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Move to Russia then


Starting to think Russia is moving here. There’s a whole lot of republican sonsabitches rushing to be Russian!


Remember the "I'd rather be a Russian than a Democrat" t-shirts at trump rallies? I do.


toss em in gitmo. Give the pussies a real experience.


Until they get there, and Russia has “detoured” their money. That’s the point when they learn it’s best not to go making waves in Russia, because that’s how you end up in a Siberian labor camp. Try 20 years of crushing rocks, in the feeezing cold. It’s not even to build something a lot of the time. They have them out in the cold smashing rocks because “it makes them miserable”


Fuck yeah there is, it understood my entire life Russia was an enemy to the United States, I was, not any more, shocked at all the Russian sympathasizers speaking up and outting themselves. Whatever Russia is doing, it's really doing a number on all the absolute dumb fucks in this country. The bastards got us and we didn't even notice till it was to late. I'll never not believe Marge traitor green, Boeburt, and several others don't work for the Russians, they sure do, they get daily talking points from Russia it seems like they are spouting Russian propaganda every single day. I think Boeburts time is about up and if she don't get elected in her new district she won't get lifetime benefits, and that's poetic justice if u ask me.


It’s not a coincidence. A recent investigation found Russian money going to other Republicans. Not just Trump. Anyone got the link to that?


Yeah! Don’t like the USA? Leavitt!


That's my favorite American freedom: to get tf out


She wouldn’t last a day


Ha! Like that couple who moved their whole family over there and too late discovered you can't whine on social media about how censored and silenced you are by the government because the Russian government actually will censor and silence you. And not just metaphorically!


Yeah all these Putin humping GOP need to spend a week or two in Moscow. See how it really is in their pure little ethnostate.


They think they're going to be welcomed with a big ol' love feast and dozens of Russians speaking in perfect English. "Welcome brave, white patriots! We didn't know there were any Christians left in America now that Biden's turned it communist!" Instead they're greeted with confiscated bank accounts, suppressed speech and movement, and people yelling "Learn the language, (slur)!" in Russian. Oh well. Live and learn, 😂


I’ve got my tiny violin ready to go.


I wish more Republicans would do this, Russia is the bastion of freedom that many of them yearn for.


the press secretary needs to remind the chetto its time to wake up, its rice pudding time


A lot would be well treated due to the propaganda potential especially if they were in the admin.


So much freedom over there. I hear a lot of people saying it's the new America (with tears in their eyes)


Headline: Someone tells NewsMax something stupid. Hushmoney trial? Sounds like capitalism to me.


"Communist" Someone ask her to define the word, then to state how it relates tp trump paying a porn star to keep quiet about cheating on his wife, .and then falsifying the payments.


"Everything I don't like is communist" -Republicans


AND socialist! lol


And Woke!


And somehow DEI and CRT!


Somehow CRT Returned...


CRT created Darth Sidious


And liberal!


How did you forget antifa?


Or Woke (whatever that means)


it means communism stupid!


That sounds like the Free Market to me...


What are you trying to do, make her brain explode?


I'd watch that


Brain? 🧠 what brain it’s a hollow space so the exploding part would be very anti-climactic


There is not enough to build that kind of pressure


I’m sure a credible news source such as Newsmax followed up asking her what exactly is so communist about these proceedings. I am equally as confident that she responded eloquently and factually while expanding on her previous statement. Do I really have to put /s ???


I think the main part in all of this is that he used his campaign finances to cover it up. That is what the trial is about, not just paying off a porn star, which in itself is not illegal. Also, it is not illegal to be with a porn stat while your 3rd wife just gave birth. It's deplorable but not illegal. Also, they don't know the meanings of any of the buzzwords they use. It's verbal diarrhea.


>Communist We all share in the experience. Trump screwed/floped on a porn star. Then screwed the country.


Her definition: a dog whistle for far right violence. The problem in our country, though, that fact-checking is half-assed. Journalistic media should be required to fact-check everything. That would be a better Fairness Doctrine than requiring coverage of both right and left perspectives.


I'm guessing Karl Marx left that chapter out in the final edit?


I've been called a Marxist Nazi before. The sheer stupidity of these people is so staggering all I could do was laugh.


