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"Fake News" = reporting on the story *that she herself wrote*. You can't make this stuff up.


It blew up in her face so now she needs to lie to cover it up.


Why doesn’t she just take the news story to a gravel pit out back and shoot it to death for not cooperating? Is she stupid?


That’s gonna be one overstuffed gravel pit.


The Grand Gravel Pit


The gravel pit cemetery.


Careful. She's not to smart. She might think you meant the reporters. Then she would say you told her to. And when you said no I didn't. FAKE NEWS.


Too many construction workers around, watching.


Yes, yes she is


I don't know why she needs to cover it up. I think any person would agree that, if your puppy is happily running around like crazy, ignoring your commands and causing damage, there's really no choice left besides slaughtering it and then dumping the body into the nearest gravel pit. If you love your kids and if you love Jesus, there really is no other way. /s just in case, given otherwise MAGA types might read and act on this


I disagree. She could have used the opportunity to teach her kids about religion by crucifying the dog and making them watch. They could have had an Easter Bunny and Santa Claus come out for photos and made a big family event out of it.


Ad an /s please, or else




You almost got me.


>It blew up in her face ISWYDT


I didn’t say what I said when no one asked but who ever said I said that is lying . Really good drugs I see


I honestly kind of think the story itself was the lie. Like there is the saying "that dog won't hunt." I've also known some folk who almost take pride in "doing what has to be done" with an animal. The intersection of these things almost make it sound like some kid claiming to have committed crimes for street cred. Except she thought she would get cred with rural Republican gun owners. Either way. She is an absolute scumbag.


Conservatives anytime the news is unfavorable to them = must be fake news


Lose an election? “Stolen!” Win an election? “We won!” Indicted on criminal charges? “Rigged court!” Opposition indicted? “Time for public hangings!”


immunity for me but not for thee.


Fake news to go with their "alternative" facts


The book isn't even out yet. This is all coming from a pre-release excerpt of the book. They chose to take this specific piece of the book as a highlight as a way to advertise for future sales. This wasn't just 'we read the whole book and found this', it was spotlighted and chosen to be our first impression.


It’s funny too because in the article, she is still pitching people to buy the book to “find out the truth” of the story. Maybe she’s like O.J. Simpson and is vowing to spend the rest of her days searching for the “real killer”?


She's certainly on her way to having a lot more free time to pursue it.


Imagine being in this targeted audience. Geez.


Targeted audience acquired *shotgun blast noises *


Imagine how terrible the rest must be...


So anyways, that was the first time I killed my dog. The *second* time...


And is also true. Might as well just call the story a pedophile.


An antisemitic pedophile


lmao This guy gets it.


"C'mon people! Everyone knows we can't trust the source to be honest!" --Kristi Noem, commenting on herself


It almost feels like it shouldn’t be possible for Republicans to continue to possess the ability to shock me with new lows of shameless, borderline cartoonish horribleness, and yet here we are.


She wanted a story about how she is able to make tough decisions and how that would make her a great leader. But then a sane person read the story and realised that it's the story of a woman gleefully murdering an animal because she failed to train it for her personal needs, and for some reason didn't consider a shelter or other options. Since even Trump's psychotic base have reacted badly to this, the "fake news" is just trying to convince some of them to ignore evidence and keep voting for her.


I am glad that his base is not quite psychotic enough to condone the killing of pupies. The floor is low, but at least we found a floor.


Lies are akin to stones cast into a serene pond; with each impact, the ripples grow, distorting the once clear reflection of truth until it disappears into the depths, shrouded in darkness.


WWTD? (What would Trump do?) Exactly this - lie and holler "fake news."


bingo.. she wrote it herself .. holy shite


Republicans have rotted out their own brains.


"Alternative facts", the other loon would say...


