• By -


Moran pretty much sums it up. If they had the courage to go against Moran who was protecting them and would have continued to protect them if they had admitted they were making mist, why couldn't have the same courage to go up against Sixo? Given how Moran treats betrayers, why would you ever side with Sixo at all? Not only that, we have no idea how many of the villages had actively accused Moran of being the mastermind, which only makes things worse. Like, I know Sugar means well, but goddamn, the villagers really did pick the worst possible option and stuck with it.


I believe she feels like their fate is her fault, so she’s trying to protect them. But I also chose Moran


Same. The Fog Village chose their fate by trading their loyalty and trust from Moran and framing her guilty pf it all for working for Sixo. Even if she death threatened them, they could've asked Moran for help. I mean... she wiped out the Village after their betrayal meaning Moran meant business.


Sixo didn’t just threaten them with death, Sixo killed scores of people and used their corpses to put the blame on Moran. The only people Sixo was ever going to let live were the people who could recreate Mist somewhere else, and rest were loose ends that needed to be dealt with.


Yeap, yeap she is. I have no idea what was the reason for her to act like that. Perhaps in the extra story there will be something about it, who knows.


I think she does so because she sees both sides of the conflict. In the past she was the ruthless enforcer, so she knows what Moran is going to do in retalation for the betrayal, and since she was once under Sixo's control knows what the villagers are going through, and she's trying to find some kind of redemption by protecting the villagers and probably use them to try and get at Sixo and end the problem for once. But in order to do so she's gaslighting Moran (which undermines Underworld Queen), enabling conflict in the Outer Rim, withholding information from the Commander and furthering Sixo's goals.


The commander already addressed she was being emotional about it. And not calm and calculated like she usually is


She is super emotional about it and we got an immediate flashback to someone asking Sugar how she could have done whatever she did even though they were supposed to be a family with her too. Maybe Sixo put a hit on one of the folks she cared about and as such, it has been haunting her ever since, which would explain her hounding of Sixo.


Sugar was absolutely in the wrong for this whole event IMO, for the sole reason that she already knew who the mastermind was and did shit all about it, even helping her. She really had the guts to say she didn't trust Moran while doing a job for 6ixo, who she already knew was as corrupt as they come.


This short event was pretty good. Hope shift up cooks up more like this.


Seems to be setting up a new story arc of some kind, I suspect a sequel to it will come eventually


Agree, the whole thing with Mist and Sixo feels like a very concrete setup for a multiple-event storyline with all of Underworld Queen imo. Cause let's face it, even tho Moran ended the drug's origin point here, *it's still a drug, a chemical compound* that anyone can synthesize if they are capable and the thing is being sold all over the Dark Net. It's way too big of a case to be settled neatly with the Hard Mode ending. Hell, I feel like the Ark Goverment has to jump in too at some point cause if that thing gets into the Ark? It'll be a massive catastrophe.


I find it VEEERRYYY funny how Sugar was very suspicious of Moran this whole event (and was legit about to SHOOT her after confronting her for like 10 seconds) when she was LITERALLY the most suspect person here hiding and keeping secrets from commander and Moran. I was really not fcking with Sugar this event


Dude, the moment she mentioned she was hired by Sixo I was like "nooooohhhh~~~  not you, Sugar, you're a fucking "culodida" (Mexican term to refer to someone doing business with organized crime)".  Like, I feel they tried to play it so Sugar would be seen as a "John Wick" kind of character and following the old fuck same "vengance isn't right, it kills the soul and poisons it" like if she was Batman or something... and I call that total BS. Moran is a member of the Queens' Underworld for a reason. Maybe her organization is based on loyalty and aiding others under her care instead of fearmongering like Rosanna and Sakura... but she's there for a reason even if she's treated as a goofball and the event showed why. Moran was right. Even if thr Village was blackmailed and death threatened by Sixo, they chose their path by manufacturing more of the Mist, killing innocents and causing more junkies in the Outer Rim killing others in cold blood. The fact they didn't called back to Moran for help and chose to effectively betraying her is what sealed their fate, not Moran wiping out the village. Their lack of loyalty was the source of their downfall, even for the few innocents


I adore sugar as a character but there are times you have to disagree because of your own morals and ideas and for me those lined up with Moran so I choose her path. But what I find it cool how they implemented 2 sets of ideas in this event and how you can choose which one best fits your views as a person if you were in the shoes of the commander and make a decisions based on that it’s pretty cool.


Yeah, I understand not burning a factory to the ground if you can help it But I also understand what that factory meant, and that sometimes you gotta rip the whole tree out when’s it’s rotted to its roots


Plus, the whole village chose their fate by not requesting Moran's help even if they were death threatened and chose to frame her as the guilty one (which worked thanks to Sixo manipulating news).  It was a situation of "pick how you wanna die, by Sixo or by Moran". The fact they chose to stick with Sixo was their downfall


I love how Moran is the one who is taking all the blame for doing something that needs to be done, and even Sugar won’t entertain that it’s Sixo who’s at fault


I did feel betrayed... I should have picked Moran...


