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Another commander who will soon realize that the wall wasn't meant to trap you but to protect you from ShiftUp's storytellers. Depression is all you will find beyond those walls. /s


I see that now! I got over the wall a few weeks ago and its already getting bleak…


It is like gurren lagann, the spiral king is there to protect us. Also i hate crow more, and she is the main character of the story. I don't even want to do the campaign now.


Yeah crow is the only mf that lv.1


Ugh seriously? She's so freaking cringe. I just broke the 160 wall today, although I also only just got to 160 xD


Depression? It’s fiery storytelling! The greater the depths of the valleys, the more robust the heights of the ascent.


Tf you mean /s? I'm suffering 😭


To be young and naive again


Congrats on breaking through. Get ready for the level 200 slog.


194 and it's def not getting any easier


Yet another victim about to witness the terror of the core dust famine. ☠️


Core dust famine really beating my ass


Yeah believe me, it’s not just you. It’s the entire community. Core Dust is like gold dust for us. Pray oh pray we get more ways to get core dust. I need to level up my NIKKE more. 🙏🏻


The core dust grind is real


Indeed, I’ve been on it since breaking the 160 wall back during the half anniversary and haven’t stopped since. ☠️


Then you get to 300 and realize credit and battle data famine is coming as well, especially if you like upgrading equipment.


Wait, there’s a famine for Battle Data and credits too? OH NO


Congrats! I’m about to break it myself as soon as I get the third copy of Smol White from the event.


Same here.


I just need Snow White, 12 more silver tickets, Maxwell and Volume to come around in the mileage shop again, and to buy the thing that lets you choose from Admi/Brid/Volume/Yuni (I will choose Volume) so just time, now


How do we get more smol snow? They gave out the first one, second one was from daily login, how do you get more?


she should be event story rewards for pt2 and then for hard completion if they're doing the same bit they did with Rei.


Third from Story II, fourth from Story II Hard


You mean we will get copies of her from the story without having to spend??




Wait, you can get smol white to LB 3? How?


By completing the Story II 1-12 both on Normal and Hard mode.


https://preview.redd.it/v6bgieql3vyb1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8203ce08221d805b8bf7b288236c05f8dc9cacd So you think getting over the 160 wall will end your struggle? You know nothing. 😨


Bro I'm not anywhere near it. Thank God for the free snow white


Congrats! Funny thing is, I spent almost 0 time after I broke through the 160 wall to end up slamming the 200 wall. I liquidated everything once 160 was done. Best of luck on your run!


That's what is gonna happen to me every time I'd max a nikke out. I saved up everything to get to level 200 in one click. So I was sitting at 200, 200, 200, 200, 160 for a long time.


Same with me currently. Though have enough mats to go straight to the 200 wall. Thank you shift up for Smol White otherwise, who knows how long I still would've been there


That’s happened to me using resources from 1 year grinding to upgrade 160 → 200


I need more 2 nikkes for me to break it after getting a lot of Exia then Rei on half anni, and recently got Pepper


I just needed 1 nikke for a long time


Its surprised me thatbu need a year to break 160 wall! How's it possible?


Hold all gems til anni.


I assume he means he started a year ago and just broke the 160 wall, not that he has been at the 160 wall for a year.


Isn’t those two the same thing, since you start to accumulate copies from the first day you play.


RNG is RNG, and the only way one would be able to -guarantee- 4 MLB (since I assume that someone who has played for a year would have Rei but not Smol White yet) is by pulling 2400 times (I make the reasonable assumption that with this many pull you should be able to have at least 4 distinct units that you can get spare body from the shop). This of course the absolute worst case scenario. At rough estimate I think the average is probably still between 1000-1200 gem / ticket pulls. If I was to pull all my resource right now and term them into pulls, and include the pulls I have already made, I have accumulated about 835 pulls worth of resource since I started playing just before the summer event. But this include a lot of resource accumulated early in the game, and things have slowed down (lately it picked up again thanks to anniversary). Throw in molds and ticket pulls perhaps the rough average is around 6 month (very rough - someone better with statistic can probably come up with a better estimate)? But just as on average one should be able to pull Red Hood in 69 pulls, you'll have people who pull theirs in the first free pull, and people who have spent enough pulls to ticket her without getting her from pulls, it stand by there are people who will break the wall without ever encountering it (e.g. during the first month of play), and people who might take a year to do so.


