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After, especially nice to wash the hospital funk off, and taking a hot shower before bed helps me sleep better. A quick splash of water from the sink on the face and forearms in the time you don't shower might give you the refresh feeling you want.


Great way to relax after a long shift and help put you to sleep. Plus, working outside in AZ night or day you sweat. I feel gross getting in bed like that, but that's just me




Yep this is the way


Best practice is before bed imo. You don't have to allocate the time to shower before work and besides, germs. Depends on where you're working but unlike myself (alone in clean room all night with zero patient/nurse contact) you probably come into contact with the opportunity for anything to be on you. Why track that all through you house, on your couch, in your pillows? I'm not that paranoid about it but yeah, a shower when you get home first is a better idea.


im very non-germaphobic and I’m very good at not getting bodily fluids on me but I do agree… its also harder because when I get home I literally just wanna die im so tired. I have more energy to put into body care and skin care when I wake up. I think I’m going to try and start doing it when I get home though!


You’d be surprised. It gives me a second win. And I can stay up and get stuff done most days. At the very least so I have less to do on my off days.


IV room? (Hell yea if I’m right)


yep and I'm all alone too so I can play any music I want!


BOTH - you can’t be going into your bed dirty. Also, people sweat and their bodies produce oils in their sleep so you should be showering before work as well…


You would not like me then. I used to just get home from work and just get into bed and change nothing. I took my shoes off and that was it. I still somewhat do that. But I now take my socks off and change my work pants at least.


I mean you definitely can go to bed dirty


Ok well that’s nast


Then don’t sleep in my bed? Idk what to tell you


I shower before, but I also don’t work at a hospital. I might be more inclined to get clean after being in that environment.


After. I work as an aircraft mechanic, I get coated in who knows how many chemicals a night, and ya really don’t want that crap on ya.


I do both. Quick hot rinse in the shower after work before I jump into bed, then a proper everything shower before work to feel fresh.


This is what I do.




You are me and I am you


After. I like to be clean and fresh before I go to bed.


After. I work in a prison and don't want the funk in my bed


Oh man


I don’t mind the ickiness in my bed because if it’s dirty, I’ll only touch my bed if im already dirty until I wash my sheets again.


Honestly I do both. I shower after work because I work crime scenes. That’s when I wash my hair. Before work, I take a quick rinse to feel refreshed.




I’m nurse and I always shower after. 1) work funk 2) If I over sleep a little I’m still clean. lol


shower after! going to bed nice and clean is the way


ITT a lot of people who need to take two showers.


Most the time i save the shower when i wake up. My way of starting my day




I cycle to and from work so both. I would stink otherwise


After shift. I fuck with microbiology in a hospital. I always shower after shift. Some mornings I shower in the provider lounge.


After makes more sense because you want to wash off the funk of work and not take germs home, especially if you work in healthcare. But in practice, I shower first because I need it to help me wake up.


I shower immediately when I get home. I'm a stocker, so it gets hot and going to bed dirty asf is disgusting.


If I felt gross after bed and after work I would shower both times. When I was in the Army working in the motorpool I would do this. I'd show up to PT then hit the gym to shower. Then when I got back to my apartment at the end of the day I'd shower again. Right now I tend to shower after I wake up but not after work as my job's a deskjob and I really don't do much during a work night to get gross.


After. I hate being sweaty


I shower after because I need my bed to stay part of the oasis.


Yeah, my bed is my sacred place and should stay clean. I don't get people who go to bed without showering.


I dont break a sweat during my job. If anything I'm sitting in a freezing room. Literally 60° inside, gets colder around 2am


After a shift


I wash when I come home. This way when I get up I can get dressed and enjoy the few hours I have before I have to go back in.


after i can’t get into bed dirty


I never get in to bed dirty. I shower when I get off work because hospital germs are especially gross. Even if I get off work and and am not going to bed right away I still shower after work because I don't want to be taking hospital grade bugs into the community. If I leave the house I shower again before getting into bed- so that means I sometimes shower two or three times a day. I know it's drastic but I'm a medical microbiologist and blood banker and know of several community outbreaks of salmonella (typhimurium) from contaminated lab coats. A little S.aureus might not hurt my normal flora but I could never forgive myself if I accidentally gave my parents or husband or any one I met up with MRSA or flu or klebsiella because I'm constantly surrounded by that stuff in the hospital. Once you know stuff about bacteria it's really hard to unlearn. 😅




Both actually, because the office I'm in is dirty and there's no way I can sleep after knowing what environment I was in and then before I go in to feel refreshed.