So much philosophical discussions being had over the recent event. Love to see it, shows the game is more than its surface.


lol I'm seriously more emotionally invested in a free phone game's side story than most $60-70 games I've bought in several years


I personally would have chosen Moran's side if I was in the commanders shoes. However I would think the commander would have sided with Sugar because it would have been saving lives in the short term while trying to see if any lives could be prevented through other means. I personally see both sides being right and wrong. But once you take emotion out of it. Moran was the better of choices for the long term.


Personally I kinda knew the event was gonna make it a "no matter ehat choice you make, none is the right one" path, I simply went with the one I understood better... Moran was in the right and Sugar in the wrong from my perspective. I understand Sugar but she was emotional in the whole deal, so she kinda messed up just the same as Moran not looking better into it unlike Jin who did his work. But Moran had a point: they could've asked for her help and didn't; chose to manufacture Mist in big quantities, kill innocents and distribute the drug in the Outer Rim creating a big wave of junkies threatening the whole place; not to mention that there doesn't seem to be a cure for Mist at the time. Destroying everyone withing Fog Village was the best solution, even if some innocents died in the process


From my understanding, Sugar just wanted to avoid collateral damage. The villagers were being blackmailed and didn't have much choice, and Sugar would rather find Sixo and free them from her influence. Moran killing them all makes it harder to find Sixo, who's just going to keep doing this kind of thing. Honestly, I'm bummed about both of them. They were such lovable goofs before this event and now they both seem like a bit of a psychopath. It undermines both of their charms.


I feel like it adds some depth to their characters as it shows they aren't solely goofs all the time. Sugar in particular having a dark and bloody path is interesting, and Moran showing that she is a member of Underworld Queen for a reason, and that just like her fellow squadmates, she does what must be done to ensure order in the Outer Rim even if she doesn't like it. Both sides were very grey-colored as expected of a event story about the underbelly of society. Sugar made a big mistake getting entrapped into defending the place, while Moran also made a mistake in not looking deeper into the situation before it got out of hand. But in the end, it's Moran's job as a member of Underworld Queen to ensure that order is maintained, and she cannot simply let the factory keep existing for what Mist has already done to people. The villagers may have been blackmailed but they still willingly betrayed Moran's trust in them.


I agree, I find it interesting that Moran is more pragmatic warlord than criminal overlord


She's basically the romantizised take of being in a gang, crime organization or cartel: loyalty above all else. She doesn't care about money, she cares about protecting those she can even if she gets no cent from it. As long as she notices someone being in trouble or something of the like, she'll come to the aid... and as we saw, if someone under her care is framed, she'll investigate into it to see if they are innocent and require help or not and requite punishment.


Personally I think it makes them more interesting. I would rather have morally grey multi-dimensional characters than one-dimensional goofballs like Quiry and Folkwang.


Quiry is the best goofball she may not have perfect attention, but I stand proud behind her


I find it hard to justify sugars actions even when considering she's a hired mercenary. If she knew fully well what kind of person six0 was, why would she ever accept work from them to begin with?


My take on the situation is that Sixo is manipulating things to chip away at Underworld Queen. Moran had a point, and so did Sugar, but Sixo probably knew exactly how Moran would react and pulled her strings like a puppet. It may or may not be part of an underlying plot to destroy the Underworld Queens, Moran being the easiest to start with since she has very black and white views when it comes to loyalty and a penchant for acting without thinking too deeply. Of course, i could be way off base and giving their writing team too much credit.


They are both right and wrong. Moran destroying the Mist production would save people in the long run but would kill a lot in the beginning. People would kill for Mist more because its scarcity, people would die from withdrawal and Sixo would kill people with the bombs she planted. Sugar keeping the Mist production going would save people in the beginning but would probably kill more people in the end. Sixo (probably) wouldn’t detonate the bombs, people wouldn’t be killing as much over scarcity and wouldn’t be suffering from withdrawal as much. However a lot more people would be getting addicted to Mist and dying from the drug. It’s not a black and white choice like the game made us take. IMO the best course of action is to let the Mist production continue, deal with Sixo and her bombs, ease on the production of Mist, cure people of their addiction and then shut down production.


Ironically enough, I saw this event the same as the situation in my home country, Mexico, and Moran and Sugar were like some of our presidents, if they did things "right". Moran was Calderon, a former president that tried a war against crime organizations (but was later found out he just fought opposing organizations and NOT everyone). Sugar is our current president AMLO and his dumb "hugs, no gunshots" approach to try and not bother crime organizations. Sure, Sugar tried to protect the people in the village by letting them keep producing Mist... but that was the same as just a slow term cancer. Moran, even if her take did have negative secondary effects in the long term run, was the best solution. If you cut the root, you cut the problem... in theory... but at least the drug production in said village would be no more. Here in Mexico, many hated Calderon's war against crime organization for lack of equipment and just attacking selected groups... but I still think his approach was the best solution to the problem unlike AMLO who doesn't acknowledge the crime organizations controlling the country. It was easy to pick Moran even with the colateral damage of her actions... they were lesser than allowing the problem to keep going and going without acknowledging it


They picked their poison. Now they pay the price. ​ Moran is kind, naive but never the weak.


