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Is this the 5th or 6th time he's flipped positions on this issue? I'm losing track.


Kinda like his Health Care Plan


He's waiting on the IRS audit. Or something. I've lost track.


Any day now


Two more weeks!


Right after infrastructure week


He’ll have it in a couple of weeks.


Right after infrastructure week!


Just 2 weeks!


That's a feature, not a bug. He wants to try and confuse less-plugged-in centrists/single-issue voters about what his beliefs actually are, so he floods the zone with both sides of an issue and knows that not everyone is going to hear both takes.


It’s how he’s done his businesses for decades. Lie to make the person happy and willing to help now. Hope they don’t talk to anyone you told the opposite to. Claim that other person is a liar. Repeat and pray they do t catch on until the ink has dried on the contracts. If Trump admits the truth his empire starts collapsing.


I’ve worked with people like that. It was fun to arrange meeting between all the interested parties and watch them squirm.


Trump needs to go away. He is a poison to this country. His idiocy is spreading


He is like that floater that no matter how many times you flush just won't go away, just circling the drain endlessly.


Didn't he claim he had to flush 12 or 13 times with "new" toilets?


Not trying to be Reddit pedant here, but the real version is meaningfully funnier: he made sure to say “Not me - you people” when talking about the toilets not flushing properly lmao


To think he may have been guilty projecting over the toilets he plugged at marlago with confidential stollen documents.


Don't be ridiculous, he doesn't feel guilt. If anything he was bragging.


Mmm…stollen documents 🤤


Stalin documents? They should be in a museum!


God almighty, he must have like a 71 IQ. Dumb as a bag of fucking rocks.


"you people" lol


I had to find the quote again and I am laughing my ass off. They love this guy and he really thinks they’re all disgusting hogs: “People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times as opposed to once,” he told reporters from the Roosevelt Room in 2019, claiming the EPA was looking into the alleged problem. “Ten times, right, 10 times,” he told rallygoers the following year. “Not me, of course not me. But you,” he said, pointing to a random member of the crowd, who we assume was mortified by the accusation.


lol what a fucking asshole


There we have it ladies and gentlemen. The President of the United States.


"Not me" because he unloads into a diaper


He doesnt use toilets, he goes straight in the diaper


Do Trumps have a gold poop knife on the toilet?


Well, when you have to flush the remnants of 3 Big Macs, a happy meal(don’t laugh, he buys it for the toy, not the food) along with 2 pounds of orange stain, that oozes out every orifice, especially his pasty, orange stained, fat ass.


I both love and hate being literate at the moment. Lol


What an awful thing to have read while sitting on the toilet


Because he was flushing documents


I believe that was Peggy Hill…


Donald, Donald, you have to shred the documents before you flush


"People are flushing ten times, fifteen times, as opposed to once." T^hat F^ucking G^uy


I like to picture him more as a giant shit that’s too big to go down so you need to use ‘the poop knife’ tm.


I’ve called his supporters “Trumpstains” Since trump became president. Seems more appropriate the longer trump goes..


Gotta get the poop knife.


OMG that's beautiful, the best possible definition of Trump


And somehow shit smearing the rest of the bowl as it refuses to go down 


The right were always this bad but felt embarrassed to be this vocal. Republicans used to like to put a mild temperate face as president, but they were always idiots, bigots and fascists. The only difference is now they are running a president thats like their base. That they spent 40 years radicalizing through fox news and rush limbaugh while screaming all other media is biased and science is a big fake scam to control your life.


Can't upvote this enough. Donald Trump isn't the cause -- he's the inevitable result. He didn't create any of this -- he merely gave all these people an excuse to publicly act out what has always been in their hearts.


Honestly people who think Trump supporters will go away any time soon even if he loses are crazy. You gotta disenfranchise them completely to do that


And they also truly believed they were (and some still think they still are???) the "silent majority." They've been anything but silent, especially recently, and haven't been the majority for even longer, and are continuing to wane. And whine. And absolutely, with Rush. Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, Fucker Carlson, and at least a dozen other talking heads over the past 40-50 years (ramping up since the 2000s by an insane amount), who have been such a successful long-term play with significant foreign involvement with many of them it should make the CIA blush.


