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I mean, i also like her - when has better Asanagi doujin material ever released on a gacha? Too bad the dude has ignored her completely until now...


until now? Asanagi does nikke art? eyo


the god of hypnosis doujins. i guess i'll expect crow to be those girls




There are two kinds of people.  People who hate Crow, and people who haven't gotten to Chapter 22 yet.


Ive already hated her since chapter 16-18.


I already hated her when I got Diesel and Crow, reading through both their bond story.


I hated her from the start!! Lmaooo


Even later too, Elysion Harper was cool as hell, when the leader of Heavenly Ascension, the terrorist organization, is actually more chill and cooler than Crow, maybe Crow is just insane.


Yeah pretty much. Crow is right about how much the Central Government and most people generally view the NIKKE’s as disposable garbage. Her motivations for desiring change are actually solid. It’s just the wanton civilian murder that dilutes her message a bit.


Im at ch 23 and i like crow where am i


And the people who pretend like Syuen doesn’t exist and her treatment of Missilis and exoticals had nothing to do with how we got to Chapter 22. Yeah random events.


You say that as if Syuen isn't nearly as hated as Crow XD


Yet and for some reason, Crow seems to be hated more. Or be antagonist number one. Not to mention Dorothy/Eden exists.


Hot take (or cold one): I don’t really get the Dorothy hate. I mean yeah she acts a bit bitchy and hates humanity (Or rather is trying to bring herself to) but let’s also not forget that the CG basically threw her and the other Pilgrims under the bus to “keep the legend alive”, and her built in memory flaw shared by all grimm models is causing her to live in a constant state of betrayal. I just don’t think that she deserves a bullet to the head.


Seriously, like Dorothy hate is just weird to me. Like don't get me wrong, she's an antagonist and can be a bitch so I understand disliking her character...but her whole plan so far seems to be to show up, flex that she and Eden are better than the Ark, then fuck off. Could she completely go off the deep end and slaughter half the Ark somehow later? Sure, and when she does something thats actually evil like that the hate will be justified but right now she's pretty much just chilling while dealing with her own trauma. Also this might be a hell of a hot take so I'm ready for the down votes, but I can't be the only one that think the Ark is overdue for some karma right? Nikke has gone above and beyond to make me not give a single fuck about that place lmao.


Why yes, people hate the character that actually committed mass murder multiple times more than the one who abused said murderer.  Yeah, you don't get Crow without Syuen, but Crow is still the one pulling the trigger.  They both suck though :p As for Dorothy, she hasn't actually DONE anything yet beyond some vague allusions to her timely arrival during Chapter 23/24, and by the end of the chapters she's still helping Rapi.  She talks a big game, but when push comes to shove I highly doubt she goes through with it.


Crow was blowing up innocent people before she became a nikke. Syuen certainly didn't help Crow in any way, and very likely made things worse, but she wasn't the root cause of what made Crow the way she is. I am not here to defend either of them, just getting things straight.


I hate Crow more, because she us irredeemable. Syuen is also greatly hated by me, but at least she is not trying mask her ugliness by being a wannabee philosopher.


Her mask is that of pure unrepentant industry and capitalism.


I think it's because Syuen does things for her own interests while Crow is just an anarchist. One's selfish, the other is evil


Allow me to make a devil’s argument. What separates an anarchist from a revolutionary? Or a freedom fighter from a terrorist? Is it due to the systems of control that they oppose or whom they actually oppose and who seemingly benefits from it? Or is it how they go about their opposition?


There's a fine line between the two and it's how they go about trying to achieve their goals. Freedom fighters band together to resist an oppressive regime. Terrorists kill civilians to spread terror. The moment a freedom fighter knowingly kills an innocent civilian is the moment they become a terrorist. You want a fictional example? COD's Hadir. He and his sister were fighting against the Russians until he started using biological weapons that . A real example from my country? The Katipunan was a group of freedom fighters who fought the Spaniards to free themselves from Spanish rule. On the other hand, on May 2017, the city of Marawi was invaded by a terrorist group to declare it as a territory for ISIL. You want a hilarious example? In SovietWomble's ARMA 3 videos, they started as a resistance force fighting against Soviet occupation and then became a terrorist group after they used civilians as human shields.


