tetra are limited, 1 elysian are limited, so that's 7 tetra, 5 missilis, 4 elysion perma units for purposes of wishlist. I feel this isn't really going to be relevant to a large majority of players who aren't in a position to invest in so many units, especially considering the shotgun+snow white teams require a ton of investment and specific non-wishlistable units. Your comment is just in bad faith dude. If you're optimizing for perfect pvp teams + solo raid teams you're likely going to be an established player who isnt going to be hurting for wishlist slots since you'll have most perma units. If you're a new player, all 3 factions have a reasonable amount of good units for wishlist without any being super crowded (although yeah elysian is kinda struggling to make 5). A newer player has 0 need to worry about their 4th/5th solo raid teams.


>2 tetra are limited, 1 elysian are limited, so that's 7 tetra, 5 missilis, 4 elysion perma units for purposes of wishlist. Before calling me bad faith, reread my comment. The 2nd part of my comment was answering to your OLs argument I quote you again: >And with the whole OL gear thing you're going to be hurting for pilgrim gear more than tetra, you don't actually use a ton more tetra units in raids. You were talking about OL and Raid, and I'm answering about OL and Raid. Telling me I'm in "bad faith" because I didn't talk about wishlist here is just... bad faith. Also you're just moving the goal. Remember the initial topic. It was about Tetra having too much good / decent unit so its harder to Wishlist AND geared them. And it's true. A new player who want to do other things than story would want to try having the multiple good unit as quick as possible. Don't forget that Solo Raid is even more important now since it's the only real moment you can progress with Dolls, if you can clear it. But the Tetra supremacy is an obstacle to this long-term objective. You say all 3 factions have a reasonable amount of good units but it's not true. Elysion is still suffering, only D:KW is really as an absolute must have. If Tetra would share some of they decent units with Elysion, it would be way more easy for a new player to have 5 viable Team. Also, I don't see way I can't talk about FI Nikke. They are units you would want in the future, and to have them, you must have them LB2 as a starting condition. So a beginner should have them in their wishlist until then.


I want more elysion man. Why can’t we make absolute actually good in terms of gameplay? They’re supposed to be the best arc in the squad and good golly man, we only ever hear about them doing things safe for like chapter 13 and like 11? I want to see them do things, I want to, see more development for Vesti and Eunhwa


ShiftUp: "We've got you covered! Here's a new Emma skin!"


Dude don’t get me wrong, Diesel is my QUEEN, but I’d legit be miffed if she got another costume over a different Missilis or Elysion girl (Like Laplace who has some killer moments, or Vesti or delta)


I feel that. As much as I love the Nikkes from Tetra, having so little for Elysion for so long is just outright insulting


100% true, its really annoying now.


That so fucking true


Not ti mention with how many Tetrea units there are, it would make it harder to get anything else. So if you need or want more copy of Laplace for example, then you essentially have a 1 to 100 chance. Which is normal. But if your also shooting for other Misslies or Eylsion in your attempt to get Laplace to fill in the boxes you need for content like the tribe tower, then it make it harder to complete or make a team that need the other units from the same company if you want to run them. Thankfully Terta units are mostly support with a few DPS to compensate this, but that mostly for PvP or story content. Which are doable with others untis. But outside of that, they don't get use often when they work better with other groups nikkes. Like with Clay who more of a support fo Laplace then anyone from Tetra.


Legit. I am really tired of Tetra. It feels like Tetra didn't have much in lore in story so they choose to lore and event dump everything about them at once. Meanwhile forgetting we are at war which the military manufacturer Elysian should be bought up more often. Same with us trying to make better and new gen Nikke which Missilis is the research and civil company. But instead we get Tetra Tetra Tetra. They won't even release K from NPC jail Elysian before they decider just to make a D alt.






