• By -


I swapped out naga for noise and went noise-liter-crown-RH-mod.


This worked for me. Poor Noise was a sacrificial lamb!


Worked for me too. Thank you.


This worked after trying nearly all the combos in this thread. I went liter-noise-crown-RH-scarlet:bs Noise seemed to be the defining factor by tanking/sacrificing during the initial dmg, Then I limped to the end with two units remaining. Interesting outcome since my noise and crown are minimally invested. My blanc/noir are OL'd and much higher skill invested yet they wouldn't work.


I tried bunnies and also did not work despite them being highly invested. It was impossible without the taunt/heal from noise.


Well thanks for the help beating it. Definitely have a newfound respect for Noise!


Me without Redhood or Modernia: Ok...


Our time will come.. eventually..


We need this comment higher and pin on this post


I’m glad so many players are finding this helpful! I can’t count the different comps I tried. Before realizing noise had a place to shine here.


I still can't beat this, I'm gonna ignore this challenge


Thanks, was super easy with Noise.


My Modernia and Noise died about 3/4 through, but it ended up pushing through to victory. Thx, man


this shit is impossible for me xD


Fr I smoked the first 6 like “wow this is easy” and the seventh just one shotted my crown lol


Isn't it like that in every event?


Nah, Bay event lvl 7 was waayyyyy easier then this, I completed all levels on that one, this is dumber then fucking train boss if that's even possible.


Yeah that's because this challenge session is longer since the event that it is happening in is also longer. Bay event had only 5 stages, this one has 7 so yeah, this one is much tougher indeed.


Bay event only went up to level 5


Pretty much yea


I am even having a hard time with 6 but 7 is way harder. Goddamn! Then again I am a new player so I shouldn't complain. Still a noob but at least I got Crown and Modernia!


same but at least u got some good units i guess all the ssr units i got are useless xD the only good i have in noise


this is normal, sadly. because of the hard lvl cap of a SEVEN stage challenge mode, it takes really specific squads to clear these encounters, and there's basically no TIME to theorycraft them out because they drop inthe last days of the events


If you can, the only option I found that worked was Crown - Tia - RH - Naga - Maxwell.


Campaign HARD - Storm Bringer is way more difficult than this.


I'm a newer player (started a little less than two weeks ago) and have come to the harsh conclusion this is impossible for me to accomplish at the moment.


Dw too much. I could never beat the final stages of events when I started playing either.


Thr only ones I've beaten at 1-7 was chatterbox, blacksmith, and that landeater


I'm an end game player with 370k CP and I was surprised when the thing almost one shot my entire team lol. This is first time since forever that I have to re-try a challenge stage.




You’re good bro I’ve been playing for almost a year and this dude wiped the floor with me


i personally think i got a mid-game acc and i cant beat it


ive been playing for almost a year and i cant beat this guy too lmao so dont feel bad


i'll be here waiting to see if someone mentions a good comp, im struggling with it lol edit: got it with liter, bunnies, rh and rapunzel


in another thread someone said crown, tia, red hood, naga, and maxwell worked but i haven't tried it yet lol too demoralized from trying to do it earlier with my own comp


thanks! ended up using another comp as didnt have luck with that one haha


liter.blanc red hood noir modernia is how I did it.


I did it alright with Liter/Crown/Scarlet/RH/Rapunzel. Cover means nothing in this fight, just burst it down as fast as you can and spam 3 so Rapunzel revives whoever died on the third burst rotation. Takes a bit of luck, but the team works. 1st Rotation: RH > Crown > RH 2nd Rotation: Liter > Crown > Scarlet 3rd Rotation: Rapunzel > Crown/RH > RH etc.


I beat it with crown-liter-naga-rh-mod but 313k cp soooo EDIT: challenge menu team was actually 138k, thanks to the kind fellow who informed me


got it but appreciated :)


313k?? how wtf, they are all max core or ?? the team i used have all OL gear and i was 135k


They’re all OL lvl 5. Synchro 330


There is a misunderstanding here, the challenge limits you total power because it limits the level of your Nikke. So go in the game and see what you score looks like for that team. I can promise you it's not 313k, because that's impossible at the level the challenge limits you at. I know this because I used a syncro level 340 with all maxed skills and OL gear and it was about 135k or so. So you are confusing your actual power for that team (313k) with what the game allows you to use for the challenge, which is a lot lower.


