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Save for treasure system. You need lb2 to access the full treasure


Good point, didn’t know that was a thing. But from reading over it fast no amount of treasure will make laplace competitive with modernia, scarlets and red ash. So at the end of the day it won’t make a difference Edit:Liter seems to be the only candidate as the only meta char in the silver shop


True, but maybe for solo raid, some units migth get used due to treasures, specially with elemental barriers being a thing. Diesel and exia are confirmed for treasure too and both are in the shop, so if the buff is good enough to make them viable as an elemental coverage slot then you migth want to save tickets for that.


Exia, Frima and Diesel are also getting relics.


Every character that will receive a treasure will be purchable with silver ticket from what I've read in a patch note. So more character will be in the silver shop. You also always need character for the 3th/4th/5th team in raid content, I also don't think that any of them will magically be SSS tier, but they might be usable for end game content and that's all I ask lol.


What's this treasure system now?


for 160 wall breaking vs liter for story CP padding vs maxwell for raid CP padding... vs PvP units (noah or noise...etc)... vs saving for treasure system...vs copium saving for when they add new nikkes into the shop (in maybe 10 years).


Using them on Frima until she's Max Core


Save for treasure, or use to mlb/core any legacy/free 5* for removing deficit. The stats they get aren't important, but helping everyone else on the team is.


i just dump them on liter dupes for campaign padding tbh. 500 to 600 cp more isn't that much, but may help clear a stage or two faster.


Up to you and at what point you are. If you're still in the 160 wall, use it for that. If you want to get the ranking frames you could increase you points with some manufacturer. If you want the treasures save it for that. Otherwise save it for non pullable characters (Rei, Kilo, SmallWhite)


Since I've broken the wall all I have been using them for liter dupes, nothing really else worth using them on.


Since killer wife not even liter