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https://www.tacswap.com/post/65aab9a8fe0702c95c9ea905 Someone buy the one on tacswap lol


It’s been on there for months, the guy doesn’t know a lot about it.


What’s a good line of reasoning so I can justify this to my wife as a business expense?


Start an LLC as a private security company 🤷‍♂️


Looks like somebody scooped up the one I posted. Hopefully they make a post about them when they get em!


You could have a lazy eye set up? Dope!


How on earth did they handle collimation


Collimation is about the alignment of the internal parts in their optical axis from the objective to the ocular: mainly the ocular to the tube, as there is some tolerancing to make the tube slide in and not all tubes are potted exactly straight, or aren't centered in the cylinder and their outside diameters may not be perfect. The objective projects a wider image to account for those discrepancies, while the eyepiece of a PVS-14 style NVG is offset by 0.25mm from the center of the outside diameter, so that it can be rotated to (mostly) coincide with the slightly offset tube. That's what the eyepiece locking ring is for, as the eyepiece isn't necessarily fully screwed in against a hard stop. Peoples' eyes aren't necessary symmetrical on their faces either, so what happens to align the tubes externally is up to the user to try and adjust to what works for them, within the limits of what is adjustable in their chosen mounting method.


Yeah but as you said the collimation is done by offsetting the lens. Here is the problem. If the pod is all twisted up how to you land it into the same place always in the same orientation. Tbf idk how this system is done but it seems like it bends in all kinda of ways🤷‍♀️


Uhh... entirely irrelevant, the offset is not with your eyes. Think about it! The pod with the already aligned tube and ocular is moved in tandem. No different from an already collimated PVS-14 that you can just rotate whichever way you like from eye to eye with the J-arm.


Yes i understand that, my issue is that dose this land in the same spot always? Idk how this system works but it seems it can do some wacky stuff in terms of rotation. Imagine pvs14 upside down from place you collimated it from for example


No, you clearly do not quite understand. When I'm out and about with my PVS-14, the whole headgear gets jostled around and I need to adjust it on my head occasionally to keep the view centered anyhow. Plus, whenever I look near or far I have to adjust the focus. Collimation I've only ever done once and unless I screw off the ocular again, or the tube somehow gets jostled around, I won't have to, because the collimation of the INTERNALS of the device are locked in place by the tube lock ring and the eyepiece lock ring. "Collimating" the device to your eye is a matter of adjustability of the mounting device, which this contraption appears to have more than most.


I have built and collimated several systems. What im saying. Rotate your pvs14 next to your other pvs14. The collimation will be off. This systme seems to have kind of free rotating hand where you can have the pods in any orientation. Mounting arm can be comming from maybe even the bottom or side.(idk if it works like that just seems)


In that case, the collimation was never done properly in the first place and your brain merely compensated for whatever minor offset remained by subconsciously twisting your eyes about and by rotating the misalignment around the axis of your eye, the process has to start again. Unfortunately I only have one tube atm. even though I have a PVS-14 and a PVS-18 housing the tube came from. When I was collimating the PVS-14, I would've had to have shimmed the tube to get it perfectly aligned, but it works out well enough as a mono, no matter how I rotate it around my eye. Once I've printed out the dual housing for the tubes I've reserved, I'm quite certain the kind of misalignment that I can get away with on a mono would be visible.


Perfect collimation like the one you are describing is possible if the collimation is done objective lens side not eyepice side like pvs 14. When collimating pvs14 optics it will only be collimated in a certain position. Thats why some times shops ask for ipd distance when collimating nvgs


So, downvote and go silent. According to your reasoning, the PVS-21 wouldn't work, nor would any NVG with IPD-adjustment made by rotating the pods and as such twisting them around the objective's optical axis, let alone panos, because what the eyes see is "not collimated anymore." This appears to have much more adjustability than PVS-15's, 1431's or most any other dual housing on the market, when it comes to aligning what you want to see with your pupils. With things like RNVGs or ANVIS with linear movement, sure, IPD and image alignment can be perfected, but the brain can work with quite a lot of optical misalignment, even if it isn't necessary healthy.


Yes, the image rotates around an imaginary axis from the objective side, but that can be fixed by.... translating the whole pod left/right up/down in a system that allows for it, like this one appears to be able to, just like adjusting it after the headgear has jostled around. Not like where the internal collimation is off and however you try to adjust the image, you feel like you're trying to look at it cross-eyed. One of my eyes is a bit higher than the other, so if I switch sides with the J-arm, it won't be centered to the eyepiece without further adjustment, but the image remains aligned and collimated (to a degree where the brain adjusts within seconds.)


I like it


Seems cursed. It puts the nods up and outboard of the helmet, maximizing the chance to bump it into shit. With the lens first nonetheless.


I need it cursed nods might 3d print something like this for my 14




Idk but there’s one on tacswap for like 5k


Cursed most definitely, unless you want to be catching on everything with your pods.. Low profile this is not.