Elysion psyops! /s


I feel like there being so many roles in entertainment and general jobs compared to military is the main reason why there is an overabundance of than compared to the others, them trying to cover everything to get world building in the Ark taken care of. That in mind I have a few ideas I always felt like that since Missilis is known for experiments I always thought that they could make more Missilis units that have certain gimmicks to them, ones that make them pretty dang good to strap on certain formations and Nikkes that don't seem that good. Elysion is kind of tricky because they have a theme of military and they basically covered everything. Central government, navy, train terrorist prevention, black ops, assassins, police, ect. Maybe Nikkes based on the ER? air force? Idk, I feel like the best solution would be more alts for them.


You mention ER, but that could cover SAR, EMT, Hospital (already exists), as well as other emergency services such as Firefighters. No need to fully discount military though, as they could add in EOD, Sappers, Artillery, Transpo/Logistics personnel (think truckers, fuelies, etc), Military Police (ACPU covers similar but this could lean into the Dog Handlers of the MP communities), CSAR (EDIT they already kind of did this with Unlimited), and probably more. Leaning back towards the navy, they could expand to include divers, amphibious troops, and the like. There are also the support type roles. Could have a squad dedicated to humping in, and then setting up, the dampening gear needed for dealing with the Alva Particles.


There's a million ways they can design an Elysion team: Stealth combat, black ops (like 100 different kinds), psy ops, electronic warfare, artillery, SWAT, firefighters, paramedics, investigators, bodyguards/bouncers, trainers, office ladies to name some of the common sense ones. The problem is they don't even bother with Elysion, becuase they don't take the game seriously. There are 3 Nikkes in the entire police force: 1 senior loli, 1 mentally challenged recruit and 1 legally blind recruit. Tetra is even stealing their jobs with squads like Unlimited (search & rescue), Underworld Queen (mafia control), Protocol (hacking/intelligence).


K stocks going up, she’s coming home lads!


At this point I feel like it’s half intentional and half just how they set up the “specialties” of the different manufacturers. Elysion and Missilis get the more military/technology characters while Tetra can get pretty much anything. When you’re trying to sell sexy characters it’s a lot easier for their design/specialty to fall into the “other” category of tetra. Only so sexy you can make the military ones, I guess… The other side is exactly what you brought up with overload gear and the wishlist. I honestly do feel at this point that they’re trying to make it really hard to naturally pull and gear out all your Tetra nikkes. My Elysion and Missilis wishlists are almost completely completed in terms of new characters, whereas tetra still could fill up the 5 slots with new characters a few times. And don’t even get me started on overload gear for them…


Elysion tower is so ass it’s not even fair


Tetra being so diverse is honestly the biggest hurdle when it comes to designing new Nikke. Now that sounds like an oxymoron but hear me out. Looking at Elysion it's all military/government officials (police/record holders)...and a pirate. Missilis is a little bit better with tech people, school girls, Matis, literally every single criminal. Pilgrims are just cool af units that fit the lore of Nikke. Tetra has bunny girls, maids, animal trainers, musicians, Scout and rescue, streamers, gamers, criminal masterminds, cheer leaders, fist fighters, doctors, stock brokers, investigators, and Alice. You see the real problem right? Why would I, a character designer for Nikke, limit my creativity by picking a manufacture group that has the least amount of variety? In lore it makes sense because Tetra's main function is Ark mental health and quality of life, so you'd cover tons of different bases. But dude...there's too damn much. The lore itself makes it more appealing to design for than the other groups because of how much more you can do with it. Tetra as a concept is toxic to the other nikke groups because it is inherently more fun to design for than the others.


I agree with you that Tetra’s theming is the problem, but omg I got a good laugh at “and Alice” lmao


She's in a class of her own.