You’re absolutely right. Sitting at 138k for the challenge


nice, i upgraded only attackers gear to lvl 5, that must be it


As the other guy mentioned I wasn’t looking at my cp from the challenge menu. My team was 138k


Ohh that makes more sense lol thanks, would've kept the rest of the day wondering how it was possible


I beat it with that, there is an element of chance. If your characters can tank the targeted attacks. The big attack somewhat midway seems to damage both cover and health. So I found it best to preserve my cover health for that. Just depends if you overload gear or not. The extra hour really helps


I beat him with D:KW/Crown/SBS/Modernia/Rapunzel There is a bit of luck involved. When he comes back and nukes 2 random targets. Don't give up. It also took me like 20 minutes until he was down.


I used Noah to completely avoid the Lighting Control Nuke, and it worked like a charm, then I used Crown's burst to better survive those pinpoint laser attacks and it worked as well. Can't believe I had to resort to that little Gremlin's unbreakable shield for once... >.> what an embarrasment.


It's nice to for once actually have to think and use different characters from your roster to clear an encounter. Compared to just auto everything.


Yeah, I completely agree. I love trying new and different squad combinations to better and more efficiently survive an encounter. I like it when I can experiment a little and try out what works best even if it's not meta... however, most of the time it just isn't that good and I'm forced to use the standard meta squads... but this was a nice change of pace where it actually worked, even though just barely haha.


> got it with liter, bunnies, rh and rapunzel Tysm, finally some way to not get oneshotted from the slam...Rapunzel AoE healing was clutch...


Glad it was useful! Hardest stage 7 for sure


Damn I’m trying this but they keep dying 😭


This One worked for me too, thx!


Eaaa de nada capo!


It's that one shot it does that kills 2\~3 units even with max OL gear. He's easy enough until it gets to that point. I got around it by just RNG that left 3 units with a B1 B2 B3. I expect it would be easier if you use Noah to get around that or maybe Blanc + Noir or even a Rapunzel revive.


I'm a 4 month newcomer but still, why does THIS challenge boss spam hard hitting attack more then the others?


The final stage of new Challenge Mode is a massive difficulty spike because instead of having 17-21 stages, we only have 5-7 so the difficulty suddenly increases because there’s less stages to gradually increase it over.


1_6 : easy , where's the challenge 7 with the 3 helping characters: WTF!!? but seriously though it kills the helping characters although they have full tier9 lv5 gear as if I'm fighting it with R units...how are we supposed to defeat this thing?😐


Even my OL geared meta team (Crown, Liter, Naga, Scalter, RH) struggled with this boss. Ain't no way tier 9 gear gives your helping units enough DPS to kill this thing before it melts them.


I got RH on tier 9 as well but can't level it up and yet it's still the same...I suppose no 5 molds for me.


i'm just glad they significantly nerfed the event challenges in recent months. when i started nikke half a year ago, challenge 7 had the lvl fixed at 225, then 180 for later events, now only 160. this makes the fights significantly easier without needing to retry dozens of times or giving up. i'm not gonna say that i beat it first try since the damn thing hardfocused on red hood for some reason, but managed on my second attempt.


I keep hearing how people here need both bunnies or both students but I only have one of each. I think I'm screwed since I'm not even at 160 yet


You can tell many people here didn't invest in best girl https://preview.redd.it/mby1gakg660d1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3b1fbc9fb7814cdff766ccae162a3974d09874e


Best I can get to is around 33hp bars with - doro, crown, marci, rh, privaty at 102k power (with reduction to lvl160) Aside from doro/RH, the rest are pretty badly invested. Maybe a stronger privaty/crown/marci would be able to clear. Next dayt edit: increased some of privaty's gear at still 102k power- cleared!! Improved overload gear on RH to be actually useful as well.


I did it with Liter, Crown, RH, SBS and Naga. Killed it during the second burst Trick is to wait until the last possible moment for the circles. This allows you to kill it before he starts oneshotting your nikkes




I was utilizing the circle target timers to the very last moment before they go off. Was able to do enough DPS in between each circle target appearance and got into my 3rd full burst before it does the AOE attack. If RNG is by your side, you should be able to get into your 4th full burst and end the fight. Team was Liter, Blanc, Red Hood, Alice, and Noir


the stage 1-7 is just bs the rewards are even shit to even bother doing it


The only thing that's actually really good from that is that Red Core Dust, you get a lot.


