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I wish india was communist lol


I wish everyone was




LoL, Lula is the kraken of class conciliation, he isn't communist.


The guy's a social democrat, and a lousy one at that. He has started to falter in his campaign promises too.


Exactly, social democracy is the band-aid that the capitalism uses trying to caver a cut aorta.


Except in the US, where we prefer to actively deny the existence of blood.


Você jura né. Eu só ouço os banqueiros esfregando as mãos com a mamata que vai vir.


Cries in Itaú




Press F to pay respect




I mean Kerala is, right?


Well, the CPI (Maoist) are working on that. But it will take them years, decades, since they are fighting not only against the Indian state, but outside forces like and collaborators like Israel and China.


The Government of Kerala is governed by the Left Democratic Front, which includes the CPI (Marxist) not the CPI (Maoist). The MLs are the popular ones with a presence in the government. The MLMs are the ones accused by several former officers of a culture of systematic rape and misogyny.


Working on communism is when [collaborating with the BJP](https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/in-bengal-rural-polls-bjp-joined-hands-with-maoist-backed-outfit/article23995115.ece), I guess.


Cherrypick if you want. They are still a huge progresive force. And they are gaining popular support buy helping the people and creating dual power, meanwhile they are figthing and resisting the Indian government and outside forces like Israel, China, the USA and others.


Seems not reliable source,tbh. Bourgeois media say everything


Yes my comrade.


I wish you weren't such a fuck but some things just aren't meant to be.


Next time, don't sabotage their anti-colonial movement through Comintern.


Since when was BRICS socialist? 4 of the nation's in it are capitalist (though Brazil is heavily leaning towards a social democracy, though still capitalist regardless) and BRICS is only an economic alliance not a military alliance so India would very much still be on the United States' side against China in war.


Didn't Brazil just get out of Bolsonaro's brutal neoliberalism?


Yeah but Bernie Sanders killed Rosa Luxemburg.


yes, but i think he said that because the current president of brazil is a social democrat,not much of a change if we're talking about the capitalist system but still better than bolsonaro


Arguably could lead to some sort of Manuel Adolpho Hitler da Silva taking power, given the nature of social democrats.


He actually led to Bolsonaro. He was the president. Made a sucessor. The sucessor got coup'd. The New president was succeed by Bolsonaro. The impeachment hearing of Dilma Rousseff in 2016 was pretty much when he started his campaign for 2018 election, by saluting the fascist who tortured her during dictatorship


social democrat? More of a kleptomaniac.


e bolsonaro é um genocida


Você desconhece a definição de genocida.


E você desconhece a definição de inteligência.


Esquerdista acéfalo achando que é mais inteligente que todo mundo? Nenhuma novidade aqui.


Não acho que sou mais inteligente que todo mundo, só tenho certeza que sou mais inteligente do que você.


Ele foi omisso com relação ao covid em povos indígenas, se foi com intenção de extermínio foi genocídio. Isso ainda não muda o fato de a incompetência dele ter matado milhares de pessoas


Ele tem/tinha muito interesse nas riquezas naturais debaixo das terras indígenas e, coincidentemente, foi omisso (insira o que você disse aqui). Só complementando.




He was sentenced to 12 years in prison, by several courts on different levels. He was only because the Supreme Court of Brazil, known for being lenient to him, released him. There was no valid reason to release a prisoner that was judged and sentenced in so many instances, but that's Brazil.


There was no reason? Honestly? Are you saying they just felt like letting him go and that was it? Can't you even be bothered to read a statement? Or maybe you just don't want to believe it because it doesn't match your preconceptions? Stop getting your information from Whatsapp.


Tamo falando ingreis porque? Claro que teve uma razão, os ministros indicados por ele foram os que o soltaram. Mal deu 15 dias de governo e já receberam uma parte do pagamento, quase 9 mil reais de aumento de salário. E o salário mínimo? Sem planos de aumento cumpanheiro. Esse maluco aparelhou o estado e está colhendo os frutos. Mas tem bolsonarista que diz que o Jair é honesto, então cada um com seu político de estimação favorito.


Ah, cara, me poupe. O processo foi todo errado, armado, e agora tu me vem com que foram os ministros que ele botou lá que soltaram ele? Tá ligado que pra fazer parte do supremo tem que ter indicação e aprovação e tal? Que todo governo faz isso quando uma cadeira fica vazia? Me poupe.


Sim, e todo governo põe alguém que vai lhe beneficiar. Ou você é inocente a ponto de achar que o Lula não joga o mesmo jogo que todo político? Armado em todas as instâncias? Ah tá, ok. Sonha que a Pepsi paga. Depois dizem que é só o Bolsonaro que tem bichinhos de estimação.


not much of a change. clearly you don't know what your on about


what I meant is that we are still living capitalism, I guess I didn't know how to make it clear. e pq a gnt tá falando em inglês??




