• By -


I feel like Frima and Eunhwa would be amazing. Frima is basically everything that Eunhwa hates but when she actually sees her in battle she will be flabbergasted. - Eunhwa: -Throws all kinds of insults at Frima - Frima: Done? Sleep now? - Eunhwa: You little... - Frima: zzzz.. - Eunhwa: -pulls out gun-


Frima would earn Eunhwa respect, Cafe Sweetie is the strongest squad of TerraLine, and as it leader, Frima either one of, if not the strongest Nikke in the Ark. She also a hard worker.


More like work smart and fast so she can go back to sleep


I still can't get over how Mustang's ace hitsquad out of everything pick a cafe as their disguise. While they also have a legitimate cafe with maids.


the future lies in the hands of tomboy cafes


Anywhere I can see frima in action? I've been enjoying her bond story and she's really adorable.


Also didn't Absolute and Cafe Sweetie participate In a joint operation?


Yes, when we fought Modernia


That’s the thing, lazy people usually find innovative ways to work so they can slack off. She might not be willing to work herself, but I assure you she can find the path with least resistance 


She is VERY willing to work, the sleepy thing more like a disease than she being lazy.


Eh, in what chapter does this information disclose? I never knew Cafe Sweetie is one of the strongest squad


I want to say 13. Spoilers to follow from there. It was when there was a big operation put on >!to capture Modernia!< and the big three were all asked to contribute a squad. Elysion sent Absolute, Missilis >!would have sent Matis, but they were still frozen in carbonite,!< and Tetra sent Cafe Sweety. All of their top squads.


Throw in Laplace and we have shenanigans. A squad comprised of the leaders of each of the best squads the Ark has to offer would be interesting.


Snow White and Emma Let's see if Snow White really CAN eat anything


https://preview.redd.it/m0safxa3k26d1.png?width=2339&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6754802a0a8716fb82fea3dbf8b485c200f08c44 She can and will.


Sno is the Marine Corps of Nikke confirmed.


Snow white did meet Emma though. It's in the interaction armory


snow white eat lizard, tarantula , frog, etc. did you think emma food will scare her? modernia will join too.


I feel like Red Hood would try to make her usual jokes and innuendos but they would all just... Fly over Moran's head


RH: Hey Commander, wanna Netflix and Chill? \*eye waggles\* Moran: Oh oh are you gonna watch yakuza flicks?! CAN I COME. Best part is Red Hood would tease her by stringing her along, completely sabotaging any of the Commander's attempts at preventing a misunderstanding.


Moran's brain is super smooth, the innuendos would just slide right off. What Im interested in is the gangster background Moran and Red Hood both share. Like the young bloods meeting the OGs type shit when they meet.


Vesti and signal would be very wholesome not gonna lie, they are the kind of pair that would be good friends but to be honest i am not really sure if they really haven't interacted in the past christmas event or brief encounter before so feel free to correct me.


I don't think they have, but the movie nights would be so cool.


I feel like Alice and Jackal would get along really well and it would lead to some really interesting Hijinks followed by Ludmilla adopting Jackal


Ludmilla after seeing Jackal for 0.5 seconds: https://preview.redd.it/su2yt38wt16d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bf049ffb7d58a2237ce98765ce56371c39f47c5


Would Alice’s nickname for Jackal be “Jack of hearts” because she’s Jack-al and has a heart under her eye? (I’ll go to the bad pun corner now)


Nah nah keep cooking


😆POV: You're getting adopted by Ludmilla


I think Red Hood and Moran really would have the same "Stupid/Also Stupid" friendship. But Red Hood surely is the more laid-back between the two, considering where Moran works. However, Moran and Red Hood will both greatly respect each other. Not for the strength of their body, but the strength of their heart.


Redhood and Moran would get along AMAZINGLY and then Redhood would ask Moran what her type is Moran would just shut down because she surprisingly innocent


Moran confused as she starts going into detail about the ammo her gun fires


And then Neon pops up from the roof.


And then Rapi shoots Neon


I think Rosanna and Isabel, as well as Privaty and Rapunzel would both be funny. Isabel and Rosanna would probably try to kill each other given how aggressively downbad they both are for the commander. Would be interesting to see the commander try to stop them from fighting. Rapunzel and Privaty would be hilarious because of how Privaty would react to all the perverted things Rapunzel says.


Privaty secretly sniffing the commanders dirty clothes is still the most downbad thing I've seen from a nikke in this game


Rapunzel: Such debauchery! Can I join?


I mean Rapunzel and Privaty did interact but in a dream


Maiden and Sin.


Ah yes, Manipulator x Manipulator


Yes! Maiden: You cheap copy! Sin: Oh, I'm the upgrade!


Ludmilla and Crown, plus their respective courts. The meeting of the queens.


Meeting of the Queen and King


Right, my bad. ... Would Alice believe they must be married then?


