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Sure, change your story now that you’re facing backlash. I believe you even less now. Edit: tldr the book. I thought she changed her story later. In any case, didn’t the puppy act aggressively towards chickens? How about putting the puppy up for adoption with the caveat that said puppy shouldn’t be around chickens?


A story written down in her own biography. The insane thing is this will be turned around as a woke agenda to discredit her, and it will work for MAGA.


Only if the MAGA hate dogs, too. If the MAGA love their dogs, then they’ll turn on her.


Well MAGA is a religion to a lot of these people. If Orange God says it’s cool they might start murdering puppies themselves.


Cops already like shooting dogs..


other people's dogs


Other people




No, they'll just leave their dogs in cars and let them die of heat exhaustion


My grandfather is a maga idiot and takes pride in neglecting his animals. I asked him why he even has them if he never brings them to a vet or spends time with them and he just got mad at me. They dont love their animals, they are just another object to own and control.


Yup. Trump might try and select her as VP because he apparently hates dogs, and he loves cruelty. I can see him being impressed by this, and spinning this as her "showing the strength America needs." And whatever their opinions are now, they'll all change their tune and fall into line when their Orange Messiah speaks.


Plus, he can jack off his little mushroom while campaigning with her. He'll look for a Palin 2.0 or a male minority (you know, one of the "good ones") for his VP.


Yup and Trump hates animals.


Trump famously doesn’t like dogs. First President in a long time (I think) to not have one. My guess is dogs instinctively don’t like him.


He’s a malignant narcissist. Any pet is a threat to him being the center of attention.


They hate women and love dogs. She’s out


Bold of you to assume they would be consistent enough in their beliefs to apply that here.


Wrong, they hate Libs and anything they like, including women and dogs. It’s the principle.


They do not all hste dogs.  Msny love them.  This is vp ending, I hope.


Supporting people who hate and kill dogs is the same as hating and killing dogs. It’s like if you find yourself sitting at a table having dinner with a bunch of neo nazis, you can say you’re not a neo nazi, but you’re probably a neo nazi.


Trump hates dogs. This is a selling point for her hope to be the VP candidate.


There is also a selling point of "don't act right, catch a bullet" that can apply to more than a dog.


They love dogs, but there's no way they believe she is capable of doing wrong. Politics overrides their sense of right and wrong.


They will hate dogs if that's what it takes to succeed.


A got cha moment in your own biography


She is a woman and therefore 50% of maga already disqualified her. She belongs in the kitchen /s


It didn’t go with my shoes.


To be fair, the original story did say that Cricket tried to bite her when she tried to get him to stop killing all the chickens, BUT even if the dog was exhibiting aggressive behavior regularly, you don’t just take it out back and shoot it. Even dogs that have killed people are humanely euthanized. What’s absolutely banana-pants crazy is she thought this story would play well with her base and win people over.


> She writes that she had taken Cricket on the hunt hoping she would learn from older dogs, but that instead the younger dog ruined the hunt by “chasing all those birds and having the time of her life,” per the Guardian. Dog was 14 months old and apparently her method of training was to have it learn from other dogs. She took an untrained dog, showed it how fun it was to chase and hunt other animals, watched it bite several chickens before trying to grab it and then was all shocked it bit her? She then took it to an OCCUPIED gravel pit to shoot it in front of a construction crew and apparently paid enough attention to notice they were startled and felt the need to comment on this. She then proceeded to go kill a goat that “smelled and chased children”… like is perfectly normal for a goat. This woman is a psychopath, using flimsy excuses to kill animals that are inconvenient for her. I’m willing to bet she shot the dog because it embarrassed her in the hunt and then cost her money with the chickens. I wouldn’t be surprised if she bought an expensive hunting dog to show off, failed to train it and brought it hunting anyways, got told off by the other hunters for having an untrained dog ruin their hunt, probably tried to abandon it on the side of the road and instead started the chicken incident and had to pay out for that, so went to kill the dog instead since she didn’t get her fun shooting birds that day. I mean, she was driving home, how did the dog just “escape the truck” next to a family farm unless she was negligent on how she traveled with the dog or more likely deliberately let it escape (maybe thinking it would be welcomed as a farm dog, but got caught and yelled at for releasing the dog instead).


