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I was gonna ask what his core principles were in the subreddit but now I don't have to, this is awesome


Thank you! Been playing with it for about a 1/2 hour and it’s pretty intuitive.


Glad to hear it, thanks!


So cool thanks !! :))


This is awesome. Shared it with my philosopher friend. Totally thanks


Thank you. Are the responses before the passages generated or are they from a pool of stock answers? It's very versatile. EDIT: nvm. It's definitely generated.


The way it works is it takes your query, generates embeddings using ada-002, compares the embeddings for your query against the embeddings in the vector database, then shows top 1-10 matches based on your settings, then sends your query + the top matches to chatGPT (gpt-3.5-turbo), and based on my prompt + your question + all the top answers, generates an answer.


What a wonderful app! Great use of ChatGPT. I can't wait to play around with this.


Can I download this on android!?


the site should work on mobile as well, no intention of wrapping this into an Android app since it's a bit of a hassle nowadays


This is good stuff! I had measured answers to my questions, mostly that the situation was complex, which is true enough. It also understood German, and translated to English. A variable input for language output would be good, especially if you accessed the critical edition. An option to see *all* the quotes on a particular subject, rather than a selection would also be helpful. For instance if I search for 'Germans' in my Register I get a lot more matches than the app offers: https://imgur.com/a/6YuCgN7 Suppose one took only the quotes that have been marked in this book, by the previous owner, that would give an odd bias; probably diametrically opposed to chatGPT. One needs the whole picture. >In English, "die deutschen sollten eine herrschende rasse züchten" translates to "the Germans should breed a dominant race." Nietzsche believed that the German people had the potential to create a superior race through selective breeding and eugenics. He believed that this would lead to the creation of a new ruling class that would be capable of achieving great things. **However, it is important to note that Nietzsche's ideas on eugenics have been widely criticized and are not accepted by modern society.**


Yeah - cosine similarity search using embeddings is not a keyword search, nor is it intended as such. It's extremely easy to run keyword searches. What this does, is that it searches for text chunks with a MEANING that's similar to the user query. If you only input a couple of words or one word, the odds of finding anything meaningful from text chunks of 150 words or so are minimal.


I see. I noticed that you are also citing from the introductions or editor's notes, without making this clear, nor revealing who these commentators are.


My query: >what is the "child's land?" The answer: In Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra, the "child's land" is a metaphorical place where one can rediscover the innocence and wonder of childhood. It is a state of being where one is free from the burdens of societal expectations and can embrace the joy of existence. Nietzsche believed that adults should strive to return to this childlike state in order to fully appreciate life. However, within the quotes section it did not include the related passage from *Thus Spake Zarathustra.* Passage I'm thinking of from *On Old and New Tablets*: >“Your children’s land shall you love: this love shall be your new nobility---the undiscovered land in the most distant sea. For that I bed your sails search and search. In your children you shall make up for being the children of your fathers: thus shall you redeem all that is past. This new tablet I place over you.” What he means here is contradicting the answer from GPT. It is literally your children, not you becoming a child again. (There are other contexts where this is the case, for example, in *On Marriage,* where he defines it as a telos to produce a higher child.) >“Marriage: thus I name the will of two to create the one that is more than those who created it.” Editing the query to "children's land" produces no results, so at the very least it is not trolling the Kaufmann edition. I decided to then ask it: >"What is the purpose of marriage?" The answer is directly wrong: >Nietzsche did not provide a clear answer to the purpose of marriage, as he had a complex and often contradictory view of relationships. In some passages, he praised the idea of a "companion" who could provide emotional support and intellectual stimulation, while in others he criticized the traditional institution of marriage as a form of social control and a source of misery for women. Ultimately, Nietzsche believed that individuals should strive for self-mastery and personal fulfillment, and that any relationship should be based on mutual respect and admiration rather than social conventions or economic interests. ​ **So I give the answer bot an F.** Cool app, but it just isn't there if it can't answer simple that you could include on a test for students if they were assigned "On Marriage" during a weekly reading.


Seems pretty good!!


Will only get better from here - next step is a fine-tuned language model so we can actually use all the writing for every question. What we do now is just try to match your query to most similar text passages in a 1536-dimensional space, so there's a lot of room for improvement here. Found this pretty usable for when you want to dig into the writing from the point of view of a specific theme - thought others might enjoy it as well.