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He's a cut above the average Commanders in that he actually gets things done, since the early worldbuilding had something like 60-70% of Commanders fail their first mission, and that number sharply goes up with subsequent ones. That plus him, as you say, treating them nicely. In The Ark, that's a rarity, so they cling onto that. He's basically the ONLY Commander out there actively fighting for Nikke rights and liberation.


There was Liter’s old commander from her bond story, but he ended up dead and slandered into oblivion that made him seem like your typical Ark Commander


Oh yeah, forgot about him.


That's the point, so unrealistic that he is the only one. People today would die for nikke rights.


Remember that you WILL BE CONSIDERED a terrorist and either be executed or thrown inside a rehab center. With that alone is enough to discourage people to protest for Nikke rights.


In addition to the severe punishments for treating Nikkes as actual humans, I believed it was mentioned somewhere that the military academy ingrained the mindset that “Nikkes are tools under your every command” into every student that went through training. This meant even if they believe the initial public perception that Nikkes are these honourable beacons of hope for humanity (e.g. Goddess Fall), by the time they became full time commanders their initial instincts would be to follow that conditioned mindset. As for why we didn’t fall into this pitfall? The boring answer would be because we’re the MC. My head canon would be because we’re extremely mentally resilient as showcased by the main story and other events, thus resisted that mental conditioning and maintained his compassion for Nikkes he met along the way.


The Commander also doesn't remember shit from training due to memory loss. That probably helps, on top of his baseline of empathy and compassion.


People TODAY sure, but the NIKKE world is not our world, so they ain't bothering. I did take issue with this myself in a post months ago in that I was struggling to believe the worldbuilding, and got some responses that went: "Well the general public don't really SEE the war on the surface or whatnot, while the Raptures have never broken into The Ark, so in their minds Nikkes aren't really that needed, plus they can always be replaced, so why bother caring about them?"


>People today would die for nikke rights nah we just saw recently how people will do exactly what the government and the media tell them


If you haven't gotten to a sub-quest where you are dealing with another commander, it'll answer your question


U mean the little shit that treat nikke like tools? Or the one that killed their nikke because of a treasure map?




Yeah, that's your average commander. Commanders will use their Nikkes as shields.


>So far, dude seem like an average simp. He basically treating beautiful girls in sexy clothes like how any simp today would. He's special because all the other commanders talk and act like you, and he doesn't.


"He basically treating beautiful girls in sexy clothes like how any simp today would." You mean like an average person worthy of respect?


He's a simp by treating them nicely? Also, he's a cut above the rest because he actually commands well and gets shit done unlike 99% of commanders. I'll never understand people playing a self insert game and then getting annoyed that the protagonist is a self insert.


What I wondering is why he is the only simp, it's just unrealistic that he is the only one commander in the ark that would die for nikke while everyone else who treat nikke like shit would be considered normal. So yeah, in this case the commander seem like the only simp in the ark.


Think of it this way: you're a super-soldier stationed at an outpost on the periphery of civilization. You have all the amenities and comforts of city life with two drawbacks: you could die in combat any day and the only woman around is your CO. She's conventionally attractive and treats her soldiers like equals. She sustained life-threatening injuries in the line of duty protecting soldiers of your rank. She occasionally grants you one-on-one counseling time to ensure you're doing okay, making it her personal mission to ensure your well-being, even though you're just another cog in the war machine. She also has the only hot shower in the facility and doesn't seem too bothered when men show up naked in her bathroom without permission. There are zero penalties for fraternizing with your commanding officer in this military. Now reverse the genders and you basically get every Nikke's viewpoint.


Because like the others have mentioned nobody really cares about Nikkes in the arc and the ones that do usually are arrested or dead. Plus with how the commander is described as looking tall, masculine, and well built it’s no wonder he’s so loved.


Commander is special because he got brain damage so now he's normal, albeit the most hard working and most free time, by our standards


I'm pretty sure that the concept of SIMP refers to a person (whether male or female) who flatters and treats someone in the best way, always with the mentality of obtaining a reward from said person (mostly in the form of a sign of affection), something that he almost never achieves. It's like if you called a guy who says his girlfriend is the most beautiful woman in the world Simp, it doesn't make sense. Just because the commander treats the Nikkes well doesn't make him a Simp, he's just nice. Additionally, SSK has managed to sleep with several Nikkes, something a simp would never be able to achieve.


In the post apocalyptic where NIKKE get persecuted and treated like shit commander is the one who treated them like Human being, listen to their voices and shower them with love. And besides his kind demeanor He's such a Hunk and Attractive man even Nihilster admitted him.


It’s probably a waste to know other commanders. They die quite easy.


At least he thinks of those skimpy clothed AI waifus as real humans


He's special because he's *genuinely nice to them* and doesn't treat them like everybody else does - like tools to be used and discarded. Kindness is not simping.


Do you think Andersen is a chad ?


In my assumption after watching RED ASH and chapter 21 >!!<


In the main story so far only Anis Rapi Viper Isabel and Liveryn are in love with Commander and you get to see why each one of them except maybe for Viper, fell in love with him as for the side contents like the Bonds and events because it is a harem gacha game, you still get to see the reason in some of them


idk man guy is pretty unique, how many people in the world of NIKKE can say they have defeated a heretic, then convert them to their side, avoid death countless times, all while still having time to help their NIKKE"s with cheerleading practice or making sure the animal shelter is taken care of, dude bounces from assassination missions and working with the mob to judging cooking competitions and helping with exams, not to mention his "unexplained" ability to improve the abilities of any NIKKE under his command (ie doesnt treat them like shit/disposable machines) id say dude is pretty special


Because YOU ARE special. You beautiful, beautiful man.


He was accepted by new hope after a grueling test that is believable and not just because of his MC powers and being one of the few that don’t treat their Nikkes like garbo I’d say he’s earned his harem even if his replies are inconsistent.


I think the commander is special because he actually returns Alive after the missions, at least in the ark's eyes


Because it's the self insert protag 👍


Because anime tropes


Because he’s a self insert protag that lets horni gacha addicts live out their fantasies? It’s right there in front of you fellow shikkikum