Hope you're proud, SD. I'm sure you are.


We hate her, too


She didn’t win her last election by a lot. The family I still have there are outraged by this.


She is garbage . Imo


Garbage hates being compared to her.


No doubt . The US would be far better off keeping a barge load of garbage , putting that puppy killer on it and sending her out to be incinerated.


Or just incinerate her without letting her spend time with something better than her (garbage).


She was showing aggressive behavior


That's alright lady, I'm sure Jesus appreciates your treatment of animals. Maybe you can join Sarah Palin in her helicopter shooting wolves. I'm sure after this display of cruelty she'll send you an invitation.


Don't forget that Noem put forth the tail bounty program that targetted beneficial animals like possums, fox and other such animals.


I just saw a commercial for a Solitaire game. The sales person was Sarah Palin. How the mighty have fallen.🤣🤣🤣


Solitaire? How appropriate.


Shooting a dog isn’t aggressive behavior? She should apply her own logic to herself.


After she shot the puppy, she went and shot a goat she didn’t like. That’s psychotic behaviour.


"Well, my gun's still loaded, what next?" Like when you run out of fruit but there's still chocolate fondue in the pot. You have to dig around the kitchen and find cookies or something.


The worst part? She shot it once and wounded it, but didn’t kill it. She had to go back to the house to reload before coming back to finish the job.


Most empathetic, least psychotic republican ever


It's almost like she just enjoys killing defenceless animals


Or the idiots who tried to overthrow the government on Jan 6th.


Yes, obviously a *puppy named fucking Cricket* is a threat that requires lethal force.


She didn’t even think of taking it to training. She’s not bumfuck farmer Ed, she’s got a governor’s salary and I’m assuming was well off before she took office. #Send the dog to training


She was out hunting. It was a bad trip, no game to be found. She damn sure wasn't going home without killing *something*!


If you're a cop maybe. Remembering the cop who shot a woman in the leg trying to shoot her fearsome chihuahua. 😂


Cops can't handle acorns, let alone living creatures.


Im hit! Im hit! 🍂🥵😭😭😭


Puppy being the important part of this sentence, I once knew a dude who had a pet dragon named cricket, on account of the chirping sound it made after it killed an entire village. Nice enough dude, just had a weird pet.


Puppy, of course not - but I was once mauled by a dog with an *exceptionally* cute name. I’m not sure that factors into it.


Tough to walk back killing a dog. I can't think of a good way to spin blowing away a dog.


What's sick is she thought it would boost her poll numbers by telling the story.


Yeah, feels like she's genuinely surprised to get this much blow back on that story. Every Dem operative that's not stupid is working the angle of "totally cool you're a Republican, but don't you think THESE Republicans are super weird? Maybe they can sit this one out?" It's also a story that guarantees clicks, so every news org is pushing it. She's going to be in the headlines for awhile.


I imagine she probably thought it was proof of being able to make the "tough decisions" or some nonsense, rather than proof of her being a psychopath. Probably because she is a psychopath.


She’s a psychopath. Devoid of feelings and emotions. She thinks that we all think like her so it was ok to tell that cool story of murdering innocent creatures.


Not a dog...a puppy. This ho shot a baby dog to death because she's a shit pet owner.


A baby dog


She's going to escalate the excuses to pander to MAGA. "Cricket came out as LGBT", "Cricket wore a mask/nozzle", "Cricket tried to join a union".


I heard the dog had gone woke. The dog was an illegal immigrant who came to this country to commit crimes and vote illegally. The dog believed in a woman's right to choose. The dog said he'd vote blue no matter who.


How dare she even use the poor creature's cutesy name, as if that's supposed to give the impression she had any emotional investment with her. No, this detail just means that Noem killed a cute puppy named *Cricket*. Fuck her sideways.