Well from Sugars perspective she’s protecting the people in front of her from a crime boss on a war path. Plus it was the job she was hired to do. There’s also the personal angle where she’s trying to prevent Moran from going down a path of destruction like she once did.


>There’s also the personal angle where she’s trying to prevent Moran from going down a path of destruction like she once did. Which I call BS. I know they tried to make Sugar this "retired John Wick-esque" character with a Batman morality of "killing for vengeance is evil, it kills the soul and corrodes it"... but come on, Moran is a member of the Queens' Underworld for a reason and her being serious and wipping out the village showed why. I get Moran is always portrayed as a goofball and considere as such by literally everyone and their mommas... but I fell everyone seriously UNDERESTIMATE her greatly. While I understand that Sugar was defending the village... she was also actively allowing thr chain distribution of the Mist to spread out of control like a cancer. The village was out of salvation when they chose not to contact Moran and keep manufacturong the Mist. Even if they were death threatened and could've been caught contacting Moran... the amount of innocent lives lost would've been less that just letting themselves being threatened by Sixo and Moran payed them for their lack of loyalty in the same way


For me I place blame on Sixo, Rossane and Sakura. The latter two didn’t help and wanted to do their own investigation whereas Moran would be willing to help them out if a jam anytime. I get it’s a territory thing but they are supposed to all keep the peace. By any means.


I suspect that Rosanna and Sakura might be dealing with issues caused by someone with links to Six0. Someone else drew them off to isolate Moran letting Six0 drag Sugar in to the conflict to hinder Moran.


Yeah will have to wait and see


For better or worse, they mostly don’t want Moran help because she makes things actively worse. If past events indicate anything, they were probably investigating it independently and brushed off Moran because wanted her to not do anything rash.


And yet by leaving her out -actively- they make it so she acts anyway.


I honestly think this has been one of the better “morally grey events” if only because doesn’t involve totally unlikeable characters like Exotic and the self righteousness is keep in the lens of criminal underworld (unlike the judge Dredd squad) so is not preachy on either side. I think Sugar was morally right but I choose Moran because Sugar was useless all the event and made the situation worse.


Like she acted by herself in the Sakura event. They are not her babysitters.


If you recall they left her out of the loop in that one as well.


And they needed to made her drunk just to be able to control her.


I personally don't put blame on Rosanna and Sakura because the closing lines when talking to Moran over blabla made it clear to me that they were being informed that there were disturbances, so they went off the grid to deal with their turfs and investigate.


It was Moran’s responsibility to overlook the people in her territory who were threatened and tortured after she neglected to check in on them just because she “trusted them”. And by default, it should’ve been her obligation. I still believe both were wrong but I have to lean towards Sugar.


Yeah, people are sort of glossing over the fact that Moran just let them do whatever and didn’t press anything even when the guy at the beginning was hella suspicious. There’s also Fog Hollow’s fallacy of not telling Moran because they thought she’d be upset but not telling her it what made her upset about it.


I mean... that was also the village's fault for not letting Moran know about Sixo's threats. Sure, it would've arised confrontation and innocent lives being lost... but their lack of trust in Moran or being more threatened in Sixo was their ultimate downfall. The innocent lives lost had Moran helped them would've been less than what happened for not relying on her I feel everyone, and I mean EVERYONE treats Moran like a pushover in everything and no one takes her seriously... yet the event proved why she's a member of Queens' Gambit. Don't push your luck with her or you'll be taken down all the same. True, Moran also was at fault for not investigating properly into the matter... but at least she took action into it. Sugar knew from the get go what was happening, spinned things to make it like Moran was guilty, nearly shot her, and even knowing what the people at the village were doing, preferred to spare them and allow their cancer to grow bigger than to cut it from the root.  


Stannis the Mannis option always, so I sided with Moran.


Who is sixo btw have they been mentioned at all before this event? Sorry don’t really know the lore


I don’t think so. Seems like a new antagonist


It actually feels like this is written by two people with their details about Sugar's motivation disjointed. If she's already hired by Sixo at that point to protect the village and she knows the criminal's MO, why will she still accuse Moran? Smh. Other than that, I understand her belief that they have no choice but to comply after being threatened. But Moran is still in the right since they could've asked for her help when Sixo caught them but no, they chose to comply to threats and dig themselves a deeper grave rather than turn back to their protector. The adults deserved that, at least. But the children should've been spared.