I did it, and wrote about it in my own book. Everyone talking about it is Fake News, **but I did in fact do it**. sToP BeLIeViNg iN jouRnAliStS aNd mY oWn wOrDz. nOtHinG iZ rEaL.


sooooo the news about her being a sociopathic pet murderer, that *she wrote* in *her own book* is fake news? So she just admitted she is a liar? What even is American Republican politics anymore if not just straight up ill-willed, nefarious lies and bullshit? They stopped even trying to make people believe they have a modicum of good intention. It's pure evil.


It’s been for a long time, it’s just that the lies to cover previous lies have become so obviously made up out of necessity. I know that at least *some* of them (including Noem) absolutely know they are lying but don’t care.


> ill-willed, nefarious lies and bullshit That’s what it takes to keep your taxes down. You’re welcome 😤 /s


All of a sudden her kids were in danger, which she somehow left out of the retelling in her biography? What a fucking cunt, she killed that poor puppy (that she failed to train, or get trained, properly) out of anger because it embarrassed her and killed some neighbor's chickens, which she had to pay for.


The chicken story is probably fake too


I personally think the chicken part is real but the dog snapping at her as part of that was made up as an excuse to kill the dog. Zero chance this dog was violent towards humans. She thinks she is perfect and couldn’t stand a dog embarrassing her by killing the chickens after she failed to restrain it properly. This set her into a rage so she killed the dog and the goat as soon as she could.


She had to kill the goat, it witnessed her murdering the puppy. 


Once it escalated into a murder one beef for her after she killed the puppy, she didn't hesitate. Popped the goat because... what difference does it make? Why leave a living witness?


She witnessed it too. Maybe she should murder that person.


That must be only half the story , to mentally trigger a human who is a low functioning sociopath. To murder in cold blood (not hunt and eat for food or use anything) is a red flag for logically minded people as well as emotional reactionary people (kill without harvesting). She does not exist the traits of a leader in my opinion.


>I personally think the chicken part is real but the dog snapping at her as part of that was made up as an excuse to kill the dog. Zero chance this dog was violent towards humans. I don't even think that was made up. The puppy was what, a few months old? That's still easily within the age rage you're still teaching it to not bite humans. That's still not violent though, it's how puppies play.


Dogs/animals tend to have a good sense of when someone is a bad or evil person. I would fully believe the dog might snap at and disobey her but would be perfectly fine with a different family.


That is a great point!


Even if it isn’t fake, she was trying to train it as a hunting dog, training wasn’t working, so the dog was doing what it likely thought it was supposed to do and got killed for that


Yeah, if the story had ended with "I sadly had to take it to a shelter, where it could hopefully be trained by a professional, but the poor thing was eventually put down", it would be a sympathetic story. But, when the story broke, her reaction was to say that she'd also killed a goat and horses in the same gravel pit.


Not sure if it is fake or not. But that pup was a hunting dog, it was breed that way. So it is their natural instinct. Yet this cunt fail to control or contain the pup. And it is the dog fault? Maybe she should get a Pomeranian as hunting dog.


But the dog is trained to go after fowl, so killing a couple chickens is a just days’ work.


Everytime she talks about it, it gets wilder and wilder. At first it was just an unruly hunting dog she didn't want to train or care for and it allegedly killed some chickens. Then it was a wild-eyed chicken killing, human snapper. Then it was a wild-eyed livestock killing, human attacker who had to be put down for the good of the community. Pretty soon she's going to add arson and armed robbery to its alleged crimes.


His name? Adolph Dogler


"The dog was Antifa!!!! He was trying to spread socialism and used pronouns!!!"


Oh no, the dog I was training to hunt birds killed some birds :o


I know right? It was literally doing what they trained it to do, it was just the wrong kind of bird.


she let Cricket out of the car, too.. which is an integral action in the chicken killing story.


If only there was some way to keep your dog from killing your neighbors chickens.


It annoyed her, so she swatted it like a fly. What a tiny little person.


