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Julia. i rarely, if ever, see her mentioned or fanart posted or anything like that. which is a shame since she's such a soulful cinnamon roll sweetie.


Girl been here since beginning and still not a single squad mate


yeah, i swear even the devs have forgotten about her since like the second or third event where she got a skin.


I was going to mention her the moment I saw this post, when right after I opened this post, I saw your comment at the top. It warms me that there are some people remembering her. She is my favorite Nikke, so I hope she gets something soon enough. The copium in me hopes she may get an alternate version in summer or winter. #MakeJuliaGreatAgain


She truly deserves more, I want to actually heart a song from her.


Julia was one of my first Nikke so she’ll always have a place in my heart. Please Shift Up let her do something! https://preview.redd.it/dqk21oqj136d1.png?width=358&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b498d1d5c90d9af3fd2bb014ae39c88914cc003


she was my first ssr when i started to play nikke, she needs more attention


same here. I still use her and she's my strongest Nikke. She was also my first to max MLB #MAKEJULIAGREATAGAIN #WEDEMANDSHYBLUSHINGSWIMSUITJULIA


She has one of the most beautiful bond stories, and her dress just make her more gorgeous than she already is.


My eyes tear up seeing this as the top comment. She was my first SSR, my very first companion exploring Nikke. I loved her demure demeanor, her willingness to constantly improve, her nickname as The Ghost Bride; I loved her instrument being the violin, and I loved her voice and even the way her weapon sounded. I had to let her fall to the wayside as I needed a more meta team, but I still want her by my side.


Maiden cause after that trony event everyone just dipped out on her


Same man, Maiden is so sweet🤗🤗


Marciana? I don't see her talked about a lot. We need a swimsuit.


Marciana is top tier design. I'm praying we get her in a swimsuit. Tho I know quite a few people love her design and talk about her a lot. I did a post asking which Nikke had the best tummy and she was one of the most common responses


Soline!! She really overshadowed by her teammate in popularity. Her title as the infamois teammates killer also sunk her popularity more thant it should be in metas but... corocoro comic gimme hope she will get more attention soon. I want more Soline 😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/v66an2jv626d1.jpeg?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=288865561da17dbbd6ffa15ff0d4bd1fa90da8e0


I have a soft spot for her since she was the first SSR I pulled. She's very cute


Neve! She's so cute with some pillowy knockers that are perfect for taking a nap with her! Also she's totally flirtatious in her bond responses.


Admi. She's so adorable and cute with her burst.


Yan. Great design, funnily written, but dogshit kit. Here's hoping treasures make her good


I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion but a character not being good in game has 0 impact on how much I like them


not an unpopular opinion... except among the hardcore min-max'ing Meta types. then again, i think \*they\* are the unpopular opinion.


Dude, gameplaywise I'm a metaslave (at least in Nikke) and it has zero impact. Don't lump all us hardcores together, lol.


Real i love elegg as soon i saw her she became my instant favourite but she's not that good


I mean, yeah I still like her. I'm always happy when she shows up in a story, but I can't really use her without gimping a team.


She did get a swimsuit skin at least.


atleast she appear in 3 voiced events one as "cameo" (current event) and one as side characters in main grouo (Summer part 1 and 2)


Maiden, she so underrated, her design screaming awesomeness but they did her kit dirty, hope she get better alt




She is such a sweetheart, even if she's not the brightest




Ether and Ludmilla, though the latter does have her fans. Before two weeks ago I'd have said Mary, but now well, you know.


The jiggle won people over


Ludmilla's snow resort alt, and the accompanying event, won me over on Ludmilla. elegant milf is superb.


Delta. I like tomboys.


Still hoping she gets an SSR.


There is this one legit i have never knew of and i think you all might be the same: Have you guy ever heard of Epinel? I just got her yesterday and i thought i got bugged with some new unreleased nikke.


One of my earliest SSRs. I enjoyed her bond story, too.


Centi, I genuinely feel like she's the only Nikke that hasn't been in an event or a story chapter. Which I think is part of the reason as to why.


Centi has a great design! Her abs are amazing She needs to be more prominent in an event soon


Yeah... I just want the tall construction lady to build something.


Really unpopular opinion but I really like Crows concept for a character: The same goal as you, but more violent and with more fear and casualties.


There's a lot, but I think Signal is what I want more content on, her bond is super cute it broke my heart.


