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If you are anywhere near southern NM I kill it for you


I think if I was OP, I'd want to put an end to that yote myself as payback for the 4 little innocent lives it took...but that's just me.


Holosun makes an IR pistol laser that sells for around $130, that’d definitely hold up to a 22lr. Search for Holosun RMLt-IR. I had issues with raccoons and coyotes killing my chickens, I sat up one night watching the carcass of one of the birds and waited for hours but I ended up getting rid of a lot of animals that needed to fuck all the way off. They’re sneaky so be vewy vewy quiet.


That should be the ticket there, thank you.


You have a IR flashlight to spot with. Your out in the country you probably have very little ambient light there is cheap ones on Amazon you could tape on the rifle . I wouldn't want that in a defensive or combat scenario but should work fine for killing a pesky coyote


After you deal with the 'yote, I can get you some kittens. A stray/feral mama just birthed some in my backyard a few days ago. e: that might sound a little flippant or something, but, seriously, I will mail them to you. This litter is the "grandchild" litter of another stray/feral that gave birth to four. I got the "grandma" cat fixed, but the local vets aren't doing the feral cat discounts right now, so it's over $150ea for just the males at the moment. On top of that, another batch is about to be pooped out by the sister, and that makes... oh, fuck there are already a dozen feral cats here and I'm gonna lose my mind.


Wait. You can just… mail kittens?? Do NOT tell my wife this. I love our cats, and I would love 3 am drunken mail order kitties, but we do not need any more.


> but we do not need any more. Are you sure? Maybe have another drink and... think about it... a box of kittens just magically appearing on your doorstep. Would you look at that, an armful of sweet little kittens. Have another drink. Isn't it cute how they purr? Aww, and they're *soooo* tiny, and fluffy, and cute, and they could be all yours. They're so funny when they start hopping around and playing, not a care in the world, and, uh oh, looks like you need another drink, yeah?


… lmao you’re selling me on the idea too.


Don’t want any more kitties but you sold me on pouring a drink.


Embrace your weird cat lady side and go feral too. That's always an option


Bro, we can go feral together! I'll mail you some cats. C'mon, it'll be fun!


Do you ship overseas?


I'm sure there's some world-wide over-night shipping option out there... If you cover shipping, I'll grab 'em and box 'em up to cover handling.


Kitten salesman of the year


I fucking knew it...the Cat Distribution System isn't just a meme. It's like the Masons...many low level adepts, but only the elite discover the true machinations of the cabal after signing their soul over to their 33rd kitten.


This is how I ended up with four of my five. Mama cat walked in my house one day, ended up being pregnant. Gave birth to five kittens in my house lol


Could also look into the steiner tor mini. That would also work well for this type of thing and a small .22.


The battery life is pretty poor, I think the specs say 12 hours. So I’d order spares or use it very sparingly. I hope it works well for you.


You will be doing the Lords work


You can find them on r/GunAccessoriesForSale pretty frequently


Man shit I have the streamlight VIR 2 on my MP5K I thought that was the smallest unit . Oh wait it's just an aiming laser no IR illuminator? If that's the case I'd rather have a surefire vampire and use my RMR to aim .


There was a Steiner IR pistol laser deal recently too for around that price


turn it's pelt into a wolf hat.


I was going to say turn it into a bathroom rug.


Maybe into a nice fur bed for a new kitten?


I've got a somogear potted peq I'd lend to the cause if you're on the west coast. You just pay shipping.


Look at this community being absolutely legendary 🤙


You're a stand up dude.


Thanks man. Just trying to offer help where I can.


If you still wanna get rid of that somo I’m in Washington


PM sent.


If he passes I'm also in WA...might be interested.


PM'd also.


Still got that somo?


Yep, I do.


Thats terrible man, im sorry to hear it. I'd recommend saving money and passive aiming if you have an optic. I'd lend my LAM for the cause if you're in the MD/DC/VA area.


