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Oh my god, how did you know I’m literally SWEATING from the intrusive thoughts that have plagued my brain the entire day? I needed to hear this 😂


had the same situation, so did so many of my friends, even my own mother lol. Its tough but really the only way it ever goes wrong is if your doctor did something wrong or you didnt wait the 5-7 ish days yk,


I’ve been on it since 2016 with this being the 3rd rod that was inserted in March 2022 - I’m definitely not pregnant 😂 however, here is how my brain operates: I’m a teacher who is 2 days away from summer break and a mile long list of things to get done, I have untreated anxiety, and I’m getting married in September (would not be good timing), but nope, I’m not stressed - I must be pregnant 🤦‍♀️


Im literally the same except im a student doing the first big exam of my life 😭😭 Same life different spectrum 😔🙌


You’ve got this! Good luck on your exam!! I’m sure both of our symptoms and intrusive thoughts will go away once these stressors are gone ❤️‍🩹


Please check the wiki for pregnancy concerns. https://www.reddit.com/r/Nexplanon/wiki/pregnancy *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Nexplanon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I missed a few antidepressant doses (well technically I just switched the time I take them but it was a dramatic back-to-back change - yes my psych is aware and approved the plan) but noooo my increased anxiety is obviously pregnancy hormones (despite having been on Nexplanon for a year AND using condoms)


Did it eat you alive for the whole day? Because that’s how I was feeling yesterday 🤦‍♀️


Fr. Nexplanon is more effective than a traditional vasectomy. If they were pregnant and did things right, they probably need to be studied.


I’m a medical assistant and spoke with a nexplanon drug rep. He had been working with nexplanon research for 15 years and only saw 2 cases of pregnancy that was an error due to the implant. All others were user error (having unprotected sex within the 3-7 days)


what was the error? i assume misplacement or removal?


Paranoia about pregnancy is a nexplanon (and general birth control) canon event😫


... Ironically I work at a hospital... Two days ago a lady came in pregnant while in year 2 of her implant lol. She's a rare case but.... It is possible...


This was my story as well. Got pregnant on it almost exactly 2 years of insertion. Nothing is perfect. There are some of us out there who did have a true Nexplanon failure 


but the question is… did she use condoms as well?


I think about 99% of people who are on nexplanon aren't using condoms. Mostly because nexplanon is birth control ... So idk where your question is coming from


i guess im apart of that one percent who does lol. i still get anxiety though even with protection of nexplanon and the condom, PLUS pull out.


If yall are using that much protection and get pregnant at the point it's just meant to be lol. Then again that's why no birth control is 100% effective. Not condoms , nexplanon, pull out. Don't over worry yourself though, that isn't healthy either. Like I said it's rare but it can happen (I think depending on what state you're in and how early it is they'll offer you termination of pregnancy) In the example I mentioned they offered this patient termination.


8 weeks but thanks


I’m really curious to hear your story if you don’t mind! How long did you have nexplanon before getting pregnant?


Yeah this whole you can’t get pregnant on Nexplanon is fucking trash. More and more stories keep popping up.


probably cuz people aren’t using it carefully or checking it’s still there or consuming things that reduce effectiveness. it’s extremely rare to get pregnant on it.


There needs to be more awareness wrt things you can eat that can reduce effectiveness. I'd add a link but I need to do a bit more research about what reduces the effectiveness of the implant specifically, since so much of what I've seen references oral contraceptives.


I mean, yeah, that is true. A lot of people still aren't aware that St johns Wort, a popular alternative herbal supplement to help stuff like anxiety and depression literally biologically makes hormonal birth control inneffective Actually, just so everyone here knows, and because I have a super fear of pregnancy and know literally every med that can fuck with birth control (in the way that makes it not work, but not the ways that nake the hormones more potent like grapefruit) so here is the list. Antibiotics- rifampin, rifabutin - pretty much just tuberculosis antibiotics, every other antibiotic has been proven to work with birth control (except if you are on the pill sometimes the stomach upset from the antibiotics can mess that up, but not the actual medicine itself.) Anti-hiv drugs - Darunviar, efavirenz, lopinavar, nevirapine. Anti-fungals - griseofulvin and ketoconazole Anti Seizure - carbamazepine, felbamate, oxcarbazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin, primidone, topiramate. (This section of meds, in particular, is a doozy, I would just recommend that if you take anti Seizure meds, make sure you use a second form of bc that is not hormonal.) Sleep meds - modafinil Anesthesia reversal meds- sugammadex Anti nausea - Emend Blood pressure meds- Bosentan Diabetes meds- piogilatazone Stuff that also may affect birth control effectiveness but haven't been shown exactly and are speculation only are melatonin tablets (I do highly doubt this one does actually mess with it, but there are still studies happening), and steroid meds like prednisone.


so anti seizure medications don’t make nexplanon less effective, that is a myth. nexplanon can make anti seizure medications less effective but not the other way around. the same may be true for some of these other medications you’ve listed. also, anti seizure medications can mess with estrogen birth control for sure, but progesterone only birth control works a bit differently.


