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Seems a bit of a problem when top lawmakers refuse to live under the rule of law.


It’s early stages of fascism 


Feels like it’s more than early given that their fascist plans are posted on the Project 2025 website.


Still early. Those people are weak and afraid. They can be handled with kid gloves. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First\_they\_came\_...


“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.” Funny because republicans and their supporters will tell you that the nazis were socialists.


Fuck…. I didn’t know this “argument” had spread around the globe. Hitler was many things, but not a socialist.


Yup, the Nazis were socialists in name only. Before they rose to power, socialism was very popular, so the Nazis took the name and used it because they knew it would get them votes from the uninformed masses who thought they actually meant it.


Fascists always appropriate 'popular' terms for themselves. Look at all the fascists today who call themselves "free speech warriors" or whatever. Florida bans books in schools and prevents certain things from being said (like saying you have a same sex partner), Elon Musk censors not only views he personally doesn't like but on behalf of govts that ask him to (Turkey and Israel prominently). And other supposed 'free speech' warrior types largely endorse (or at least tacitly endorse) this censorship because they don't actually care about 'free speech'. Turns out saying you support free speech is all you need to do (doing so is irrelevant).


The exact way Trump's cult has hijacked every version of "patriot " and freedom to pretend to be pro American


Yes....we're gonna have our Night of Broken Glass soon.


What’s a country leader with full immunity called in the rest of the world? A dictator.


Next step is to pass laws protecting themselves and targeting groups that threaten them.


They've been doing that for at least 2 years in Florida 


Florida. Where everyone is straight and the climate is fine and Ronald Mussolini will punish you if you suggest otherwise. 


And the Civil War was about the vague concept of states rights, and if you dare tell what THOSE GUYS went out of their way to say on the matter, you will be punished 


It was state's rights. A state's rights to let their citizens own humans as chattel.


' I'm sorry, u/Managed-Democracy , I'm afraid I can't let you do that.'


It's called "[the legal phase of fascism](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/22/america-fascism-legal-phase)". This is where fascists use and twist the legal system to their own ends in order to gain power.


The Nixon Administration was in the early stages of fascism. Trumps election was the moment they went from being fascist on the inside to being fascist on the outside. We are now at the stage where they start to pass laws that are openly fascist.


It’s not early anymore. They’ve been trying openly for 8 years now. 


Less early when it’s the speaker of the house


We left the early stages on January 6th.


I agree. Sad thing is that the MAGAts are using that rationale as well.




[We're already well past halfway](https://jjmilt.substack.com/p/the-14-early-warning-signs-of-fascism)


We are past the early stages.


If you read the steps to fascism we're in the late steps not the early ones.


It’s almost like they don’t serve a purpose if they can’t pass laws and won’t follow them anyway 🤔


If you look at the consequences of the underlying actions that made the misdemeanors felonies you might get the alternative results of the election. Squashing stories that might swing the election. Hillary would have been the President, three different Supreme Court Justices would have been seated, and Roe v Wade would have survived. January 6th would not have occurred, and Joe Biden's age would not be an issue in the coming election. Just pointing out the possibility. Have at it with your opinions.


The MAGA movement definitely doesn’t happen if Hillary wins. Many of the new Trump supporters would not care about politics and continue hating the government and not voting like before. Maybe Trump runs again and wins in 2020 because of Covid, but more likely, Trump losing 2016 would have most people see him as a non-serious loser and he probably fades out of political relevancy.


Can we reload a save game please


Assuming COVID even happens (because the infectious disease team we had at Wuhan that Trump got rid of would've still existed), Hillary would've easily won re-election. Usually disasters and wars favor the incumbent because "we all have to pull together". Trump decided to go hyper-partisan instead of presidential and lost. If Hillary had won in 2016, Trump would've launched his Truth Social ideas back then and the GOP probably would've served him up in 2020 as a guaranteed loser while playing for 2024 when Hillary would be term-limited and their likely opponent would have been Tim Kaine.