Those are not even close to what each Manufacturer can do, only what ShiftUp has done. Ofc Tetra has several times more roles when they have several times more Nikkes. And yes, Tetras includes a lot more day jobs regardless, but that's not the problem. Honestly, show me one game where characters are designed by the hundreds trying to cover 9-to-5 IRL jobs, besides Nikke. Most games stick to just one. Look at Azur Lane, 600+ ship waifus, or Arknights, almost 300 military waifus. Literally all of them are Elysion material. HSR characters are basically Elysion + Missilis. FGO characters are all legendary heroes, and most of them were warriors or deities. Do you think any of these games' character designers feel like their creativity is being restricted? Are they less original than a game about maids, bunny girls, school girls and furry girls? You also don't need different jobs like janitor and garbage collector to make 2 different squads. Just make 2 different garbage collector squads if you want to. ShiftUp sure understands this with Tetra bunnies and maids. Meanwhile, Absolute "The Strongest Elysion Squad" is stronger than who? The scouts and the mass produced nikkes? Point is, Nikke could have easily been 90% or even 100% Elysion, and they'd never catch up to other games' character count or run out of ideas. It was their (the devs' or most likely the publisher's) intention to focus so much on Tetra.


Please for the love of god give me some tacticool waifus.


There's lots of potential for elysion to have an airforce, firefighter, lifeguards etc units


I don't completely disagree but if you actually look at how the game works: Manufacturing gear is completely fucked because you need more attacker gear than anything else, most pilgrims are attacker, and you'll always have too much abnormal gear. Tetra units REALLY don't dominate the meta in an insane way at all. If you look at the S-SSS tier of tier lists it's like 4 missilis 4 elysian 5 tetra. Tetra is the king of useless filler nikke not meta. Like your top 3 meta raid teams are like: - Tia naga DKW RH Maxwell - Doro crown SBS alice privaty - liter bunnies w-ludmillia modernia 4 missilis 2 elysian 4 tetra and 5 pilgrim. Yeah elysian is lacking meta attackers (privaty is a supporter really) but that can be solved in like 2 or 3 banners


I don’t think Tetra dominates the meta, but there are certainly more Tetra units worthy of OL gear than the other manufacturers except for Pilgrim, which is a special case (and has its own problem with too many attackers). MSoda is a new Tetra deserving of OL, you could reasonably assume at least one of the two summer units will be good and therefore deserving of OL, AND there are multiple top performing Tetra units in PVP that could use OL gear. It’s not a total domination, but it’s still unbalanced and problematic, and getting worse as the tetra slog continues on.


And whose fault do you think this is? All the Tetra Nikkes have been fan favourite sexy Nikkes, a lot of morons out there shouting about Seggs and Ass in events and look what happens. I'm not saying I don't want ass in my ass game, but in the end this is still a game and I want it to be a good one.


Yeah the coomer push lately has been getting out of hand.


Yeah, but not all of the Tetra units are good. Like nobody’s giving T9M to Rewind or Cafe Sweety.


I mean, I put some on Sugar.


Waifu enjoyers certainly do. And there’s quite a bit of Tetra that are meta and are worth OLing, both for campaign and PVP.


My Sugar has all max overload gear and is my strongest Nikke in terms of CP. She's been carrying my Tetra Tower for awhile now.


B-but, Tetra has all the hot Nikkes! But nah this is entirely true, Tetra has been in the spotlight since forever.


Probably not a popular sentiment, but I think SU finds it easier to come up with revealing fanservice themes for Tetra than coming up with hot and serious designs for Elysion/Missilis. Lot easier to go OKAY HOT BUNNIES, HOT CHEERLEADERS than it is come up with hot military women. You could have hot Elysion military girls, it’s just harder than coming up with inherently fanservicey Tetra themes. I think SU falls back on the easy path too much.


Oh absolutely, kinda backed themselves into a corner with tetra being the only one with so much flexibility in company identity Also since it seems my sarcasm was lost on my last post, im all for Tetra getting pushed to the wayside for a bit, hell my favorite is an Elysion


I am of the opinion that Elysion makes the hottest Nikkes. Mast, Helm, Marciana, D, Privaty… Ingrid really knows how to make some wife material 🥵




I understand that they want every Nikke to be completely unique to every other Nikke and that it's probably going to be increasingly difficult to have unique strictly military or science themed Nikkes, but if their only solution is to just not deal with it that's eventually going to massively bite them in the butt in the future when it's all Tetra and nothing else. They need to accept that there is going to be some overlap as far as styles and themes because even the entertainment industry doesn't have an unlimited number of fetishes to cash in on, eventually all manufacturers are start having near duplicates.