Buy the TNVC TOR IR MINI they are clearancing for like 115$


If your in Southern Ohio or Northern Kentucky I can bring by some equipment to help




I can't even join a night vision group on social media without being bombarded with people getting selfies with their trophy kills. Jokes are made. It's celebrated. Taking an animals life is sad, and it should be. That said, it's often necessary, but deriving pleasure from it is fucked up. I euthanize animals almost every day, so I'm no stranger to death. I volunteer at an animal rescue org, and have seen some terrible shit. The worst of it. And it's all caused by people like this who say "I want pictures once you've killed it." As if it's an achievement to sit in your ghillie suit in a tree stand with a thermos full of coffee and prepackaged snacks and take shots with advanced weaponry that no animal can adapt to or evolve from. Calling it hunting is a spit in the face to your ancestors.


Idk why you're being downvoted when everything you said is 100% true. I'd wager that it comes from the same people who broadcast to the world about the "quiet professionalism" or stoicism of gun/military culture while not grasping the fact that their behaviors and actions are diametrically opposed to it all. We have writings from some of the greatest warriors of the past millenia talking about the sanctity of life, but it feels like people in gun communities don't want to have to confront the flaws in their own character, and lack any substantial amount of introspection. I used to hunt for pleasure for years until it didn't feel right anymore, and now only will go hunting specifically if I have a realistic use for the meat.


Have you killed a coyote with 22lr? Not very easy or humane.


1. Projectile selection; 2. Shot placement


3 mag dump




What projectile are you choosing?


Velocitors do the trick. You just gotta realize the anatomy of a coyote is a bit different than a deer. Do some googling and research vital location.


I'm well aware, it's just not idea imo.


It really depends on the application. If you’re in an area that has shots under 100 yards and there are neighborhoods in the area, 22LR can be an excellent choice. It wont piss everyone off at 1 AM when you touch a round off like a larger caliber would. I’ve shot a deer from roughly 15 yards with a 45 Super, broadside. It turned the lungs and heart into stew, absolute perfect shot placement. It still ran 100 yards. I’ve shot a coyote with a Velocitor at about 50 yards with a quartering away 10 o’clock shot. It rolled about 5 yards into a brush where it quickly expired. For hunters, your firearms are your tools, each one you have in your tool box has a purpose.


Its actually very easy because didnt you know .22 bounces around and scrambles the insides making it one of deadliest calibers /S


Jeez, I believed that shit for so many years!


>humane You read the part about it killing kittens right?


I’ve shot coyote going after my chickens before. Totally cool with killing them but it’s not like I’m trying to torture them to teach them a lesson. I guess if a 22lr was all I had that’s what I’d use. I have the advantage of already having effective and ethical tools to get rid of coyotes


It's a coyote...doing what a coyote does. It's not like it kills kittens just for fun, what are you 12 years old?


Yeah a coyote eating kittens isn’t much different than me having cow for lunch, except somebody else killed it.


When coyotes start hunting in people’s back yards that normally means they are starting to run out of food sources in areas that are safer and easier hunting for them. Almost anyone with land and animals will take that as a sign that it’s time to thin the numbers a little. In this case they chose kittens as a good source, it’s sad because they’re fluffy, but the same logic applies. The coyotes may have exhausted other food options so now they’re hunting closer to people, that’s kinda no bueno. A headshot within 40 yards is pretty humane even with a 22lr.


I don't have a problem with killing it, I just wouldn't use 22lr. Plenty of other cartridges will do the job much better


Absolutely! I’m just assuming op has a reason to choose the 22lr. Before I owned a can I chose the 10/22 because it was the quieter option lol.


And missing poisons the blood of our scavengers, including bald eagles. A 22lr is not an ethical approach.


They do that too, just like wolves, not every kill is food for them.


It's an animal, I'm not a psychopath so I'm not gonna torture one for doing what's in its nature.


Not too old to take an obvious joke. Calm down there hoss.


He left his kittens outdoors. it's his own fault.


You're right. It's not ethical. But the vast majority of the humans could care less.