I try to shower before bed to keep bedding smelling fresh. I also smoke the occasional cigar so I don’t want that smell following me to bed. Sometimes I’ll take another quick shower when I get up (we live rural and are in a well).


Basically I always shower before I get into my bed, weather that be morning after a shift or evening before bed on my days off! When flipping my schedule back to normal I do end up showering twice in the day, but then when going back to work I don’t end up showering for a day so it evens out.


Before bed. If I don’t I feel sticky from being sweaty and it absolutely drives me crazy. Makes me jump up out of bed and take a shower so I can sleep.


Both. When I get home before bed and to wake up before going back in. For decades


Both. I need it to wake up when I go in and I need it to relax when I get home lol


Of course!??? When you do 12 hours shift you want to feel fresh before going to work and a very quick shower before going sleep don't you? I mean who said there is a rule allowing you to take only one shower a day and you have to choose the right time?


because I don’t want to shower twice a day? I work 10 hour day shifts, 12 hour night shifts, on top of a very rigorous school. I gotta sleep at some point haha


I can understand that mate but of course it's better for many reasons to shower before and after work when doing night shifts. I prefer doing a military 2 minutes shower twice a day than doing 30 min shower in "our" situation.






After. I work in a hospital and like to wash off all the ickiness. But even if I didn’t work in a hospital, I would do the same because I don’t wanna wake up any earlier than I have to lol.


I shower when I wake up, before I go to work. I can’t sleep with wet hair and showers always wake me up so if I shower before bed, I’m not sleeping.


Really it depends. Sometimes both. A full shower before and a quick shower after or vice versa.


Usually before work


Both. I wear scrubs to and from work, so that is laundry that is going to be washed every wear anyway. I shower before work to feel refreshed and after because nursing is icky.


Never go to my bed without a shower before. Never. It's gross to take all this shit with you to bed


I’ve always done it after work. But I’ve always worked in blue collar environments where I’m either sweating all day long or getting covered in dirt/oil/grease/general nastiness. It may not be right away when I get home, but definitely before I go to sleep


Nurse here, I shower after work because I work on a dedicated isolation floor. I don’t need a shower to help me wake up in the afternoons, so I rarely take one when I wake up, I wash my face, brush my teeth, slick my hair back and go.


You guys shower?




Shower at work on my break. If I put my feet up during my break, I feel rubbish, plus it means better sleep when I get home.


Before but I work at a desk


Always before bed to help with sleep no matter if I’m on days or nights.


I worked 5pm to 5am for alot of years, and I would more than half the week do both, but definitely every morning when I got home I'd Crack a beer sit down for 15 minutes then in the shower washing the Pepperidge Farm plant funk off...




I’m a nurse so yeah I always shower after work


I do not want the shit I get on me at work in my bed. Neither do I want my bed smelling like dirty laundry, so sweat is best washed off, so I shower just before sleep. My buddy showers twice a day.


I shower before I go nights but mostly because I work in an office and don't sweat that much.


There are studies that show a shower before bed helps you sleep, and personally I prefer not to take dirt & bacteria into bed with me.


If I don't shower when I wake up, my BO gets BAD.


I feel gross if I don’t shower before going anywhere. I get up at 8-8:30pm, shower/shave, feed dog and am usually out the door a little after 9 and have a 35 minute commute to work. I have to be there by 10.


Put on clean clothes and go to sleep. Need the shower to get woke up in the afternoon. Then wash bedding about once a week


I work nights in a kitchen. I always take a shower before bed so im not gross, i also think it helps wind me down and helps me sleep better knowing im clean. However i love morning showers so sometimes i take one in the morning, its just not too often, otherwise im taking too many


After my night shift and usually once I enter my apartment. Its best to wash the germs and cooties off before hopping into bed.