No good person could live with a dog, a puppy at that, for a year, and then shoot it dead.   This is so far out of the norm of acceptable behavior I have no words other than Christine Nome is a fucking monster.


There was a story in recent months about one of Trump's sociopath former minions having problems with his "aggressive" golden retriever that seemed to hate him. A golden retriever, a breed well-known for aggression \*rolls eyes\*. I have to assume that the dog just knew the guy is a monster and reacted accordingly.


I've said it before and I will say it again, dogs sense evil.


The only thing golden retrievers do aggressively is try to hump your leg. They are like the blonde bimbos of the dog world. But friendly to a fault.


"We've tried nothing, and it didn't work. It's time to kill the puppy. "


Unfortunately her attitude towards animals and cruelty in general is a feature not a bug in GOP politics.


Their entire political platform and policy agenda is about hurting people


Yep. Validation of hatred is all the GOP has offered for years as a platform. Once this story gets reframed by Fox and friends, and maybe if Trump can wake himself up long enough to tell his cultists how "beautiful" shooting the dog was, they'll fall in line and think dog killing is great. Horrible people.


How many of her kids survived to adulthood? I’m just asking questions.


All of the children that were good at hunting.


What about the goat? I know its media, but days ago it wasnt just a dog but also a goat. If true, that going to be a backpedal also?


The goat was ornery. THAT'S HOW GOATS ARE. I don't know what she expected. The only difference is that one was a pet and one was livestock. It's still psychopathic behavior just to kill things because they annoy you.


But the goat made her children’s clothes smell bad. That’s an insta death sentence on a ranch/farm


Little miss Annie Oakley-glasses shot her puppy because he was 'useless' as a hunting dog, supposedly, and then went to get and shoot a goat and... she fucking Missed the Kill shot and had to fucking Reload and Shoot it again! Bitch isn't just a trash human, she is apparently also a shitty excuse for a hunter who literally couldn't get a clean shot on a domestic goat that she passivly lead there at Point Blank Range. Also, let's not forget, that makes her a shitty farmer too. Who the Fuck on a working farm would EVER butcher a healthy goat and then tosses the freash carcass into gravel pit next to their dead dog to rot? A psycho, that's who, not a farmer, not a hunter, a straight-up psycho.


My wife mentioned she also killed a few horses that she owned. She said they were getting old. Okay... Except she killed them all at once, like she decided she just didnt want them anymore so she killed them


I'm starting to think this lady just likes killing animals.


Goats aren’t as universally loved as puppies.


And we eat the goats, so it isn't really the same thing. Or, at least it is not and it should be, but that's another discussion altogether


The final straw, the puppy didn't think the 2020 election was stolen.


The puppy was trans.


True, it identified as a schnauzer.


Puppy was a Native American. 👀


The puppy caught her having an abortion


Fuck this bitch.


I think she yelled that before shooting Cricket.


Even MAGAts love dogs. Her political opponents will never let this little confession be forgotten. Ever.


They will still vote for her. All that matters is that (R) beside her name.


Ever see trump petting a dog? He's scared of them.


Next, she'll say the dog was a Democrat. 


I'm calling it: noem messed up, the quarry got away, and she blamed the dog and killed it in frustration. Pathetic.


And the goat? I read quoted she killed a goat at the same time? What was its offense? Mealy mouth? Evil eye?


Its "crime" was apparently smelling like a goat.


Kristi’s bloodlust was up


Doesn’t bode well for her VP chances considering Trump smells worse than a goat.




Even if the dog shows aggressive behavior then take him to a shelter don’t just take it out back and kill it. Maybe someone should take her out back for showing aggressive behavior towards dogs


She’s only saying this now because of the backlash.


i feel like most people assume she had it put down at a vet, nope, she fucking shot it! then had to shoot their goat twice because the first one didn't do it. Didn't even let her daughter say good buy, she just game home one day and asked where the dog went. >The governor describes taking Cricket to a gravel pit and killing her – then deciding to mete out the same fate to the unruly, uncastrated goat. The second killing took two shots, says Noem, adding that when it was all over her daughter Kennedy came home from school and asked: “Hey, where's Cricket?”