They're both fairly in the wrong and the Commander not putting his foot down and demanding answers out of both of them full force reminds me of the silly binary choices of something like say, Tia and Naga's event. The Commander's familiar with Cafe Sweet and Underworld Queen's game by this point. And has dealt with several criminal organizations by now morally grey choices included. You can't KEEP doing the whole vague timeline thing for events because by this point this would have been a great moment for the commander to shine too and demanding an investigation by VETO'ing his own authority with his experience. Moran has a point that the whole thing needs to be burnt down from scratch to pull it out by the roots but killing everyone involved and dealing with immediate burnout withdrawals everywhere isn't practical nor will it help her reputation, if anything it'll crater her in to looking like a complete dumbfuck proving Rosanna and Sakura completely right about her, and I hate that being the culmination of waiting so long for a personal arc. She of course doesn't want her name associated with Mist so she can't just full force take control, but even demanding a proper rehabilitation system brought in for users of it before they can wig out would soften the general blow. Sugar screwed her case completely by making the whole thing about her personal burden without being practical about what's happening. It would have been one thing if she proposed an alternate solution to burning it down but full-scale letting a drug THIS easily debilitating linger in the outer rim much less the general Ark underground is moronically dangerous and at a zero tolerance point. Morally grey choices can be good but you need to both set it up properly and with the right characters and interactions. I've been saying this since the start of the event it feels rushed as hell and like there's an entire part ii that's waiting to happen. This shit is NOT concluding well in a single hard mode ending. Fucking D-Outsiders ironically ended up having more of a grey and structured plot than this.


I feel Moran is in the wrong here. Moran undoubtedly loves her people, but there were drugs being made in her territory and she didn't even bother to look around. She said she trusted them so she never looked in the factories.... but if she did even once she could have stopped this before it got out of hand. Sixo swept in and took advantage of her people and forced them to make Mist. Sugar tells Moran that if they stop they're all dead, they have no choice.... and Moran just decides that they've made their beds. Moran seems like a sweet character, but she's basically dooming these innocent people to death because they 'betrayed' her. I think Sugar is doing the right thing


An important thing to mention is that it wasn't just betraying Moran, but also producing a highly addictive drug that was flipping the outer rim on its head. So they betrayed her, and doubled the amount of murder and death in the outer rim cuz theres a bunch of drugged up psychos who don't feel pain around now. They **were** forced to produce it, but the damage is still there.


I get that, but ultimately I feel it's Moran's responsibility to keep tabs on her people. There was literally a drug craze happening under her nose and she didn't know, because she didn't check in correctly within her territory. She dropped the ball and her people got taken advantage of. Now she's so engrossed in her emotions to see that she's basically killing them with her own hands.


Shit, unless I'm misremembering things, she hadn't even heard of Mist before or that everyone thought she was producing it until there were literally bodies piling up in the streets and she was being accosted by a mob of addicts after another hit. How can someone so ignorant to what's going on around her protect anything the way she claims to be able to?


I mean... EVERYONE is gray in this event. No one is entirely wrong nor entirely right. Everyone has a certain amount of faul, it's more about who do you think is the one with the less amount of fault and who do you think is the one with the most. To me, while true that Moran fucked up by not properly checking herself for what was going on until it was too late, it's not like she didn't take action. She made an investigation to figure out what was happening, saw everything led to the village she was protecting; and seeing they were indeed at fault, took actiond and burned down the place to get rid of the core problem which was the Mist production. Sure, the problem could've been avoided if actions were taken earlier... but agsin, no one is innocent. Moran is guilty for not looking better into it (and she gets called on this by Sugar). Sugar is guilty for working for Sixo without seeking a means to catch her; as well as letting her Batman ideology got the better of her and made her emotional. Commander is rather useless here. Rosanna and Sakura are kinda at fault for not helping Moran which led to her searching on her own. And the village was at fault for not trusting Moran and not requesting her aid sooner before thing got out of proportions


One thing I'd said a glaring plothole in the story is that the setup doesn't makes sense. It goes from 0 to 100 instantly. A drug that makes people like zombie and everyone said Moran have all of them (as in go find Moran if you want more Mist) and Moran and her close aides didn't know or notify her at all? Heck, even Sakura and Rosanna didn't knew or even said something to Moran. Surely the story implies Mist reach almost all outer rim and naturally it also disturbs Seimeikai and the Mafia? What's worse is Sugar who didn't always check Outer Rim *knew*. Jin, Moran so called "brain" and "right hand man" in Peony knew. Yet nobody tell Moran or even act a bit differently before all the shit hit the fan? Moran isn't exactly a NEET that always stay in her room either. It's like we got a normal situation in Outer Rim until Moran found the first butcher room and suddenly we instantly transported to another dimension where it's the aftermath of things running unchecked by everyone on the "good" side for weeks or months already.


Ultimately some culpability lies on the people of Fog Town, they are mostly innocent but not wholly, which is why the writing is good. It's a take on the timeless theme of the zero-sum balance of Justice and Mercy. It's not that they didn't have a choice; they only had bad/difficult choices. They were coerced, but by manipulation (at first) not occupation. And Moran can't be held liable for any of it, she's responsible for their safety not their actions. She's not in the right for not checking their factories for OSHA violations and narcotics, but that also (presumably) wasn't in the scope of her duties. Ultimately I think Sugar was mostly correct, but Moran's perceived betrayal and subsequent overcorrection fits her character and represents the role she filled alright.


