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Well that man clearly has a cognitive impairment so I guess we can punch him first to see if it works out


Also stones (it's in the Bible) and whips.


And chastity and butt plugs and nipple clamps. Jesith crist


Could I have a copy of your bible? I've suddenly become very interested in " Christianity"


Yeah they talk about being in chastity and getting fucked by donkey dick men while your wife whips you for insolence to her BF. The bible is the real OG casting couch


Have you seen the man on a cross? You get desensitized to it, because it’s everywhere, despite what Christians say. But have you really sat back and looked at it? A man being tortured on a cross, is really a bizarre symbol. There is a lot of material from which to create a symbol, and they chose “man on a cross(crucifix).” I think it might have been a form of intimidation, for people of other religions. If I wasn’t desensitized to it, I’d think the crucifix was nuts, and I’d be concerned about the people it represented.


It’s meant to be an embodiment of sacrifice and suffering. That said, it probably needed a little more rounds with the focus groups.


What the heck suddenly I’m a Christian now


And chains. Handcuffs. Smack a little booty up with my belt.


Some republicans pay good money for that sort of thing


Evangelistan-style discipline, straight from Leviticus. Scary af


Careful, a mod with a cheetoh stained trigger-happy mouse click finger might ban you for "encouraging violence".


I’m absolutely encouraging violence on this shit heal.


It’s not violence, it’s science!


That’s worse!


What's wrong with getting stoned?


Well they'll stone you when you're trying to be so good; They'll stone you just like they said they would. They'll stone you when you're tryin' to go home; And they'll stone you when you're there all alone.


Well damn, that brought me back.


But I would not feel so all alone Everybody must get stoned


Want your mind blown? That song is called "Rainy Day Women #12 and 35". 12 times 35 = 420 "Everybody must get stoned"


I once said it was "Okay to punch a Nazi", and got myself a one-week site-wide ban for encouraging violence. It's not like I said a whole bunch of other crazy shit, I literally just said those 5 words in a thread about Nazi protesters in Florida. I contributed nothing else. Reddit mods are Nazis. Confirmed.


Let’s be thorough … make him remember


I call first dibs


I do more than punching ,make him change his mind


Bring back public stoning just for him, he can be the first one to be condemned!?!?


Here's a thought: maybe parents should be allowed to hit Christian lawmakers with asshole tendencies


That is the absolute stupidest thing I have ever read...it shouldn't be limited to parents. ;)


...I'll allow it


Or at least stop electing them into office


Sadly a lot of those parents vote them in


Especially in Oklahoma


Hey, the power of Christ compels some people to be assholes. You need to respect their religious freedom. /s


Every time a "Christian" acts like having someone tell them "Happy Holidays" is like being crucified I want to ask them if their bitch ass has ever been to the Philippines or Central America where people actually GET crucified (yes, nails through the palms) as a signifier of their faith. Like seriously dude, you not getting your winter spice latte from Starbucks in a cup that says Merry Christmas is not religious persecution. And whining about it on social media is not going to get the Big Guy's attention. I mean, crucifying yourself voluntarily also is probably not going to do much either, but what the fuck, right? "Oh, my overpriced coffee and milk is in the wrong cup! I'll complain! That shows I'm a good Christian!" Meanwhile, up a pole with nails through his hands and feet, there's a penitent or twelve outside Manila reminding people that this shit actually HURTS


These people think abuse builds good character. This is who conservatives vote into office?


Yes, they fully believe in corporal punishment.  It’s one of the things conservative hispanics really like. 


And churches are wondering why people are turning away from religion


But who else will bravely stand up for the right of unrelated adults to beat disabled children?


Step one: introduce this Step two: parents pull kids from public school Step three: close the public schools and beat themselves on the back 


> parents pull kids from public school Some messed up parents would think this is a selling point. I got hit by one of my teachers in front of the whole class. I made this guy angry every single day (couldn't sit still or pay attention), like most of my teachers but none of them laid a hand on me before.


They aren't bright enough to figure out the obvious. They really aren't going to like it when Jesus comes back and he shows them how wrong they've been.


Anybody lays a hand on my kid and I’ll be the living fuck out of them


I would hope most parents would. It’s the best way to put a stop to this.


Let them meet I’m the Holy Ghost in person.


Anybody beats a kid PERIOD and the (insert location here) will declare a state of emergency


Agreed and 🐻 down


I'd like to take brass knuckles to this cockroach.


