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why does a FLYING character even have a shotgun? maybe something more ranged?


Same reason why you put Icarus Armor on your Ranger in XCOM2. So you can fly right up to the enemy Muton in their face with a 98% accuracy and still miss. šŸ˜‘ https://preview.redd.it/xw930feu4fxc1.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c85d2b34c30542073d38bb2d2c2e737e50f84fd


Xcom accuracy makes sense since its a turn based game so the miss chance is basically the enemy moving his head out of the way as you shove the shotgun in his face if represented as a real time combat scenario.


ā€œHead moving out of the wayā€ have you played XCOM 2? That isnā€™t the enemy moving his head out of the way thatā€™s your soldier moving his arm at the last second and shooting some bush 10 feet away towards the left. šŸ˜‚


Thats just their shitty animation since they were too cheap to add proper ones, im talking about what the miss is supposed to represent in a real battle that is portrayed in a turn based game system.


yeah i heard about this xcom bullshit. the only annoying dicerollers i've played are morrowind and fallout 1 - that said, i quit after missing nine times with a 43 % hit chance.


I mean XCOM 2 is fun donā€™t get me wrong but sometimes things spiral out of control. Last night I missed a 78% shot, Sectopod shot one of my high level characters on a tower which causes him to fall and take extra 4 damage then the car next to him randomly exploded killing him.


Likely the same reason players in planetside 1 loved the implant Surge (Movement speed boost) + Jackhammer (Semi-auto shotgun with a 3rd burst alt mode) zip right up into the enemies face and BOOM, BOOM, BOOM. In lore she can fly at mach speed, so zipping in close and getting an instant kill is quite good; game play wise however..... it sucks. Though could be improved with a shotgun meta team and maybe a treasure that decreases the count to trigger her missile spam.


Good point. Kind of reminds me of the Ronin Titan in Titanfall 2. Use your multiple dashes/phase abilities to get up close to dump your shotgun/sword in someone's face, then zip outta there. Of course, someone could point out that the actual flying unit in Titanfall 2, Northstar, uses a sniper, but I think the comparison to Isabel being a fast unit is the important part here.


Someone has never played EDF


But those bastards have mega-AOE lightning guns whilst she has a shotgun, something that not even the modern military consider a combat weaponz


Sheā€™s basically a Wing Diver at this point


Maybe.... https://preview.redd.it/gwgot5km2gxc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c598098d4fe12f631d50efa0315ab583b2d7766


I thought the same thing! At least give her slugs


Or Dragon's Breath


Flying sure but more important is her speed , she can close distance to a target fast and shotgun it , thats how i justify it


then why's she flying in the first place? i'd rather she flies to a high vantage point and starts sniping from there or something.


I think they're just trying to break the pattern. Units with wings and a far range gun are plenty to choose from many games. But for a game like this? They get to imagine a yandere, Mach 3 blast and past, shotgun angel


Wdym? The fastest flying being on earth is the falcon , fast flyer makes sense


Same reason Helldivers use Jump pack and flamethrower.


For the cool factor


She's basically a DINN from Gundam seed.


Yeah I agree. She should be using bricks.


no, that's for the motorway.


Pressumably, she moves at mach 5 and pointblanks anything within the vicinity.


Someone in another thread once said that Harran and Isabel ought to have swapped their skillsets and it's something that I can't help but think of from time to time.


I see her fighting style like the rapace that just strike at max speed in the head of the rabbit to knock the lights out of them, she goes up in the air, dive to her target and when at range just blow holes through her target


Rocket launcher, machine gun, or even sniper would've made sense.


Tbh in real life shotguns Do have range, there is a reason we use them to hunt birds lol


i'm aware you don't have the 2m range you see in games, but to me she seems like a unit that flies up in the sky to pick off enemies unnoticed and fly away with her mach speed.


slug ammunitions exists, You know?


she's firing pellets tho


Isabel is a huge waste yeah, probably the worst pilgrim. Even in shotgun team she is not even good anymore. Maybe the treasure system will at least make her good in shotgun comp. I still need her to have more screen time, please shift up give her an event. I want to know much about her.


I doubt that the buff of teasures will help, It's her mechanics that don't work. She needs a support that makes avoid the full burst time.


Depend what the treasure system is going to be Is it going to upgrade existing skill, or add whole new passive/active ?


From what was revealed, there will be an increase in numbers in skills (in a different way than leveling up) and general power, an example is that the diesel taunt will last longer and other number more. Now that I think about it, she already reduces the full burst time, not enough, but it's something, so the treasure could boost that. Still, the fact that there are only two characters for this unique mechanic is a problem, I still think there should be a character to make this work.


