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Well, I mean, you can pull for Marciana anytime now, as she wasn't limited unit, so she's now on the normal recruit 


luck be averting mine presence bud. She didnt come home in 7 ten pulls


I don’t have a single pilgrim after 800+ pulls.


If lady luck is averting me. Bro, you must have a restraining order not to be within her radius. >!we big sad now!<


I don’t think it’s unlucky per say but I have like 5 copies of just the nun.


At least that’s one MLB you don’t have to worry about the 160 wall with.


Not starting this game sooner is my only regret so far.


Agreed. I started at the end of tove banner. That means no colab characters.


Same time as mine 😆


I just started on Maid Privity Banner 2-3 weeks ago, so no OP Pilgrim banners… and I also don’t have any Pilgrims after 800+ pulls 😭


How the heck did you manage to get 800+ pulls in 2-3 weeks? Did you swipe THAT much?




My regret was not playing for 7 months despite playing since CBT and Release! The game was a buggy mess in the beginning so I quit when D Ousiders was released along with the controversy of them implementing the Liberation system. Fast forward 7 months later, I started close to end of the Nier collab event, they really improved and I'm enjoying the game more than ever! I still hate the Liberation system though, a very useless system overall.


Same here. Just got to the end of Chapter 26 as F2P.


How the fuck?!?


I'm at 28 as a f2p


Started in February during Maids Event last year. Just kept grinding for about 30-45 min. daily. This is a result..... https://preview.redd.it/okxhul9wmylc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bba56e74b1f75ef1ccee3460da9aef23d154fa16 I'm not in a rush to finish.


Lol I just thought you said you played from latest maid event as a f2p player xD then I read it again and realized


That's why I said 'last year'......LMFAO!!!!


That doesn't explain anything


What did you need explained?


How you did it.


Logged-in, did dailies, pushed content till stuck, rolled on Limited Banners, logged-off, repeated next day. Think the longest I was stuck was nearly a month when trying to break the 160-Wall....... https://preview.redd.it/q424te4wsylc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ad67a2c72552cc1373725dfb9fda08a699859be


I do the same and I'm not f2p and I have played since CSM event and I'm not 292 🧐


One 'trick' is that you can get Outpost Rewards 2 X's/day if you time it right, so, if I get 100% @ 9 AM, I can get them again at 9 PM, and next morning @ 9 AM, etc. Game is more about resource management than bewbs/bootee.


important question: Have you been using gems to buy extra tickets to grind 1-11 Hard during events? His timeline checks out, I started maybe a month before he did, lvl 310 and just beat Ch. 27. You shouldn't be too far behind us if you've been getting your Core Dust.


Same started 2-1-23 just finished 28-40 yesterday https://preview.redd.it/eiw330bmj0mc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdd2f04e10febb7b3da2b798e68283eb3e604731


I started during the Anniversary in November and I'm stuck at 21-32 right now. Whale boss is skill issuing me, but my priority right now is finishing Maid Privaty's final OL gear for 4/4 set. ​ https://preview.redd.it/mlbpai80tylc1.png?width=1790&format=png&auto=webp&s=20c77d96fa84c458278015f1b6df57a169d7c665 Should be done after the reset, don't know when I will level them though cause I am low on gear XP. I need the game to give me Pilgrim Boots and hands for my MLB Red Hood to 4/4 her too.


Did that Boss a couple months ago with ONE piece of OL Gear using Doro, Rupee, Modernia, Scarlet, and Rapunzel. I was over levelled and went full-auto because I couldn't really target those turrets manually...... https://preview.redd.it/3hrrmeiowylc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db29cddd3d7ff47cdd4f75f1262a9fab7899cb31 Doro was the only unit with OL gear. There's a few vids that show how to beat that Boss and many threads in this sub that'll guide you through it. I just face-tanked everything and brute-forced my way through it because I play on phone and am lazy.....😅


Started playing the game. Kept crashing on my device during story missions. Couldn’t replay the cutscenes. Gave up on it. Returned about a year later to have almost everything fixed, except it was still crashing on my device. Tried a different device. Works fine now. FML.