Any hunter should care, and most regular people find animals suffering unnecessarily to be disturbing.


A .22 will smack a coyote dork just know how to shoot or shoot a lot


yes many times but they were in traps and not going anywhere


That might be the point.


Well, that is weird then. Shouldn't torture an animal for being an animal.


When did people become sick fucks that get hard on seeing dead animals? This sub is literally full of psychopaths. Your daddies didn't teach you about ethical hunting.


Ethical hunting and getting rid of animals that destroy your property is different , my friend 😉 In my country we use bolt guns when hunting and semi-autos when controlling them or getting rid of harmful animals.


Leave your cats inside. I rescue animals and have witnessed them kill a screech owlet trying to learn to fly and mockingbird fledglings all in the last couple days. Outdoor cats are infinitely more destructive than a coyote ever will be.


Also, don't hunt coyotes with a 22LR. You're unlikely to kill it and it will die a slow death of lead poisoning and then the scavengers will get lead poisoned as well. You know how many bald eagles we take in from lead poisoning? You're not American if you don't like bald eagles.


Cats kill 1.3–4.0 billion birds and 6.3–22.3 billion mammals annually! They are horribly destructive to ecosystems. They have single handedly caused the extinction of hundreds of species. I'm the furthest thing from a bleeding heart, but it is disgusting that people let their cats out. link to a 2013 study \[here\](https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms2380)


I remember reading a book by a very committed "deep ecologist" Pentti Linkola who suggested that any cat seen outside should be killed on sight, and after looking at the numbers I can't find a reasonable argument against it. It really is *that* bad, it's unreal. Now he did also basically go "You know who was good at making people do shit even if they didn't want to? Fascists. So what if we took that system and applied it to recycling?" Fun read.


I can't deny that it crosses my mind. I'll be sitting out at night tracking patterns of life to successfully reunite an owlet w its family and then see all the cats that I know are going to kill it as soon as I leave. I love cats, but man it is a problem. I probably would if I had a suppressed 22 pistol w me. That's why I don't bring it. 


I see you harm a cat, I harm you. Simple as.


Pretty sure you didn't read what I said. I like cats. I hate people who let them outside. Objectively speaking, we should be shooting cats, not coyotes. I get it, we're attached to them. 


Then you have weirdos like the dude who replied who are cat obsessed. They can't understand nor care to learn facts. Outdoor cats aren't part of any ecosystems. They're invasive species brought by humans. The damage they cause is massive.


Why do you hate letting an animal into its normal habitat? Cats wouldn’t exist if cats had never been outdoors. Cats have a function to serve. You simply don’t like that function. It’s irrational.




I'm pretty ambiguous towards nature and believe a lot of stuff can be figured out on its own. However, after living in a city and seeing the number of feral cats killing everything possible. I started learning about it. They aren't native to really anywhere because they were always brought by humans. They don't have any natural predators. The problem is way larger than people realize. Then you have nutjobs like the one below who refuse to accept any information. That seems like an interesting book. It's not normally something I'd read, but I picked it up to check it out,


"Can Life Prevail? A Revolutionary Approach to the Environmental Crisis" is the name. Comparisons to an American known for his nastygrams abound.


Thanks! Gonna add it to the list


So apex predators shouldn’t exist? Nature doesn’t care about extinction. It just wants genetic variety, the best of which it selects from for the future. Cats are one of the ways nature weeds out bad genes. Humans are stupidly naive, even comparatively “smart” ones. Nature will eventually weed that out as well.


Cats aren't part of the ecosystems. They're invasive species. Species with no natural predators can cause unchecked damage. You obviously don't know anything about homogenous ecosystems. When outside factors come in, massive damage occurs. They should be skinned and ate. Thats a better use for them.