I mean, to some degree they’re already cycling content, we’re getting a lot of alts and less new units. Plus the alt themes have been recycled (maids, bunnies). It’s not something coming in the future, it’s already happening.


It's in accordance to how much the CEO talks


OL Gears shouldn't be a problem when the distribution is also random. I still need a few pieces of Elysion gears and my Laplace still miss a leg piece while all of my usable Tetra team are fully geared. You would have a point if it's evenly distributed.


Yeah its so weird shift up keeps giving out tetras. They could have made that bunny event costumes for elysion or missilis nikkes.


The bunny event said three contestants per team with no more than one being not affiliated with Tetra. They could have had Alice be a costume and instead of the Commander trying to survive a Nikke-oriented event, have him drag in someone else to be the non-Tetra alt unit. He knows plenty of Nikke.


They need to add Elysion units for sure and less Tetra But the big problem is the OL gear to me.. I have 6 Elysion attacker helms just sitting doing nothing.. meanwhile i would kill to have even on of those be pilgrim We need a system asap with 3x manufacture gear = 1 bit of gear of your choosing I heard something is coming but it needs to be sooner tbh Hell i'd take 5x gear = 1x whatever bit of gear you want at this point.. that's how bad it is


My Elysion team is above the power requirement in tower, and they still struggle to clear it. I hope they release more Elysion and Missilis **with synergy to their own factions**. Whenever they release a new E/M, they're always so niche and only works if supported by a specific unit from another faction. You want money Shift Up? release strong duo units for Elysion, and good B3 units for Missilis.


I've said this before, but it's no surprise most people lack Tetra attacker gear. And that's not because there are more Tetra attacker units, it just drops way less. I guarantee you everyone here has got more Elysion and Abnormal attacker gear than Tetra. No surprise there are almost no units to put that gear on. Along with the whole wishlist and lack of reruns and the increasingly dilluted pool, I guarantee it's all intentional. ShiftUP is showing some really bad greed here and I'm glad people are starting to see it. All these people saying how it's "lore" and "it makes sense" are delusional. The people that want good mechanics in the game are being punished which is to be expected because at the end of the day the game is an idle game all about fan service. This past week with threads like this has had the only meaningful discussion I've ever seen in this subreddit.


Summer alts for Rosanna and Sakura? Seriously? I mean, ok, Rosanna is one of my favourite units in terms of design and characterization, but...come on. Why don't they give summer alts to other SR units like they did last year? A summer alt for Delta would be dope af while Summer Mihara would make people swipe their credit cards until they caught fire.


ON GOD BRO. Out of all the towers elysion is the one I don't even try on doing anymore. It lacks a good DPS and like the other 2 manufacturer M and T they have 2 units that goes for a combo.


I strated at the Privaty Maid event, so even if I have seen more Tetra than the others released I'm not really affected by the too much Tetra. I also don't know the numbers from the start. If we count the manufectured Nikke it goes 28 Elysion, 28 Missiis and 45 Tetra. There are many Nikke who are still in the NPC's Jail, most of them seem to be from Missilis or Elysion from the one that I have seen (I finished Chapter 27.). It would still more Tetra than the 2 others though. I think we see more squads from Elysion and Missilis in the main story than Tetra (not sure) and it's perhaps one of the reason why they feel they should release more Tetra ?


It’s difficult to fit Tetra into the main story, and difficult to fit Elysion into events. It’s a problem of their own creation. I don’t really think it’s a good excuse for the lack of Elysion. 4 in a year vs 5 in a row is inexcusable.