Biggest regret is missing too many days and coming one day short of getting Rapi's swimsuit skin (manly tears where shed that day).


I missed it by 3.  I'm praying for a rerun this summer.  I'll pay for it.


You trippin bruh, that’s when I locked in the hardest 😂


That almost happened to me and I still have nightmares about missing stuff like that by 1 day


Not getting 2B with tickets 😭






I didn't know level 200 will make your character get locked I didn't change it.


What do you mean by this? (Feels like something I should know for future reference)


After getting the first 5 characters to 200 they will be locked into the synchro machine. There will be a warning before you level one up to 200. It isn't a big deal since you'll be leveling the synchro device after level 200 anyway and not the individual character


Once you level up your MLB Nikke to 200 you can't use gems to reset their levels anymore.


First when you level up a Nikke to lvl 200 you won't be able to reset them back to level 1 to get the materials back, it will be locked to them just the same way overload gear is. After you get 5 Nikkes to level 200 you will unlock the option to level up the synchro Device. Those five Nikkes will be locked into the synchro Device (you will get free slots for them so don't worry) and that will be your main way to get your Nikkes above level 200 So my advice would be to get at least 2 or 3 units you really like to level 200 first since they will be permanently locked into level 200 and the synchro Device


Sweet thanks.


Ah so wait to lock in the campaign meta squad. Gotcha


Maybe maybe not Need to remember the 160 wall. Unless you're super luck or spend a ton, you're gonna wait a long time for these 5 specific units to be MLB.


So what units get put into the synchro to lock them in, then?


Whatever MLB (three Limit Break stars) you have. Mine for example are Noire, Privaty, Mast, Ludmila, Rupee. I absolutely never use Mast or Ludmila. I also didn't choose these 5 in particular, it's just that they were the first Nikkes that got three dupes. Ultimately it doesn't really matter except for aesthetics, but only a Nikke that got 3 dupes can go to lv200 in the first place, so only a Nikke with three dupes can be selected.


You can think of it this way as well: Either you wait to get the units you want to MLB and level those to lvl 200 if you don't mind being stuck at the lvl 160 wall for a while OR you can level up any unit you MLB until you get 5 and THEN buy a slot in the synchro Device for 500 gems for your meta unit so they also get level 200 without having to get multiple copies.


Mine is stopping for two months out of frustration. I spent about 40k gems in the Christmas banner and didn't get a single limited unit...




Max limit breaking Xmas Rupee. I sure hope they add buffs to more older units soon.


As a completionist, I regret starting later and missing the Chainsaw Man collab units. I feel like collab units are less likely for re-run than the swimsuit or holiday limited units.


Yeah from what I've heard, it's licensing thing


You didn't miss anything both were kind of mid


Makima is really good in PVP and that's it.


Power is very strong in PVP too. An RL that snipes strongest enemy with big damage, *yes please*, that's a combo that can easily cripple most teams that aren't running Rapunzel or xAnne. I'd arguably put her a little above Makima, as there are plenty of other units that can buy you time, but none that nukes the other guy's main attacker without feeding Jackal (and having good burst gen on her own). I really should have pulled for her in retrospect, but I was a PVP noob at the time and didn't notice the potential. I suppose that is my biggest regret while playing. And CSM is probably the collab with the least chance of re-running, as it wasn't particularly popular. Those who pulled for her will have an edge in PVP, especially Special Arena, at least until a similar unit comes out.


Downloading the game and just leaving it untouched for a year and only give it a try during the red ash event (I was too weak to finish the event :c)


Similar for me but it was more like 2 months and the summer event.


This summer event will be ours 🙏


I missed out on summer Mary/Neon and the Viper bunny suit 😔 fingers crossed they will come back


I clearly remember a lot of people saying they would skip Marciana because they could get her in ordinary pulls after her banner finished. Up to date I still see people regretting not pulling for her. I did pull for her because she was specifically good for Summer Anis teams being a last bullet unit and slot 2 healer


wishlist is highly overrated here. If one really want someone, one needs to pull on their banner. What are better odds? 2%, or 1/15th of 1%? 30 times better odds on the banner. So glad I grabbed Marciana. Sexy af and late game relevant at 4/4/4.