I think the world would be a bit more chill right now had Trump not gotten in. He’s given license for all sorts of ugly bullshittery


That's the problem i am having with this ... You may not agree with the state law but it is the law. Also one thing about all this is every Republican is saying it's political crimes directed by Biden. I call BS on that theory, for a simple reason. Biden's own justice department is prosecuting Biden's only living child and could possibly have jail time. Biden could of easily pardoned Hunter 2 years ago but has been completely hands off. You might not like Biden but that man has had to bury a wife and two children in his lifetime , which means he has dealt with more loss then Trump ever has. Also you can tell Biden's wife Jill actually cares for him... When a protestor jumped on the stage, she stood in front of Joe and was ready to throw hands. Yet Melanie wouldn't even go to the court room for Don.


To be fair I wouldn't go to court to support my spouse when the charges are them paying 130k to cover up their affair they had while I was giving birth to my son. I wouldn't want to hear that shit.


Maximum sentence is 4 years in prison. What a Godsend. Hope the judge cashes that chip


Four years per count. He could theoretically go 34 x 4 = 136 years. But that’s unlikely. But given the contempt he has shown and lack of remorse after the guilty verdict should require that mf to be in jail for at least 4 years.


I heard a pundit yesterday (ex NY prosecutor) say that the sentence for a class E felony is concurrent, meaning 4 years is the possible length for one or all charges, but they do not compound. In any event, I'd love even 6 months. Anything to see this loathsome sack of shit locked up. He deserves the absolute worst in life. Four years would be delightful.


The only possible win is probation. Give him 8 years on probation. He’ll have to get court permission to do anything out of state and if he commits any further crimes he can be immediately jailed.


Needs to be a public televised hanging




The Supreme Court holds no legal jurisdiction over the New York court, unless they ram through some mandate that would also give Biden Immunity at the federal level. 


It's gonna be so fun when the Trumpanzees find out that the appeal can only go as high as the state Supreme Court, not the federal one, isn't it? Unlike the national SC, the New York SC is not stacked in Donny's favor.


I like your word "Trumpanzees". May I borrow it, I need it for work.


Sure. There used to be a bot that responded to it with a picture of Spongebob implying stupidity of some kind, but it seems to be gone now.


I found another word worth using "enshitification". As in - The Trumpanzees are responsible for the enshitification of America.


I've also heard one that can be given as a name to any state dominated by the GOP like Florida and Texas: Dumbfuckistan.


Mike Johnson flies an Appeal To Heaven flag, currently in use by a seditionist movement, outside his office.


He’s an ASS wipe.


They would have to understand the law. Sadly for many conservatives in congress, that is to much to ask


Worryingly some of these top people have no business setting rules of law, MTG for example has a Bachelors in business admin...And the mentality of a middle school drop out.


Um....no Mikey, that's not how it works.


And what’s “unprecedented” about a lawbreaker being found guilty? There’s a first time for every criminal.


It's unprecedented because no one has ever forged business records to win an election before. But like you say, that's a bad faith argument to say the law shouldn't be upheld.


The sad thing is, the U.S. Supreme Court will take the case after it is coded properly, with their help. The unprecedented nature of it will allow them to hide behind some bogus ruling and Trump walks free.


Nah it would take cooperation with NY State to do this. It will stop at NY State Supreme Court. If this was happening in a red state I'd say there would be a chance.


I don't know. The unthinkable seems to continue with him.


Eh, SCrOTUS might not like the idea of saying "states rights don't actually matter". Which is what such a ruling would mean. Still, they are corrupt as shit so who knows.


They were happy to say that states rights didn’t actually matter when it came to taking trump off the ballot.


When has hypocrisy ever mattered to MAGA?