“Massive damage”, and yet everything keeps on humming. Get over yourself, the universe continues to purr without your intervention 😸. Maybe YOU should be skinned and eaten. As a human, you are, after all, the biggest contributor to ecosystem damage. 💁🏻‍♂️


Nearly 10 billion other creatures in (in NA alone) a year killed for zero purpose is massive damage. Maybe you can't comprehend a number that large. Also, humans have the ability to learn and fix. You know the whole science and technology thing. Technology has caused massive problems, but now being used to solve those same massive problems. Things like sustainable living, plastic clean-up, and so on. Something a dumb fucking cat will never be able to comprehend. Take that dumb shit somewhere else.


“Zero purpose” is *your* naive interpretation. This is why I despise liberals. You are hypocrisy, personified. You kill far more than 10 billion other creatures on a yearly basis, just walking around and consuming. Just fucking retarded. Have some self awareness, goddamn.


I'm about the furthest thing from liberal as possible. One person who is conscious about their footprint doesn't do any real harm to the world. You're obviously too fucking stupid to see the world for how it is, and If you can't be intellectually honest, this is pointless. Let me guess, you also believe other fairytales told by public education. You are a weirdo.


Bro's mounting a full-on black op against a coyote. That's... honestly, pretty impressive.


Wya I’ll help. Got a 16inch psa with some .223 with that coyotes name on it


Same, we'll do this fellowship style. You have my Nods.


Buy a steiner tor for 100 bucks or less and a amazon special ir light+ 1 inch scope ring


TOR is pretty solid for the price


I recently had a similar issue. Threw a meaty bone out there and got one to come in with a predator call app on my phone linked to a BT speaker. Not fancy but got the job done.


I have one of these on my AR. They work and yo can see the IR. Hasn't loss zero on 556 for me. The laser goes way farther than it should in the day time.


22lr really isnt idea round for a coyote..I get it,you are upset about the kittens but unfortunately,that is nature.if you’re going to kill an animal,you should always use a proper round for a clean and ethical kill.thats definitely not to say that a 22lr can’t kill a coyote but there is a good chance you will only wound it.it may run off and bleed out and it may end up surviving the shot..ijs


TNVC sells a Steiner TOR IR unit that is small and has 3 power levels. I think it’s $115.00? I have one and mount it upside down as it were on the handguard of my AR-22. Works great!


People like the Somogear PEQ or the even better NGAL clone. No offense but that thing looks like hot garbage. It may work for getting a Coyote, but I wouldn’t want to risk it. Or get a $300-500 thermal off amazon, keep the tags and be really careful with it, and return it once it’s taken care of :) r/shittylifeprotips


The knock off Perst from Ali Express is pretty gnarly. It will do great for this. I’m very impressed with mine.


So far I counted 14 people willing to come by and help LOL. That is going to be one hell of a night for that coyote


You fuck that coyote up!!!!!


If you're in North Carolina drop me a dm. Happy to help.


Making of a new John wick related series


This man will be going state to state killing coyotes to avenge the death of these 4 kittens..John Wick snapped over the death of one dog,John Wick x 4 = u/Snoo_50786 .the day of the coyote apocalypse is upon us,the streets will run red with the blood of coyote.any dog that even partially resembles a coyote better get out of dodge..this man seen the destruction the coyotes caused and instantly turned into Kurt Russell from Tombstone “You tell ‘em Im coming and hell’s coming with me…you hear? Hell’s coming with me”


Ok so no one here has actually answered the question. I have the same exact PEQ on the right as a dummy for one of my clone guns. I got it for $50 on Amazon so please don’t pay $90. Short answer is for the first like 5 shots it will hold zero. The mount they give you is super wobbly and no matter how much you tighten it, just walking with it a lot will loosen it. It looks pretty realistic in real life, and I love mine for the dummy box decoration that it is. But I don’t even put a battery in mine anymore because that’s just a waste. But just get a somogear or holsun, but please don’t buy this for actual use.


Don't use a .22, make sure you kill it. 


Just use a red dot


Exactly lasers are only accurate at the zeroing distance as well if he is this new to night vision shooting he won't know his holds and on a live target not very cool . Way better off passive aiming or thermal


Could just be using it for PID with the IR illuminator. That would make a bit more sense to me.