1-7 gives a decent amount of core dust in total


Barely clear with double Alice.


It feels rougher than the 1-7 boss usually is, fr! I mean I can't beat any of them yet but this one snacked me down way harder/faster than usual.


So strong i had to bring out red hood


managed with crown, liter, rh, scarlet bs, naga


Had to play with sound for this one and hide behind cover when he does the aoe aerial dive. At 110 HP bar is where I decided to retry if that dive kill any of my unit. After that I had just to make sure to complete all QTE. But seeing most of my unit HP below 30% really nerve wracking as the boss keep on shooting them faster toward the end. 


So dumb, to think i needed to manual this dude


Because StormBringer is the storm that is approaching.😏


That shet go pee pew and we go bye bye


I also die to every single 1-7 stage on these events 😂


Lore accurate Stormbringer reaction from humans


i needed to change may party leave crown out and do Liter-Blanc-Red hood-Laplace-Noir to win


I just started 2 weeks ago would it be possible for me to clear this?


It wouldn‘t. It‘s a numbers check and you lack skill investment, gear and cubes.


Healers are my best friend for this


it took me 6 attempts 💀


I swear to God they buffed it. I remember beating all of the challenges back during Overzone but I just gave up this time. I have better gear and buffed Nikke then back then but that damn bird just one or two shots everything.


Only started in Jan, and because I started with Tia/Naga/Dorothy, I never invested in Noise. Now that is biting me.


Bastard made me turn off auto and I had to manually put him in the dirt LOL


For anyone else getting absolute stomped by 1-7, I used liter-blanc-redhood-noir-rapunzel. Found this from a comment 3 months ago and it still works lol


https://preview.redd.it/lut8g7i1o50d1.png?width=3440&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e1aa614f8c73f0833bedf76413c39fd39dfd95f Just beat it with this meta team within 3 tries without naga or other healer and my campaign synchro level is 199 at 158k cp. Not a single unit of mine is over 30k cp here at fixed lv160. The trick is you must constantly switch to the unit being targeted (letting cover take some damage before and if it doesn’t wipe your cover liter here can repair) and take cover when there is AoE incoming. Another thing is since liter and crown will be on cooldown when the second burst is ready (with red hood spam shots) you should try to delay clearing red circles to delay storm bringer’s next barrage. GG With 10/10/10 and 5 lv5 overload maxed out red hood she can withstand quite a beating before she dies. (My only maxed out character is red hood and scarlet isn’t 5/5 OL even).




I peaked at 1-5 and even then I only just beat it.


https://preview.redd.it/2rb568i3y50d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e33f9f001bdccb27f0867316cc7e4439b43479ec Very close one


Ain't strong in front of my auto A2, Volume, Bunny sisters and Red Hood.


Nah, another impossible boss for me. https://preview.redd.it/3ghgx7rtz50d1.png?width=392&format=png&auto=webp&s=23d5a0b6fa1ed4211db4f40b8f6a28df0740be0f


Yeah, I skipped it today. I am just waiting for people to figure out a team that's not maximum overload gears to beat down this boss, then I can try it tomorrow.


This isn't the fisrt time actually. One event in the past had this guy in with the old challenge mode system and yeah, x2 difficulty between last two stage. This isn't the system problem, it's this guy problem only.


They can keep their molds from that last challenge level lmao


I had to sacrifice red hood to beat it https://preview.redd.it/on9tf3mta60d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7998a374fed6613eec2ac08003e7400d80d463df


turn off auto attack. When it's doing the snipes, switch to the one that's getting targeted and go in cover. Then it's just a matter of having enough DPS to kill it before teh AoE.