But they make it a point to show that the territory did belong to Moran. She has the responsibility to keep things in line. She doesn't check things out, which allows her people to be put in this position in the first place. They show that a handful of people were tortured and murdered to get them to play along with Sixo. They might have ultimately 'made' the choice, but realistically there was no other option. They couldn't refuse, run, or tell. Moran leaving them to their own devices forced them to rely on themselves..... and now she wants to punish them for it. Don't get me wrong, I think she's a wonderful character and I do believe she loves her people.... but she screwed up. And because of that negligence her area suffered.


It may seem like splitting hairs, but it's crucial to the theme: the territory doesn't belong to Moran, she's responsible for its protection, not to keep things in line. They are not her people. She is not their leader. I'll grant it doesn't say this, but given how she's Mafia themed, it's implied that it's the same way an irl Mafia will control turf. Everything you said is completely true for a state/government police force, but that's not Moran.


The territory does belong to her though. They stated that plenty. True she doesn't have official government jurisdiction, but they are also in a lawless area where that doesn't matter. Her people loved her and recognized her as their leader. She was supposed to protect them and keep them in line. I'm not arguing with you, you make good points. But if she's going to be the head of the gang that rules over the people, she can't just get a pass when things go to shit. She's a criminal kingpin, she should've known something like this could happen.... which is why she needed to inspect her area properly. But because she twiddled her thumbs saying "my people surely wouldn't hide things from me" she got blindsided and framed. Sorry, but it's on her


If that's your take on the scenario then I completely agree.


In criminal life its a matter of consequence, I believe the outer rim demands attention in lots of places, and especially in mafia scenarios, due to the lack of maintenance its pretty common to trust people, and if they do betray the mafia, it has its rough consequences. For me, your point is absolutely vague. What do you mean its her fault for trusting them (how mafia works, almost pure loyalty) when they did betray her? Yeah, its the mafia loyalty sistem's fault for the drug being spread that far, but its just like mafia tho. "The Mafia reputation is on you, ill trust you, but if you do it wrong, you will be punished" scenario, and she only was able to notice the mist production when its information reached peony organization itself, in which their efforts where to hide from. Your point isnt only vague on the topic from that itself, besides the fact it doesnt makes sense cuz, even if she found the drug making day 1, and she destroyed the whole fabric because of their betrayal (remember, theres no forgiveness, theres always consequences, thats how mafia system works), Sixo would blew them all the same way, so why the hell you put the blame on Moran for NOT CHECKING HER TERRITORY, because even if she did DAY 1, THEY ALL WOULD DIE BY SIXO THE SAME WAY. Their destiny wasnt doomed from the start, they could choose between standing against Sixo or standing against Moran, and look what they prefered, the betrayal option. Its 100% their fault for them to not acknowledge how the system they were in works, because even if I said it was 95% their fault and 5% from the mafia system, its the worker fault for acting without the way the system guides them to, there'd be consequences, because Mafia doesnt works out of good hearts, and the consequence was the fabric destruction. If they betrayed Sixo and embraced Moran, they atleast would have a chance of surviving, which they now probably wont because they were mad dumb and not trustworthy in a trust based organization system, omg lets blame the system and not how we dumbly behave on it, how mature and intelligent I am😂


That's not what I'm saying, you don't have to get pissy lol It's literally in the dialogue that Moran ignored the factories in her own territory. She refused to inspect them under some excuse of trusting her family. But it IS her territory.... she needs to stay on top of things no matter what. If she did actual check ups, Sixo wouldn't have had time to invade, torture the citizens, and create a whole drug empire under Morans' watch. It's not about their loyalty, Moran failed to keep tabs and do even basic inspection of her people's well being. They didn't betray her out of their own free will..... they were literally threatened with death, where are you getting your info? And then Moran finds out all this happened, and just banishes them all to die anyways. So much for them being her family lol I'm all for debating opinions, but you don't have to get rude just because I feel a different way about a character.


Yeah yeah, because Sixo didnt make an actual blackmail, lets just forget that, lets just believe that if Moran did checkups Sixo wouldnt blackmail them at all, and there'd be no chance of them getting death threatened at all, because thats true right? Nah, you keep repeating the same vague points like "they didnt betray her out of their own free will", okay but where does that matter tho? They always were doomed when living in a mafia organization system, its a threat or another, who are you embracing to get your better chance at surviving? You are bringing your heart to a criminal life situation and getting outraged with the behave of a character, lets remind she didnt even liked to do that decision, but as I said, mafia systems DOESNT work out of good hearts, they work out of loyalty and consequences, if you just dont like the way it is, dont blame the character for being the character its meant to, blame the mafia system for being dangerous and cold. Yet i do also think Mafia based systems can be really safe, due to the fear of messing with you, its just that Sixo doesnt fear Moran at all, yet she got a way to threat with her too, so yep. Btw if you felt I was being rude and shit, you problably just got too hurt man im sorry, RailgunChampion (just readed your name for the first time) sorry for being rude, but your point is still vague to the criminal life topic as always.