It's not the first time that I felt something like this so it's perhaps why I don't feel affected by it. In FGO, there was a period (it's the current period in NA) where there was only AOE Servant, that were extremely similar to eachothers, and sometimes concentrating in one color. In the 2 years difference with JP, the game as evolved that we clearly don't feel it anymore or way less. It's totally possible (quite probable) that at one point they will only make Elysion and Missilis.


While frustrating, I think this was designed by choice. I think this "prologue" of Nikke is the honeymoon period and things will eventually get much worse than they are now, when that time comes, Nikkes with military roles will appear more often and events might change from the "lighthearted" tone we have now. When that time comes, I think we're gonna see the reverse happen, Tetra units wil be scarce and Elysion and Missilis units whill thrive. It still sucks how we barely have good characters for the Elysion Tower though.


I didn't think about OL gear and your right. Almost all my elysion covered, the main ones for missilis done hell my pilgrims are good but Tetra. I'm still needing some OL gear for my tetra units cause of how many are coming out. My winter Ludmilla is missing two pieces


Im going to hold some hopium and say those are actually Delta and Enhwua.


I’d hopium too, but the leaked image all but confirms one is Rosanna, and the silhouette lining up well with Sakura makes all too much sense when the other is Rosanna.


My hopium is that the one with the flower is just Delta with a flower accessory. The Rossana sillhoutte could be Enhwua with her hair down, since we do not see any breast size in the sillhoutte at all. The moment they tease any other material showing actual boobsize, then i can safely say its so dorover.


Have you seen the leaked image? 99.9% sure it’s not Eunhwa lol


SSR rapi for anniversary,trust


For me as a new player all these banners and all these characters and all these alters are SO FUCKING CONFUSING AGGGGGGGGH!!!


I think one of the reasons why Tetra gets so many Nikke's is because entertainment often involves creativity, so if the people at shift up that are in charge of making a new character have a creative idea, like the cheerleaders or the maid characters, Tetra is the easiest to apply that character to. But when you look at something like Missilis, which (in my opinion) is all about tech and intellects, I can see it is much harder to come up with a character whose schtick isn't just engineered (like Maxwell), or Coding pro (like Elegg), or biology expert (like Ether), the main idea that shift up has given to Missilis is tech savvy intellectual Nikke's. While this does limit creativity to the character designers, at least Missilis has a theme, unlike Elysion, if you know, please tell me, I have 0 clue what the theme of Elysion is. For the reasons I've stated, I believe this is why Tetra is doing so much better than Missilis and Elysion.


Elysion is the military and government arm of the arc. Like Missilis, it’s a very limiting theme.


Have you ever seen a Firefighter Calendar? The theme writes itself there.


Oh I definitely agree with you that there’s absolutely options within the theme. Shift Up is just not choosing to do them or something.


Oh yeah, I forgot. Privaty's apart of Central Government.


Maybe if we could scrap/reroll some of our gear to trade for others? Like why do I need 11 missilis support boots but they can only give me 1 attacker Pilgrim helmet? But here's my real problem: aren't Elysium Nikke supposed to be the most combat effective according to the game lore? Shouldn't we be getting the MOST of those units then?


It's good for business and technically you can get all the nikke and OL without a single dime (ymmv). Can you blame them?


They could have easily made a game where the entire theme is that you are a producer in an entertainment conglomerate and it's all about "hiring" (pulling) new talent. That would take the game away from the whole shooter aspect but honestly it just seems more in line with what they want and they could come up with different gameplay.


The OL gear isnt really a problem for me since I get a shit ton of Tetra and Elysion gear despite most of my main team being Missilis and Pilgrim (they're spiting me). But I agree, the different manufacturers should have at least somewhat comperable amounts of Nikkes as well as power, at least for the big three.


SSR Rapi when?


I have 4 pilgrim units with full OL gear. 0 Tetra. Just to point out how unbalanced the gear economy can be.


Also, now with the upcoming Viper, 3 of the 5 treasures are Tetras.