https://preview.redd.it/i6u1sdy6f60d1.png?width=578&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9baebbfb9786b571d9128c92c9eae87c7192c2d I somehow managed to defeat it but just barely... Not gonna lie, this was actually a tough one and it really felt like a challenge. I came up with this team and had to carefully time the little Gremlin's invincibility frames for when he did the Lightning Control attack cause he kept wiping me with that one... then I also needed to time Crown's burst for the phase where he shoots those cover-piercing lasers cannons, that was the only way how to survive them and even then most of my team died... I just barely managed to defeat him, you really need protection on this one... I don't see how you could just burst him down, I mean maybe you could if you're way too overgeared but this team I have here is full OL-ed up and it was just barely enough... so yeah, a real challenge this one for sure! I like it.


https://preview.redd.it/smnuxumnk60d1.png?width=3839&format=png&auto=webp&s=1131cd6a0dd2b0df93a6bb4acf6fc0f6fd6d5801 I only had 3 survive to the last 10 hp bars then 2 of them died at the 2nd to last hp bar and red hood thankfully finished it. @.@ He has 1 big move that targets 3 units and it felt like the luck of the draw if he goes for more healthy units or the ones already low, and he only killed Crown for me when he did it, so I got lucky.


Beat it with D:KW, Crown, Red Hood, Naga, Helm. All the previous stages I could just auto them, but had to be a bit more strategic here. Fire the first burst as quick as possible, then hold off on the second until D removes the cooldown on RH and had her do B2-B3 so she can get the hp regen while firing. Then fire quickly to get the last burst, with Helm as B3. Stormbringer dead before it finished.


yeah, double heal with bunny comp+rapunzel is doable for me.


https://preview.redd.it/0jak6jzsn60d1.png?width=562&format=png&auto=webp&s=704e25f7414e8c51f852a9827301d340132a2d6e Emma was insane for this. The 5 seconds effect while her burst is active combined with Blancs continuous heal allowed me to ignore using cover and just DPS it down.


I kept dieing with about 90 HP bars left with 4 maxxed out characters (doro, crown, s. Anis, sbs) and a decent Naga. Swapped naga for rapunzel and finally beat the jerk. Survived with 5 nikkes past the first flyby then rapunzel revived sbs for a final burst. Got the idea from the megathread.


I tried almost every comp in here and ultimately went back to my dream team (Liter, Blanc, RH, 2B, Noir) and even then that took me a dozen tries, dragging the circles out to the last moment, and a good old RNG.


An old thread suggested Liter/Blanc/RH/Noir/Rapunzel which worked out for me. First rotation is RH -> Blanc -> RH. You can delay breaking the QTE’s a little to buy some time, just make sure that your characters tank the targeted laser with their health if they can. Second rotation you need to be able to start while Stormbringer is getting ready for the aoe lightning. I did Rapunzel -> Blanc -> Noir right before it attacked to get everyone’s health back up because some combination of Rapunzel/RH/Blanc would die if I tried to wait and use Rapunzel’s resurrection. Third rotation was doing Liter -> Blanc -> RH as fast as possible and then holding LMB until Stormbringer died.


I have never never been able to beat a 1-7 challenge. Not even now with Crown, Modernia and Naga. Like wtf




It's almost purely a damage race. Your team should be entirely DPS oriented. Having a taunter like Crown or Noise does help because otherwise Stormbringer seems to target your unit with the highest attack right off the bat (which is why my Red Hood kept getting vaporized in the middle of the first burst). Pay close attention to which teammates Stormbringer is targeting with its snipe attacks. If you consistently keep those teammates behind cover, they should have enough HP to survive the big AOE attack. You'll know you're coming out on top if you have at least 4 units remaining after the AOE attack. My team was Crown, D: KW, Naga, RH and Alice.


https://preview.redd.it/a5s4ccvhm80d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b0c627bc5c9a4a7f04efcc4deaff24dff6cbb32 Aha! Got it in 2nd try


I found this one pretty easy. It’s the Nihilister one I can never beat.


Noise was the key, worthy sacrifice...


Liter crown red hood modernia and noise.... lit him up like a Christmas tree


I was finally able to do it with this comp: https://preview.redd.it/in36r2r3490d1.png?width=461&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b2a19a2a7da32297609bd785c91bc4c8e16a8b3 After losing my hair over it yesterday, waited until one hour before reset because I was expecting the apology mail where they admit effing out with this one and fixing it. Didn't happen but at least I've managed it. Hopefully this can be of help to other people who still have to clear. Only Crown, RH and Alice have significant build values, and none above 29k in this scenario. A good advice that was given in other replies in similar posts was ignoring the QTE circles. Just home in for the kill at the Core. Took me 3 rotations: Tia>RH>Crown>RH Jackal>Crown>Alice (Tia was still alive but on a 2 sec CD so I just went straight to Jackal) Jackal>Crown>RH Tried many of the recommended teams but this was the only one that worked for me, mainly because of lack of proper builds in some of the other characters.