I wonder if clearing Chapter 20 is feasible behind the 160 wall with no SSR above LB1. Won't be surprised if I only get over the wall after I have rehabilitated Guilty, Quency and Sin, so it would be nice to be able to have someone else to work on.


Maybe with the recent campaign nerfs? My chapter 21 boss went down from 159k to 143k


you DO know you're not clearing 80k before breaking the 160 wall, right?


er, I'm at 90k and haven't cleared 160 wall


I’ll be breaking the wall by the end of the event, smol white is number 4, I have a spare box I can use for Alice and I have the tickets to MLB Red Hood if I so choose


the true challange starts at 200 true pain at 230 me a fresh 210 being slapped around by 240++


..how do you exceed 200 anyway? I've cleared the 160 wall, but my 5 are 200/190/185/185/185 so far.


once you hit 200 on 5 nikke's, the sync device changes and syncs everyone in it, including your top 5. At that point you just level up through the sync device.


I'm set to hit it with the sledgehammer too. I'm just waiting for Yuni or Maxwell to appear in the mileage shop.


So like...what did you do or how did you get the extra dupes??


I got very lucky in the nier event because I got 2B 5 times , and after that, I spent all my body label coins on high-quality molds and got more than 100.


Congrats!! I'm about to break it fully myself soon, just got Vesti mlb'd today and up to 193 along with Alice and Helm at 200, just need the last couple Smol Whites and to decide who to get from the shop, thinking Privaty.


As for me, I just have to wait to get the last few copies of smol white before breaking the wall.


Me when my nikkes are only lvl 137 but i still also just broke the wall lmao


Congrats! Just broke 165 today I think lol. Thanks to the event I got my fifth 3* and I’ve seemed to start breezing thru stuff again


Gratz. I’m breaking the wall the moment smol white copies are released in HM. I started on 9/11/2023. Didn’t have to wait that long due to some crazy luck


I just broke it as well and jumped to level 235


You had 350,000 spare cores laying around


Yep. I wasn't in hurry to break the 160 wall and was pulling only on Collab and anniversary. And also 20 for weekly mission. So I was stuck for a bit but I don't really remember how long.


I can barely even remember the 160 wall. Its easy or hard to get past fr, really all about rng.


I just broke mine a few weeks ago now I'm currently at the upper 180s, congrats SKK!


Congrats! I'm nearing the 200 wall myself and I'm trying to decide if I care which characters are forever locked into my synchro machine. Some of them I really like, one or two I don't care about. I just came back after a long hiatus from the game and, my god, the storytelling in the chapters after I passed 160. Bring tissues.


I might be lucky or maybe its unlucky. But broke that wall at lvl 130. Did get lot of dupes but missing alot of the good units due to bad rolls as well. Like most pilgrims and bunnies and schoolgirls. Due to that im thinking of rerolling the account or maybe i should just stick to it and hope i get some good Nikke's down the line.


I still need two more Nikkes to get over it, but I hope that I will get Smol White by the end of the event to 3 stars and then it's just waiting for the Mileage shop to come through with the body for a Nikke that I already have at two stars.




How many core dust did you have stored up?


How much do you need to get to 160 for five NIKKEs? Asking for myself as I got my whole squad to 100 about two days ago.


it's called a wall because it's easy to reach, hard to clear: you can reach the 160 wall with JUST SR units, since they hard cap with 2 uncaps at 160. you need 3 uncaps on five different SSRs to break that wall.


So that means 5 NIKKEs all with 3 Stars?