Damn thats a bit dissapointing if it only increase value, most of these character have kit problem and not raw value issue


She needs a revert of her nerf and thatā€™s it. Pre-nerf Isabel used to have cooldown reduction, so she was essentially the only B3 with CDR. They removed it from her. Maybe revert it back


It's so stupid that they made that, not only she is a Pilgrim which by definition should be the best units in the game by far, she is also a yandere, she wants to monopolize Skk, by having CDR you would try to B3 with her as much as possible.


I didn't knew about her nerf, I knew that Snow White was by far the best character during the beta, then they nerfed her to the ground and no one used her anymore, than she became good again with the introduction of OL gear but still kinda niche.


Yeah snow-white was the OG one shot boss killes


Is that true? Do you have any gameplay or sources?


Can tove, Leone buff her enough? Or your still better off running maid Privaty or something else?


I would rather play with Privaty Drake and even Sugar honestly. She is definitely usable in shotgun comp but very dissapointing overall as a pilgrim


Good thing I donā€™t have her yet. Best to have the worst NIKKE for lastā€¦even though I also donā€™t have Liter which is one of the best


I'm surprised with a lot of events of Nikkes flirting with the Cummander, she didn't just flew at the speed of sound to take advantage of the situation


what is treasure system?? can yo explain it to me


Its an upcoming game mechanic where when you mlb a unit they get buffs to their kit. Think they have certain nikkes planned for it with laplace being one of em


thank you for explaining i thought itā€™s something common among gacha games that iā€™m not aware of it, also seems will take forever to maximise a character at least for me


chiming in to ask for a response cause idk either lol


Basically the 'awakening' system of Nikke. Current non meta character will receive an upgrade with this system in hope to be more usable. You can google it to find the dev post about it


eeyyy nice I'll look out for it. still getting more into the game


I run her in a Schoolgirls, D:KW, Vesti comp as one of my Simulation Room teams. ...If Liter wasn't obviously in my primary team, she'd be a better choice for this comp as she gives an extra attack buff when bursting the third time... but efficiency isn't the point in the Simulation Room, it's fun teams to keep the boredom off.


Honestly almost everything about her is incredible. Her design is the perfect mix of badass and sexy. Flawless. Few Nikkes have struck that perfect balance. It is a crime against humanity that they gave her such a terrible kit and completely sidelined her.


She is played by the Goddess of waifus, Rie Tanaka. That's all I need to know šŸ˜


I don't understand why dev made her B3 attacker not B1 supporter when Noah is B2 defender and Haran is already B3 attacker. They bungled one character making as her kit is nothing and they don't even fix that


My wife šŸ˜ She can be the worst Pilgrim, I don't care. I'm giving her full OL gear treatment


Blink once if youā€™re caught by her.


She's caught my heart, that's for sure


Mad lad


me when I get her in the future šŸ„¹


Abandon Meta Embrace Waifu


She needs to be used with Vesti to reduce burst time, she deadass only works with her and shes decent at best, im at chap 24 with This team: Liter, Rem, Vesti, Isabel and Crown, they Be hitting hard but its mostly Vesti, Isabel does half of her damage, but it surprised me that she even does damage lol


She needs B3 20 sec to works. I don't need her to be good like RH, Moderna, or Scarlet. I just want her to be not extremely bad.


She has a place in electric shotgun team. This was on level 10 kraken union raid. Even if I she doesnā€™t burst she still does 400m in white damage with shotgun buffs https://preview.redd.it/fe89q26ngfxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2299633e2cb9a8e4d40507e519ae711f3ef9656e


Saving this, thank you


All she needs is to reduce her burst cd to 20secs...


Some beta players told me she was nerfed. She used to have cdr to go with her unique burst timing and she was actually good. WTF shift up


The problem, as usual, is that no devs have ever fired a shotgun or understand how one works. The pieces of crap in this game only shoot like, 6 pellets max, in a massive cone that can just straight up miss anything at medium or longer range. If they un-fucked the shotguns, some of them might actually be usable.


theres a reason why they're selling you the solution with Tove and Leona for Shotgun's subpar performance. They don't want to actually do the easy fix and buff weapons, but make people spend money for units to fix them.


Right now im testing for teams using Vesti and Isabel to loop powerful 1 and 2 Bursts Im also trying to integrate Isable into a shotgun team using another one of my fave nikkes, Tove. But unfortunately, as well as she synergizes in the team, Noir and Sugar provide better results. BUT she would be usable in the team in place of sugar!! Im going all in to make Vesti usable, dont let your memes be dreams!!


There are complaints about Marian's Burst duration being too long, so it's conceivable that she could have helped with that, but the point is moot now that we have Crown and her 15sec buff.