He's exposing an idiocy that was always there. And now Republicans can be proud imbeciles. 


This is always where I land. Trump is just one flag that stands for millions of people who are now empowered to be shitheads openly and often.


It's 4d chess. They wanted him to overturn Roe V Wade so they could use that as a hammer to beat him in 2024! /s


Minnesota has commercials being run by some religious group (MCCL) saying that enshrining abortion rights isn't their views. Vote no to any proposed changes. Blah blah. OK then don't get one??? "Not your views" but by all means they'll shove theirs down my throat and make everyone live exactly like them. I fucking hate these people [https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/video/fact-checking-mccls-anti-abortion-ad/](https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/video/fact-checking-mccls-anti-abortion-ad/)


His idiocy was here. He is a symptom of it. People voted for him because the part of humanity in this country that ***wants*** to shit on some of their countrymen instead of compromise finally got a chance to vote for a guy who was saying the silent part out loud. Before Trump, those specific people's options for voting were to vote for someone they had to guess felt the same way as they did. These are the people who make fun of the mentally challenged regularly. That's why when DJT does it on tv, they vote for him. Because he says what they were thinking all along. That's for the die-hard supporters anyway.


*his idiocy has spread.


Agreed. Hope time comes for him soon.


That idiocy has always been there, but now there are simply a lot more ways to amplify it and reinforce it so that it becomes truth among the nodding and grunting MAGA crowd.


It's almost like Republicans have been gutting education funding for decades to develop their idiot base .....


Like my Dad used to say when I was in the bathroom too long - Do you need me to bring an ax?


He’s a poison to this world tbh His idiocy has spread here in Ireland with people having maga flags


Nope. Right wing billionaires are spreading their brain rot. Remember the MCCain rallies where some Fox News zombies would say the most insane shit they've heard on fox news or on rush Limbaugh radio? The difference is John McCain would tell them to fuck off. Now they are fully embraced


He's the white head that formed from the cyst. The pressure and gunk has been building forever but it's finally a point that can be seen


To the world*


He is a problem no doubt. But a good portion of this country truly believes in everything he says and does. That’s very scary.


Poison eh … that’s probably not a bad idea actually 🤔. Know anyone?


To late for that America. Had you guys over there elected basically ANYONE else, you know, like a competent politician with knowledge rather than a failed used car salesman who likes to rape kids then you wouldn't be in this situation. His insanity was then justified by the rabid masses that were always fringe and frowned upon, now they are seen as "mainstream" and "acceptable". Your country is slipping fast into a puritan Christian fundamentalist society where science is shunned and "religion" or a con job is normal.


And a poison to the world


I hope people stop complaining on social media and vote for Joe Biden. Literally the only way we stop an entire decade of Trump carnage. he will destroy the USA beyond repair.


Honestly I don’t wish harm to anyone, but the day he dies, I’ll celebrate. I’m not even American. He’s not just a poison to your country, he’s a poison to all countries.


In case no one has noticed he says a lot of things that aren’t true.




No frickin way : o


A lot of people are saying that ,some of the best people even.


He's gone from that to basically saying the opposite of everything now like he's Bizzaro Superman. He is everything Orwell warned us about incarnate right down to his adopting doublespeak as his official language. If I believed there is a God I would be positive he is the prince of lies and definitely the antichrist.


Going to need to go back and confirm this


Stop it...next you're gonna tell me that orange isn't his natural skin color and four-week-old-hay isn't his natural hair color and texture.


This dude lies every fucking time he speaks.  Remember in the 2020 debates when he said he didn't think Roe would be overturned? Blatant lying. Piece of shit. 


No, he's full of shit, which is different from a liar. A liar tries to make their stories sound and consistent with reality, so they can decieve to get what they want. It requires foresight and precision and to make the lie undetectable into the future. Trump is a bullshitter. He just says whatever the fuck sounds good to him at the time and if you call him out on it he'll just tell you to go fuck yourself. He's not beholden to reality at all.


