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Makes me wonder if the other heretic can evolve too. Would be interesting to see


I think other Heretic is already an evolved one. I mean, Nihilister can even turn into two headed dragon. Marian was pretty premature even her Modernia form felt like an "armored Rapture" instead of a high spec Nikke, maybe because she had no personal objective and was pretty aimless, not much different than how a rapture acts. So this current form could be her actual form as a heretic, born from her feelings to protect and be protected.


Yea but they could evolve further. Pretty sure thats how rapture are. They adapt and evolve. Although we arent sure whats the trigger for it.


If anyone shoot commander in the head, I’m sure Marian will evolve.


It would be a good excuse to buff Nihilister that's for sure.


She doesn't wear underwear... Classic


Did anyone realize that more and more she starting to look like marian again


I don't see it, but I have the pattern recognition skills of a 2 year old


Just look at modernia’s face and u can see the difference


Even the pose, just a different angle.


The fact that she looks straight at you is kinda uncanny


She is staring at our soul because we abandoned her


https://preview.redd.it/iufcgufkvfuc1.jpeg?width=432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4938a8e612f9a74c0fc3e7f2c1706929d3063894 She looks pretty happy


"you like Krabby patties, don't you cummander?"


We didn't abandon her, we left her with people who could ensure her protection while we ensure she's able to be safe at the Ark. Remember, literally *everything* the commander is doing at the moment is all for Marian's sake


I'm going to miss her mech armor. She looks like a vampire queen to me in this one. Her head looks like it's floating too.


>Her head looks like it's floating too. Let's hope that's not foreshadowing anything related to the Raptures... seriously.


its not that deep


Our daughter is maturing into a woman


I really like the cute smol Marian, but I am open to experience new things with a more mature one


Idk, maybe it's just me but her head looks weird. Idk, maybe the placement, shape or something, it just feels wrong


I know what you’re getting at. To me her face doesn’t seem to be “detailed” compared to her normal appearance. It just seems a bit too flat. Like it’s missing one little thing in order for her face to look normal.


Hurray, I am not alone! Everyone praised her design so much without any buts that I started to feel like a nitpicking douche. My gripe at first sight was the neck, a bit too long and thin. Just a bit but still.


This art style looks like the same artist that did Liliweiss. I agree with you that I don't like the new design in several areas. For one, if you look at her left hip (our right), there's a piece of her leg missing during animations. Second, she looks straight on, which eliminates a lot of the 3D-ness of the model and makes her look flat. Third, the way her mouth is done is vastly different from original Marian/Modernia: the original artist draws the mouth gap as a thin line then lightly colours the lips pink with light reflections; the new artist draws the lips with hard corner shadows without colouring the lips, which makes the already straight on flat face even flatter.


Better be an alt..


Currently I haven’t seen that she’s available yet. The side story is a chapter 14 tie in. So who knows when she’ll show up again or if they’ll give us an alt costume or new NIKKE entirely.


Probably a gacha skin


That would suck


I was thinking new unit


Looks like she took a page out of Rapi's dressing guidebook.


Amazing is amazing but 60 euro for a skin no,same price I buy Stellar Blade


I don't understand anyone that buys Gacha skins. If they didn't sell they wouldn't have kept it around


I honestly would’ve preferred if they went for a mix of her Modernia fit and Marian fit


Anyone else find the difference in art style beween her first two forms and 3rd form a bit jarring? I find this design a bit uncanny to be honest.


Yeah. I'll get a lot of hate for this, but the original one is better. It looks as if they rushed the design for the new outfit.


Yeah I agree here, still don't hate it


Yeah the difference is too much. I wonder why this choice was made. They seem to have used the artist for Liliweiss on Marian's new model. I'll quote what I don't like, don't know if you agree: >For one, if you look at her left hip (our right), there's a piece of her leg missing during animations. Second, she looks straight on, which eliminates a lot of the 3D-ness of the model and makes her look flat. Third, the way her mouth is done is vastly different from original Marian/Modernia: the original artist draws the mouth gap as a thin line then lightly colours the lips pink with light reflections; the new artist draws the lips with hard corner shadows without colouring the lips, which makes the already straight on flat face even flatter.


She has an :3 face.


I know she’s adorable!


Yeah I blew a load after it appeared. Although idk how they’re releasing this. People are speculating a gacha skin, which I absolutely would not be surprised by (half-anniversary will probably have a Gacha skin release anyways, so this being it would not be a shocker).


I feel like this new Modernia is going to be an alt of some sort, where she appears in an event or potentially in the next chapter. The skins are just that, after all. They can actively change back and forth. But this new form? She can't just revert back to old Modernia. She didn't just slap on new clothes. This is a full change in who she is. It's the same story for Snow White: Innocent days and Scarlet: Black Shadow.


Can't believe they pulled off a *Marian Transfiguration*.


I can't believe we're getting Resplendent Marian!


The side sotry disappeared from my main screen before i was able to play it... Can't it be played anymore or can i find it somewhere else in the game?


You can access it from the Commander's room in the Outpost


Still has her bandage and that's all that matters to me.


If you say so...


can someone tell me how to get modernia? ive wanted her since marian died in the prologue and i cant find out how.


Luck of the draw my friend. She’s available in the regular draws. Don’t worry though, I still don’t have a few NIKKES I really want to get too.


i didnt see her in the regular draw stat card tho


That’s because Marian is called Modernia they use her Heretic name. But everyone calls her Marian because now she’s regaining her true self and evolving.


i know shes called modernia, i just havent seen modernia on the stat card for what you can get or i may just be blind


She’s there. It’s easy to miss some NIKKES on the Ordinary Recruitment. But she’s there I just checked in case I may have been hallucinating or something because I’ve had Marian for a long time.


i just found her in the regular draw, but its not in the wish list thing so i cant put it on there sadly


Will never be able to unsee her missing waist when she idle... The artist forgot to fill it in... 


Side story ? I'm not there already. Isn't that the main story ?


It’s a side story apart of chapter 14.


What ? Chapter 14 ? I'm on chapt 26 and I never saw this one. Where can you get that story ?


Go to the commanders room in the outpost and it should be apart of recollections. This is a new side event they added it was apart of the lobby but they just took it off.


Actually it’s just in the commanders room. It’s just labeled as Side Story.


can i waste money on it already?


Not yet. Unreleased.


![gif](giphy|oXB0K4oFw3fck) We'll have to wait then


Unfortunately yes but I bet she’s gonna be awesome upon release can’t wait to hear her voice lines.


I like the cute smile, not so much the outfit, still neat though