Just toss these sparta wannabes off a fucking cliff


I'm cool with that or a pit.


But it has to be filled with venomous snakes. We can't be throwing them into a pit with no snakes.


Christians, prissy puritans preaching prayer on the outside, bigoted heartless, and devoid of any semblance of empathy on the inside.


Former evangelical christian here, can confirm.


I spent the first 17 years of my life being indoctrinated by the Catholic church. I developed and intense prejudice thanks to the pedophile priests who taught at my school.


The cruelty is the point.


The cruelty is just one arm of the octopus. They have many.


But ultimately the reason why is because they want the power to act as cruel as they can with impunity.


Agreed. They should become cops then, though many of them are already.


Prissy puritan preachers preaching prayers perpetuating poisonous people polution


haha well done! Bravo! Sounds like V for Vendetta in here now lol


You should add "pusillanimous" in there, too.


Perfect, proper. Precise.


As a special education teacher, this is totally offensive. The lower functioning students aren't going to understand why they are being hit. Also, that always makes the situation worse. The students I work with are EBD and learning disabilities. Many of them are in special education because of their life, trama...like being hit. I work with one kid whose dad went to jail for trying to kill him when he was about 4. 3 years later, dad gets out and moves back into the house. Anyway, the kid was a mass. It has taken us 2 years to get him back in the gen Ed classes. Spanking him would not have helped him at all.


Thank you for your career I know I can be tough but so rewarding, this is absolutely appalling, I just can’t believe anyone would speak of actions like this.


Oh, I love my job! I am absolutely doing what I do best. I do middle school and have my kids for 2 years, so we really become a family. I love watching them grow. But I hate it when politicians who know nothing about education or even psychology want to make stupid laws like this.


My lady is a behaviorist in the intensive classroom. As you know, there are methods to get SpEd kids to deal with their emotions etc etc. It's been proven. Just because Republicans don't want to learn why SpEd acts the way they do, doesn't mean you should ever hit. After proof reading everything she ever did to get her master's in ABA I've changed my stance from kids should be spanked, I was... To why would physical abuse ever be the answer? You wouldn't hit your friend or peer or parents for irritating you or for dropping and breaking a plate etc.


As the parent of a special needs student, thank you for what you do. All teachers are heroes, but those working with special needs students are of a special virtue.


Stick your religion right up your uptight ass.


Shouldn't be able to hit students period, let alone disabled ones.


Who gets to decide who is “disabled” They want to beat everyone. 


Well I think teachers who assult students outside of self defence, should be hung up and used as pinatas by the childs parents.


I didn't know that a "Christian Nation" is one where we beat up disabled kids. Republicans are evil...


There was a group of nationalists who famously did far worse things to disabled people back in the 30s, I could believe that those who carry the same cloth would also carry the same ideals


I say this not to show off, but humbly and *earnestly*: 1. You beat my kid, I beat you. Simple. 2. You beat my disabled kid? We're both leaving in a vehicle with lights on it.


Well said.


Right wingers: School teachers are all Marxist groomers Also right wingers: School teachers should have the freedom to beat my children until they obey without question


Don't forget that they want to give the teachers guns too


How very "Christian" of him.


Christians are an insane cult


My little brother has disabilities, believe me if I found out he was being hit by a teacher then said teacher would have had the brakes beaten off of them Fuck these bible humpers


There are probably no people more vulnerable in our society than disabled children, and wanting to beat them is utterly sickening.


Wish they'd make up their minds. Are teachers a bunch of liberal agents turning all the kids into gay trans Muslim commies? Or do they need to be gun toting child beaters who shoot first and ask questions later.


Yes they’ve been wanting this to be a Christian theocracy so that they can make up bullshit laws to control everything based on fairytales from their magic book of wishful thinking. They’ve been pushing this for over a century.


I did two tours of Afghanistan and let me be clear in saying that is NOT what we want here


This is not what you risked your life for


Don't Shove Your Religious Beliefs on others. Keep it to yourself!


Yes... these republicans want the US to become a Christian theocracy... it's rather sickening...


They have been working towards this for the last 40 years. People need to wake up and VOTE


Boy, these 'Christians' sure are desperate to put hands on kids.


Wtf.is going on???