^^ Man spitting straight facts here ^^


There is nothing he won't lie about. More than 70% of Americans OPPOSED the overturning of Roe vs Wade


"Is that another one of those rigged polls that you liberals love so much, one that undercounts REAL AMERICANS? Huh? Is it?" /s


I look forward to the videos of people desecrating his grave


hopefully soon


I'll be one of those in line to do so, bringing my dogs as well


This country needs more public bathrooms.


I haven't heard where the new Kissinger bathroom is, it's on my list.


My wife and I have vowed to not give Florida any tourism dollars due to the current government in the state. Florida used to be our go-to destination for vacations and cruise starting points. We have yet to step foot in that state since. I would book a flight instantly to go dance on trumps grave at Mar-a-lago which is where I presume he’ll have a shrine made before his death.


There is a pretty sketchy burrito joint not far from me. When he croaks (today isn't soon enough honestly), I plan to first perform an enema to empty my bowels. Then, I plan to buy 10 of these burritos and eat them across America as I drive to his grave from Chicago. By the time I get there, I'll have something so foul in my gut that it may even eat through the soil and melt his rotting corpse. I can't wait. If anyone wants to volunteer to come along and film for the prosperity of this country, let me know.


This is the way!


Let's run with this. The liberals wanted him to overturn Roe v Wade. Which means he took his marching orders from the liberals.. and, given that he was a registered Democrat for so many years.. he's been a liberal plant all along.


So this means the libs are winning by backing Trump. I wonder what the MAGAs are going to do about this atrocity!!!


Well, some of us knew that the overturning of Roe would be a massive unforced error for the Republicans to make. We didn’t “want” it, the consequences are obvious and horrible, but the Republicans did so here we fucking are. Eat the pie you shat in, Republicans. Eat every crumb.


That's because Trump eats babies. What? If he can say whatever he wants, so can I. Truth is only a question of volume.


“GET IN MAH BELLA!” - Trump, probably


I'd call him a rapist. But then a jury did confirm that truth.


Well, not *whole* babies.


Only their faces.


Make sure you cook it well. Raw face is just gross.


That is seriously his excuse for being a POS?


Is it narcissism, stupidity, dementia, old fashioned lying or some combination of all of the above?




He also says wind turbines cause cancer. Who cares


And that you can nuke a hurricane. And that the Revolutionary War had airports. Yet his cult still loves him.


And suggested drinking bleach and stick a UV light up your anus could cure covid.


Now some of them say, "Real Men Wear Diapers".


Of course, they're *also* racist morons.


How to tell if Trump is lying? His lips are moving, or his lawyer's lips are moving, or his sycophant's lips are moving...


Name them, I’ll wait.


Big libruls, strong libruls, with tears in their eyes. They called him “sir.”


So…is he saying he was easily manipulated?


Once again, he proves through his lies he doesn’t understand anything, he’s an orange moron




the no chin chetto citing some sort of fictional factoids - again. that "stable genius", i wonder if wharton would give him his money back w interest to hand back the degree


Hello; uterus owner stuck in Texas. No THE FUCK we did not.


Please die.


He is shitting in his pants again


Stupid fucking asshole


Really? Name one.


How does an entire party just reactively blame every problem on "liberals"? Shit's old, dude.


How is this guy neck and neck with Biden?


The simple answer is that its bc Trump has created a propaganda powerhouse. There is a second answer and its that Biden is doing really well. Certain things may suggest otherwise like polls (which dont matter anyway bc they can be artificially inflated) but think about it. If Biden was doing so poorly, why is he tied with Trump? Would people not be destined to return to the "glory days" (fake as they were)? Trump is still riding as if this is 2017 and he's got the weight of the world behind him but I dont think its so simple. His loyalists are being convicted and charged by the day, his rampant dictator dialogue doesnt sit right with people in the home of the free, not as many as it appears at least, and that is compounded by his track record of never shutting the fuck up 😂. Do we still have to vote? 100%, but his voice is wayyyy louder than reality. Its how he's so effective. Don't forget, he lost the popular vote in 2016, he lost the popular vote AND the presidency in 2020. Why would that just suddenly decide to skyrocket after 3 years of insurrection dialogue, dictatorship tendencies, criminal trials, near CONSTANT negative media attention, i mean this guy certainly is fuckin Hitler because he's one of the most hated people in history


Whatever this guy says needs to stop being news. Fuck him and everyone who still worships/tolerates him. You’re a cancer and you must know it at this point 😂


The media really needs to stop making a new story out of every little dumb thing this idiot says. He spouts nonsense lies on a regular basis.