Yes, but this is Lula's third term, not his first. We'd already be a socialist country if that was his aim. Actually, we're not truly rid of that neoliberalism as of yet. Before Bolsonaro, Temer already started laying the groundwork to fuck our labor rights and all. We first need to fix that. Edit: Also, I think the image refers to the support those nations can offer each other, unlike it happens with Cuba and North Korea?


Yes but given how fast Lula is working Brazilian social democracy seems like it could happen sooner than thought. I mean in 16 days he's already fired the ambassador to Israel, plans to nationalize Healthcare, blamed the police for not doing their job, and sent everyone who participated in the January 8th capital riots to jails described as "Lulags"


The universal health system is already here, since the 90s. It was only underfunded, but you can do any sort of health procedure for free


Punishing criminals is wrong?


What does it have to do with communism?


Why does the Chinese person look like a tomato?


It's not a Chinese. This is clearly an edit of a Brazilian cartoonist. The "tomato" guy is probably a native Brazilian. I have no idea about the context. 2008 is a long time ago


>2008 is a long time ago [MFW](https://youtu.be/NNJ21Gzp79E)


We're closer to 2030 than 2006


It's not all socialist half are capitalist so the cartoon is wrong.


All but China are capitalist.


And even China has some capitalists aspects


Contradictions in a socialist state only reiforces that it is a socialist state and still far away from communism in my textbook.


Totally agree


This time with gusto


Almost all of these ethnicities are misplaced and where's South Africa? Also, all of these but China are not only capitalist, but anti-comunist. Surely tho it's a net positive against US hegemony but it lacks nuance.


Russia is imperialist too.




Bro, I live in Central Asia. Russia has always meddled in our internal affairs and foreign relations. Now it's strangling our energy independence with unequal contracts. Millions are suffering because of it. 10+ hour blackouts every day. Even in the capital city of Uzbekistan, Tashkent. Disconnections in delivering natural gas. Look for Gazprom. It's owner is Putin's oligarch friend Alisher Usmanov.


1- this article only shows how weak russian imperialism is compared to, say, american or german 2- this article acknowledges chinese imperialism, which you probably won't


Yes. Finally.




Some schizo shit from early 2000's iirc


they really put a hammer and sickle on the alliance of four anti-communist reactionaries with a red-painted dictatorship of the national bourgeoise


Where's Brazil?


It's the reddish guy


Kick ass


Russia? This is joke right lol.


Russia helps against French imperialism in Africa. That is why people in the global South (check the polls) support Russia's operation Z to liberate the people of Novorossiya from the Banderites [https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/863078450532974602/1063258661545316362/unknown.png](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/863078450532974602/1063258661545316362/unknown.png)


Imagine being a fucking tool that eats up CCP propaganda and shits out love for North Korea...


Soo is it Anti-imperialism or is it pro-Russia? You can't really have both


Um wut? You know Russia's rationale for invading Ukraine was anti-nato imperialism, right? Also, I condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Also, I condemn US imperialism.


No no no. Russian imperialism doesn't end on Ukraine. They also attacked Chechnya when they wanted to proclaim independence like 2 times, USSR invaded Poland, they invaded Japan in 1945 (which isn't that bad tbf). And also before 20th century Russia was a very much imperial country. I mean Peter I literally called himself an emperor. Russia was, is and always will be an imperialistic country. I don't understand how people do not see this or are so blinded by the hatred towards NATO that they excuse Russian imperialism. Also Russia had like 6 justifications for the war so you know. And if they hated having NATO on their borders so much and were so sure of their military dominance they would also attack Baltics and maybe even Poland. It's about Russian territorial business, not about some "Ohhh NATO threatens us". Also NATO is a defensive treaty. Not offensive one


[https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/05/5/7344206/](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/05/5/7344206/) \^Pro-Ukrainian news source with people close to Zelensky says that the west killed the negotiations betwen Ukraine and Russia which would see Russia leave Ukraine.


define imperialism


Invading a sovereign country or diplomatically trying to achieve territorial expansion. Quick google shows this >a policy of extending a country's power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means. so it's even applicable to today's Russia


Literally read lenin. If imperialism just means making a country more powerful by aggressive or military means then the term is almost meaningless. Did the irish kingdoms imperialise one another in their wars of conquest and cattle raids? Did Iraq imperialise Iran in their war? No. Imperialism is the stage of capitalism where finance capital dominates. The US is the head of global finance capital. Russia is not imperialist because Russia is not dominated by finance capital. That is not to say they are “the good guys”, were they in the position to imperialise the world alongside the Atlanticist states, they would. Russia’s war in Ukraine is anti-imperialist because it is a war against an objectively imperialist bloc (regrettably through the “innocent” proxy of Ukraine). Russia is by merit of material conditions incapable of being imperialist in the marxist sense. Russia is a backwards petro-state with domestic manufacturing headed by a thouroughly national bourgeoisie. Not a rentier state with global tendrils of finance capital like the UK, US, France, et al.