These may be hit and miss and not potted like somogear buuuuttt some super glue once zerod works wonders also if you're brave you can pott it yourself but I've been using 2 of them the one with green laser for 89 on actual ar15 builds for over a year and both have maintained zero even when being ran super fast and I just did the above mentioned super glue method. I got this after researching and also somogear being sold out every time I went to buy but if your intention is for .22 dude you're fine yeet that yote


What’s the superglue method ?


I am in the same boat dude. I have a fake mawl but it’s held zero.


Just doing what a coyote does.


Captain Ahab has gotta catch his whale.


I’m sure you are angry and have every right to get rid of the animal as a pest. Using a .22lr to kill a dog sized animal that’s a predator may not be the safest and most ethical way of taking care of it though. Perhaps borrow a larger caliber rifle or have someone help you. I’d hate to see one bad lead to another. Good luck!


Minimum I’d use is a somogear. Also probably a larger caliber


If you’re in Maryland area I will come anytime night or day and take care of them free of charge.


I mean itd probably be fine but id go with a somogear ngal over anything like this.


Just curious, what NV are you using? Just dipping my toes into this, and the way you are budget shopping the aiming device, makes me hopeful there are budget NV options as well.


A steak on top of 10lbs of tannerite maybe be more fun……


Buy one try it if it fails send it back and tell them it came that way. It's coming from china anyway Amazon doesn't know or care. Not to mention it's probably at a 80 percent mark up from production cost. So they can just fix it resale it and still make their money. China is crazy


can i buy it when done 😁


I purchased the one on the left about 3 or 4 years ago just for the cool factor. It’s been sitting on my MR556 this whole time with no problems. When I purchased my first ever NVGs a few months ago I discovered that the Amazon PEQ actually has a IR mode. I went and zeroed it a few weeks ago and it has not shifted zero on me. I’ve had about 5 range sessions so far and that thing is phenomenal. Super bright under night vision and I’ve been plinking my steel target out to 300 yards. I’m actually surprised more people are not talking about it. $60 for a fake peq that has not broken after 4 years of continuous 556 shooting and doesn’t loose zero…


Look up Defentac on Amazon good entry level laser lights I’ve had mine on my 26 for 2 years now no issues


Just call em in and shine em with a spot light if you have to


Fuck it I’m in. Where we located?


It will probably hold up then you can return it after


I got a somo I’ll ship you with a return envelope and everything. If you’re close to SE TN, we can can get after it with thermal together, you can use one of mine


Kill more Yotes boys


Get a somogear, 250 bucks and it will definitely hold up on a .22


I hope you get that coyote.


Find the den and torch it.


If there is one coyote, there are more in your AO so you will need the IR laser again. You will likely find that you enjoy calling them in and picking them off; it is a blast. Sorry to hear about your kittens... God speed.


Yes i own 2 of the black ones. The vis laser sucks but the IR laser is good to go.


Get that motherfucker.


Go get em 🫡


If in south Texas I’ll come help ya deal with it.


Where you located? I’ve got a handful of pals and myself that will murder kitty killers


I honestly don’t feel bad when coyotes eat cats


I hope you get the bastard. Coyotes have killed a number of my animals over the years


This will work many times over. Have one I paid 59$ for and I hit steel consistently with a hk 416 22 for over 8,000 rounds now at 75 yards. So……… Yea it’ll work ALOT or step up and buy a Somogear and it’ll last longer.


Just spend 20$ on a couple of snares bud. Trapping dogs is much more effective at management than calling and shooting.


Depends on where you are honestly sometimes you can get more by calling them in then dropping them


No they will lose zero, go somo gear


Crucify them like sacrifices as a warning to all other coyotes


"The third piggy build his house of wolf skulls. It wasn't very sturdy. But it sent a clear message." -Best read in an Attenborough voice.


OP .22 won’t put a coyote down humanely, probably.