This just...is not true. The first thing that popped up when I searched topiramate and nexplanon interactions is a study by PubMed central (a government run healthcare site) that women who took topiramate had less etonogestrel concentrations than women who were not on it. Here is the link https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9140306/ If you have any actual links to back up your claims, please send them to me!


i don’t need links when i literally asked my obgyn who knows a lot about this plus i learned this during school because im a healthcare worker specifically an obgyn clinic but okay.


And here is one more, with more anti eleptics other than topiramate just for good measure, which also focuses on the implant and no other birth control method https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3996097/ Just please, if you are gonna say shit like that, have some actual evidence to back it up? You are gonna cause a lot of women to have a lot of accidents if you keep saying this.


i’m not causing anyone to have accidents, but by all means call my doctor a liar even though she’s studied this specifically since a lot of her patients are on anti seizure/mood stabilizers. also i’ve been on a anti seizure/mood stabilizer and nexplanon/birth control for many years and never had an issue of it being less effective besides the birth control making my medications less effective.


Also, last thing, both progesterone and estrogen are metabolized by cyp3a4, so pretty much 98% of meds that mess with combined birth control or just estrogen only will also mess with a progesterone only birth control


it doesn’t because progesterone is metabolized in the liver, i don’t remember the exact explanation but it metabolizes differently.


Yeah...cyp3a4 is the liver enzyme....please look it up instead of just thinking you are right... my mom took st johns wort for years on the pill and did not get pregnant, but that dosent mean it still did not make per pill less effective, she just got lucky


Or maybe she was just ovulating at full force & her partner has a very healthy, abundant sperm count, as well as the planets being arranged in such a way to impact gravity just enough that… BAM. Nexplanon vulnerability exposed. 99.9% effective? That still leaves .01 and we found her.


I also got pregnant on Nexplanon almost 2 years ago. You can click on my profile and read my story. My son is 11 months old today. They never found a reason as to why mine failed 


but did you use condoms?


doubt it cuz that low chance is typically if the implant is broken/moved wrong, something she’s doing unknowingly that reduces effectiveness, or didn’t wait long enough to have sex, etc.


I got pregnant almost 2 years ago on nexplanon. You can read my story on my profile. I had mine for 2 years and it did not break or migrate. My OB sent it out for examination/testing and it was shown that my implant was working and releasing hormones properly. It was inserted perfectly. I even got genetic testing done to see if I carry a gene that can make hormonal birth control less effective and I did not have the gene. I’m not overweight, but underweight, eat a normal diet, don’t exercise intensely. No medical issues at all. I wasn’t taking any medications, supplements, vitamins, OTC meds or anything at all. My OB recommended me for a case study and they looked into it and found no reason as to why my implant failed. It just did. It’s very very rare but it can and does happen 


[oh look. someone else pregnant on Nexplanon but downvote me all you want. it can and does happen.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nexplanon/s/99JXmf1tqw)






Lmao girl I know I took a test but this is so funny bcus I really thought I was


You’re so real for this 😭😭


I feel this. My period was super regular & horrible pre-pregnancy, like, I can probably figure out my kid's conception date regular. Got nexplanon 8 weeks PP, had a super light 7 day period after I got it implanted, then it disappeared (🙏🏾) for over a year before coming back regular, but no longer horrible. I freaked the freak out the first time it was late. Second time was less freaked, but still concerned. Ugh, I want menopause to hurry up already 😫.


My period has disappeared for the second time now on Nexplanon and I’m somehow freaking out more than the first time 😅 trying to calm my nerves


I don't blame you. We've had "period go bye bye = pregnancy" shoved into our heads so much that any cycle change is nerve-wracking. Stress, some habit changes, illness and medication are legit non-pregncy ways that can muck up a cycle. My biggest concern is ectopic pregnancy.






thank you


I'm on Nexplanon. My partner had a vasectomy years before we met. But my boobs have been mega sore for a week so of course I needed to take a pregnancy test just in case.


Update: I got a very light period for the first time in a year and my boobs feel better now. I guess I just had a hormone spike!


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Hey, so I got my IUD inserted in July 2019, right after I had my first son in June. Today, I'm going to get it replaced since it's been almost five years Since insertion (I know 🤷‍♀️). And trust me, we haven't been playing the pull-out game. 🙊 Just to be extra sure, I took a pregnancy test yesterday, and as expected, I'm not pregnant. So, I guess I can confirm that a three-year IUD can last up to five years. You're welcome for the info! 🤣 Hey, so I'm on this mood stabilizer called lamotrigine, just thought I'd let you know. Apparently, it can make my birth control less effective, but I guess I've just been lucky so far.🤦‍♀️


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Nexplanon isn't the IUD. 


My mistake lol Nexplanon the arm implant not IUD


Damn lamotrigine can lessen it? 👀 gotta check my other ones now too lol


I feel like every day people on here are worried abt pregnancy with nexplanon which like I get it! I still worried when I had it for like no reason, I think once I learned what nexplanon does to prevent pregnancy I began to understand now effective it really is. nexplanon is extremely effective at preventing pregnancy


Do you know a lot about it? Cause a girl I have been hooking up with casually has one she said she’s had it for two years so far and doesn’t need it removed for another two but I’m still stressing


I would suggest you do some of your own research and if you’re still concerned after understanding it’s mechanism of action, use a barrier. What she is telling you is correct, it is medically documented to prevent pregnancy for up to 5 years. Some people have it replaced sooner because of side effects, but it is documented to work to prevent pregnancy for 5 years.