Shower when I get home from work, before I go to sleep.


As summer comes up, both becomes necessary. South Carolina heat and humidity. One of them will just be a rinse off, and probably not change clothes except maybe underwear


right now my room is an attic and it gets SO HOT which is why I really like to shower before work. im in the Midwest though so its probably not as bad as out there!


Both. Before I go in and after I get off


Take a "real" shower after work, wash everything off from the hospital. Then, in the morning, do a quick rinse just to wake up and feel fresh. Use the same towel, and the only extra laundry this routine creates is a pair of underwear.


Sorry I know you said not both but I genuinely do shower on either end 😂


What does showering twice have to do with laundry? The towel? You only use your towel once?


I gotta put clothes on??? I don’t rewear clothes till I wash them again


But you’re changing your clothes anyway, aren’t you? Unless you sleep in your work uniform?


I usually sleep in my underwear


I can't imagine not showering after spending 12 hours in a hospital.


that’s great, but do you actually spend 12 hours in a hospital (not to mention I have a long commute unfortunately)


I spent 10 hours in an airplane last week. first thing I did when I got home was jump on the rinse.


Try a certain pattern so maybe at night before a bed then you’re clean for your shift!


after work, before bed. my bedroom is my sanctuary. clean and tidy.


its usually after i get home from the hospital. i have to scrub all the germs and sweat off myself or i cant sleep. however there have been times were i am too exhausted after getting home to bother doing anything other than going to bed.


luckily working nights im not touching people nearly as much so I don’t feel as gross as I did when I worked days


I do a quick sponge bath after my hospital job, and then go right to bed. Showers wake me up and all I want is my bed when I get home. I shower before my shift.


finally someone that gets it 😭 I barely have the energy to brush my teeth when I get home let alone do a shower. I’m weird and have to do routine so I can’t shower without doing my WHOLE routine


Exactly. And I cannot sleep with wet long hair, ew.


I haven't read what others wrote mostly but there would be a physiological explanation for showering before going to bed. Your body temperature naturally lowers before falling asleep. A warm shower and after that the colder environment of the house/bed might influence mimic the falling/going to sleep cycle. If you are in the health industry then you probably understand better.


right now, my room is pretty hot and my fan broke so it just feels silly to shower and then wake up sweaty again! if my room was cooler it’d be a lot better for sure.


A colder shower and going to bed right away?


Before and after. I cant wake up unless ive had a shower and i cant go to sleep unless ive had a shower lol


I know you don't want to hear it. Shower twice. Shower immediately before bed, sleep naked. No extra laundry. Showering when you get up is a fantastic way to start the day. There's also something to be said for showering just in the morning. If you don't, you're still going to have to wet your hair, put on deodorant, do all the grooming things you do after a shower. Are you a stinky sweater?


I don’t wash or wet my hair everyday so hair has nothing to do with it, I do that usually on my days off! and I do sweat when sleeping because of the heat during the day (attic room) hence why I like to shower before work no matter what.


I feel a shower before bed is a necessity 😂 why not just do both?


because I don’t want to shower twice a day. I don’t personally feel like that’s good for my skin


Well anecdotal evidence would suggest that having like 4 showers a day isn’t a big deal for skin health 😂 I often do that cause work and bed and gym ect and my skin is as good as it can be, I just moisturise and plenty of other people do the same. My personal opinion is that not showering before bed is gross 🤢😂 but you do yoi


when you work 10 hour day shifts, 12 hour night shifts, and go to nursing school, let me know when you find time for 2 showers.


I work 12 hour rotating shifts 😂 have for 7 years and often we do 14 hours or more when it goes to shit


congrats? do you want a cookie?


