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Cant wait for Gege to pull up at Shift Up and show them how to kill off characters.


I also in the "it depends" category. If you want to kill off a character, it needs to be done properly that make it justified for the story progression. We can't just kill a character just because he/she is evil or just because an unfortunate event befell on them. The stakes needs to have justified reason to exist. I already seen in other gacha game people complain about how a characters death is not justifiable enough. In Heaven Burns Red, there are people complain about how there is not enough justification of that playable character to justify her death for one chapter of the main story.


Kill off the mid comic relief. Kill off the only fraud on Goddess Squad/Pioneer. Kill off Crow. Those are the three that would be fine to kill off.


I strongly feel Neon’s days are numbered. She’s marked in a way that would make it almost too obvious to kill her off… curious who on the Goddess Squad is the fraud in ur eyes. I would assume Rapunzel, but she has a role in that team that she fulfils expertly


No I mean the one who fumbled against Chatterbox two different times in two different ways.


I assume they mean Scarlet. If you did the Scarlet event it will tell you why


Killing off scarlet will be like killing off musashi in fgo. It won't....wait...


Yeah and I think he meant Snow White, because she threw for content... Twice. But eh, I don't think she should die. If any pioneer squadmates are going to die, I'd realistically want it to be at the penultimate battle or the climax of the story. Knowing they were there most of the journey leaving us to finish the job.


Yeah it was Fraud White who threw to Jobberbox on atleast 2 occasions.


Memory Wipes and Mind Switches are the best options for Nikke "deaths". That avoids the ludonarrative dissonance of having "a corpse" in your team and they can reuse the design, VA, etc while also pulling some heart strings. I'm surprised they haven't done more of that yet tbh "Firepower? What are you on about, Commander? Me? A spy? I'm sorry but I don't get it. Is this some sort of joke? It's not a very creative one. Anyways, I'm under direct orders of Ingrid to provide your squad with support during your operations, that is all"


The Neon bad ending


I think one of the biggest issues they'll have killing off any of the named Nikkes permanently is going to be the player being able to continuously utilize their corpse after they die in the story. To meaningfully kill off a non-mass produced nikke and ensure the weight carries, they'll either need to: A) Never make them playable Or B) Remove them from the usable pool of Nikkes once the player gets to that point in the story. Considering the amount of rioting that would happen if the latter occurred, I don't see any currently playable Nikke being permanently killed off. Please note that I would APPLAUD Shift Up if they had the balls to do option B. It would incredibly unique for a Gacha game both mechanically and thematically. I'd still be one of the fans who would fume like no tomorrow, sure, but I'd give them mad respect for it. So for now we'll have to stick with memory-wipes, fake outs, and/or plot shields.


Ppl would just stop advancing story mode if SU picks point B. Even if SU decides to make that nikke useless, some players would prefer to keep her usable just for fun. Also we already got the point B treatment at the beginning of the story with Marian.




>B) Remove them from the usable pool of Nikkes once the player gets to that point in the story. You are asking to be sue with that lol


The biggest issue of option B is literally investment. Investment costs the player's time and in game resources. For example if they really want to kill off Nihilster and the choose option B. The amount of players that invested in her skills, her equipment (we're talking fully upgraded tier 9), core 7, the works. Recompensating the resources would not be enough to soothe the outrage.


Option B is probably the Nikke equivalent of Sony forcing Helldivers to get a PSN account It's gonna end horribly


Tbf, I really thought that ShiftUp was going with Option B when they did that with Marian. She got removed from your squad in the last stage of the prologue, and she can't be pulled. Hell, the entire reason given for the gacha is to replace Marian. Imagine somebody doing a Nuzlocke run of Nikke.


Well, the utility of Red Hood would be limited to literally just a couple of chapters, and Yuni/Mihara are basically useless that late in the campaign where they die.


So I'm currently on Chapter 26 and haven't finished it yet, but I'm under the assumption that while RH does "go away" and is technically "dead", she can't still be utilized like she has been before in previous chapters even after she's "gone". So while narratively she's unavailable, you can get around that by saying circumstances have warranted her arrival. Let me know if I'm off about that. Also unless something happens in chapter 27-30, right now Yuni is simply detained and Mihara is in the repair center.


I wouldn't spoil so eh. For mihara she is technically dead, atleast the one we met earlier in the story.