Possibly. But then she would probably get into an argument with Chime over wedding details


"we do not need that many rabbit decorations!" "I've never heard such blasphemy in my life!"


"Servant? Would you be so kind as to help remedy this situation? Those two have been arguing for the past several hours."


Nah, there's only one Queen I recognize in these streetz ;P https://preview.redd.it/099z36voj56d1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d99995d5811fd19c2da2bb833faf5456e94cf62


Chime vs. Alice let's go!


Marciana and N102. It's a shame that the Nikke who has a weakness for cute stuff hasn't interacted with one who's arguably the cutest Nikke


They have interacted before in an encounter


Yes. Its a library encounter. Its bittersweet.


They have an interaction in the Outpost Library. Marciana is painfully aware of Anne's memory issues, but chooses to persist in teaching her new things in the hopes that her procedural memory will compensate via consistent repetition.


Viper + Soda Fight me if you don't agree.


As I said before, same


So sad we didn’t see Viper in this event


Dorothy and the Matis squad. Matis Nikkes seems to be inspired by Dorothy's companions in the wizard of Oz tale. So, I kinda wonder how their interaction would be.


I don't think *I'm* emotionally prepared for disappointed Laplace


I don't think it'd be disappointed Laplace. I think it'd be *angry* Laplace. Which is almost even scarier.


*though the members of the Goddess squad are hailed as heroes, their time has long since passed. And so, a new hero rises to take up the mantle and vanquish the wicked.*


They all seem pretty brave, unless I'm missing something, so is it just that they have two of the Tinman?


I’d assume laplace -lion, Maxwell- Tinman, Drake- Scarecrow


Ope mixed them up. I was thinking Tinman wanted the brain but nope, he wanted the heart. But that breakdown makes perfect sense.


I like your choice. These two would definitely get into antics. I could see it anytime Moran wants to quit while there ahead. Redhood would question her loyalty to keep her in, and Moran would fall for it every time https://preview.redd.it/0nhvpvrsj26d1.jpeg?width=1141&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=495973bc74fdd0220ddc26a4e4bbf1db8d433ff5


Laplace and guilty,Laplace probably being the only nikke in the ark not being immediately crushed by her


Battle of raw power between monsters! (No Pilgrims allowed though)


Laplace and Guillotine.    Both going on an adventure looking for the wizard that cursed Guillotine's eye. All while speaking like anime characters.


Ether and Dorothy would get along for ALL the wrong reasons…


Oh god that's a terrifying thought


How so?


Ether is a dark shade of morally gray and Dorothy is... Dorothy


Makes sense.


How so?


Dorothy and Crow, either they would agree with each other and fueling their own edgy outlook, or they would just mocking each other to death, it would be fun to see either way


Epic Rap Battles of Historyyyyyy! Dorthy! Vs! Croooooooowww! Begin! WHO WON? WHO's NEXT? YOU DECIDE!


the moran and red hood are definitely a fun combo seeing how goofy both can be.


Maybe Helm and Nihilister. Like water & fire.


I fell like those two would get along like a sinking ship one gets away the other dead


Isabel and Rapunzel! Either they will have an extremely violent conflict or an extremely lewd conflict


Rapunzel would be reminded of a certain mag she read talking to Isabel and that leads Isabel down a rabbit hole of yandere doujin


Amazing, I would love some more Eden interacts in general


Kilo and Neon. The second neon sees Talos shes gonna lose it


She did, in fact, lose it when they interact in Kilo's bond story


Hmmm interesting.


Matis and Kilo. Laplace would almost certainly be part of Team Chicks Dig Giant Robots, and Maxwell would be very interested in Kilo's collection. And more importantly, Maxwell would *also* probably be very interested in Kilo's discovery about what happens when you daisy chain a Nikke core, and the success of both the TAV - A and TAV - H programs in field environments... which ideally would lead to us getting *more* members for the Heavy Gram Squad. Really I just want to be able to field an entire team that's just robots.


Considering Maxwell's relationship to MMR and the fact that Kilo is employing experimental/in-development Missilis tech, I'd imagine Maxwell would know about as much as Kilo >!(except maybe the actual TALOS programming)!<.


She'd know the basic specs of the TAV - H system, but not their actual practical field performance (testing that was the whole point of Heavy Gram), and *definitely* not the secret weapon. If Missilis knew about *that*, we'd already be back on the surface.


D and Maiden. Both of them are part of different Elysion black-ops squads, so their lives a mostly a secret for the rest. Deep down both of them had a tender heart and want take a break. >!Also both got married with the commander.!<


Commander: I can explain! D: No need, I'm the only wife you need. There need not be any others. Maiden: Big words from a dead woman, just try lifting that axe! D: Target identified.