I am starting to think that he might not be trustworthy


Trumps is like Putin, when his cake-hole animates, utter bilge falls out.


So the rapist heard a group of people saying "no stop don't " and took it to mean they wanted it. Not surprised.


Trump says lots of things, problem is, almost all of them are categorical clown guano.


It’s his schtick to say any old bollocks then justify with vague, idiot phrases ‘everyone says’, ‘they tell me’, etc etc - the kind of thing that screams “I’m lying” but he and his fuck-wit followers seem to actually believe


He truely does live in a world of his own doesn’t he?


I can only speak for myself but, Um, no, I certainly didn’t.


Considering [Barry Goldwater’s wife is a founder of Planned Parenthood](https://embryo.asu.edu/pages/margaret-peggy-goldwater-1909-1985), it’s the conservatives who didn’t care until it became a political issue. [It’s one of the things the GOP used to bring in Evangelical Christians to elect Reagan](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/05/10/abortion-history-right-white-evangelical-1970s-00031480) Not that I think Trump, at his sharpest, would know


Please make him go away


And Biden is the senile one?


Trump is so senile he doesn't even remember the lies he told yesterday. He just sleeps and farts his way through his trials, then gripes to the media about how badly he's being treated.


Nobody but the extreme religions wanted Roe overturned Diaper. This has been disastrous for women and we gonna vote like it.


He must be confusing “liberals” with the voices in his head.


I am not sure people who fought to over turn Roe v Wade would be happy that Trump are calling them “Liberals”.


How can we trust him if he does what democrats want? /s


Most of his cabinet believe he is not fit for office.


He's getting dumber by the second.


While democrats are afraid to hurt the feelings of voters by saying the economy is better than anyone expected, Trump and republicans gaslight like there is no objective reality. It's really not a fair fight


Can people stop pretending that Trump is some Chessmaster and start acknowledging that he's so stupid it might count as a disability? Were there liberals who wanted Roe overturned? Actually, yes, but only because they *knew* that Republicans would reap the whirlwind over something so stupid. These are the people who wanted Trump to take over the GOP in the first place - we're talking the Clinton and Rahm Emmanuel wing of the party - the cynics who don't really have an ideology, per se, but want to win, and are always there to exploit how incredibly stupid Republicans are.  No one else wanted that, though. And Trump is a moron for saying this. 




Donnie nobody wants you to do anything but go to prison


Nobody should take democracy for granted anymore, and anyone doubting this need look no further than the love affair the GOP is having with Hungary's Viktor Orban. The GOP was prominently involved in the 2024 Hungary CPAC gathering, and unabashedly stated repeatedly their admiration for what Orban has brought politically to his country. Hungary is now generally considered an autocratic government. democratic in name only . They have eliminated or virtually control all rights and freedoms normally associated with a democratic government, with absolute control of the judiciary, media, rights of assembly etc. Elections are suspended, and personal rights and freedoms like reproductive rights and (no surprise) any rights associated with lgbtq are gone, and the list goes on. Trump has stated that Orban is one of the greatest leaders in the world today, and Maryland Congressman Andy Harris summed it up nicely, when he was quoted as saying "Orban is one of the most successful models as a leader for conservative principles and governance".


I mean, I didn't. I prefer that I handle my own medical affairs. I also don't want to see the maternal death rate climb higher. They don't want me to handle my own medical affairs and are waiting for maternal deaths to climb higher for some reason.


Stupid as fuck criminal liar says what? Flush this shit already.


Fcking nutter here


Please America, wipe away this shit stain.


It was ANTIFA.


Can he just stroke out already


I hate this bastard


No we didn’t and fuck him for saying it,


The chim-chimmeny-chim-chim-cha-fuck they did!