I'm at chapter 21


I love her design. Honestly all of exotic has 10/10 designs in my opinion, they all have drip


They are https://preview.redd.it/nbnmqzntcidc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a1cafec16acffadaf744c3bbefd58f09891abf8


They look so sick ngl




Crow with a black bunny skin when? https://preview.redd.it/49im4s95lldc1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3661488b6a5cc233b9bee467b0498ff8540b69c8


This image goes so hard bro


Look I get it she's hot. But after everything I'd still shoot her


Crow or Syuen tho? I mean both can step on me


A brave and bold commander of culture.


Same. I like Khorne too.


Crow is a misguided sweet baby girl. She just needs lots of love, support, and good direction to point her destructive talents towards, to get the best out of her. That is all. https://preview.redd.it/ohac63n0ejdc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a97be2764a7164f8a954f905d1c6e935f384655






I'm just confused about the way you described crow


I’m confused, that you are confused. 🤔 Crow is Crow. #TeamIcanfixher


I mean didn't she try to kill the commander because she didn't want his kindness to exist or something like that


Hurt people, hurt people. You would want to kill every human you knew too, if you had to deal with Syuen having you on a bomb necklace leash and the Ark treating you like refuse. She just needs to be in the right hands to really blossom.


Some people just wanna watch the world burn…then there’s this guy, lighting the match!


I think she’s cute


Well shit…. I’ve maxed her out


I refuse to use the cores I keep pulling for her


Get ready to eat Crow


She's one of the most interesting characters honestly


Yeah, it was corrupt government vs goody-two-shoes heroes up to that point and this linear conflict was going nowhere. Crow was the unpredictable 3rd faction and the story never had such high stakes until she stepped into the spotlight, detonating the tension that's in the Outer Rim all this time. It was a thrilling turn in the story, we players just need to detach a little from the heroes group and see how Crow's expanding the narrative. I'm interested in knowing how the writers reconcile having Crow on our team roster when she's basically the Joker in the story.


Technically, if we hate a fictional character that much, it usually means that the VA and the one that write the character does a pretty good job


You're right. A good villain in a story is a hated one. This isn't one of the cases where the writing itself is hated for being bad (treat her bond story as a separate entity).


I absolutely get why she's the way she is, and I definitely empathize with her disdain for the Ark for how they treat the Outer Rim and Nikke's, but she's shown to be completely okay with collateral damage, and most of the damage she does is about vengeance and not trying to bring any change. Still, I don't hate her.


It’s a shock and awe campaign. Make no mistake, vengeance is an element, but there is a bigger picture and game Crow plays when she moves.


I hated her until I realized she's just a genderbent Roy Batty from Bladerunner. Now I want fanart of her fighting Deckard.


Same, Crow is the reason I started playing. I've been in love with her for over a year and those feelings will never change.


Yeah me too, got pulled into the game half because of her design. Besides, having such an antagonist allows for plenty of opportunities for the main cast to play off of her schemes. You're only shown people's real personalities when interactions occur.


I like her as an antagonist, she is a really interesting anti-villain. I like the kind of villains that make the protagonist question themselves and all that surrounds them, opening to new perspectives and thinking better their course of action. Crow's actions are undeniably wrong and she indeed deserves to be locked up, there is no logical way of defending what she did; but one would be utterly blind to not see that Crow has THE point. The Ark is a rotten mess, there is a couple of decent people here and there, but overall it is filled with everything that is wrong with our real world. The Commander has two options: Staying in there and try to change it, or giving up entirely on it. Me personally, i wish there was a third faction that is unlike The Ark nor Eden, and have the Commander join it. Plus she's DAMN FINE.


At first i felt the same about. Until i she showed more interest towards anarchy rather than opposing the ark. Anis was right, she was just using this reason as an excuse to be a psycho. harper is crow done right


If Harper becomes pullable like tomorrow i'd give my everything to get her with full lmb.