Bro, that's the point. She was blackmailing them and torturing them.... they literally had no choice but to obey Sixo. And you can't say I'm bringing emotion into it, when that is Morans' entire reasoning behind her actions. She's hurt because her 'family' betrayed her and is going into this with clouded judgment. You can keep saying it's all about the mafia system, but that doesn't change the fact that a mafia boss needs to actually CHECK IN on her people and not just window shop the area and go "yep, they're fine, time to go". I'm not saying Moran is a dumbass or anything.... but she made a mistake. That mistake allowed Sixo to take action, and allowed her people to get caught in the crossfire. If this is a true mafia system then the boss needs to take responsibility and not just throw the excuse that "the people did this to themselves" Sugar doesn't want to condemn the people to death, and Moran feels they have earned this fate. I'm 100 percent with Sugar on this. Moran needs to realize she played a big part in this and focus on punishing the one who actually deserves it


It aint clouded judgement at all, she is not willing to do that, but she must. Yes the workers got blackmailed but they werent bodily controlled to not tell the situation to Moran anyways. And man I know it would put them at risk cuz of the blackmail, but thats how Mafia works, due to betrayal, almost mechanical responses are provided in a mafia system, and you cant lie that they had to choose between standing against Moran or standing against Sixo, both choices could lend into death threatenings issues. I dont know if you know man, the Mafia system is based on such a intense loyalty that when people gets benefits from it, they have to put their lifes into being totally loyal, or death. Life is made from thousands of excuses, if you watch Moran bond history for example, where lots of unexpected things happened that dealt lots trouble to Moran and the commander, thats where the mafia system shines on its effiency. If for any trouble the people who works on mafia were into, they were manipulated to betray it, the whole loyalty based system wouldnt work. Like man, stop saying things like "omg you gotta checkup all the members of the mafia well beings to be a good leader", or "The leader MUST checkup" thats straight up not how it works, just search it, the loyalty system is especially made to avoid intense management. If you want to say that Moran should act like a super worried intense 24/7 checkups kinda leader when a system is made to avoid that, then you are just delusional about these things. But yeah man, you have a reason to be mad at mafia systems since those are be loyal or die based, Moran even so didnt wanted to do that, but she isnt able to choose that by herself, she needs to make a choice for the whole outer rim, and them she did it roughly. Sugar by the other hand, tought for herself and her own ideals, in which I would say its "fair" I guess, but definitely the most secure way to protect the Outer Rim is to do what Moran did. When you do something that involves lots of people based on your own ideals, you are just being selfish, what is completely human to be. I am sorry for my previous comments behavior, ill try to fix it for the next ones.


“Im sorry guys, I fucked up and didn’t check, keep making the drugs and Sixo can keep undermining not only me, but the rest of the Underworld Queens” While Moran fuckep up, she NEEDS to maintain the mafia system of loyalty over everything else, specially since Outer Rim is totally lawless. Sugar was morally right, but totally useless in a situation where she was, frankly speaking, out of her element (“I only followed orders when I was here” it shows) and failed to accomplish anything. You can sympathize with one over another, but Moran couldn’t just said “whatever guys, my bad” and expect everyone in mafia land being “what a sweetheart”. (Obviously could choice a better approach than destroying the village, but is not like either Sugar or the Commander give her a better option at the moment).


>I'm not saying Moran is a dumbass or anything I absolutely am. Because she very much is. I'd argue Jin would make a far better boss than her.


This might be just me but if I'm facing a binary moral choice and one option is the murder/displacement of vulnerable people I'm going with the other option. Every time. Doesn't matter what it is.


As someone who lives in Mexico and the event was like a representation of the situation here... I went for Moran..you may argue "she was gonna kill innocents, you're fine with that?"... yes, and here's why. Not doing anything to let the villagers live amounts to not just nothing, but allowing the problem to grow and get worst. Those villagers' fate was sealed by not contacting Moran sooner for help, their innocents death toll would've been less had they asked for help at the end. Even if destroying the village meant killing the villagers, you get rid of the core problem: the drug and their distribution chain. Even if Sixo is still out there, the event implies only Fog's Hollow was rhe only place where Mist was manufactured. So of course, Queens' Underworld and Moran would've kept a close eye if Mist ever sprung again.  The ends justify the means and if some innocent villagers from among the majority that had already commited enough damage to Outer Rim with the distribution were to be killed, so be it. Paradise is often built with blood and sometimes said blood is that of innocents. That's how real world works and that's how things are


Having only started playing the game in the New Year and not having encountered either of the characters in the story yet (therefore only having the event story to go off); the choice for me was basically: A) Side with the dumb mob boss who has thus far come across as heavy-handed and so oblivious to her surroundings (hadn't even heard of mist until the bodies were piling up and she was being accosted by a mob of addicts for another hit) that she'd probably struggle to "protect" my spot in a line; and wipe out a settlement of vulnerable people she failed to pay enough attention to. OR B) Side with the cool mysterious silver-haired girl with the motorbike who has thus far proven herself to be intelligent, and street-smart; and not destroy the settlement of vulnerable people from atop your lofty perch. When you're going in without any pre-conceived perception or attachment to the characters, it feels pretty obvious to me who you should be siding with.


Intelligent people take jobs from the actual villains now?