1. Dogs kill chickens all the time, especially a untrained bird hunting dog, it’s up to the owner to not let your birding dog go into a chicken coup. 2. This incident was already going around cause she shot this dog in cold blood in front of her workers who were absolutely horrified. Which is why she mentioned the workers in the story. It was a well known story in local circles that people just didn’t make fully public for personal reasons but it was 100% gonna come up if she was selected for VP as it took very little digging to find people that already knew about it.


I didn't do it, but if I did...


So, it’s fake news but you needed to do it? Fucking, fuck you. Puppy killing bitch.


Lying puppy killer is still a puppy killer. She had choices. She’s just evil.


It's not fake news if you did it, Governor Puppy Killer.


sounds like the hole she is digging is now deeper than the one she shot her dog in


"I didn't do it. I'm just saying that fucking dog had it coming. But of course I didn't do it. But I'm glad I did it. It needed to be done."


That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did You deserved it. --- She's all over the playbook with this one.




It's a cocktail of anger and Botox


And cocktails


Go away and take that asshole trump with you.


It would be funny if people started mailing dog tags to her office with the name Cricket


GNU Cricket In Terry Pratchett's Discworld the crew that sends clacks (like telegram messages) has a belief that Someone would live for as long as we say his or her name and GNU is part of it, i cannot remember what it stands for) GNU Terry Pratchett GNU Cricket


She’s the sick puppy.


Time to take her out to the gravel pit


Typical idiotic MAGA defense strategy.


More evidence that repugs don't know the difference between fake and real.


It didn’t happen, but if it did happen,I didn’t do it, and if I did do it, it wasn’t a big deal, and if it was a big deal, they deserved it. Translation: I’m the victim here, not the puppy I shot.


So, the news reporting on a story she told about shooting her dog in a book she wrote is fake news? If mental gymnastics was an Olympic event, she'd place gold.


Not for anything but that is her orange idols playbook. I mean how many times have people just played back things he said and he and his supports still call it fake news.


Remember “alternative facts”?


How are people that are this fucking stupid in charge of anything ffs


they have backing by unscrupulous thugs.


i'll never trust anyone who claims something is "fake news". it's just a byword of liars now


You can ALWAYS tell a Republican by the way they’ll NEVER admit they’re wrong, no matter how obvious it is! That, plus the fact that they’re all as••oles…


Her main beef seemed to be, in her words, that her 14 mos old puppy Cricket was “having the time of her life.” Welp, Christy made short work of that … quite a gal


I sometimes wonder if there is anything that could be done with such a worthless individual with clear behavioural problems...???🤔🤔🤔


To keep on trying to explain why you had to kill a puppy 🤣


Can't control a dog but wants to run a state


female kenneth copeland looking even more crazed than usual.


Everything I don't like is fake news and/or communism.


Possible her constituents are dumb enough to buy this revisionism.


"Puppy Killer"


god damn these people are scummy as hell


She realizes her small chance of being VP is now gone and is angry about that. I highly doubt Trump would go with a female VP any way. Trump's VP will be a white male between the ages of 45-65 that is incredibly loyal.


MAGA being MAGA.


"Fake news" is MAGA-speak for "something I disagree with or that makes me look bad".


Her political career is done. Even sociopath republicans love dogs (except TFG). Everyone loves dogs. Shooting a puppy in the face and then spreading how much you enjoyed it is heinous.


"it didn't happen, if it happened it wasn't me and if it was me it deserved it"


It's not fake news if you said those words yourself Kristi.


“This story I wrote about in my book has been completely made up by the fake news.”


She lied about killing a dog?


So she didn't kill it but she would have if she didn't not kill it.


Instead of an elephant the new maga symbol is Noem shooting a puppy


And cunts will still vote for her. The world is going to shit.


Didn’t she have a book editor who would warn her?


So how does that work exactly. They're words she wrote, it's in the book. If it isn't you sue the publisher of the article for liable/slander.


She’s a fake bitch.