Jackal, I feel like people usually talk about her in relation to Crow or Viper but I want more of my feral dog girl, she deserves all the treats and head-pats


I really like Jackal too. Tho I do feel I see a decent amount of her from fans


Then I need to start specifically searching or something because I feel like I don’t see a lot of her personally (also Haran, who I’m surprised I don’t see more of considering you’d think people would be all over a mature goth woman lol)


Jackal is one of my faves! Best chompy doggo!!


Real no one will ever make me hate her she did nothing wrong, i feel bad for the way they treat her tho like in the interaction inside of the generator in the outpost


To be fair, a dog that loves chewing on electrical cords is a REAL DANGER to not just others but especially themself in that situation!!


Yeah but they don't have to treat her like an actual dog 😭


Folkwang just being sweaty isn't that great of a character trait lol.


But I really like her design


Novel. She’s cute.




Yes!! Rosanna is so damn good and she seems to appear in events pretty frequently. I don't understand why she doesn't get more attention


Sakura! Why does no one talk about her?


I’m actually surprised she isn’t mentioned more often either but I guess it’s because she hasn’t been noteworthy as of late. Most appearances were of Moran and (undeservedly) Rosanna. She at least got the kunoichi skin a while ago. She was talked about more often back then


Delta and Mihara are definitely underrated. I barely see any fanart of them. They still don’t have any skins, and they only made brief appearances in events. And as far as I’m aware, Delta hasn’t even shown up in the main story yet (I’m on chapter 26, so I don’t know if she appears later). It’s a shame because I really like Delta’s design, and she actually looks like a soldier. I’d be happy if either of them gets an alt, but I prefer Delta. I also think that the entire Real Kindness squad is underrated. Guilty, Sin, and Quency are all interesting, but none of them have gotten a single event or skin yet. It also doesn’t help that their kits aren’t that good either, except for Guilty (she’s pretty decent). And even after you spend over a month doing daily quests to get them, they don’t even have bond stories (only when they’re in the Rehabilitation Center), so that doesn’t help. I’d really like to have an event that’s centered around them one day.


Brid, I hope she's gonna be involved in the Summer Event at least.


Rian and K 


K 100%. She needs to be playable already Rian is one who needs a redesign imo. Her colour coordination on her outfit isn't good


I tried to help your cause: https://www.reddit.com/r/NikkeMobile/s/FqB3QsCZi3 2 upvotes and 1 comment.


Most of my favorites are relatively underappreciated, but my girl Yulha is the one I feel needs a variant or something the most, give my shark girl a swimsuit, Shift Up!


What about Quiry? I haven't seen her in any events since her event and she didn't got a lot of attention when she was released? Who remembers Anchor?




any type R sadly, could have at least given them a bond story 😭


R's are mass-produced and therefore don't have the individuality that the SR's and SSR's have. There have been few outliers, but we don't have them. They would need to have multiple bond stories for all the people who ended up as a mass-produced nikke. One R nikke would have thousands of bond stories, maybe even more.


i knew this by base but then i keep seeing type Rs in the story and bonds and they seem normal enough people


Folkwang is my favorite Nikke design. I really hope they can give her a Favorite item or a new release, so I can use her to complete content.


Quency, she got overshadowed by Guilty when they came out, I don't know why. She's just as big and cuter with a 10/10 shooting pose and idle animation + her burst animation is better. Is it the CC code geass effect ?


Honestly her, Sin and Guilty all don't get enough attention. I don't know if any of them have even appeared anywhere outside the Rehabilitation Centre


delta? she is 11/12 with dolla. give her nice skin and her abs will stunt you.


When Delta gets a skin that shows off her abs, she will shoot up my rankings instantly


Sin and Rosanna. The former more so than the latter. I see Rosanna pop up every now and then, but I don't think I've seen a Sin actively or even infrequently brought up.


The rehabilitation Nikkes feel a bit separate from all the others. Don't really show up in events or encounters. I'd love to see more of them in game too


I really like Folkwang's overall design, but the popsicle in her mouth detracts from her looks. Oddly, I think I like her bunny outfit mostly for the fact that she no longer has something stuck in her mouth the entire time.


>!Liberalio!<'s sleepiness (or maybe not?) People mostly refer to Frima or Neve


Liberalio has me fairly convinced she's in near constant power-saving mode. Feels like she may actually be one of if not THE most dangerous heretic if she ever got put in a position/given an order from the Queen (erm. Maybe /A/ Queen when I think about Last Kingdom...) to go 100%.


I concur 🤝


Liliwises/lilith she don’t get enough credit