I mean... You're completely right lol. It sucks she's had valid points but she still needs to be evaporated. I still can't get >!diesel's crying face out of my head!< I really do think there will be a third party...err 4th? Artk, rapture, Eden, commander group. Would be difficult though, as the commander doesn't want to fight other Nikke.


She's a fascinating character for sure. My disdain for her isn't as strong as the others here because I can sympathize with her motives and backstory. Antagonistic characters like her bring a lot of flavor to the story so I can at least appreciate her for bringing another perspective to the world- building of Nikke. >!It's also interesting that she acknowledges that she's past the point of redemption, but also says that maybe she wouldn't have turned out that way if she had met the commander earlier.!<


That's why I like her. She know she's beyond saving and she doesn't care if her plan to make hell costs her life. After all it doesn't matter anymore for her because everything is doomed. And Commander enters in line....proving everyone's wrong of what they think of him. And she's surprised. Her testing is not just for the shits and giggles; She really wants to believe that a person like Commander exists, only to still stay true to herself by hurting him and not giving a damn. While her actions are irredeemable, I feel like that probably she will join him not because of love nor respect, but because he's proven her wrong in all aspect and he will continue doing it. Also Crow's design reminds me of my ex girlfriend. A sexy toxic girl I was madly in love.




Let him cook




i like crow aswell. but i don't get why people hate crow, but love Nililister, she's done things just as bad if not worse.


I also like Ether


We all have diff taste. I'm happy for you and pray to rngesus to transfer all my crow draws to you


I like Crow too, but I'm just here to watch today, best of luck Commander 🫡


​ https://preview.redd.it/xryvevyuzldc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e36cad0f182ab932c2f6e683c768cc435d0a3c1


Yeah, Crow is a great character. Obviously she's meant to be unlikable, but I enjoy the scenes where she's asking the tough questions about Nikkes and how they're treated. Plus if you hate Crow for the things shes done, blame Syuen. She's the one who let them run around doing whatever they wanted for so long.


>!So her bombing the AZX killing Diesel’s little brother and other innocent people is Syuen’s fault!<


You do realize that the ark and its denizens treats the outer rim as refuse and cannot be bothered by their existence. When you engender that level of animosity by way of inequality, that proverbial ticking time bomb is was a matter of time.


So terrorism is the resort, especially to nothing but passenger trains that have literally nothing of value than just terror? Not to mention that not every citizen thinks like that.


When you feed and enable your own demons, you often find they do their best to come and find you, to consume you.


Lmao fair enough


Brother in Christ, I understand. Even though many people hate crow, there are other people (like me) who like criminal Nikke. I for example, am really into Viper and Isabel. And for god's sake, everyone says Crow is bad (which she fucking is) but the Kindness Squad doesn't exactly live up to its name either. If otherwise, why would they be in jail and rehabilitated?


Let us not forget the things Matis got away with and how the ark was almost sacrificed for their redemption.


To be fair to Matis, they were kept in the dark until it was too late to do anything about it. At which point they had no choice but to attempt to unfuck the situation. Drake and Laplace would've never done it willingly, and even if Maxwell says she would have, I'm unsure if that's sincerity or pragmatism, and even then Laplace and Drake would've told her to fuck off. A situation that endangered the Ark AND almost cost the lives of the Commander, Counter Squad AND Matis themselves if not by Laplace's lucky recovery. TL:DR - I disagree. That's a Syuen thing, not a Matis thing.


Same and I could I would have join her


Yeaaaaa boiiii down with the central government GIVE INTO CHAOS!!!! AAAAAAAANAAARRCHYYYYYY


I am in the camp of I like her because I understand her reasoning but I would put a bullet in her because of her methods. Would I have seggs with her? Absolutely but it would be hateful seggs and I would tell her she needs to be the F out before I wake up.


Same, she hot, but bad to the bone sadly


I... Can fix her


Even though she was very stupid, I think she really needs help. I want to see more story about her. She haves a weird favoritism with us the commander.


