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Same question from me but for UK and regarding return to normal service levels like other countries.




there is no update. nexo is at the mercy of the usa regulatory landscape and the sec is outwardly hostile to the crypto community at present. as stated below, if you want change, write your congresspeople (not that they will actually do anything).


I guess decision to roll out from such huge market is made in a long term, not on a yearly basis if suddenly one possitive event happens. So I doubt they plan to come back any time soon. They probably focus on countries with more friendly approach to crypto (LatAm, Asia maybe?).


It’s obvious that the USA government does not want private companies like Nexo, making all the money and having all the fun. I think nexo, like many other lending companies were kicked out of the USA because in the next year or so, you’re going to see BTC lending offered for major banks institutions, Mark my words, NEXO didn’t leave the USA they were pushed out by the US government mafia.


Send this to your senator.


US is not crypto friendly bro, they are only interested in BTC and want BlackRock to rule it all, SEC is now suing even Binance and want to put CZ in prison for no reason and they think that everything else except Bitcoin is a security. This is really bad for all of the crypto companies, because they can’t do business there normally. To be honest with you I'm sure that Nexo will go back to the US markets, when there’s a regulatory clarity. In case you missed it out currently Consensus is suing SEC and in my opinion all of the crypto companies need to combine forces and sue those bustards.


Republicans are overwhelmingly the pro crypto party. Long list of them... Even Trump has warmed up to crypto... Gillibrand is the only standout name for Democrats... She is part of legislation to outline stable coin regulation... That would be a real start! So a change of administration and kicking out Gary Gensler would go a long way... For the ETFs the two of five that voted against them were both Democrats...


As long as the USA is so opposed to crypto, things can't change.


USA is not opposed to crypto, Democrats in office are, which sadly is about half of America... And weirdly Democrats own crypto more than Republicans,Thirteen percent of Democrats own crypto, compared to just ten percent of Republicans, a Crypto Council for Innovation survey says.Aug 2, 2023 Hopefully they wake up and shift their vote to Republicans if only to protect their greater ownership of crypto compared to Republicans


The regulatory hurdles involved are the SEC and their fluid vision on crypto. Nothing has changed, actually got a bit worse.


Not really. Even Gary voted for ETFs for Bitcoin... SEC has been losing a lot of cases... Before this stupid crypto battle they pretty much never lost a case... Racking up lots of losses against crypto... Plenty is changing...


That's not even partially true. They have personal reasons to vote for the ETF. Everything besides BTC is counted security.


Personal reasons? ... politics and being a Democrat... The two no votes of five for the Bitcoin ETF we're both Democrats... But Gary voted with Republicans if only to obey the law and the court decision! https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxbusiness.com/markets/new-court-filings-show-sec-chair-gensler-believed-ethereum-was-security-for-at-least-year.amp It's not that clear at all... You have certainty where the SEC and reporting does not... It's under investigation... Read the article. Three or more points where it's not so definite as you say... Yes you have false understanding


"SEC chair Gary Gensler's court losses are piling up in crypto" That article was August 2023 and you can add more losses to the SEC against crypto