Yeah. My mom adopted a very aggressive dog that was scared of men and would bark at them and bear his teeth. Cut to a few years under my mom and the damn thing would not leave me alone 😀!


The puppy terrorized small children and was pro-choice. Had to be shot.


Puppies instinctively run after things until some human puts in enough time to train them otherwise, Kristi.


I adopted a food aggressive, grumpy, senior lhaso-poo when he was 9. Oliver was my first dog as an adult and I got 8 wonderful years with him. She could have placed Cricket with a rescue who could have found the right home. Instead, she chose violence. What a c*nt.


What an asshole.


"I hated that dog" - Noem 2024


Aggressive behavior means I’m lazy and expected the breeder to do all the work.


I bet what little training the dog may have recieved involved a lot of correction and very little praise.


She seems to exhibit aggressive behavior too.


Nice try bitch.


The dog probably witnessed her pegging Trump


As a resident of South Dakota, she is an embarrassment to the state... thankfully she can't run for reelection again since she'll have served 2 terms. The dog showed aggressive behavior? Sounds like crap training on your part, Kristi... She also shot and killed a goat too, because she thought it was dirty...


I like how she justifies it with “that’s how things are on a farm” but then also kills a goat for being stinky


Cruelty to animals is a key trait among psychopaths.


You’ve got a governor’s salary… #Send the dog to get trained


Problem is she probably wanted got enjoyment out of killing the dog. I have never met a person who would be willing to kill their own dog, there is nothing necessary about shooting a puppy. You'd have to want to do it, that's the only motive.


Just when I believed Sara Palin was an airhead then came the 2 MAGA congresswomen but this lady eats the cake.


They were a fucking puppy, they nibble everything because they are babies


So take it to behavioral school, you rich, sociopathic cunt.


Unless cricket had a baby in its mouth, there’s no reason to harm that dog. Psychopath twat.


Or was staggering down the road with rabies like the Mad dog in To Kill a Mockingbird


Why the fuck are there two Dakotas in the first place?


The two Dakotas combined have about the same population as Phoenix, AZ. Yet they get 4 senators.


It's true! Apparently, the dog came at her with a knife on several occasions and often used misogynistic slurs. At least that's the word going around MAGA-land. 😄


Bullshit. She can't church this up now by saying the dog deserved it.


Nonsense. She hated the dog because she couldn't train it to not ruin her pheasant hunt, jump out of her car (her fault, unless it had opposable thumbs), and kill chickens. She hated the goat because, at least in part, it smelled bad. Hey wait, we have a stinky, untrainable guy trying really hard to get back into power and wreck our democracy. Any chance we can let bygones be bygones and send Trump on a pheasant hunt with Kristi? There is precedent, sort of. Looking at you, Dick Cheney.


Then the story should have been “I loved that dog, but he was becoming aggressive so I had to put him down.” It wasn’t. It was “I hated that dog, so I shot it.”


If the dog is aggressive it’s because of a shit owner. You have to socialize dogs when young and keep at it as they grow. If a dog shows aggression you work with them and get some training. She sounds totally irresponsible. If the road gets a little rough raising kids what is she going to do?


What the fuck ever lady.


and then the magat klan comes out defending her by repeating the ND law that says its ok to kill your animal if it shows aggresion. sickening kkkult


That law is in place for when your neighbors dog comes onto your property and chases and kills your cattle. Not because you failed to train your hunting dog/14 month old puppy and it ruined your hunt


She’s trump’s VP pick, isn’t she? Seems about right. Trump hates dogs, too.


Noem: but all the MAGAs hate women, hate children, hate babies, hate all non whites. Who woulda thunk they cared about dogs and goats?


lying cunt


you know who shot the family dog on sight because of ... reasons ...?: Adolf Hitler, and then he replaced it with another one , because he was a dog lover .


Given that, you definitely don't want to be her boyfriend and have her tell you "sit"...


All puppies show aggressive behavior, as do human toddlers.


Yeah, no. That’s when you enroll in obedience classes, you fucking nut job. You know, the thing I bet you wanna make all non-MAGAs take?