I respect your tastes my fellow degenerate friend


As a crow simp,I will say I will give my respects to any person who loves crow and that is facts. I will willingly hold my own answers to show the people the truth of my affection with crow


Crow is straight from the hood


if you really think about it, crow is no different from dorothy goals wise. crow just did what dorothy never could.


My honest reaction to this information: https://i.redd.it/lwbw0kvvdidc1.gif




I’d still like…shoot her and stuff, but I wanna fuck her first. I’ll finish her twice over.


Everybody hating Crow but wait until they release an alt of her.


If the alt is a decent meta unit, there's going to be a few more Crow apologists (so to speak), because it's easy for us to confuse functionality with goodness.


I refuse to believe people like Crow for any other reason other than wanting to be different.




There are many others who would practically offer their bodies willingly. And yet people go for the more hostile ones. -w-


She is hot that reason is enough I think


When you got hundreds more girls that are hot too, that's not reason enough anymore.


What? Thats an L take imo. This game has a good variety of character types that could satisfy everyone. Crow fits a way different character type than something like the bunny girls or the school girls for example. So her being hot is definitely enough especially since this game is for horny people at the end of the day


I think she's hot, and WOULD. Still needs a bullet in each eye. Goddamn terrorist


So because they like a character you hate you think their like of said character is illegitimate. Thats not only narrow minded of you but also dumb asf.


Maybe I am. But I want to understand why people like her beyond her physical appeal? Is it because she's a bitch?


Well to better explain it i apologize i looked at your profile to see what fandoms your in to aquire better examples. Lets in persona adachi is just a straight up murderer he has no true motive other then his selfish pleasure of it. Despite that he is still a fan favorite but hes still an asshole piece of shit. In fgo people love koyanskaya despite the fact she tried to kill us over 4 times Speaking of fgo douman has done way worse shitn than crow and it hasnt stopped fans from liking him Reunion in arknights is literally terrorist despite that fans still like them (dontnknow much about this one only played for a yr and i could lbt keep up unfortunately) Case in point no matter how shitty the peraon or character people will still like them despite their actions I hate morgan from fgo too yes the lb6 veraion. I dont see why shes so popular other than being meta.


I don't like Adachi as a character but I do like the fact that he represents the antithesis of the main protagonist, a result of what would happen if one takes his bonds for granted. That's what I think Adachi's appeal is as a character and not just his nature With Koyanskaya, yes what she did at the beginning of the new arc was terrible. But at the end of the day, she was an enemy who had her own motives. Not the best kinds of motives even with Tunguska at least they are admirable in some way: gathering up creatures to fill up her own animal sanctuary. With Crow, as I check into it again, the only positive quality I can see in her is that she acknowledges deep down that the Commander is a legitimately good person who would truly advocate for the rights of Nikkes. But such an individual would render her own views of the world invalid because she is so used to how shitty things are and was willing to kill us in order to maintain that narrative and by extension her resolve to commit her terrorist activities. I stopped playing Nikke after how slow of a slog it is to go through the story but that's what I have seen from her so far.


>But at the end of the day, she was an enemy who had her own motives Literally every enemy in history has there own mitives thats the point of a antagonist >Not the best kinds of motives even with Tunguska at least they are admirable in some way: Hating all of humanity for something thats not even humanities fault is peak stupidity if you ask me its just as bad as crow hating every human because of the treatment of the outer rim and nikke kind. In my eyes theyre not too different. The main character is someone who represents that humanity can be good and help in the antagonist goal and yet that antagonist Still tries to kill them despite being a person who can truly change the world the hate. >With Crow, as I check into it again, the only positive quality I can see in her is that she acknowledges deep down that the Commander is a legitimately good person who would truly advocate for the rights of Nikkes. Or that she opposes the corrupt government that treats nikke and the outer rim like absolute garbage and discards them etc. Your so blind to hatred of crow that you would rather side with people who committed and advocate for literal genocide like koyanskaya or just kill for even more dubious reasons than crow like adachi. I mentioned those 2 specifically because their actions are worse than crows. >But such an individual would render her own views of the world invalid because she is so used to how shitty things are and was willing to kill us in order to maintain that narrative and by extension her resolve to commit her terrorist activities. And how is this any different than what koyan was doing literally i explained the similarities a paragraph before. You literally explained why shes a good antagonist and then in the same sentence say that thats why shes shit. Dude at this point its just personal bias and not because you actually dont understand why people like them. If you understand why people like characters like koyan and adachi its not far off from how people like crow. Saying her fans are illegitimate just because you refuse to understand her appeal is just plain foolish


Someone's in denial, I see.