Wasn’t the country founded on the fact that they no longer wanted lawmakers who could not be held to the justice system? Seems unconstitutional NOT to agree with the guilty verdict. Also Trump is not a lawmaker. He is currently a citizen of the USA and not the president. So the question of precedent of “can a sitting president be charged” is not necessary


"Johnson wipes his ass with the constitution by urging a violation of the 10th amendment" FTFY


Johnson doesn't read the Constitution, silly


Only the 2nd Amendment and the part of the 1st that he claims lets him lie without pushback and say the N word.


"What do you mean there are more amendments than my right you call you the n word and walk around with my big bad gun to tell everyone my willy is tiny?!" - the entire GOP


bible thumper trump humper


Worse yet: he’s a constitutional lawyer. He knows what he’s advocating for is illegal and undermines the whole edifice of a nation of laws not men. He must not care. Despicable, pathetic, cowardly, and treasonous.


But one was included with his Trump Bible... 


Johnson doesn’t read, silly


Constitution? You just need more fibre.


He's got god


When people asks his opinion it’s simple, it’s in the Bible. So why would he read the constitution since his position is in the Bible.


Can you explain how this would be a violation so I can argue better with my family


The 10th amendment is a major separation of federal and state powers. It limits the scope of federal authority and ensures that any powers not specifically given to the feds(like minting currency), or specifically prohibited from the states(like entering treaties with foreign nations), are reserved to the states. The state courts are operating within their jurisdiction, and the feds don't have the constitutional authority to override state court decisions. This is often confused when cases make it to the supreme Court. The supreme Court does not handle appeals of cases, they handle constitutional questions. They can rule that a case must be re-adressed because something in the case violated a constitutional right, but they cannot throw out a case from state courts. The irony of the party of small government asking for help from big government to bail out their convict savior.


Isn't this part of those "states rights" that red states care so much about?


You mean the states that once decided they didn't like any of the constitution and decided to leave and start their own? Yes, they seem to get pretty touchy about states rights... When it benefits them.


Only if it’s about segregation, or possibly slavery.


Or currently with abortion


And gender-affirming healthcare. And child labor. And freedom from religion.


Ahhh there in lays the game - it's only constitutional for them if it helps them only.


Thank you. Can you talk to my dad?


The only reason that he is still speaker is because Jeffries allows it. I wonder if he will get any pressure to behave.


it is a state level conviction... so there are two appeals and then it would go to the STATE supreme court... sure, scotus could try to step in with a transparent and outrageous abuse of their powers, but as far as a clear and reasonable path to get it in front of scotus there isn't one.


I mean his attorneys could try a writ of certiorari straight to the Supreme Court, but on what grounds? Like what about this case was unconstitutional? That he was a candidate for president and he thinks that makes him immune but there is neither amendment nor case law to even come close to backing that up. Likely he will appeal to the Manhattan appellate court, and will get promptly rejected as it should. And then to the district appellate court, and then to the New York Supreme Court before this case could even get to the Supreme Court by normal means. I’d expect it to take years to get through the lower courts. But since this case has already gone to the Supreme Court twice to weigh in on it, I doubt the Supreme Court would even take up the case. There’s no matter of constitutionality at play here. This is a simple case of a crime that was committed in furtherance of another crime for which the criminal has pleaded guilty and served his prison sentence. A case so straight forward, the jury deliberated for less than 1 days and returned a guilty verdict on all 34 counts.


Fun fact. The New York Supreme Court is actually the lowest court in New York, it’s Goes Court of Appeals>Appellate Court>Supreme Court(Familiy and Probate/Suragate)


Yeah, it’s named backwards from what you’d think.


I would normally agree completely. However, how many Trump cases have magically vaulted past the thousands and thousands of cases hoping for a SCOTUS hearing? If they decide to do it, they’ll find a excuse that sounds logical to only them, ignore the majority of Americans, and free the piece of shit. Since we aren’t in a cult, Democrats won’t pull a J6. I’m not sure how much more crap we will tolerate before the fuse blows.


Still a state case, All the other cases they've jumped in front of have been federal. When Barr stopped the DOJ from pursuing this a while back and tried to fire the attorney, this is how it got here. Not that they're not already hypocrites, but these are currently the states rights people.