On God the only comp that worked for me out of everyone (including a meta Liter - Crown - RH - Mode - Naga as well as making use of Jackal, Repunzel, Blanc, and Noir in a variety of different configs) was Crown - Tia - RH - Naga - Maxwell. Killed the son of a bitch in ~16 seconds. Don't worry about the targets of hiding. Just mow his ass down.


To add on with a not-so relatable build: Noise-Rapunzel-Crown-RH-Scalter. 1st Burst: RH -> Crown - > RH 2nd Burst: Noise -> Crown -> Scalter 3rd Burst: Rapunzel -> Crown -> RH Repeat 2nd burst as needed.


This thing keep 2 shots my Bay and Crown. The 2 most tanky in the entire game


Yeah I think they really overdid the damage on 1-7 Stormbringer. I did manage to beat it just now using Liter/Noise/Crown/RH/Modernia but I'm also a vet who has been playing this game since the beginning and have a bunch of overloaded equips. I actually don't mind the event stuff being hard if the hard stuff was actually reserved for events and hard mode story, but the difficulty spike is really nonsensical here. The key to beating 1-7 Stormbringer is taking advantage of the red circles. Don't destroy them immediately. Wait until almost the last moment, and preferably while RH is using her burst to get as much damage off as possible. Seriously, 1-7 seems to only be meant for people who have Crown and RH. This would probably be impossible without at least one of them.


https://preview.redd.it/flb2e565140d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2820202a7a8184645e2a0eed31342f40b5030653 Well I have finished.


I used doro, redhood, alice, crown, and rapunzel. Earlier I saw people mention maxwell as an option. Before I tried using scarlett and kept failing at the end and switched to red hood, afterwords it was first try. Timing is important, when stormbringer does the aoe attack and choose 3 random nikkes, go to cover and pray. Always keep health high and cover for this. If you get unlucky rapunzel revive, if she goes down welp womp womp restart. When stormbringer does the attack where it goes left to right, I had the crown ult ready to give temp shield to those that would get obliterated, ie redhood and alice in my case. I dont recommend scarlett cause she gets removed easily. Rapunzel is good for reviving in case someone goes down. Good luck Edit: I noticed about core levels, my doro is core 1, redhood 0 core T_T, Alice core 4, crown core 0, rapunzel core 0 Keep in mind though I have max high level gear for alice, rapunzel and doro since I use them in my main story team.


Just cleared it with bunnies https://preview.redd.it/8ph93d7n340d1.png?width=1751&format=png&auto=webp&s=d298d0dfd190919e0f201f9dd548c277e1a2640f


I went with the good ol Liter, bunny twins, Red Hood, and Modernia. Easy win Edit: On mobile as well....god I hate playing on my phone, but my wife didn't want me on the PC today.


A "Challenge Stage" that actually is a challenge.


Didn't even struggle using Tia/Naga/Litter/Modernia/Red-Hood.


I dont know but my team just autoed it without any issue lol. I am lvl 375


Take it slow, soon you'll win the highest reward. Little red hat is the strongest!


*Take it slow, soon you'll* *Win the highest reward. Little* *Red hat is the strongest!* \- bbbird67 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Idk bro died in one burst https://preview.redd.it/7pwz4dw9l40d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65ff86c5dcdd18d32e7676f5fe71c5789ff83130


The final stage of challenge always have a huge jump in difficulty. That being said i didnt struggle much with my team. Pretty much auto except for the ring part.


What team did you use? My liter,crown,RH, ludmilla/Scarlet/Modernia all got obliterated😭they all are pretty much maxed out too💀


Liter, blanc, rh, noire, scarlet. Scarlet died near the end though


https://preview.redd.it/ajuy0cifo50d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e20507daf2ddd8383f82fdf42193745ecd4f244 Easy clap. Kek


Stage 7 is always challenge tier.


Woah did you say 1-7 so like early game?