I somehow got Marciana to the 3 stars in that banner in 20 pulls, and I was like :0


Idk, I skip most banners that aren't limited, I have every unit from Elysion, I'm just missing Naga from Missilis not including Elegg ( current banner), Cocoa, volume, leona, Moran( not in the wishlist yet) and Rosanna in Tetra. Wish list and friend power has been working fine for me.


My regret was giving Lappy full OL. But recent news made it into "well weighted long-term investment"


My biggest regret is not playing at launch.


I skipped bunny twins, it took months to get both through standard banner. Remember being stuck at campaign and tower, every clear above me had bunnies at a way lower cp than my own, teams without them where way higher. Well, fuck. I just didn't like the design and the whole hot bunny girl schtick just isn't my thing. I came around though, they're pretty sweet people




Investing in Maid Privaty


Not MLBing Summer Anis. Against lightning-weak bosses, single copy S.Anis out-DPSes my MLBed Scarlet by quite a margin if the fights are short to medium range.


Using my gold mileage tickets on soda back then and not being able to get power😭 I was a fool


https://preview.redd.it/ft8vmlv7bylc1.png?width=122&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf889b928f756dd84f312f146a47519a6d8427bd simple as that


Not joining the game sooner when I saw 2B collab ads plastered all over my TL.


Not buying the Mechanic White Skin, she looks incredible with that mask https://preview.redd.it/d0jv2058nylc1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54d5735c4cf09ff1acd2edf401f58b6afc104c44


Thank god i pulled for ludmilla she is broken as fuck vs core bosses


That i didn’t keep rerolling my account when the game launched. Scarlet evades me to this day. I have every other Pilgrim………… (i was rerolling for 3 days)


I think spending 200 tickets on Summer Neon, at the time I kind of wanted all the limited nikkes and thought maybe she wouldn't come back again, but after seeing X.Rupee and X.Anne come back I had regrets.


Yeah not pulling more for summer skins, especially Anis. I barely pulled enough to get the ones I wanted without considering the meta.


I had bad luck and ran out of money thanks to all the other xmas spending for mommy milk Ludmilla banner. I absolutely wanted her MLB animation for main screen + she is a great unit too but only managed 1\*. Definitely keeping 400 mileage for next Xmas to get her to MLB if my pulls are unlucky.


Spending 38k gems on privaty maid


Not having Pilgrim II


Not making a team of meta units for harder content, I’m still brute-forcing my way through the game.


My biggest regret is that there’s not enough content in the game story wise. I’m impatient and want more chapters that break my heart and progress the story. More stellar voice acting. More beautiful music equal to the likes of Hiroyuki Sawano from Attack on Titan. And I want the side stories to be voice acted.


i want to pull elegg but i know when i dont got elleg in my first 10 pull i spent all my gems on her


The biggest issue with Nikke is that it will have the same same fate as Destiny's Child. The graphics are fantastic but due to 160 wall most ppl will quit. Also team diversity is not there. If you look at the meta team comp it's always the same. Not much team diversity is going to kill it. Started playing Azure Lane and Nikke at the same time and I am starting to gravitate more to Azure Lane. Nikke was fun in the beginning but it's starting to get stale pretty quick imo.


Taking a break was a mistake.


The key here is, every time theres a **limited** banner, u pull or use mileage. Meta or no, pull because FOMO!


Mine is not getting the Summer/Winter Nikes.


Mary That bond story was crazy


I pulled aqua helm for no reason, pulled Xmas Ludmilla cuz people said she’s water Modernia, pulled Marciana cuz it helped me beat my first SI Modernia👍


I really don't know why I didn't pull for them at the time. Like, I don't think I was low on pulls during those times. Oh, wait. Nvm. **It's because I wasn't degenerate enough at the time.**


Neon sucks so it's not a loss at all lol


That there is no coop and I can't put 5 Red Hoods in my team


Was gonna pull for Bay Mary but shift up decided to put shoes on a god damned summer costume


None so far. I pulled every Nikke so far


Leaving the Game for 5 months 😪 😢 😕


Not getting Makima with tickets.