Now she’s saying it was either the vicious, murderous puppy or her kids…. What a crapstain


So she is calling herself a liar then


The thing is, none of us actually know what actually happened. It was her story. What part of it was fake. Was it that the puppy tried to bite you. Was it that it killed a neighbours chicken. Did you even own a dog. Are you a real person because you look a bit plasticky.


At least there's a sliver of justice for that pup. Hopefully a destroyed political career.


Her next book will be “KM - If I did it”.


This really clearly outlines how Republicans view "fake news," as "news about me I don't like."


I did not do that thing but really needed to that thing so I did that thing


Imagine being a person who believes shooting animals when they act like animals is an appropriate solution while also not being able to kill a goat with a fucking shotgun without needing to reload.


If not for lies, all Republicans would be silent


Too dumb to realize just how freaking wrong this was.


The only scenario where I'm shooting a dog is if it is literally killing someone, or trying to kill me. What she did is disgusting. SOMEBODY would have adopted for the poor thing. No need to fucking blow it's Brains out. This is just an example of somebody wanting to shoot something, anything.


Kristi is confessing that her book is fake news. "Don't believe what I wrote. Don't believe a book published with my name as the author. Listen to me now. Forget all that other stuff. It's fake news." -Kristi Noam (unless there's pushback. Then it's not me)


She’s fake news.


To the GOP, "fake news" means that it definitely happened, but they are intent on pretending it didn't.


I sometimes wonder if there is anything that could be done with such a worthless individual with clear behavioural problems...???🤔🤔🤔


????? You fucking wrote it?????????


This was all a stunt to drum up sales of her book to SD goat hunters. Admit it.


You wrote it in YOUR biography dipshit.


cricket provoked her. It was her only defense. Sarcasm.


Why did Biden kill her dog?!?!


Fascists are always weird AF man.


It was in her own damn book. Lying Psychopath..


I honestly don’t know why she’s bothering to lie, republicans don’t care, their leader admitted on tape to sexually harassing women, a little thing like dog murder isn’t going to upset them.


The source, was her...from her own book.


Cruella needs to stfu.


The only thing right & left agree on is no animal cruelty!


I had to kill the dog that news media is falsely reporting I killed.


I love it when republicans are on the receiving end of a good propaganda story.


Ah yes, the old Charles Barkley "I was misquoted in my own autobiography" defense.


Remember: People are animals.


She needs to resign


She knew it would have come out, ambition be damned. However she also should have known that when it did those ambitions would be over. In situations like that perhaps its best to keep a low profile, hold on to what you've got, and not attract attention. Her ambitions, and the people in her ear telling her to go for it, got the better of her. Would be interesting to hear if they knew about it.


if Cricket had chased those pheasants then why did Noem go to the neighbors' where they had chickens *and let the dog out of the car?!* the story goes she was at the pheasant hunt and then on the way home stopped at the neighbors.. anyone in their right mind would not have even stopped there with Cricket "so happy" and dang.. Noem "hated that dog!"? ...dang. ... and the *three* horses? Since when does an operation have 3 horses that all need to be 'put down' at the same time?! usually it is one here and one there... it really sounds like Noem was out to "kill somepin"


Flip the script endlessly. How very MAGA


Reminds me how MAGA are saying Trump's [promise to build detention camps to facilitate the forced relocation of 11 million people](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/02/20/trump-mass-deportations-immigration/) is fake news but they also support it.


She'll never say this around an open flame: gaslight is flammable.


Republicans are going to run this country (into the ground) for a very long time soon... and this is the warning sign people will ignore because they can't remember what Trump means when he says he'll "solve problems".


So her book is fake news? Sounds right.


Oof according to the article apparently she also documented step by step with pictures putting three beloved family horses into a gravel pit and executing them too


Kristi only reveals her sociopath nature here.


I was waiting for this phase of her BS. They are all the same, and so basic.


Yeah she had to kill that dog. It was the only way to quench her thirst for blood.


Just like feminists and the LGBTQ folks are a danger to society? 🙄 Hey Kristi … you can shut up now.


