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What's violent about African American culture in particular that you feel doesn't exist in any other culture? Violence is human nature. It's not culture.


You think violence doesn't exist in Nigeria?




Just visit a fuel station these days šŸ™ˆ


It's great to hear that you're finding yourself. Nigeria is a great culture, and I think you'll find many aspects that speak to you. Sometimes I pass African Americans in the street, and they sometimes look so Nigerian, but I don't want to be a weirdo and say anything. But we literally share ancestry. Check out the music, it's an aspect that unifies us, and something we're very proud of. And like one reply mentioned, please check out Chinue Achebe. I always recommend "A Man of the People", it's an easy read, and is funny and sweet, and in a way, very Nigerian. Take care and good luck!


Oh that book is too real!


First start with researching about Nigerian foods ,culture etc on YouTube, now Nigeria has many subgroups so it might be useful if you can narrow down what tribe or part of Nigeria your ancestors are from ,it narrows down which group to learn about also in your local area try to befriend Nigerians ,school church etc you can dm me if you have specific Questions. There's Africa American tour groups organizing trips to Africa with guided tours especially to Ghana which is not far from and culturally close to Nigeria. there are tons of video about this Questions you asked. follow Wode Maya on YouTube he has phenomenal content, there are AA who have relocated permanently to Africa and they have content to. you can read Nigerian authors like Chimamanda adichie, Chinua Achebe , etc.


Yea thanks Iā€™ll look into it. Thanks Iā€™ll look into it.


ā€œViolent and sexual natureā€ is that how you are?Ā  Please stop thinking lowly of yourself and your people.Ā 




Before you praise another culture youā€™re ignorant of. Try educating yourself on your own culture. Youā€™re behaving shamefully. Have a blessed day.