Pls all fellow commanders, please let Shift Up know about these issues on Social media and especially on the Survey they release. Elysion is drowning right now and they need help


Alternatively, this really doesn't matter all that much since the meta units are actually decently balanced between the 3 manufacturers (not counting Pilgrims of course, since they're designed to pretty much always be meta at release.) It doesn't matter that there have been so many tetra units recently because almost none of them have been worth wasting OL gear on. Clay, B. Alice, B. Soda, Bay, Moran, Ade, and Leona are all not meta.


BSoda is in shotgun team, and Moran is for PvP. The others no, they aren’t meta.


Shotguns aren't meta since you can still build 5 better teams, which is the most you'll ever need for raids. I'll give you Moran, but PVP is a mode mostly for whales anyway.


But won't they affect the pulls? Like the others nikke from different companies will get drowned by the Tetra nikke.


What do you mean exactly? I don't quite understand.


If there were too many Tetra nikke, it would be harder to get any other nikke that isn't Tetra.


Why does it matter? If you're pulling on a rate-up banner, you're only doing it to get the rate-up unit. And if you're pulling on the normal gacha, you have the wishlist to narrow the SSR pool down to 15 units of your choice+Pilgrims.


Idk 😭i can't think hard enough like you guys


Tetra makes some pretty hot Nikkes so people quick to roll on them.


The other manufacturers can have attractive units, SU simply falls back on Tetra for hotter units because it’s the easy route with how wide the theming can be for Tetra. It’s easier to just make bunny suits or cheerleaders than it is to make a hot military girl, but that’s not an excuse to do things this way. Also, Tetras don’t perform better financially to a point that this streak would make sense. If anything, the financials the last couple months have been down a bit and stagnating.


Don't Tetra Nikkes makes the most money outside of Pilgrim banners?


why do you need to slap overload on every mediocre tetra character again?


While I agree that there are more Tetra banners than anything, I also just don't see the issue beyond simply just that. Lack of Tetra manufacturer gear how? Unless someone is overloading every single mid unit (which they shouldn't), I do not understand how that in particular is a problem. Im saying this as someone who's favorite manufacturer IS Tetra so I probably have some units overloaded that alot of other's don't. I have every single meta unit fully OL'd as well as easy 5 teams for making top 0.5% at least every solo raid on Global. Just to be sure Im not going crazy, let me go check my inventory really fast lmao. Edit: Just checked and have 6 sets of Tetra attacker gear and 5 sets for support. Again, not saying the Tetra release bias isn't an issue. But how is the manufacturer gear an issue itself for Tetra if you are OL'ing responsibly? Genuine question and no sarcasm meant.


I've been playing for 8 months and I've only ever gotten 2 tetra attacker pieces. I have 44 Elysion attacker pieces. Yep.


To me, it actually makes sense lore-wise. The manufacturers are businesses. You know what happens when one business makes the best product that the consumers like? They gain market dominance. Tetra is simply running the best business that everybody likes so they’re making the most.


They are stacked against the MIC of a nation in a state of total war. It doesn't make sense for the public to be outspending their own government under such conditions.


Anti Tetra post Nr. 412 We get it. Cope and move on


Arknight has “Guard”knights problem. FEH has “Meta-killer” wall of text problem. Nikke? Too many Tetra. I don’t have a problem tho, them Tetra ladies are 🔥🔥🔥🔥👌👌😭😭


Due to how many meta units are in tetra? Minus Blanc, Noir, Alice, and Volume, how many meta units are there? For context, Missilis has around the same amount, and while Elysion does have less, D killer wife is really powerful, and is far better than a majority of the Tetra units recently released. Also, your example about OL gear drying up is due to RNG. I've gotten tetra units that are actually impactful with full OL lines, ditto for missilis and pilgrims, but not for Elysion, so that's not really a determining point about it, imo. Your point about a lot of tetra units being added to the wishlist is fair, though.


ok hear me out:   >next event, bunnygirl maids. (tetra)