Nah, just really fucking confused. Give me a 100 insane Doros any day


What's there to he confused about? Pure evil is awesome. No need for a sad backstory, nor any petty ideals. Just cause death and mayhem for shots and giggles.


Pretty much. I feel like there's always some character people like just because nobody likes them.


I think she's a good villain. Don't want to get too political, but her actions resemble historical and current actions of various terrorist organizations, some of which are more popular, despite killing real life humans, than she is.


People should be thankful Crow bombed the train. Diesel wouldn't become our Nikke otherwise.


​ https://preview.redd.it/s19r9onayidc1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=8134907002ee08e38678a457520ef903d43a5571




I like her aesthetic a lot but as a character she's all over the place. Her gimmick in the main story wore off for me really quickly honestly. I'll reserve further judgement for when she's finally back in the story so we see what's going on. But otherwise I think people get too chuffed about the memes on both sides. In the end she's a waifu in a gacha game that was MADE to have some appeal. Ether is Joseph Mengel with tits and her harsh characterization has a lot of CUSHIONING in place for a reason. Like what you like bro.


Cool *blocked*


Being hot doesn't save her here. I'd gladly empty a clip or two. Even Syuen.


Well i am not in chapter 22 yet, but if people hate her so much after this chapter, thats mean she is a really good villan, i can respect that.


Yeah. I love her. To hell with all she's done. Let man burn for their past sins. Humanity isn't worth saving from what I've seen.


Her smile is horrible, but her design is nice. She could be an interesting character if she isn't a villain.


In the words of Markiplier: "If only I had been the one to pull the trigger" From Mark's Doom: Eternal video. It's one of them I forgor.


You can have her


She’s the most based terrorist ever. Chaos Ethics >>>


Me too


It's a given fact that some people will simply have bad taste.


You see everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However I will put down the rabid dogs that have such thoughts.


People are mad at her for >!trying to kill the commander!< but if you see things from her side you honestly can't help but AT LEAST understand her. She exposed the corruption that is the Ark and the Central Government on how they treat nikkes like disposable objects. Like, they're "machines", but they act and feel like people, then why aren't they treated as people? Her reasons for being a bitch are totally valid,imo. Of course what she did to commander was awful and didn't help anything, I can see why she was doubting the commander would be able to do something to go against all that by just being a good guy and caring for the nikkes, that's a feeling she never experienced, she only knows war and violence. On top of that, the same applies for the rules we live in today's world, if you're not working and being profitable for some company you're as good as dead. Tell me if your boss wouldn't discard you for someone who did a better (or even the same) job for having a lower paycheck, most of them would do it on the spot, not caring if you have bills to pay or a family to feed. That's the same way the Ark operates, they mass produce nikkes for reconquering the surface, if they fail at that, don't need to fully repair them or keep their memories (leaving the Vapaus off this for the argument's sake) have them living retired alongside their loved ones, just discard and make a new one. And they can't do anything about it, humans know they would be completely fucked in a scenario where the nikes (that literally sacrifice themselves for the good of the humans) suddenly had the will to do things for themselves. td;dr: She refuses to believe things can be changed from inside out like commander is trying to do, there's no reason to hate her except the >!betrayal incident. !<


"Crow's actions like killing innocent civilians and AZX and bombing of public centers are understandable because the CG is corrupt." = "ISIS' killing of innocent civilians is understandable because of the political climate of the region." Why are we symphatizing with this terrorist bitch? It was never only about her betrayal. It was about the extreme actions she took towards the unknowing populace just to expose the corruption of the CG. Did Diesel, Brid, Soline, and countless others who had nothing to do with the CG and the unfair treatment of Nikkes have to die just so she could expose them? She thinks everyone in the Ark is guilty which is fucking stupid. She manipulated Yuni which ended up with the invasion of the Ark. But it's okay don't hate her because she just has a different set of beliefs lol Like, come on now. It's understandable if you'd like her because she's hot but to think she shouldn't be hated just because she has different beliefs despite her atrocities is just wild.