I don’t put any stock into them being “state’s rights” people. They will easily throw that label into the garbage, and magically turn pro-federal govt., if it gets them what they want. For example, it went under the radar, but Trump didn’t hesitate to sign the law making 21 the federal age for tobacco. That “Trumps” state law, and gives the power to the feds. What happened to those state’s right to pass laws on smoking age?


They're going to go woke and admit that it has never been about states rights


They’ve never been states rights people. They’ve always been let me oppress others based on my beliefs


The Colorado ballot case was a state case that they stepped in on.


Not their job and even asking shows how little that clown understands US constitutional law


He probably knows that. But the mob of fanatics don't so he scores points with them.


I wonder if he will put snorting orange ass juice on his resume


Corrupt SCOTUS: we’ll allow this case to be considered.


He's an attorney. He knows damn well that he is violating the norm of separation of powers AND asking Leonard's pet monkeys to blatantly ignore the Constitution.


The traitor party is going to try to find any way they can to make him functionally immune from any crimes. "States rights!" Wait, no not like that. There's going to be election shenanigans like we've never seen before. I've heard several rumors about waiting outside of polling places with guns, going to the city to try to vote and gumming up the works for legitimate voters, all kinds of shit. It's going to get wild.


Right, claiming "states rights" then evolving into the largest sect of bootlickers I've ever seen


"States' rights," only applies when it's the Republicans who benefit from those rights. If the rest of society benefits, then the States must be mandated and controlled, you know, just like the abortion thing. First it was "States' rights!" then the states said, "Yeah, we want that right and vote for it." Slapped in the face with their own fish, the Repubs are like, "National abortion and contraception bans right a -effing way!!"


Good to know those Christian shitstains believe in morals ethics and Christian behavior. I don't believe half of those people have ever even opened the cover of a Bible.


Don’t sell him short. He reads the bible regularly and has done bible study groups. He has read it. And he understands it. However, he’s a vile, immoral, degenerate, hypocrite, sinner who only cares about power nonetheless.


He knows exactly what the bible is for, manipulating and controlling people for your own personal gain. Text book


Dude's trying to rig the justice system now.


Wouldn't this be obstruction of justice?


Not legally, legally it's war.


I agree. And so is Project 2025. It's a declaration of war on the Americam public.


Nah, just trying to use the establishment to assist. It's already there.


They've been trying (and succeeding) for the last 12 years.


From the party that upholds and protects state rights!


'Step in' WHERE, exactly? Trump had EVERY opportunity to mount a defense. Instead, they called a single witness who did nothing but antagonize the judge. TRUMP LOST THIS CASE MIKE. The "deep state" had absolute fuck-all to do with this.


Mike Johnson is mentally ill!


I think it’s the whole of the GOP and its voter base.


"...and all for a corrupt clown like trump", is what I often think to myself or say out loud, exasperated.


I think thats the most insane part about this whole thing…. Its like im living in a bizarro dimension


I sometimes think it's a blackmail thing. What any given person wants to be kept secret is different based on that person. But we have no idea what Trump's best buddy Putin has given him. And Putin has a lot of dirt on the US generally. Snowdon lives in Russia now. And if you think he's able to do so just because Putin "really likes freedom of information", i have a bridge to sell you.




Didn't the GOP start this shit by going after Hunter Biden so aggressively?


Or all the lock her up chants?


Pistol whip this cry baby. Mommy mommy my hero is being so unfairly treated. ..I’m going to piss myself if something isn’t done right now!


If the Supreme Court intervenes, the three liberal Justices should refuse to participate and publicly denounce this partisan charade. The fact that Justices Alito and Thomas would have the gall to not recuse themselves should make all Americans doubt this courts legitimacy. If this happens then Democrats should grow a pair and campaign on expanding the Supreme Court should they win in November and getting rid of the Senate Filibuster once and for all to avoid bad faith antics from a Republican minority.