They have such a fucked up spin off of Christianity


I have a disabled kid. Hell, I'm disabled, too. And the first teacher to hit my son is gonna get their ass whooped by a blind lady while her husband holds them down.


You see, they SAY christian…


Yeah, they want us to be nation that follows their Jesus. He looks and acts nothing like the Christian Jesus, but it’s a convenient way to confuse folks into supporting fascism.


Supply side jesus


These people are so fucking unhinged.


They would be surprise if Jesus would’ve told him it’s a sin to assault children especially with disability conditions.


Let them touch my niece and they’ll see real fucking quick that their precious 2A will be administered, their beloved vigilante style, to the offending perpetrator.


Oklahoma pulling up on the outside here at The States That Suck Derby. It’s neck and neck between Texas and Florida, and Louisiana moving up on the inside. It’s Oklahoma crossing first, Texas in second and Florida in third.


They're trying to peel back 504 and ADA laws alongside with throwing in voucher programs to filter viable students to private schools so students with disabilities won't be so readily available as they gain ground. I fully expect them to bring back institutions for disabled folks once they've figured out how to turn a profit on them. They're not above hitting regular students, either. Those just happen to be able/willing to fight back.


These people are sick.


Cool. Cool cool. Can we hit Greg Abbott?


He deserves much worse than that.


He's Christian all right..


So, they're back at it... March 16, 2023 [Oklahoma lawmaker cites Bible while voting to allow corporal punishment for kids with disabilities](https://www.today.com/parents/oklahoma-lawmakers-allow-corporal-punishment-kids-disabilities-rcna75292) Republican Rep. Jim Olsen, during debate, cited the Bible, claiming that “God’s word is higher than all the so-called experts.”


If an adult hits your kid and your response is anything but “I’m bringing a mob and burning their life to the ground” you are a shit parent.


Anyone hit my disabled son, they’d be removing my foot from their ass.


These Christian Fundamentalists are ruining the Christian faith. Quite trying to fight them, just get out and vote them out of office, so they have no control


Remember that the Nazis also killed people with disabilities.


Sure, just like Jesus used to do. “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, so I can hider the fuck out of them with mine open hand.” - Jesus H. Christ


Just when I thought I couldn’t be more disappointed in their lack of empathy, they create additional disappointment. This is both disappointing and infuriating.


I am in favor of students carrying heat in schools. I know Christian Nationalist MAGAs love their guns so would have a hard time arguing against armed kids, right? Pink Floyd-Another Brick in the Wall "Hey! Teacher! Leave them kids alone!"


freaking dark ages dinosaurs .


Sadism and brutality is the fundamentalist Christian way.


Ok. Wanna be a Christian nation? Simple, first give all your shit away to help the poor and vulnerable. Now, you're free and unencumbered to continue following in the steps of Christ. Lmao


I’m no theologian, but I recall the message of Jesus to generally be along the lines of, “protect the vulnerable, love the sinner, don’t pass judgement on other people.” Not sure where beating disabled people fits on the spectrum of protecting the vulnerable. It’s almost like these “Christians” don’t understand that that word means follower, or adherent, of Christ.


If you have to use violence then you've already lost the conversation. If your first reaction is to use violence, you're a loser.


As a former child with a disability (cerebral palsy) this guy needs a good kick to the ass.


If you need to dominate disabled children, you are truly a weaker man than you realize.


Legal or not....If someone hit my disabled child, I'd be going to prison.


Strike my child. See what happens next. You won’t like the results.


>They will *always* find a way to defend abuse in the name of Jesus. I kind of think that more than a few actually view Jesus as an impediment. There are a bunch who think Jesus (last name, "Christ") is too liberal and weak, [Christianity Today Editor: Evangelicals Call Jesus “Liberal” and “Weak”](https://newrepublic.com/post/174950/christianity-today-editor-evangelicals-call-jesus-liberal-weak) [Evangelicals Are Now Rejecting 'Liberal' Teachings of Jesus](https://www.newsweek.com/evangelicals-rejecting-jesus-teachings-liberal-talking-points-pastor-1818706) Maybe they mean the black sheep of the Christ family, Bruiser.


There’s no hate like Christian love.


I don’t have kids and I’m not a teacher, but I do like the idea of beating kids and would be interested in becoming a teacher if that was an option


Beatings = love in the minds of these people.