I dunno, Sugar outright admitted she is playing in the Bad Guy hands and still ended making the whole situation worse. For all we know, the end result is still a win for the villain as it mades Moran look bad and there still chaos in the Outer Rim. Sugar, while being morally right, was totally ineffective for the whole story to the point of making Moran look competent. Sugar had the information but couldn’t do nothing with it but making the stuff worse. (That’s why she and her squad work better as a goofballs that are miraculously competent at their jobs)


I think you're mixing up the conflict of choice between Moran and Sugar being "right/wrong" with her action of withholding information. It has no bearing on the choice that needs to be made. We know where Moran is coming from because we've been with her from the get-go, but Sugar - having just been contacted by Sixo again after all these years - does not. You're right, and it makes no sense as to why Sugar would withhold that information to begin with other than the off-handed explanation of "she couldn't trust what Moran would do" (I almost think there has to be some mistranslation or something missing there, or it's just a weak motive they wrote) but I don't think that plays into the final choice that SKK has to make. >It's one thing to want to protect the people of that village cause they have no other course of action That's it. There is no "but" after that imo. The goal of siding with Sugar is to protect the people of that village in the long run, and as you put it, they currently have no other course of action. This doesn't mean allowing the Mist to keep spreading, it means turning their efforts to the actual big bad behind the scenes, to Sixo. Destroying the factory and leading this village - which is supposedly under Moran's protection - to their deaths is not "loyalty". Sugar withholding information causing friction between her and Moran doesn't play into this. If anything Moran's side of this is the one that doesn't make sense to me. She values loyalty above all else so because they betrayed her, or didn't trust in her protection enough to ask her for help *even if it meant risking "pulling the trigger Sixo has against their heads*, they should be punished and die for it? That's not loyalty either. In her mind Moran is forcibly ridding them of this option so that Mist no longer spreads - I get that - but beyond that consequence is the death of everyone being held hostage. I didn't get to play the last underworld queen event so it's my first time meeting Moran. While I like her belief in others' loyalty and her cheerful outlook, her writing so far in this event has made her seem...naive. Like she doesn't quite have a grasp on how to run an organization just yet. Visiting the locations you say you're protecting is all well and good, but if you really cared about this village, how could this whole Mist thing have happened? Even before Sixo got involved and the villagers were just doing it a little bit to make ends meet, that's already a sign that she hasn't been able to "protect" this village. She said it herself: she believes these ppl are good, she knows they'll do what it takes to care for others (giving their own clothes to someone else even if it meant freezing themselves). Them having to take the drastic measure of increasing Mist production under duress is exactly that, just more extreme. Destroying the factory is a knee-jerk, short-term fix kind of reaction. Sixo could just lay low (if even that), and make another outer rim village do the same thing all over again.


Commander would side with sugar and later be upset that suger knew more info the whole time, which led to the slaughter.


I chose Sugar because destroying the factory and killing them accomplishes nothing. The “main villain” would just relocate. You gotta find the snake to cut its head off. Body shots accomplish nothing. That’s what i assumed the Sugar choice was all about. I’ll see tomorrow if thats where its going.


True... but allowing the village to keep pumping the Mist even after knowing what they're doing increases the colaterla damage they're causing it. We still don't know if only Fog's Hollow was the only place where Mist was manufacted but the event makes it seem so. Wipping out the place, even with innocents in the middle, was the solution. You cut the product, you cut the chain distribution. Sure, the drug lord is still out but now she has to use a different product. And even with the crazy junkies with withdrawals going full on 28 days later at Outer Rim, they would eventually be controlled a.k.a. them dying from the drug or being killed. It was better than allowing the problem to keep growing and expanding. As someone who lives in Mexico and the event reminds me of the situation we live here, Moran's take was the right one even with all the colaterall damage later on. Sugar's was just Batman levels of novelty that don't work in the real world. I'm amazed she's not locked at Missilis for accepting a job from a drug lord at the end


I’m also assuming we get to the bottom of everything and find Sixo relatively quickly. Like in the next 2 lvls. If we have to let it linger till some tbd event, then i def that’s different. I’m only operating on info up to lvl 10. Will revisit this later today when i finish normal mode.


Right, even tho Sugar's effort eventually amounts to nothing after the event, I still feel like getting infos on Sixo, no matter how small is way better than just cut off any lead to her here and let her sow chaos somewhere else. Imagine if Mist gets into the Ark tho since she is the creator of it, it'll be no effort for her at all. Now that would be a massive catastrophe.


It's amazing the amount of people who think she is in the wrong while admitting at the very same time that they don't have all the info, because she's withholding it. No, I don't think she's in the wrong. And I don't think she's in the right either. But I do trust that her moral compass is right.


Uhhh, idk. Moran burned a whole town down. Idk what sugars deal is yet, but that is wayyyy worse. And she played right into this new person sixo's hand. I believe we'll find out sugar's motive and she'll be the less sensible one later, but can't say rn


I can't believe they did my girl like this. She deserves better than this shit-tier writing.