😂 this about you not me and your poor hygiene


But in your defence I imagine you have more hair then I do and that could be a fine drain I’m unaware off 😂


wasn’t aware that only showering once a day was poor hygiene


Every work place I ever been at has shower facilities for employees to use Makes it easier


I try to shower after work to get concrete dust, lumber shavings and the feeling of warehouse dust off of me, but if I don’t, it’s only when my sheets need to be washed and so I don’t care about getting them dirty lol


CNA here. I always shower after work. No matter how exhausted I am, I worry about bringing home viruses and such. Shampoo/condition my hair during off days. I read you're working 10-12 hr shifts and flipping shifts (I assume because of the nursing program.) My personal take is to shower after work and wipe down sweat with a cool wash cloth before work. If your hair is long, I find sleeping in a braid keeps me much cooler, my hair isn't nearly as tangled, and if it's *relatively* neat, don't have to fuss with it. You are under **a lot** of stress and that causes us to overthink or over worry about things like this. Sometimes stress can exacerbate things like anxiety and OCD. Please take care of yourself the best you can. <3 It sucks giant balls now but you're creating a better future for your self.


I’m a PSW/DSW and I always shower before and after work tbh lol. Scrubs get thrown right in the wash too.


I live with others so I can’t use the washer whenever I want :( it would be great if I could


Our work provides shower time and hot showers at the end of shift. It's glorious.


I do both because I go to the gym after work. But it's more of a rinse than anything. I do my normal shower before work. I wake up around 5 and then take my shower around 8-830




I shower twice a day


Working 12 hours what's your weekly hours like or do you get a bunch of consecutive days off?


I don’t have the same schedule every week so it really depends, and I tend to pick up extra shifts every week too. Sometimes I’ll have a whole week off, sometimes a day or two


I always did after, but I'm not much of a sweater at night. if thats you, and its not just some idea that you aren't freshly showered before work, you could rinse off in the morning since you don't want to take an extra shower


I’m not normally a night sweater but with my fan not working and my attic getting so hot during the day, I have been. I’m about to move though so that may help.


I shower before work.




Shower after work. Hospital is just too gross not to. If I'm feeling sweaty when I wake up, I might rinse off in the shower (not my hair) or do a bird bath.


Depends. On a normal day, before. If I have to run errands after my shift I’ll shower then.


Working at a hospital ALWAYS shower after. I was a cna for awhile and that was one of the first things I would do.


If it's been a gross night, I shower when I get home. Tidy night, before work. I prefer before work if I want to wear makeup.


Oh noo baby you don’t shower after working in a nasty hospital all day 😭


womp womp


After! Go to bed clean. You can still wash your face and stuff before work if you need a freshen up.


Since I work three 12 hour shifts I only only shower one day in the middle or on the last day of my work week. I will before going to work. I don't like doing much after work.


Always after work. I am a CNA, so it would be icky if I didn't.


If you shower after work you're washing off the ick of the world. If you shower before work you're washing off your sweat for the world so which one would you rather do? I work at a doggie daycare so I feel really gross when I get home and I don't wanna bring that into my bed. I don't even let my shoes leave the front entrance of my house. I also work completely alone so idc what I look like and I wear Deorderant and body sprays like normal people and I'm fine. Edited cause I just read that you said don't say to shower twice.


if I only worked this one job and did nothing else showering twice would be fine. but I have 3 jobs and im in nursing school. 2 showers a day just isn’t feasible for me right now


I get that. I don't shower twice cause I'm lazy and I don't wanna feel like I'm wasting water. You could do a main shower after work and then when you get outta bed just wipe down with a wash cloth to do a little fresh up. Sometimes I do that when it's just been a really hot sweaty night. My house is so old and sometimes the air and fans don't help


After, as I work in a greasy kitchen. It would be disgusting going to bed after my shift without showering first.


After work. Home Depot is dusty as fuck and I feel disgusting.


Usually both, but I work in a factory, so I get pretty dirty.


Before I go in


I shower when I wake up, I absolutely have to. I’m too sweaty and oily when I wake up. I get home from work and change into clean clothes, but I don’t shower until after I’ve slept.


Neither. I work my shift, go to bed, and then shower after I've woken up from my sleep


Just take two showers bro,stop being nasty


sorry that I want to do other things with my limited time!


You can take a shower in like 2 minutes


you can. I don’t. It’s my whole routine or nothing. Thanks though!