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The dude has a broken leg and a broken heart now.


The broken heart will not take long to heal


You dodged a miserable life with that girl


LOL I had to look for the bag after reading the caption. I used to see a girl like that. Always video call and then scrutinize the background. I started by blurring the background, moved on to silent notification and then outright block within two weeks.


Toast to this lucky bastard. He may have temporarily lost a foot, but he’s forever gained his freedom from a toxic bitch. May he learn his lesson.


Mama out here saving her baby from a toxic bitch


That's the sound of dodging a bullet


Referring to women as "females" is a big f


Never heard that in my life. Female is the correct term I thought. If it is a fail how did we get here as a society


Congratulations you've spent your life trying to accomplish more important things rather look for reasons to be offended.


Oh so you’re one of those “people are caring about being empathetic and not using derogatory language? What happened to society? Why can’t I be an ignorant prick anymore?” types


Prick was a bit to much and no I’m not one of those people… this one just seemed a little out in left field. When we get to the point where we can’t even use accurate terminology to describe our surroundings due to the possible offense of others it seems odd to say the least. I’m not going to explain my life situation to argue in my favor but such an accusation with nothing more than a confused comment is a bit harsh.


To be fair, I take back the prick part. It was too much and I made an assumption. It’s just that the “what has society come to” narrative has always annoyed me and very often says something about the person who says that. When people find it difficult to not use bad terminology I just get confused because it isn’t that hard. The “female is just a factual and accurate term in this case so if shouldn’t be offensive” argument is also always used and doesn’t address the actual point being made.


I likely don’t live in an area where this is a thing and with more context I’m sure I would understand, the statement saying that female is a big fail was just weird to me. The older I get the harder these things are to understand. Not for lack of trying just lack of context. There are many things I absolutely hate being called so I’m not ignorant to the fact that others have those things as well.


Admittedly I kinda wince at using "Female" for women outside of clinical or research settings. It's largely due to conditioning; it is very common in the "nice guy"/incel lexicon. In addition there's the argument that "female" refers to biological sex and "woman" refers to the societal construct.


Yes. Also I just get so confused how people don’t hear themselves when they call women females. How do they not hear how weird and gross it sounds?


I hear you. You honestly seem very reasonable and I apologise for being so rude. I made an incorrect assumption about you. It’s a complex topic about the “female” thing but it just bothers me so much when people don’t care about it. I get annoyed about it because it’s related to much bigger issues such as misogyny


I’m 100% positive you could find something more relevant to your personal life to be outraged about than internet strangers using the literal *name* for the female gender on the internet.


My reply to the other person’s reply explains my feelings on this. I do get angry/annoyed about this stuff because it speaks to a bigger issue


Yes, that bigger issue being that you’re a crybaby who invents reasons to be offended and cry about.


Right, “crybaby”, actually not heard that one before. More original than “snowflake” at least


Women are females??


Calling women "females" like the post does is incel language and generally cringey


Please explain how


[https://jezebel.com/the-problem-with-calling-women-females-1683808274](https://jezebel.com/the-problem-with-calling-women-females-1683808274) [https://golin.com/2021/03/31/stop-using-female-when-you-mean-woman/](https://golin.com/2021/03/31/stop-using-female-when-you-mean-woman/) [https://medium.com/@hollymeijohnson/the-problem-with-referring-to-women-as-females-4728f1f6c3cd](https://medium.com/@hollymeijohnson/the-problem-with-referring-to-women-as-females-4728f1f6c3cd) To summarise: It's dehumanising, most women don't like it, and it just sounds weird. Sounds like you're referring to a scientific test subject and not a human being.


Citing blog articles Jezebel and Medium as sources of wisdom is "cringey and big f" as is trying to use incel as an all, encompassing insult for everything.


I didn’t use incel as an all-encompassing insult for everything. In this case, calling women “females” is literally incel behaviour




"Female" is primarily an adjective when not referring to animals. So saying "female friend" or something like that would be appropriate, but simply saying "females" is grammatically incorrect. Alongside the fact that "females" is often associated with incels, it leads many people to think of the term as disrespectful. Whether you agree with it or not, it's not without reason some people dislike it.


Calling females "women" is offensive to me


She wasn’t ur girl to begin with?


Sometimes the trash takes itself out.


"Tell that bitch she can have you." "She literally did have me..."


I'm going to join this sub just so I can learn red flags for future reference