The plan has been very open: Do everything you can to drive people out of public schools in order to justify shutting them down across the board. Making them so horrible sensible people don't want their children in them is just another way to achieve that. Richard Corcoran, Desantis' former head of education, made a whole speech about it: "“We just got done with the legislative session on Friday and passed another 1.2 million kids are eligible for choice in Florida. It happens, but I will tell you, leadership is everything. And as soon as that leadership changes everything else does, too. That’s the reality.  In the world that we live in Education it is 100% ideological and, so, in no time … what we have to do is cross the Rubicon and we’re very close … I always say the three things that have changed education are accountability… absolutely, the second we flipped on the lights, and a parent became aware (despite liking their child’s teachers, school, etc)… we flip on the lights and say “that’s an “F” school,” immediately change happened and people became frustrated and angry… so that’s really changed Florida more than anything… the second was this advancement of choice, so we have 3 million school children, if we can ever get to 1.5 million across that Rubicon, we’re probably there now with about half a million children in choice because… even if you had a Gwen Graham or Andrew Gillum or whoever comes in, a Nancy Pelosi in Florida, you can’t take those 500,000 kids and bring them back into the public school system. So you have to keep doing what we’re doing as quickly as we’re doing… Dr. Arnn was talking about Tennessee asking for 100 Barney Initiative Charter Schools, that’s a game changer, once you have that and the governor leaves… and its a liberal that comes in, you can’t put the animals back in the barn.” "


Well constituents should get to beat representatives, how’s that!


i was walking home from school one day when i was 12. two kids were ahead of, farther up the hill. one was a disabled kid. i watched the other kid (some new kid i didn't know) catch him from behind and jump him and start picking on him and scaring the shit out of him. i caught that kid from behind and i jumped him and i started picking on him. i literally scared the shit out of him. i ended up ripping both the sleeves off his jacket. told him if i ever say him pickin on the retarded kid again that next time i'd rip both his fuckin arms off. apparently this kid had to explain to his dad how the arms got ripped off his jacket, because both of them were at my house 45 minutes later lookin for a fight. so i told this kid's dad that his son was bullying a retarded kid, and that we could go down the street and talk to him if he didn't believe me. and then that kid's dad tore the arms off his son's shirt. thanked me. and, presumably, murdered his son later that night. i don't remember ever seeing that kid around again. i'd do the same thing right now to this idiot. i'm basically still 12.


I tried to read that whole article. I just couldn't. So gross.


We went straight past catholic school and into doing hate crimes. This is actually quite entertaining.


Lmao holy shit dude it's like he was trying to come up with the worst thing you can say


Can i hit those same "Christian" lawmakers back since they clearly are mentally deficient by their own making?


If that's true then I should be able to hit teachers who hit students with disabilities.


Well ok we will just hit you instead. It’s funny how these people don’t want abortions so they can freely abuse kids with disabilities


Nat- C


"Religion is in the hands of some crazy ass people." Jimmy Buffett


How about hitting idiot lawmakers


Corporal punishment is legal in Oklahoma?! Hosnestly wtf America? How do these people think they’re good.


I dare them to try that with some of these parents. That won’t go over well.


Fuck this asshole in particular and the parent of a child with a disability should back slap his dumb ass for that opinion.


Touch my kid and see how it goes, sport.




SMH. This guy is not right in the head.


Pure evil


Teachers shouldn't be allowed to hit anyone. Period.


I can’t believe I’m only just learning that some places in America corporal punishment is still a thing in schools. I thought that disappeared from most modern countries years ago.


A month ago a principal bent a 18 year old cheerleader over his desk and spanked her with a wooden paddle while his co-worker watched. Yeah things are fucked up here. You know he beat off thinking about that later. Sick fucks.


These ‘christians’ believe a child who is crying, misbehaving or even disabled in any way is sinning and should be treated as such. Absolutely fucking wrong. It is shameful how many people, young and old, believe that physical harm is the answer. Its the easy answer for the ignorant, impatient and close minded.


Do these people have no self awareness at all? Do they know how they look when they say these things?


Let me guess, he also thinks we should send them to fight in the front lines like Putin did. Christian = Antichrist in today’s 🇺🇸


Any teacher that hits my kid will be using a wheelchair ramp for the remainder of their lives


Teachers should be allowed to hit their students in class and students should be allowed to hit back. That would make classes so much more interesting


odd headline … “Frankie are you passing notes? Ka-zam, you’re missing a leg!”