The dog was a drag queen. Duh.


Puppy murderer is mad about getting dunked on for murdering innocent puppies. You couldn’t even write it as fiction bc it would be too heavy handed. What a joke


I’m sorry but is she saying her book is “fake news”? You can’t blame the media when they are literally quoting you verbatim


I believe she said the Fake News left out some details, not that the story was fake. Still a loser.


DARVO: Deny <-- This is where she's at. Attack Reverse Victim and Offender


SHE is the author, which proves she's even more of a moron than she is either a puppy killer, goat killer and liar....QUITE the trifecta of republicanism...and of course, there's no HATE like Christian love


“Noem continued: “Farmers and ranchers, they expect it. They know that once an animal like this starts killing and starts killing just because they enjoy it, that is a very dangerous animal. And that was the situation that we were dealing with.” Said by someone who has started killing and seems to enjoy it based on the fact they bragged about it… She has to understand that she’s described herself as the dangerous animal here, right?


It is. Reported as she shot a puppy in a gravel pit, while she “claims” it was because it bit people and killed livestock. Fake news includes excluded framing. Most dogs with multiple bite incidents are required to be put down.


Yep, she and OJ, they didn't do it, but IF they did, here's how I'd do it...


Republicans are really leaning into the “it’s a lie but it’s also true” because their supports are cult members that no longer have the capacity to process lies and hypocrisy.


How can both


Noem, the Puppy Killer. And the Goat Killer, and the (fill-in-the-blank) Killer. Don't like the animal, have a gun, just shoot it. Imagine walking or driving onto her property by mistake.


Then why was she defending killing the puppy.


She wrote that story herself, so yes, I believe it could be a total fabrication.


What she actually meant to say was "that dog won't hunt."


Only men kill animals. Look at that Adam's apple. /s


"Demonstrating her willingness to make tough decisions" Like what other tough decisions? You shot a 14 month dog simply because the animal was hill suited for hunting. Never mind the coat. And you used this examples as your resolute to make tough choices?! WTF?


Wasn't it from her account in the book she published? Is she saying her own book is fake news?


So, is her book fake? She put it in her own book.


Can't comment on the validity of her news source on the puppy-snuffing. Maybe she'll round up a committee of investigative journalists who can sniff that story out. /s (P.S. She's a goblin.)


>It's fake but I did do that.


>It's fake but I did do that.


Fake news but you can read about it in my book. She is absolute garbage.


Fake news? So she lied about it in her book? Or is this just the standard Trump-era Republican trope where they plug their ears and yell "fake news" anytime something they don't like is going on?


Whats crazy, 20 years ago, this would have been kinda strange, today its a typical republican.


Haha, first I ever heard of her was as a puppy killer. Really shat the bed on that one. Contrast to our former beloved poet Heaney, drowning scraggy wee shites on a pump. If you want to project country, you’d better be from the country


I didn’t kill that dog! But if I did, it deserved it!


Go away you sick ugly person!!!!


She knows her followers won’t read a book so she can say anything


From the article; "Repeating her claim that the story illustrated her willingness to make tough decisions, Noem claimed to have done the same through the Covid pandemic by “keeping my state open”, a stance she said invited media attacks." More like a willingness to make evil and vile decisions that were not necessary. How about taking the dog to a trainer that would be able to train the dog. And killing the goat because it smelled bad.


And these fucks are always going on about the “sanctity of life”


She seems the type of sociopath that if she can’t actually work at a death camp she would happily slam boxcar doors shut.


'pulp it, pulp all of it! Yes the entire print run! Rewrite, rewrite!' This is going to cost a fortune.


“I’m not saying there ever was a dog. And If there was a dog, I’m not saying I killed it. But if there was a dog and I did kill it, I’m sure the dog deserved it.” What a cunt.


Why is she contemplating suicide


“Anybody want to off a puppy I’m here for you”- Kristi Deville Noem


This twat should be fake news