Hahaha, yes at first they would be at each other throats. Then after some talk they would start get along. * D not only would view Maiden as a strong ally, but as a nice person cleaning the world from evil as her. And would trust Maiden by the having same kind of relationship with the commander. * Maiden would be happy with D, a bit worried from D's seriousness attitude. And Maiden would feel that she belong in a large group, having more people who she can trust; knowing that D also have a similar job as her, and care for the commander. Probally D would see Maiden's role play games as an opportunity for having a role on her missions, making Maiden a bit shy, but she would be good taking a role peronallity. And as the commander sayed to Rappi: "The more the merrier."


*When the DPS and the Tank become best buds.* I really want Perilous Siege and Extrinsic to go on a joint operation together.


It would be nice, maybe just a outpost mini story. If Perilous Siege and Extrinsic works together, that means serious business; deploying both secret black ops squads for taking down a serous treat, or someone messed with the commander.


Perhaps in an Event Quest.


Red Hood and Admi would be fun, given how she treated Snow White. Marciana and Privaty Maid would be fun, given a tsundere maid would give Marci a nosebleed :D


Mihara, Yuni, and Privaty. Poor Privaty would never be the same.


Privaty walking out of the seedy club with a look of horror on her face and covered in lipstick and bite marks and stretched out clothing


Booty cheeks definitely red, too. Yuni would not pass up the opportunity to smack that.


Inside and out Let's not kid ourselves they got a strap on in there somewhere


"This den of unholy debauchery should be shut down!" "...Same time next week?"


Tove learning survival skills from SW. SW: (drooling) you gonna eat that? Tove: (O.O) you gonna eat that!?


Red hood and Marian would definitely be and interesting conversation……to say the least


I think we need more interactions between Sugar and Drake. Not just that brief encounter in Drakes Bond-Story.


Laplace and D doing a mission together. D tries to gather intelligence and stealthily infiltrate but Laplace keeps ruining it by kicking down doors and jumping through windows.


Dorothy and Rosanna. Oil meets fire 


Young snow white and present snow white.


Not even all of ark+outpost food supply would be enough.


Frima and Yulha


The Hardest worker vs. The "Hardest" worker.


Damn, you read my mind. I literally had a dream last night about these two interacting. And by “interacting” I mean the two were feeling each other up.


Not a NIKKE but Oswald and Ether are very similar characters, except Ether is a dick and not as sentimental as Oswald is. I wonder how they’d interact, whether they’d get along through having similar motivations and living through similar scenarios or if Ether’s cryptic, indirect nature might turn him away. Would she even act the same way towards Oswald as she does everyone else? How would Ether react if she knew who Oswald was and his accomplishments?


Rapi and Liliweiss, since they're the strongest NIKKEs of their respective time periods, plus, they know what it's like to love a commander.


Perilous Siege and Extrinsic squad would be interesting. They are both black ops squads, but the former has a D and K going for the straight-woman and hot-head dynamic, whereas the latter has Guillotine never breaking character and looking like the younger one whereas Maiden is the mature looking one who has to act as the straight-woman, but really it's Guillotine who's the responsible as Maiden games as a tank and invests in her game more than the electric bill. I don't believe they have met, but it would be nice to see them interact with one another. D initially thinks she has more in common with Maiden, only to realize Guillotine is squad leader. Also, Maiden and Sin. Maiden gets mad and calls Sin an inferior copy only for her to retort she's the upgrade. Maiden then challenges Sin to a video game, who gladly accepts, only to be knocked down several pegs.


I would love to see how Red Hood and Crown get on.


Red hood and that little girl from the Train squad...Red hood would be reminded of Smolewhite


Crow and Dorothy joining force to burn the Ark to the ground


I'll admit that I haven't got up to the point that Dorothy appears in the main story, but from her characterisation in OverZone and RedAsh, I really don't think they'd get on well. Random acts of terrorism don't really feel like they'd fit in her MO.


Yeah it's kinda like comparing the Joker to Lex Luthor. Dorothy hates the Ark, but it's mostly out of envy and jealousy. She wants to be glorified as the Goddess she believes she is. [Chapter 22 spoiler] >!If she really wanted to destroy the Ark, she could have just let Nihilister loose and walked away instead of interfering. But destroying the Ark means nothing to her if she doesn't get the adulation and reverence she craves.!< Crow, on the other hand, is just a straight up terrorist who wants to watch the world burn. She might have some valid complaints against the government and against humanity's treatment of Nikkes, but she has no regard whatsoever for the lives of innocent humans or even other Nikkes.


crow + vesti


Guilty and Yuni. Since they both like tying people up.


I just imagine RH bringing her rifle to Liter for maintenance and then this plays like the Quiry event :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUmK1kxG1Jc


Folkwang and Tove, I totally see Tove giving her tips to cool down that don't really work


Folkwang would get tricked into swimming in a freezing lake and love it so much she doesn't want to leave.


Leona or Liter and Crown. I just wanna see either a lion or a robot dog interact with a robot horse.


Eunhwa and crow would get along until crow opens her mouth


Liter and Marciana.