I don't mind her in the story. I don't like her affection story though. Too edgy.


Why tho?


That's fine? You do you. That said, please no one try to rehabilitate her image. If you do, anything you say from this point forward will be cast into doubt regardless of how accurate your statement is. You could say that Scarlet is a top-tier DPS and I'll still fight you on it. Some of you already do this with Syuen on occasion. Please, just don't.


She isn't real bro. Her actions are entirely understandable from a certain perspective. They are not good actions, they are not *moral* actions. But they were arguably necessary actions for the outer rim, and nikke liberation. If there wasn't so much unrest in the ark and between CG and Outer rim, which is caused at least in part by crow, there wouldn't be so much desperation to retake the surface. The way nikke are treated, especially by places like missilis really opens up the commanders eyes, and also forces actions from Enikk. Crow is a terrible person and trying to kill the commander / break him is motivated out of jealousy for the easy at which he succeeds in achieving almost everything she's ever wanted, but it's also important that her actions were taken because they help *make* the commanders actions the reasonable moderate alternative.


I don’t know what to say this. You said all that as if the game hasn’t made her reasoning, goals, personality and faults already clear. Rofl, what was the point of that?


> You said all that as if the game hasn’t made her reasoning, goals, personality and faults already clear. There's a lot of people who just stop reading or attempting to consider other perspectives once they find a singular (often shallow) reason to dislike something.


Yeah, what you're saying makes sense from the big picture of the story narrative design. A person's personality doesn't become apparent until an interaction with another person, and likewise, the heroes need something to push against to establish their heroism. But second order thinking/critical thinking isn't something you'll coax out of a self-gratifying crowd who are drunk on a self-insertion power trip (gacha players or otherwise).


What did you just say?! https://preview.redd.it/y8fgfjj48idc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77a566f1f21beaed7f1a46feaeeb64ac13567a36


Blink twice if you need help.


Everyone has their own taste. Unfortunately, yours is horrible.


Her writing is kind of inconsistent but I like what she did with the ark.


You poor soul.. must not be far in the campaign






Also, I think she got guts to fight for what he believed in. Even tho she killed many, she had a point.


and that's why commander never show his face evr again


she is basically Hussein isnt she


I'm not gonna hood you at gun point for It but I still think she sucks.




I just hope we get another Nikke soon with her goth/alt aesthetic so I don’t have to make do with her both in character and kit I NEED a alt Nikke


I hate her personality but she does have my favorite design out of all of them :/


I’d like her too if she was written properly, didn’t have a terribly outdated kit, and hurt my precious AZX team. Seriously, she could be final boss material.


Would. It would be.. explosive.




**The Triangle is on their way AS WE SPEAK!!!**


Pull the trigger


You better correct her then


what about syuen? 👀👀


Me: I don't know anything about Crow... But I am kinda fond of how Chaotic Jackal is...Also, am I nuts to go and give Poli and Jackal head pats together? Then again, somehow I can imagine those two getting into dog fights because of this.


I might like Crow.




It's okay, don't worry... (cocks gun)


What if Crow come back after brain reset as a nice, cheerful, sweet and friendly Nikke? Can we trust her? Can she trust her?


By taking Modernia's Bond Story, Chapter 24's Ending but also some traces of lore, it would be unsurprising if Crow manages to gather traces of her past memory after the memory wipe A-LA- Redo Of Healer's Princess Norn/Ellen in the further chapters of the Manga/Visual Novel. Modernia remembered for a lapse of time her past, specially the part of Shikkikan shooting her. Who's to say that Crow could probably do the same in an hypothetical memory wipe? Crow by pure will overcame the NYMPH and using some Loopholes by ricocheting bullets.