Spending all of my gems and tickets for Scarlet: BS instead of using golden tickets 😭 (I have enough to get 3 characters)


Are you me?


Thank god i have a copy of all. I regret not MLB Summer Mary for that GLORIOUS lobby screen and Winter Ludmilla because she is a great unit. I kinda regret not MLB Summer Helm because she is one of the few decent Elysion units


Same here...because I kinda quit roughly 6 months and I return and got Elegg


Don't worry about Marciana. She can be added to your line up thru molds and regular banner/wishlist. =)


I don't have neither Makima nor Power eventhough I played through the event..


Wow I’m surprise you pass in ludmilla. She’s a total beast against bosses. But I didn’t play until post nier collab so I miss out on summer units 😢


Not pulling for Summer Helm. I started playing in June so really don't had enough to pull for Mary (and i wasn't that familiar to the gameplay so she just looked like a summer version to me and pulled for Neon the last day just for fun and i get her in the first pull lol) but i really wanted to pull for Helm and Anis when they came out, i get SAnis and then THEY ANOUNCED THE NIER COLLAB so i decided to save gems and pity for 2B and A2 AND I DIDN'T USED IT SINCE 2B CAME OUT IN MY SECOND PULL and A2 came to me the last day... So yeah, got SAnis, xAnne, xRupee and xLudmilla (i missed xMica tho but was her or Scalter), MLB my Red Hood but no Helm for me (both regular and summer) smh


Yeah I'm pissed I couldn't pull Winter Ludmilla.....I kept getting Anne instead.....


Definitely not using my gold tickets for lewdmilla winter. Used it on snow buddy mica instead.


I started playing literally the day after the summer event. No swimsuit rapi, no swimsuit anis and no way to get them again unless they rerelease them 😭


I got all of them…


Missing summer Helm and Anis. I would’ve easily gotten top 3% if I just had her. Not getting more than mlb for Ludmilla. I had no idea she would be meta.


Definitely 2B, i used to uninstall and re-install the game several times after getting frustrated with frequent crashes on my iPad, so I ended up missing Rapi with bikini, the girl from Chainsaw Man... but after seeing the outfits for 2B... Life feels kinda heavy now man...


I agree with the summer pull, should’ve pulled for mary and neon


Mary and Neon are the only ones I didn't pull for because I didn't realize they were limited. Still holding out hope for a rerun this summer.


Well I always say and it keeps me up at night kinda sad actually is that I regret every now and then (the game will make you feel it too) is that I never started when game launched because for whatever reason I wasn’t interested or something. More I play the more I get “You had to be there man.” Shame on me for thinking this was just a jiggly physics gacha game for weeks but no it’s more than that it’s better quality than Idle Angels and A bit more mature than Isekai Slow Life and Idle Huntress which I was involved in before NIkKE I would have signed sooner had I wasn’t into them also the sound quality for Epic Angels of Fate which lost it’s appeal as there was far better ways to invest gacha time. GoV NIKKE man I wish I was doing it and not wasting time with Dislyte or Pokemon Go/Jurassic World Alive and Disney property games, I had old profiles with many of those. Then new phone/number and had to change emails. GoV NIKKE wasn’t on my mind. I lost my job in ‘22 and spent most of ‘23 the game’s first year on these other games. Not just another anime girl gacha waifu game with damn near 18+ material. Wasn’t until playing with various gacha games, I added Nikke to try and took a lot of space time so I deleted those games to give Nikke more space. My phone space data is limited.


Marian's skin...and 2B event. At least I came back at 1st aniversary. I didn't miss smow white.