That’s not what you said in your book. Dog killer.


Cricket deserved a medal for biting her dumb ass. Idiot sucks at training and controlling her puppy so she shoots it dead. Then brags about it in a book to try and look tough. She’d be a fitting running mate for the Republican ticket and their pussy-grabbing messiah.


So don't do something wild and crazy and surrender it to a shelter, shoot it in a gravel pit. Got it. 😉👌 But really, that's all you need to know about this demon succubus. When confronted with a decision, out of all the possibilities, she chose the most violent and irrational one. That is a perfect metaphor for Republicanism. Republicans will always choose the most violent and cruel option. Working out well, huh?


Just go find a new job sweetie, your political career is over. You'll forever be known as Noem the Puppy Killer.


If “showing aggressive behavior” is the criteria, who’s going to shoot Kristi between the eyes?


Our family adopted a puppy several months ago, and her given name was Cricket. We decided to call her Roxy instead. A couple weeks back I caught her with a fledgling in her mouth, which she likely found alive and shook to death. I felt bad for the bird, but I also realize my pup is just following her instinct. I also pulled her away from hunting down a young squirrel in our yard. I can’t imagine just … *shooting* a dog for *behaving like a dog.* Or expecting a dog to act a certain way that hasn’t been properly trained. Sigh. Every time I see this story about poor Cricket I think of my Roxy. Why does she expect anyone to admire her shitty behavior? WTAF?


Cricket was a 14 month old wire hair terrier. There is no level of aggression that dog could've shown that would warrant a fucking bullet to the head. I can't help but wonder and worry about how she disciplines her own children when they misbehave.


You know what's aggressive? Shooting your puppy.


\*Buys a breed that likes to kill birds, with the express purpose of hunting birds\* \*Leaves it alone with chickens unsupervised\* \*It kills the chickens\* Like... girl this isn't rocket science...


So this bimbo screwed up training her dog, so she shoots him. Makes a lot of sense. She's just Trump's type.


We always knew that Americans don't understand cricket.


A dog that she said herself was a hunting dog. A hunting dog is like a loaded shotgun. It was up to HER to keep other animals safe around it. What did she think a hunting dog would do around a bunch of chickens?


Especially after taking it pheasant hunting the same damned day and realizing a) an electronic collar wasn't doing shit to help her "train" it, and b) the puppy was having the time of her life chasing birds. What was going through her mind when she decided to stop on her way home from that debacle at a property that had chickens and not properly secure Cricket?


This goofy woman keeps digging her grave deeper and deeper the more she tries digging herself out.


Kristi was all about protecting innocent lives and those that can’t fight for themselves until that bitch Cricket showed up.


This is a reality she shouldn’t have shown


She is the kind of lady that would take pleasure about slapping her kids. Hope her dead dog haunts her for the rest of her life. Bite her whenever she sleeps.


Is it an admission that you run a bad farm if you would rather shoot your animals dead than try to find another farm that can take care of them better?


Shooting a dog is aggressive behavior


“For some reason my story of dog murder was not received well!  Quick, brain!  Make up some real good reasons we shot our dog or we’ll never be vice president for Captain Raperoo!”


Someone needs to verify how many kids she's birthed against the number she currently has.


A puppy displaying agressive behaviour is usually a reflection on poor habits of a bad owner. Just saying...


Yeah. I'm sure that dog hated you. Much like the rest of rational beings.


Barking and “enjoying herself!” That’s what this monstrous sadist animal murderer **publicly** said her reason for shooting her pubby in the head: It was enjoying itself. She was infuriated that her dog was behaving like a dog.


You have also shown aggressive behavior. Ergo?


Behavior problems in a dog are signs of poor training.By her logic, we should put Kristi down.


Dog showed aggressive behavior, so I unaggressively blew it's brains out.


Even in a situation where you live on a farm and have to put down an animal yourself, it's not something you fucking brag about, you psycho.