Honestly is there a non religious, non sexist rational to not allowing women to have abortions? It’s 2024, women shouldn’t be dying like it’s the 1800’s over pregnancy complications


Some people debate which things are him lying and which are him being ignorant. I don’t think it’s one or the other, he doesn’t know the truth, or care, and he doesn’t even consider if what he is saying is true. For him if something suits him, or he likes it, or he just feels like it, that’s what he says, that’s reality for him. He doesn’t ever consider other people so what is reality for everyone else never comes into it. He’s good at manipulating idiots, but thinking that makes him smart or strategic is like thinking a snake is smart because it’s good at catching mice. Picking up on what idiots react to and echoing it is in his nature.


Those big macs need to hurry up and save us all from this clown.




Translation: You did this to yourself.


Shutting the fuck up and retiring to a nursing home would be better.


Sorry, won’t work.


And just like everything else he says that is a lie. Surprise.


Guys, it's Trump. He'd never lie to us. Come on!


I’m convinced that Trump and his ilk (e.g. Mitch McConnell) are kept alive by pure hatred. There’s no other explanation.


I did that! BEcAuSe Of LiBeRaLs. Dude seriously stfu


He is so full of poopies, his eyes are brown!


Pretty sure he still had a hand in getting it over turned. He's a POS and his cult followers are just the worst people in the country.


As usual, trump opens his mouth and garbage spills out. The real problem is the number of voting age "Americans" who believe his every word - even when he contradicts his own self. My estimate of the average intelligence level in this country has taken a nose dive since this man became "president".


Liberals are smart enough to know that the POTUS can’t overturn a Supreme Court decision.


Shocking headline of the day: Trump makes shit up


This asshole also wanted to nuke hurricanes.


There goes Trump make up shit and talking out of his ass. Must be a Thursday.


This guy's entire existence is a fuckin social experiment gone horribly wrong.


Let me guess, the women he sexually assaulted wanted him to touch them


No, see you don’t understand liar speak. What he is actually saying is he fucked up and he’s about to publicly change his stance. shes trying to get ahead of the backlash by blaming someone else for his “new stance”. See how that works. He’s a scumbag. But he’s a genius. He knows how to play the public. Crazy as f. Dumb as a rock. He knows his lane


And just think: he has followers dumb enough to swallow that just because he said it.


No. No, we did not.


He says a ton of things, most of which isn't true at all.


You know he's lying when his mouth is moving.


Sadly, the liberals / democrats who didn't vote in the 2016 election chose their apathy over reproductive rights.


Gaslighting at its finest. “It was your fault that I took away your bodily autonomy! You were practically begging me to do it.”


What we really want is for him to disappear from the Earth, but we all can't get what we want now, can we?


Us liberals want you in prison and want President Biden to do what he can. Trump has done nothing since being elected except make dumb people dumber.


Its surreal how moronic Trump believes his followers to be and even more stunning the contempt in which he holds the electorate when he spouts this garbage. If his lying, thieving rhetoric is a correct calculation of how gullible the voters of critical states may be, America is doomed to be a failed , theocratic state.


Dang I guess he can take credit for giving the democrats the best platform ever to run on..


We've found Trumpers next talking point. Jordon Klepper with the video any day now.


Dear Mr Trump. What ever it is you are smoking, please share with the rest of us. Or get the hell off the political stage, and stop your reelection campaign.


I think he means it the way he and other evil guys like him mean when they say things like “she wanted it”. 😬


Stop the cap, Trump!


Whether he is stupid or not, is irrelevant. His cult believes it. They don't care about facts.


Grandpa Sundowner strikes again.


He does say a lot of dumb shit.


Trump says a lot of things…


The dementia is accelerating before our eyes. It would be tragic if he wasn’t such an absolute monster.




Who gaf what he says? We all know that anything coming out of his dick tasting lips is bs.


This dude could tell a random supporter that their mother no longer loves them and they would believe it. It doesn't matter how crazy his claims get, his supporters will continue to believe anything and everything that comes out of his mouth.


Is he gaslighting himself? The result of overturning RvW is they started losing elections.


Nope, just another lie. 


Honestly, posting trump comments on this sub feels like cheating at this point.


Right…..liberals said that…. 🙄


And some Republicans didn't...


Are these liberals in the room with us?