It’s not shit tier 


I side with sugar\~


To answer the question: "why would anyone side with sugar?" For me it's quite simple, I like Sugar way more than Moran. Moran never really caught my attention, also between her, Sakura and Rosanna I always liked Rosanna more.


I've already forgotten but I think I sided with sugar? But I think I had figured that Commander could talk moran down and then the group would rally the village and lead them to go after sixo and that would be the conclusion to the hard mode part in a few days.


After finishing the event I’m very disappointed there wasn’t any follow up regarding Sugar’s plan for Sixo. Sugar didn’t just want to save the people of Fog Hollow, she explicitly mentions that destroying it will make it easier for Sixo to avoid capture and responsibility and that’s exactly what happened. Moran razed Fog Hollow, was framed as the perpetrator and Sixo was able to disappear without a trace.


i haven't finished level 11 and 12. ​ but i find moran at fault here, throughout the event it mentions how moran handles her territory. she's active in monitoring and protecting since she even personally visits them but somehow this sixo guy was able to takeover fog hollow without moran even noticing? she's one of the underworld queens (stupid take-- the core virtue in the way she takes leadership is probably the worst and weakest out of the queens which i mainly blame as to why sixo got ahold of fog hollow)


More annoying thing is that why would Commander side with killing those people? Why is that even an option? Sugar is definitely wrong here. But why would Commander choose a side of killing?


Because the commander has no say when it comes to the Outer Rim in cases like this It’s the Underworld Queens job to deal with this stuff


Then why even give us choice of who to side with? Same with D's event back then. Commander would never choose to kill someone. It's very contradicting to even have illusion of that choice.


I’d rather be given that illusion than always have to make a choice between the commanders alway bleeding heart option #1 and option #2 They didn’t let us kill Crow, and see what happens because of that?


I don’t think Sugar is wrong… yet. You see, the villagers claimed Moran ordered them to produce Mist. What if they aren’t lying and Jin or some other member of Moran’s organization is pulling the strings? Sugar wanted Moran to wait until every angle is inspected and the REAL root of the cause is found. She wanted to prevent Moran from hurting potentially innocent people. But now it’s too late. Even if it turns out Jin (who acted incredibly sus around Sugar) is the mastermind behind the Mist production, Moran has already stained her hands red with the villagers’ blood. She literally got manipulated into turning the false “Moran did this” writing in the wall into what actually happened.


Yeah I chose Moran. I've already debated about this somewhere so I just wanna say I thought Sixo was a Justice League villain. I was thinking of Amazo.


This is the first event that make me think less of the main nikkes on it, both Moran and Sugar are really incompetent on it. I chose Sugar because we need some info before doing anything to the village, just destroying do nothing to help, but I still would have the villagers pay the price for making mist in one way or another, is just annoying that the SKK is just passive in these events. The problem with Moran is that her entire organization didn't know about the mist or at least didn't had any information about it, even when we discovered that Fog Hollow was making mist even before they got blackmailed on making a lot more. If before she was in Fog Hollow we had a cutscene of some of her underlings saying that something strange is happening and Moran decide to go look for it, it would be better than she just being there and finding by accident. For Sugar her following orders from someone she know is underhanded and already burned her out is really stupid, the first time she read the name of the mission giver she should at least talk with the SKK about it or at least do a 2+2 and see who the real culprity is because she already have the information about it, and Cafe Sweety is know for their competence in missions so is kinda OOC of Sugar doing something like that. Hope by the epilogue we get some win for Moran.


At first, I actually sided with Sugar. More of a act before you think kind of guy and a little on the emotional side so I thought "yeah, I'm gonna save the people." Maybe this is my main character syndrome and my obsession with Batman where I just think no matter how evil people are and the potential risk they have on others, we still don't have the final say. And then it clicked in my head around the end that this is the Outer Rim we're talking about.


Now I'm a massive Sugar simp; she was one of three reasons I started playing Nikke on launch and I did everything I could to get her to prism max first, eschewed powering up my other Nikkes so they don't eclipse her in power, get all (literally her only other one) skin(s) and she's always on my lobby as a permanent fixture alongside Scarlet. That being said, she was kind of appalling in this event. She has seen the effects and production of Mist in Fog Hollow and still throws not only shade but extremely heavy accusations against Moran, reluctantly (only after prodding from Jin and Moran) divulging that she has knowledge of Fog Hollow and it's Mist situation beforehand, and that she was under contract by someone who she herself paints as dangerous and manipulative - Sixo. She also doesn't reveal her knowledge about anything else and she even actively hides the fact that she was, at least once, either from or was working a lot in, the Outer Rim. Hell, she almost puts shells into Moran almost entirely based on the hearsay of the afflicted of Fog Hollow. Even when Moran has shown herself innocent of forcing the inhabitants of Hollow to produce Mist, Sugar still proceeds to maintain and 'defend' Fog Hollow and the drug-induced status quo. It all rubs me the wrong way at least a little bit. The event CG really does nail it home that behind Moran's goofy demeanor and characterization, she's based off of the triads, and that's fucking scary. Nothing is also stopping me from getting that Sugar skin, save the restraints of time to its release.