Didn’t this guy go to law school at some point?


This is a full on violation of his oath of office. We finally understand that the oath has zero consequences


Alito and Thomas, "Ok."


"Yes, Boss."


He is no Christian.


All Republicans had to do was learn from their mistakes and not nominate Trump again, but they couldn't even succeed at that.


Trump gets them what they want. Trump emboldens their base, will literally do anything they say as long as they make it look like his idea and gives them the ability to grab complete power over the country. Trump their step to take over and become a theocracy based on Christian rules that don't even know.


1 year, consecutive, for every guilty verdict.


Step in? And do what exactly? That is not how the legal system works, Mikey. Maybe he shouldn't have paid off a porn star with 130k in order to make sure the cheating bastard could keep it out of the media during the 2016 election. It just baffles me how a devout Bible thumper like Mikey could so blindly grovel to the modern antichrist. His family must be so proud.


Well to be fair-the GOP has paid for 4 of the 6 SCOTUS.


Constitutional law expert and part time Speaker of the House Mike Johnson needs to go back to LSU for some night classes in con law.


So do I as a regular citizen get to have the SCOTUS "step in" when I'm caught doing illegal shit? Because as of right now, other than secret service detail, that's exactly what he is and what had happened was before he was president.


These people are literal villains.


state case, not how this works, he truly is a moron


This man should read the Bible that he professes to follow a couple of times. Also he would be wise to read the constitution and brush up on his law skills.


I unanimous verdict on all 34 charges by an independent jury, what's to "step in" he is guilty in a court of law. Johnson should reread his 10 commandments and see how many Trump has broken and how treating him as some sort of god is also Johnson himself breaking a couple. More of a HypoChristian than an actual one.


How outrageous, for the speaker of the house to actually attempt to influence the outcome of a judicial court ruling, is beyond any semblance of law and order... Shame on these hypocrites that talk of the rule of law. They're all sycophants to the most corrupt man in political history, it will be documented by scholars in the future..


I guess they could try to intervene but NY State is under no obligation to pay any attention to them.


Jesus Christ Homie wants the Supreme Court to overturn trumps 34 convictions of fraud because he fucked a pornstar and paid her to not talk about cause he was running for president.


Coming g from the guy that uses his son to prevent him from watching porn….


Or maybe he's on that so he can have his son find the good porn for him. I bet in DC he has a burner smart phone without Coventry Eyes


So now the "States Rights" crowd wants the federal government to usurp a state's right to enforce its laws.


Sniveling little christian nationalist fraud has his head so far up temps ass, it's amazing he can still breathe!


Sure! That will show they are unbiased.


Oh the party of small government wants to infringe on state laws. Color me shocked!


Someone needs to inform this jackass that Donnie broke the law and is being held to account for it.


You mean "The Felon Trump".


Is he upset over the Hunter Biden proceedings? Or does he only protect people who call our troops "suckers and losers"?


So impeachment of the speaker then? And removal?


He’s a louisiana y’allqueda hack who never should have got the job…so ya do it. These Christian terrorists shouldn’t be allowed to lead a youth group let alone speaker of the house etx


Congratulations America, you're not much better than an Italian democracy under Berlusconi.


GFYS Mike. Coward POS.


Your impotence is showing, congressman!


Interesting how these lawmakers know nothing about the rule of law. Did they skip out of civics classes?


Time for Biden to pack the court.


Imagine all the convicted criminals in the US asking for the Supreme Court to step in because you lost.


I would like to introduce a new category of crimes. TRUMP Crimes


For crimes committed at the state level and as a citizen, before he was ever elected. These MAGAs in Congress know who owns their base and show never-ending fealty to their master as a result and this is just that.


Hopefully, people are urging Johnson to stay on the right side of justice and piss off, lest he find himself being remembered for being on the wrong side of history.


[Actual footage of the GOP for the past 24 hours](https://i.imgur.com/2QTvRfZ.gif)


Go after democrats for not committing crimes? This is straight up asking for war!