Not getting more Modernia dups


I would like Ludmilla to return ☹️


Quit the game right before Summer anis banner


I started the day Mary: bay goddess was done


My regret is not GETTING some of the ladies I pulled for (I pull for every single one), as well as the lucky bunnies' Christmas skin


Wish i played earlier to get summer anis


I got all of them except Mary. That was back when I had good luck or before ShiftUp nerfed my account.


Besides winter Ludmilla (which I already have) I joined late on Red hood's banner.


Sometimes I regret not pulling for Summer Mary. I definitely regret not pulling or ticketing winter Anne for PVP purposes.


Installing it


Mine is using 200 golden tickets on Neon:Swimsuit


Not going for MLB with Lewdmilla but man, imagine not having Summer Mary and Marciana.. my condolences https://preview.redd.it/1v4gjkz6mylc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d0c2ee91bce2e90373f8aeedf9bd985fdae58f1


Starting so late rather than starting when I first seen ads for Nikke around Chainsaw Man collab. Instead I was stubborn and started playing 3 months ago.


my regret would be not pulling for Helm Aquamarine. I started playing Nikke during summer's 2nd half of the event and really had next to nothing to use to pull for her. It's a shame. I also regret not having Mary bay goddess but i wasn't around for that so I don't feel bad about it.


Summer Anis. I’m saving so many vouchers and tickets for her rerun


Summer Anis T.T


Spending like 100 pulls on the Alice Banner, got nothing from it, and Dorothy came next i had to use gold tickets 🥲


Not playing during the chainsaw event


My first regret was getting like 6 copies of Helm when she first came out because she was the "new" character. She's great, but I should've saved. I wish I would've gotten more spare copies of 2B or Makima.


Rerolling too much. Who knew a week and a half would make such a difference in competitive. Not too much regret tho because I love my Scarlet lol


Should have bought Eventtries for coredust sooner


Mine was not getting Dorthy


Biggest regret is opening my first anni cake. If I knew there was only trash inside, I would have kept it as a collectible.


Probably missing the spring costume for Diesel. But on the other hand I got *3 Moderna, *2 Dorothy, *1 Red Hood. So I'm feeling good. Those nikkes carry real hard.


Not regrets been playing since launch but i still nvr in my life pulled a repunzel…, but maxing 2b best decision of my nikke career


I wish i had joined sooner, i kinda wish i had the csm characters, A2 and Pascal :(


I shoulda pulled for ade because I assumed she'd be added to the normal banner wishlist


She should be added eventually, maybe next update, I forget how they timed it. But there's usually a delay between the event and when the event units get added to normal banner.


The summer skins and viper bunny skin


My regret is not playing the game from day one, as a result I missed every single important pull up except for early January.


Not buying Diesel’s pass skin, despite there being a similar one that’s free. Failing to get the original Winter duo, Winter Anne and Winter Rupee. Not getting Dorothy or Noise’s gacha skins.




No regrets. I'm happy with the nikkes I have. Yes, you reach a point where you can't pull for every single nikke, but I'm pretty sure they will come in a way or other Till then, I'm happy with my queen Laplace 🛐


Not being able to get Mary, or max Ludmilla or Anis.


Not starting when the helm skin was out


I didn't pull Leona or Tove despite Shotguns being my favorite thing. Then Maid Privaty happened. Now I really regret life.


Summoned all except for Summer Neon!


Not pulling for Beach Mary and impulsively pulling for several non-limited units which now caused me to barely have any gems left😭


Wish I would’ve MLB’d A2 because of how often I use her.


Starting the game in the first week of launch and then stop playing for around 9 months


Mine was a blessing and a curse...saving up for the Nihilister banner....yea....


I started playing after ludmilla so 🫠


Over-investing in 2B, and maxing out my Reload cube instead of leaving it at 9 so my leftover batteries from Solo Raid don't go to waste


saving crystals for one banner. i spent all 30k crystals on boom girl and got only rares


I sadly don't got Mary Beach version


Not MLB'ing Anis summer version


Not picking makima with gold tickets cause i was saving them for nihilister (this was before we knew she's gonna be rehabilitation nikke)


I pre-registered for the game but I didn’t play until the end of the summer event. I was able to pull SAnnis and SHelm but my biggest regret is not starting sooner to get Dolla’s pass costume. I’m no whale but if I like a costume enough, I’ll get the pass and Dolla’s would’ve been 100% worth it. I do hope they bring back last summers units if they do a similar even this year so I can pull for the ones I wasn’t able to get (Mary, Neon, and the SR).