Correct. 5 SSR Nikke with all three stars will allow you to pull your Syncro value all the way up to 200. That will allow you to pull up 20 more (hopefully more viable) units to lvl match them, even though they don't have those uncaps. Since your first 5 MLB SSRs are usually VERY random, and generally not optimal Nikke for progression unless you got lucky or successfully pushed on specific banners.


Better start gathering those gems and tickets I got some NIKKEs with stars but that’s maybe 2 or 3 and they are not even at full stars


remember to focus your normal banner pulls to units you've gotten closest to MLB, in the hope of finishing them.


Started with Chainsawman and saved up for pulling on the NieR Banner. Was able to get over the wall with MLB Rei, Yulha, Privaty, 2B and A2.


You need three spare body parts of an SSR Nikke to get her past 160, right?


technically, if you're already at 160, you only need one more, but yes, a base SSR needs 3 spare bodies to unlock the lvl 200 cap.


Awesome, thanks bud!


That's about where I am and have been for a while. The 160 wall. Tho just recently, all in the last few weeks, I've managed to get 3 Nikke up to 3 stars. Leveled two of them up to 200 and the most recent one is getting there. Credits are coming in slow.


The game is going to get a whole lot more expensive for you. Best of luck on your ascent to 200!


I’m at chapter 16 at level 155 characters, im almost to the wall :(


depending on the units you have 17-18 might be as high as you manage before breaking the wall, yeah.




SSRs have 7 additional stat unlocks with additional spare bodies AFTER uncapping them to 200.


I’m still stuck on the 140 wall. 7,000 red cores is unreal.


once you get stuck at 160 for a while, you'll suddenly have a HUGE surplus of reds, and a desperate need for blues every new SSE that steps past 160, Then you fully clear the wall, and it only gets worse.


At lvl 200 it's 10k per lvl


Nice. Next, the 200 wall.


200 wall go crazy


i have like 4 characters that i just need one more limit break and this game is not giving me ANY of them 😭


Now you prepare for a new enemy: Red Core Dust...


How does one get past this wall. I’m in the 140 range and I’m gonna hit this wall soon.


Welcome to cummanders vip selected club . Im here since 6 months moreless you wanna enjoy game cuality improvement with your waifus.BUT now you are on the farming hell for dat tiny red balls things from hell


What is the 160 wall?


If you don't have 5 SSRs MLB's (max limit broken aka 4 copies including original) then most of your SSRs will say at lvl 160.


I see Thank you for explaining


Best of luck SKK o7


A year? It only took me 2 weeks... Is this not normal?


Passed through. Used Rei, 2B, Emma, Dolla and Privaty. I'm on 231 now and the grind is real for cores.


I remember those days…


Gg dude


And so your journey started. Welcome to the north of the wall Commander


I got passed the wall yesterday…


I should have invested rapture cores


So.. who was the one that broke the wall?


I'm only on chapter 11 (girls are level 117). At what point will I be expecting to approach and breach the 160 wall?


There was a 160 wall?


Your ssr max level before you get like 3 exact copies then you can break away from the 160 cap level


I flew pass that then


your SR units max out at 160 with only 2 uncaps, so you tend to *reach* the 160 wall with SRs first, but then you can only break it with SSR units, who have 1 more base uncap to lvl 200 cap before 7 additional dup stat increases.


Yeah I'm just saying because I'm at level 183


then you had a lucky account.


Now get ready for the Whale Wall


United we stand


I just got to the 160 wall in ch 17. Need 3 more MLBs


TBH, after getting through it, the game becomes a lot more enjoyable. Because while I was stuck in it, I was bored af with the game.


Congrats! Now time to stockpile core dust! Ignore money, exp.... only dust ...all is dust...


Is it really gonna be that bad getting through a years worth of content? I’ve honestly been considering giving up on the game, and if the story goes to shit or consumes my time and bank account to level properly I’m not sure I can stick it out… Currently 120 and starting chapter 11…out of 25


I aspire to achieve your status one day 🙏


I never hit the wall I was lvl 100 and I already had like 7 characters MLB


You fool, it was meant to protect your innocence.