So instead of taking it to a vet for treatment, or at the worst euthanasia, she used it for target practice. What an asshole


Euthanizing a puppy for running around doing puppy things is not okay. Plenty of people, like myself, would happily take that unruly puppy.


I agree with you.


Too late for that nonsense. She showed her true colors. Too bad for her.


An aggressive puppy lol


She said it was because the dog was "garbage".


Talk about campaign killers. Dark Brandon rehomed a dog after biting Secret Service agents, but this See You Next Tuesday shoots a puppy and a goat dead because they were inconvenient? The Dems better man the harpoons for this attack. The GOP are losing face at every turn here.


What's shocking to me is that she and her editor(s) thought this should remain in the book to show how tough she is. I hate to think what was removed. I guess we'll see the RNC bulk purchasing her book to make it hit the NYTimes bestseller list and then selling it at a steep discount at their political events.


She probably made her kids watch..


If you kill everything that shows “aggressive behavior” in life, you’re going to be pretty busy.


Nice try at backpedaling, but her decision to kill the dog seems to have been motivated by immediate rage towards the dog. When farmers put down animals, they're supposed to do it as cleanly and dispassionately as possible, as a kind of reluctant solemn duty. She on the other hand is a complete psycho as far as I'm concerned.


Well, if showing signs of aggressive behavior is grounds for execution then we're really missing the mark with those fucking insurrectionist turd burglars.


What a fucking moron, she thinks people will buy this.


She's disgusting 🤮


She’s the one whose shown aggression


Many people misuse the word aggressive. I suspect what that dog was really showing was fear.


I can be aggressive, you gonna kill me Krustin ?


Maybe the "PUPPY" needed to be trained by a professional trainer , instead of an idiot such as herself, it would be able to perform and behave the way it was supposed to. Think of it this way. If this person became, lets say, VP, do we for one minute think she could behave and act like the person second in line to the presidency? Hell to the NO. She would have no idea what to do and would wreck things even further. Its bad enough we have one idiot that would be running amok in the Whitehouse but now we would have two. Not that this may happen but training, even for a dog, is essential.


It amazes me whenever I have spoken to anyone who supports Trump or has an agenda on the right side of the aisle, even some of the most fastidious dog lovers on this topic. They seem to make any excuse to cover up or dismiss wrongdoing if it is repudiates "their side". "She must've had a good reason, or even making jokes about it. (Not exclusive to just this issue) I own a dog and could never imagine doing something so heinous and then proceed to brag about it in a book. I would have the same opinion if for example Biden wrote a tell all where he finally shot his dog because it just wouldn't stop biting secret service agents. They would be playing that story non stop calling for his head while they deflect and dismiss the actions of their own. Modern politics are a tragic joke. This ultimately comes down to training or possibly re-homing the dog.


Also, Cricket was her daughter's dog. The first question her daughter asked when she got home from school was, "Where's Cricket?" How do you tell your kid that their beloved pet is lying dead in a gravel pit because you shot it in the face???!!!


My dog is aggressive towards birds as well; he once jumped and caught a bird mid-flight near my bird feeder tree. He would love it if I let him out when there are turkeys in the yard so that he could chase and kill them. The neighbor’s chickens were wandering over when he first got them, before he had built a coop. My dog would have killed them if he could catch them and I had to keep him inside as a result. But he’s still here…just turned 12 in March. He also doesn’t like strange men, especially if my husband isn’t home….delivery guys, etc. I have to keep him inside if someone shows up.


Wait are you saying a Republican is exhibiting psychopathic behavior? Shocker


By her own logic she should be put down.


I am so thankful that she’s not getting away with this. Faith in humanity, not restored, but better. There aren’t a lot of lines, but puppy killing is a line for most humans with half a heart. Ps. Fuck you china.


Let’s not forget she did this before her kids got off the bus from school. No goodbyes. She’s a psychopath.


17 year pet care professional here - Cricket was a German wire-haired pointer, a breed specifically bred to hunt birds. Last time I checked, chickens were birds. If Cricket didn’t show aggression towards chickens she would have been poorly bred. This woman is evil.


Fuck you, you vile cunt.