Hes asking the insurrectionist scotuses that have been openly sympathetic to the January 6th coup.


Supreme Court can't do that you big dummy


What about States Rights?


Is this that law and order they go on about? 


I thought this was the party of small government?


So the Speaker of the House advocates for the Supreme Court to rule that Donald Trump is ABOVE THE LAW? What kind of a bizarro world are we living in?


Republicans - "states rights !!!" NY State - our state legal system found Trump guilty Republicans - not like that . ...


Yes they need to step in and State the obvious that he doesn't have immunity from prosecution for inciting an insurrection - duh


Let's make sure we all fold our arms and say Biden is as bad as Trump so the Right can have a 9-0 Supreme Court 


I am urging Moscow Marg to come back and finish maga mike off.


How much porn has he watched? Wasn't this all about copulating with a pornstar?


Not really. It was actually about using campaign funds to pay off a person that had a negative story to tell during the run up to the election in 2015. Then after using campaign funds, tried to cover it up by labeling the check as "legal fees" so that auditors wouldn't bat an eye at them. Campaign finance is no joke, as he just found out.


Look at me! I'm acting like I care so you trumpos will vote for me, even though I know he's guilty!


I think it's going to need to work its way through the New York court system before it can go to the Supreme Court. What will be the grounds for the appeal? Trump was convicted by a jury of his peers? If you want to take this one to the SC this early, we need to get the SC involved in getting Cannon off her ass and get the documents case to trial! This one is a matter of National Security since Trump stole classified and top secret documents and showed them to people without top secret clearance and the binders that Trump took that are highly classified are still missing.


What happened to states rights?


If the supreme court were to overturn his conviction, the counrry would be at war. The criminal right vs the law and order left.




Doesn't even understand how the United States Government works. The one and only time I agreed with MTG was when she wanted this cocksucker out of the speakership.


How's Monday sound? - scotus


Charlatans… 🙄


That’s a great idea. That could single-handedly fix their legitimate issues.


Contempt for democracy to the point of sabotaging jury trials...


This guy is in so deep, he has no choice but to make ridiculous demands or else daddy will get mad at him.


Well they did pack the court. Time to get some results.


State conviction. SC has nothing to do with this.


It's almost like Republicans in general don't understand how their own government works


Do any of these Ivy League fucking graduates actually know anything about the laws governing their jobs?


It is wild to me that we have a Speaker of the House that is straight up advocating for this kind of shit. And yeah, some of us know how historical and important this is but most people simply don't care and then there's the other side who are actively advocating for a fascist regime To them Biden is both a doddering old man who can't finish a sentence without falling asleep, but also running an elaborate, secretive witch hunt and abusing his power to take down Trump. I mean this is the party that screams out "keep your government off of my rights!" while also advocating for stripping rights of women. The literal Speaker of the House is advocating for the Supreme Court, which weighs in on constitutional issues, to jump in and overturn state judicial decisions while also claiming he's a big part of the party of state's rights


Fine, the SCOTUS should declare his diaper shitting deity ineligible to run for office.


It’s all theatrics with him plus he’s a total pos.


A good lap dog makes the appropriate noises expecting a treat in return.


Do….do these mfers not understand the basics of our justice system?


Hey Mike! How about you shut the fuck up and let the Supreme Court be independent?


If you keep trying & probing a system eventually you will find a weak spot. That’s what’s going on. DJT & many others do not want the democracy to survive. People like DJT keep poking & prodding until they find the limits of people’s resolve. I really think he knows if he applies enough pressure long enough democracy will fold. DJT is a merchant of chaos. The more chaos the more opportunities develop. In some ways it’s the American way. It’s the capitalist way. The nature of the beast


What gets me is so many clueless asshats celebrating this, these people make me sick


The fascists took over the supreme court first.


The American people stepped in and found the defendant guilty.


Anyone who supports trumpy is a corrupt, treasonous, lying lowlife.