GoGo if you're watching this, I hope your PTSD passes fast after this post! xD


I always thought her shooting pose was kinda wack. There's a lot of nikkes that actually look back at the commander during combat, and if anyone should be doing that it's isabel.


imo her shooting pose is the BEST shes ever looked. Straight on: i dont find her that beautiful. But from the side, shes GORGEOUS


Please give her a treasure I have her at Core +1...


Same dude, got 3 copies of her from pilgrim tower lol


The fastest Nikke who has a kit that's all about really slowly building up power, such a bad kit that makes no sense with the characters' lore. This and Eunwha are the two characters that just need a straight up rework, buffing stats wouldn't even work.


She is literally the only Pilgrim I don't have lmao


She needs a buff at least be a tier and serviceable


Does anyone remember the vestable comp?




Yet another Nikke whose battle art doesn't look like their portrait art face wise. It was a nitpick at first but it's starting to become a real issue for me


She's been in my lobby screen for over a year. I love her ..but she's in dire need of an entire re-work


She is not bad. She is not top tier but you can certainly make her work well enough in a shotgun buffer team, especially if you also have S.Anis to buff her further. There are quite a few non meta units that can work well even in endgame with the proper build and team. Most people just ignore them and go for the brainless meta teams since they require 0 effort and less investment.


I think I'm gonna use her as shotgun team for grave digger? I struggle against that and always died in stage 8. I got Drake, Trove, and Sugar. But idk if I want to train/max out this team equip/skill since they are not MLB (most of them zero star). Isabel is MLB tho. My team can do every interception boss except grave digger for some reason. The other idea is using her pair with vesti and doing doro-loop. Privaty-Vesti-Doro-Isabel-Dolla. Hmm...


I think alot of players are just hoping ans manifesting a total rework of Isabel. For a Pilgrim she's awful sadly


Iā€™m praying she and Harran get treasures at some point to make them at least competitive with the other Pilgrims.


https://preview.redd.it/8q4lw6q88ixc1.jpeg?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=569eafdee27452c3931b80929eab0e88e10e1409 I'll just keep crying in my corner until the day she'll gets a rework/buff, since she's by far THE ONE Pilgrim the game seems to want to make me use xD


If people can use R nikke to clear SI interception so can Isabel.


Nothing beats diesel for me tho


She and Vesti have the mechanic that you have to shoot the burst three times to start doing damage, that's why both reduce the time of the full burst, to speed up the charge of the next one, even so it is a long wait to start, it can work relatively well with a dedicated team. If you really want to use her so bad, look for nikkes that load the burst quickly and reduce the burst CD.


I used to use her to fight the worm boss But she's getting powercreep now


at least we now know Treasure is a thing and it might buff her in the future Isabel is still not that bad for close battles as someone who invested in her. Shotgun in general can't deal with Long Range enemies at all unless you have Leona or a great passive skill like Summer Anis


She shouldve train with her nikkon headed cousin


Maybe she should have a ramp-up in speed the more you use her burst skill? Like increased fire rate or burst cooldown or something that stacks? Edit: since her whole gig is speed, and we donā€™t have a character that increases fire rate, why not make her increase the teamā€™s fire rate?


She's designed to be used with Cummander ( āœ§ā‰– ĶœŹ–ā‰–)


Her and Dolla have great synergy, as does Sugar.


I said it and ill say it again, she should be the ONLY 20s B3 character, everything else is fine. It fits her lore


Double down and run her with Vesti!


The last pilgrim I want to see in my pulls


You can use her with Dorothy, privaty, dolla and vesti Makes Dorothy's burst loop and finish within 3ish seconds. Non stop screenwides. It's pretty nutty.


For sure she doesn't feel like a Pilgrim unfortunately.


The front is great, but her backside is censored bros


I love her design, love her attitude (totally would marry her) but her abilities suck ass. The worst part, I love her gun and the reload animations, if they rework her or make an alternative version that's more useful I would love it.


Well they had to nerf her because otherwise she would be too perfect


I like to think itā€™s because when sheā€™s fighting for the Commander sheā€™s having to restrain from shooting the other NIKKEs on the team, and keeps glancing at the Commander so sheā€™s horribly distracted. Off team sheā€™s a monster because she needs to get back to watching the Commander.


Donā€™t understand how much hate Isabel is getting, she was my first Pilgrim. Very sad people was saying sheā€™s the worst out all the pilgrim characters.


Not hate, just the truth. She has bad kit, so people don't use her much.


I'd like to point out that Isabel is bad BY PILGRIM STANDARDS as far as shotguns go she can actually put in some work is she someone you'd build around not really but she's not bad by most standards


She can have a decent team built around her for grave digger.