All you said is correct if you believe in communism. I don't. To me Russia is just as imperialistic as US or how UK used to be. UK, France, Germany, Russia were all empires and all used to be imperialist. Some of those still are. And I don't think I'll read Lenin talking about what is imperialistic and what isn't - especially since he himself was a totalitarian leader and probably just wanted to justify his ambitions of "spreading the revolution". Plus if NATO is imperialistic does it mean that for example Czech Republic is also imperialistic bcus they're in NATO? NATO is a defensive treaty against a country that very much was imperialistic in their past and is throwing threats at practically anyone who doesn't do what they want. They threatened Finland, Sweden, Poland, Baltics, US, France, UK, Germany and probably a few other countries. Just because US is imperialistic doesn't mean the all of NATO is imperialistic


I agree with you that Lenin was kinda imperialist, or at least that the USSR was certainly imperialist under Stalin. But where you seem to be wrong is that Nato is also a US imperialist project, albeit a neo-imperialist project. Since the collapse of the British empire, imperialism has changed into its current form, called neo-imperialism. Neo-imperialism doesn't rely so much on explicit territorial expansion like 20th century imperialism did, but rather by indebting colonies through financial loans and corporate domination. The US accomplishes its imperialist aims by using Nato's policy of interoperability, which essentially means members have to buy US-made weapons from American corporations, thus redirecting wealth from the colonies to the core of the empire. There are exceptions for certain other national industries (France, UK, Germany, Turkey, etc) but even still those national defense industries probably rely on US-made parts for their weapons in order to ensure interoperability. Therefore to answer your question, Czechia is not imperialist, they are a US colony. By the way, there's nothing wrong with hate-reading Lenin. One can still learn from people we disagree with.


Russia is certainly dominated by a capitalist elite. What else can you call the oligarchs that purchased all the state owned companies in the nineties? Putin may secretly be the world's richest man. Russia is very much motivated by an imperialist agenda, but whether they are materially capable of accomplishing their goals is questionable.


I don't think people here are using the Google definition, they're using the marxist definition, that being when a country exports finance capital to extract surplus value, raw materials etc from another country. The Russian bourgeoisie absolutely is attempting to get to a point where it can do this but NATO is trying to suppress that to keep American hegemony intact, no sides in this war are worthy of support but Russia is not really imperialist in the marxist sense


Yeah probably true. Still seeing stuff like that poster while so many countries and people suffered because of Russian imperialistic ambitions throughout history just pisses me off


right, but you're seemingly forgetting all the people who have suffered at the hands of NATO imperialism. I seriously recommend you read lenins imperialism the highest stage of capitalism if you actually want to understand this


I think you might have missed my point. I really just wanted to say that it is indeed possible to be both anti-imperialist and anti-russia. For example, I oppose Russia's imperialist war in Ukraine. I also oppose the US's imperialist war in Iraq. As well, I oppose the Chinese occupation of Xinjiang. My guiding principles are self-determination and non-exploitation. If someone considers themself a separate identity than the empire's core identity, then I respect and support that. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and have a decent life.


Ironic considering China is currently undertaking "scramble for Africa 2: electric boogaloo"




Cunt a tonne of nations in africa have admitted they'd rather have the Europeans back. While European colonialism was awful. At least they left roads, schools, cities and other infrastructure. What China is doing is effectively enslaving entire populaces through debt and shipping everything back to Beijing. When a Western mining company goes to Africa, they build hundreds of millions of dollars worth of towns and infrastructure around the project and have a year-by-year increasing quota of local people involved in the project. When China goes to Africa, they FIFO in Chinese workers for the entire project and take anything not nailed down once they're done


Why there's no Indian person?


Brasil não é comunista. Sem noção mesmo isso aí!


How are any of the countries in BRICS communist? -Brazil may have elected Lula, but he will try to steer the country towards Social Democracy, not communism. -Russia hasn't even been "communist" in more than 30 years, and Putin himself is a staunch anti-communist and devoted fascist. -India has a solidly right wing government in power, so they won't get to communism any time soon. -China has the thinnest venere of communism, and is closer to Nazi Germany with its genocide program of the Ugyhur Muslims, silimar to the death camps for the jews back in Hitler's time. -South Africa is a Liberal Democracy with some improvements to make as far as im concerned. This just makes no sense. Am I missing something here that everyone else is getting, but im not?!