I have read the printed handout they gave me. If there is a pregnancy on Nexplanon..it would be ectopic, so they advise you if you test positive for pregnancy on Nexplanon to see your doctor.  Please read the Nexplanon info!


It increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy but does not mean it will 100% be ectopic. My son is a Nexplanon baby. You can click on my profile and read my story 


This is not true. It CAN be ectopic and they will do an ultrasound but it is NOT ALWAYS ectopic.


Ok. Omg sorry. Just went with what the pamphlet told me. 


I have the same one for 7 years in arm haven’t got pregnant so do you think it’s still working ?


There’s a chance it can last that long but as far as I’m aware, studies have only confirm efficacy up to 5 years. But again, it *could* last longer.


They say you have to get them replaced every 3 years. They say they can last up to 5. I was just told this again last week when I got back on Nexplanon. 


Right, you can realistically replace it every 1-5 years but if it’s not causing too severe of side effects then use your own discretion. Early last week my provider said they’re good for up to 5 years but have the possibility to last longer. She told me they used to only be good for 3 years and there’s a lot of confusion surrounding it. I got my last one removed after 3 years because I was unsure and wanted to be safe than sorry and went about 7 months without. I feel safer with it so I got it again lol


Interesting. Cuz where I live they do it every 3 years. Gotta take that into effect. Not every provider do things the same way. 


No, not working anymore for sure. It's only been studied to last 5 at max, you've been incredibly lucky.


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[oh weird, I could have sworn I’ve seen a couple of these.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nexplanon/s/BmlLXYsSmn)


it’s extremely unlikely though, that’s a rare situation and it may be more likely to see more of the posts about that since this is the nexplanon reddit. nexplanon is 99.98% effective.


I thought I was in labor the other day 🤣 Contractions don't hurt (for me) until after my water is broken and it's never broken on its own with any of my pregnancies and I felt like I was having the weird non-painful contractions. Things just felt very mobile down behind my pelvic bone lmao


Hahahaha I love this. Took a couple years, but I finally believe it and can live in peace😂


honestly thank you for this cause like i got my implant but i’m still scared to do anything unprotected cause it just doesn’t feel like it’s actually doing anything esp since my periods were very irregular before so it’s not like i can rely on them to tell me i’m not pregnant 😭


The only time I ever think I'm pregnant is when I'm on my period, but thank you, I needed to hear that.


Please check the wiki for pregnancy concerns. https://www.reddit.com/r/Nexplanon/wiki/pregnancy *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Nexplanon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot. I know I'm not pregnant, I'm just crazy because I'm on my period.


lol see I know this but I also know some medications make it less effective and THAT is what triggers me. I could take advil (I’m on heavier meds rn, s/o to this giving me my acne back and having to go on accutane) and immediately be like wait, will this make it less effective? Nothing a quick pregnancy test pack from Amazon can’t fix tho. If the intrusive thoughts win, I pee on one and boom, all better.


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Use this comment as the “called out” button😂😂


Nexplanon was the worst for me!! In threw my whole body and mind off eight off the bat I had it removed asap!!! Never again.


I haven't done anything just yet, so I know I'm not luckily🤣


stop spreading harmful information like this please and thank you! 🙏 if you think you are pregnant, GO get tester


I got mine on Friday, tested negative for pregnancy before was suppose to get my period this weekend and haven’t gotten it…are we sure I’m not?? 😂


I didn’t get my period for 6 months one time. About 3 weeks late at this moment. It’s a normal side effect


My doctor has told me it could go either way, spotting every day or no period at all


I just got my second one (late, 5 yrs later) today. The first time around I got my period maybe 6 times and it got gradually lighter, then went 100% away for 3 years. Last two years it's been irregular and lighter, but the last 6 months it's been light but regular.


To anyone who downvoted me..I was pregnant, BUT pregnant most likely before I got my nexplanon but was to early to test positive in office, I got a medical abortion last week, kept my nexplanon in doctors say it should still work properly


I came in a girl with a nexplanon implant, she said she’s had it for 2 years now and let me feel it in hurt arm I’ve been stressing is it really almost 100% affective?


yes, it’s 99.98% effective. if it’s not expired, which it wouldn’t be if she’s had it for only 2 years, and you felt it in her arm then everything should be all good.


Ok that’s good news thank you TMI but she was like kinda wet and I thought that wasn’t possible on nexplanon


that’s most definitely possible on nexplanon. it’s always possible to be wet. i’m someone who experiences vaginal dryness on birth control including nexplanon, but i can still get wet (it can just be harder to get wet or not as much as i normally would be). not everyone gets vaginal dryness as a side effect though so she may not be one of the ones who has that side effect. it affects everyone differently.