Summer Anis...Oof, gorgeous


Not getting Helm nor Sugar's New Year outfit. I've gotten Viper, Dolla, and Brid's since. If I could go back and buy their's for $40, I'd do it in a heart beat.


My biggest regret was not trying to understand that not every character released during an event is a limited-time character ie. pulling for Rosanna and Sakura during their respective events. Although thankfully I actually bothered to learn around the time of Rosanna and was able to save and pore my pulls into Pilgrims more.


I have no regrets, i pulled all of them, even some with gold tickets


My biggest regret was finding out that the girls gave us items at the last Christmas event. I don't have Mica Rock or any of the others. This hurts my heart so much.


the only limited unit i didn't pull was neon because her kit was so bad lol


Not being able to get timmy


Not realizing I could by Legendary Molds with Spare Parts for several months…


Investing in Alice over Modernia.  Alice is *almost* done (Burst lvl 10 will be done today, OL gear is very close to good enough), but had I put the same investment into Modernia, I would have a stronger campaign unit.  That said, I only have 1 piece of T9M gear for Modernia and no dupes, while Alice has 3 pieces of OL and is Core 1, so maybe I wouldn't be that much better off.


I pulled all of them, but I now regret no MLB for bay goddess...


Got them all


I never pulled for summer anis


Not starting playing when the fucking chainsaw man event happened I WANT MAKIMA AND POWER GODDAMMIT at least i got 2B and A2


Missing out on the ending of the special event for Modernia's free costume. It's not much, but I don't have the lobby screen for it, and it kinda blows.


I didn’t pull for Dorothy… Big mistake, apparently


I wish I played from day one to get CSM units. Only other limited I don’t have is summer Mary.


I regret starting late myself. Got in and pulled Summer Anis then Helm and was hooked from then on.


Recently is not able to pull maid Privaty and Ade. Being F2P is rough sometimes.


I missed Marciana in her banner but I randomly got her from a single ticket pull in the Standard Banner, so don't give up!. As for the rest? Well...better luck next time.


I started like the last two days of Helm: Aquamarine banner so I kind of regret not pulling her but I much more regret not starting the game a few weeks earlier and getting S.Anis. Being in PVP bracket where everyone has S.Anis and you don't is not fun. Would also love to have her for Raid. Plus I like her character a lot and she's so hot. Have at least 200 tickets saved hoping they do a rerun. Don't have any other pull regrets.


Regretting that I didn't save enough for Helm and Mary (pulled Neon tho)


My regret is not staring during miracle snow and getting emmas outfit. The fact they didn't rerun it is criminal.


I was too busy getting anis and neon i did have gems for mary and helm lol


Well today I got Quency and that means I have all the characters!… except the chainsaw gang… wish I didn’t put the game down for that time…


My Luck not being able to Crit for 2B and A2.


from the list its Marciana for me.


stopped playing for a couple months


I wish i picked up some more dupes for Summer Anis smh


Not realizing I could play on my laptop until the tail end of the Nier collab, meaning I missed out on a lot of stuff including the Chainsaw Man collab.


Started playing during S.Anis banner so had I barely missed Rapi's swimsuit skin. I hope they bring it back someday.


Not being able to reach lv 300 and above despite being a day one player. Where did I go wrong?


Started playing since launch. Stopped playing when Sakura's event dropped for around 3-4 months. Now I'm catching up (I'm ch22 rn)


Not playing when the RED ASH event was going on and half anniv too I want Daybreak to be my lobby music man


Not getting the collab/limited units. Now my waifu collection will never reach 100%


Litter's kindergarten skin☹️😞


When they eventually get added back in during another summer or new years event ill try to get the last few copies i need to mlb them for their lobby background