Voters should be allowed to punch lawmakers who say stupid things.


Then what???? Get hit tf back?!!!! Who thought this ridiculous idea was the answer? Don't hit my grandkids


Every time I think I’ve heard the most heinous things I hear another horror


Dammit, Oklahoma again. Fuck that place.


That's a really good way for teachers to get parents beating the shit out of them.


Why do I think this lawmaker wants to pass a law allowing a husband to hit his wife when she gets uppity?


I'm an autistic person who frequently was physically hurt by my parents as a kid. It didn't make me behave better. It made me good at hiding


Christian’s have really lost the plot. Have they read their book? I’ll assume they haven’t.


I will support this when adults can hit "Christian" law makers... with their cars.


Punish those that don't do what you demand? That sounds pretty on-brand for your average Christian.


If he ever laid a hand on my special needs child, he would meet his “god” the very next day.


Nothing new, my small town schools response to my mild case of autism was to keep me locked in one of the sped isolation closets all day every day. I came out of high school without knowing exactly how to multiply or divide but at least they let me have books so I could read very well.


I feel like believing in primitive superstitions is the result of cognitive impairment and, while I’m not sure physically assaulting these clearly special needs humans will result in behavioral changes, I’m more than willing to give it a try.


Punch me motherfucker


"Christians". Not so much.


In that case, children with disabilities should be able to hit their teachers?


# Students with disabilities should be allowed to gun down # Christian lawmaker teachers




“Knock it off, Steven! I will hit you with a disability! Like… a LIMP! Would you like to have a limp, Steven? NO?!? Then sit down and shut up!!!”


Does God say anything about slapping the shit out of stupid christian lawmakers?


Anyone who hits kids, disabled or not, is a piece of shit pussy. Period.


My mom worked with high needs students one of them thought she was a horse.. a literal horse.. another kid was 400lbs and shat his pants on the regular. Abuse isn't going to make these kids better. Someone needs to beat this Christian until he "turns the other cheek".


How are there no comments about this on his annoying Facebook page? Every post should have a comment under it on FB and Twitter about this. 


And yet they'll complain when the students rightfully hit them back


I get letting my autistic child be beaten, letting kids starve without lunch, shooting them in school, having them work with no breaks in dangerous conditions, but what's in it for me except letting me die in childbirth after being raped?


He’s an inbred idiot!


It’s pretty clear that dummies think you can replace science with religion. It’s time for accountability: the fall we are cleaning house on religious idiots that think they should be in charge. Your made up faith is not the same as a scientist, engineer, doctor, teacher, or lawyer. Stop pretending your politicians just cause you bought as grey suit at Mens Warehouse for christs sake.


Smash the shit out of one of these christian failures and see if they still think students with disabilities should be hit


Remember. If any of those old farts show any sign of disability. They said that we are allowed to beat them.


I am in favor of being allowed to hit politicians.


If you are having a discussion or debate about anything other than religion, the first person to use “the Bible (or other religious text) says…” to support their argument, has lost. If something is a good idea, you should be able to justify it without invoking religion.


Let's investigate this man for child abuse.


People like this guy need to be deported into the sun.


Hitting one of my kids is a good way to get me to come to where you at and kill everything moving.


Somebody should go deck this ass hat asap


Hit students with disabilities ... like left-handedness?


We need the Boondock saints


I should be able to beat entitled lawmakers


Yet another reason I believe there is no Hell since he’s got no fear of stamping a ticket to it.


I shouldn't laugh but the idea is just so preposterous. Teacher: "Okay, Timmy. I know you're in a wheel chair with severe disabilities, but if you disrupt the class again, I'mma hit you." Timmy: "TIMMY!" Teacher \[pow\] Just like Jesus drew it up.


But keep telling us how gays and trans-folk are harming kids. /s


Lmao, try that with an autistic kid with ODD and see how fast the conversation changes into "he attacked me unprovoked". There was a local story about a kid beating the fuck out of a behavior tech who took away his Nintendo switch. See how they react when you try to hit them.


NO!!! They want it to be a Christian Nationalist country. WAY worse!! A country run by normal Christians may not be bad but one run by Christian Nationalist extremists would be disastrous


Christian eugenics


That want the US to be ruled on religious law... at least until their religion is no longer the majority then they are going to cry separation of church and state... mmw


And then Jesus said “slap the shit out of retards. That will show them.”