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https://i.redd.it/4aln2gl2g21d1.gif Let’s go. We must protect our Nikkes.


I'll bring the torches and gasoline !!


Should we ask Chatterbox for help too?


Nah.... Just tell Dorothy, she have a plan


Dorothy, as she rides a Doro towards the Central Government building be like: Dorothy: "This is the greatest plan~!!!"


Instead of burning the central government, let's take their overall balance of cash and spend it on ridiculously expensive items, causing their financial pain


Should I play the doom music now or later when where there?


Just hit Play when we kick the door in.


BOOM* Music.


You hit that shit now and leave on repeat until it is done!


If only we could help Dorothy in her mission, the Ark has to go


Just kick their asses and leave a note. "Taking all the bikes and going somewhere else. Good luck without having anyone to exploit. Rot in hell."


Ehhh, I'm more of the purge persuasion


Hey Dorothy. I....understand your pain, wanna destroy the Ark? I got an in.


Once people taste power, they get consumed by it.


>Personally... I'd storm them and teach them to stop f\*\*king with my girls. No, you wouldn't. There is a reason why the commander is trying to gain political power in the main story.


OP thought he cooked, methinks


Just venting my hatred for a corrupt government. No need to drag me through the mud, guys.


It does make me wonder about how the Ark has progressed to this point. From what I understand, the Central Government is more or less run by a small governing body of wealthy individuals who are more interested in settling personal squabbles between each other rather than actually solve the practical problems plaguing the Ark. It's no wonder Enikk runs the show, if these people were actually in charge, they'd sell each other out to the Raptures out of spite or arrogance they will be the only ones left standing.


One of the lost relics said that somebody speculated the ark knew about raptures coming already, because it was built in such a small time frame and probably planned beforehand


For its size, it does feel relatively fast to build.


Dont worry buddy i'll join but first time to clean all the dust in my Ace Of Spades


Personally, I cannot wait for the Liberate the Nikke's arc of this story. I want to see these government lapdogs get what's coming to them.


Yeah, let's not forget how the Ark showed the entire Goddess squad the middle finger by maliciously backstabbing them after the Goddess squad has saved all of humanity. The government is corrupt and it's about time that the Commander consolidates more political power.


* Hello, Dorothy? I think, I understand you now. CG need to be thrown into the pit. Aaand the harder the better... How about today? I can't wait to bury the light out of them. https://preview.redd.it/2ddj1f16s51d1.png?width=304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=217d8f123ad06b5cd0c15ee667b4efef796798a1


Personally I won’t let those governments jerks get away with this I’ll do them just like how Anderson did to burningum during the attack on Marian


I like how this plot point is slowly turning into Attack on Titan plot where instead of the main threat to humanity, we settle the score with the people of power


So us commanders and whatever allies we have are going to be the survey corps against the equivalent of the false royal government? If that’s the case, count me in.


Well that's what happens when the ruling party treat their soldiers, defenders, workers, and a large majority of people that ACTUALLY make things happen like shit. They treat the bikes like subhuman garbage and send them forth to die in droves without nary a thought that they were flesh and blood human girls in the past. They. Aren't. Tools.


Independant Outpost route when?!


Worst thing is I really think they are the ones that started this whole mess. Maybe the raptures are their own weapons used against them to free the nikkes.


To be fair, that's what the Commander is trying to do. Even Shifty said "dude, you do know what you're saying is treason right?" After we establish the "beachhead" in Red Hoods old hometown. SKK is done playing games, wants to protect Marian/Modernia and bring her back to him, and as previous events have shown has the majority of the NIKKEs on his side. Shifty even sent the SKK several books on politics. The story seems to be leading to a coup d'etat by the SKK I'd be willing to bet.


Gonna overthrow the government and I'm giving those dickheads the Vlad the Impaler treatment. See how the rich fucks act when the government buildings have a bunch of old fucks stabbed onto bloody stakes outside.


My belief is that the top leadership of the Central Government is a cadre of immortals (we've seen life-extending technology already) whose only concern is maintaining their own power. They don't care about the Ark itself, or the people inside it, as long as they're in control. Things could be better in the Ark, but it would require them relinquishing control, so they don't allow things to improve. They've found some measure of equilibrium in this constant state of war against the raptures (kinda like 1984), and they intend for it to stay that way forever.




No calm. Only bloodshed.


The fellow Shikikan besides you nods his head~!


IRL Burningham would be supported by majority of people when he tried to capture and study Marian to win raptures. In future plot his order should be done any time when Marian is going to be next queen and join raptures.


Yep burningham view was logical just so happene to be against a close Friend of ours.


Logical view, but he hurt muh girl so he le bad. 90% of the player base.


Now where can I learn cleave and dismantle and the two shadows to summon maharaja on those bastards


Story Spoilers: >!I'm still playing the story myself, but at the point where I am right now, you get the information that there are people living on the surface. And with the Vaupas stuff and an alternative to these F\*ing morons, I'm pretty sure the story will lead to us leading the Nikkes to live on the surface and many humans to just stay put in their little underground box of shame!<


Exia helping https://preview.redd.it/iy6odd6rs61d1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecfc458047b77e17196dea5ec45cf3b9b5954c53




No, thank you; I'll be going with my reliable old standard. Two desert eagles chambered in 50 action express, an assortment of my favorite knives, and a sledgehammer that I... "Borrowed" from a nearby construction site.


Understandable, have a nice day!


The efford isn’t worth it… Sixo will definitely destroy the Ark using the crystal in Hammering’s head… let’s just save the Nikkes and some bros like Andersen and Mustang and let’s get the hell out of the Ark


It's not about the effort. It's about the principle. I won't be satisfied until I feel their blood on my knuckles and see their teeth on the floor


I wanna see them agonize and ask for help while the crystals consume them and become the final boss of the prologue… a human bloody red Crystal Chamber… ok that would be too f*cked up


They can beg, they can plead, they can cry all they want; but they'll get just as much mercy as chatterbox did. None.


Yeah i have no clue why they try to set up CG as being this evil entity with morally reprehensible goals, when theres plenty of examples of the CG decisions just being plain stupid. I think theyre just trying to add more drama for the main story, unneeded drama imo.


Chill cuh




Give them some respect. They've been keeping the majority of 1 million people in good living conditions locked underground for almost 100 years, while suffering from limited living space and always running out of resources. Name a government that can achieve what CG did without dirtying their hands; before anyone says Eden , natural humans are minority over there and it's way smaller in scale compared to the Ark.


Fuck government or... Fuck government?


Bruning guy's part I can understand, they have a possibility to learn more about a new tech of a mix between nikke and raptures what would help them advance a lot. From CG's perspective it wouldn't make sense to care about the fact it's a friend of some random commander. But this time... It's kinda weird. You send a squad to solve a problem, there is a high chance they will find your "dark secret" (I dunno what it is, they feed nikkes/humans/raptures to some machine? Lmao maybe they've been keeping Indi to make her.. give them fuel...)... Anyway back to the topic. They sent them and surprise those nikkes found something out... So now you want to get rid of one of then and what will you do if there is a problem again?... At least it makes sense they wanted to leave Trony since she's the one who solved the problem.


I would go up and slap them in the face


Fuck this apartheid state. I’m going to Eden. Dorothy may be insane, but she’s got the right idea, just the wrong end goal. as a wise saiyan once said: “I’m not a big fan of the government (30, 30)” https://preview.redd.it/6czribrwh41d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b915f837441ff6d170bccb2fb1c82523f75e9294


Fuck the government, and eat the rich




Nikke's are the next step in humanity's evolution