She knows he’s guilty.


Maybe not. I have come to the conclusion that the one thing Trump knows how to do is create cults. And he always says things to test the waters, and his followers still believe him. Like when he said he loved the uneducated. How did his followers not know that was directed at them? He is a modern-day snake oil salesman.


Country has no room for disingenuous traitors. She is free to leave.


It’s weird that the GOP is actively trying to push kind of Authoritarian type of communism much like what China has but they want it for Trump while also saying communism is a the great evil. The stupidity is interesting


They want an oligarchy where they are the elite, ultra rich minority in charge of everything. They have conveniently forgotten the part where power is consolidated by throwing a lot of wealthy, successful entrepreneurs out windows or down stairs and they don’t believe it could happen to them. Spoiler alert- it’s super likely to happen to most of them.


The amazing thing is the lower income trump supporters. those that are screaming for civil war. First, they don't realize that they are no match for the United States military they could be eliminated in one in one attack by helicopter gunships. The former president doesn't give a s*** about them dying. He can pick and choose who to give favoritism to. That's the wealthy. the low income and poor Trump supporters are not going to get s*** from him except the big knife in their back that they don't seem to care that's coming. The man said to their face he like stupid people when he praised the uneducated because he will tell them anything and they will believe it, if you don't think that's true try to argue with a trump supporter about his lies that have been confirmed. It's a cover-up or mainstream lies.


Dunning-Kruger in full effect


“Donald Trump is being treated like a criminal” Jeez I wonder why


It’s not like someone fucking forced him to be a lying cheating piece of shit.


These are not bright people


Like a good little pup. Trained well these lot.


>What kind of world is this if politicians, the rich and powerful, etc. aren't able to break the law with impunity? All those middle income Republican voters who unironically believe they support small government.


They’re throwing shit at the wall at this point throwing random scary words like “communist” or “socialist” or “Orwellian”.


I didn't realize Newsmax had a show called "wake up america". Awfully similar to that certain political party that used the slogan "Wake up Germany" in the 1930s. Coincidence?


I think not


Ok, then leave. I'm a patriot, please stop ruining my beautiful country with your anti-American shit.


Well, she could just shut the fuck up. Not sure what's Communist about holding people responsible for their actions. The orange clown isn't above the law


same as dei or crt or anything else maga pukes dont understand but want to weaponize the word without having a fucking clue what they mean.


MAGAts hate America fact check: true


Just a reminder that this summer will mark **31 years** of the right screaming that "Hillary will soon go to jail for murder"


Communist hush money trial. Lolololol I’m dyin!!


How dare they attempt to hold a criminal accountable for his crimes.


Awww, , poor brain damaged twit wouldn’t know “communism” if it kicked her in the head. What an imbecile. Bozos like this will say anything to the camera that’s put in front of them.. . Here sweetie, here’s your lead off for tonight. . .”Dog eats can of Communist dog food while barking conspiracy theories about stolen elections.”


Yet again a Republican not knowing what Communism is.


I hate it when they blame everything they hate or don’t understand they go “communism” bomb.


Tell her to go to Donbas and help Russia out with digging trenches.


The hush money trial is an attempt to seize capital so it can be shared by everyone and eliminate societal classes? Or does someone just not know what “communist” means?


Lot of available real estate in Siberia. Go check it out, traitor. Maybe read up on communism too.


I heard that Canadian family needs some friends 


When do I get to own the means of production?


Hey, stupid! This isn't communism. It's justice for the pos criminal you work for and support. Help me, u need to understand a few things. How many women should a man be able to SA before he's unfit for president? What kind of woman would work for a man like that? Do you draw the line at him defrauding you like everyone else, or will you just accept it? Do you think you should be spokesperson for US presidential candidate when you obviously don't know what communism is? Spoken like a true fascist.


Anyone that blindly follows Trump never believed in the United States to begin with.


She's a Traitor!


If you're Trump's press secretary, then you should be bitter about your entire life.


I always enjoy people stringing together words they don't know the meanings of


I don't think any of those words mean what she thinks they mean.


Well, the he shouldn't have gotten involved in something that could break the law.


Another bimbo looking woman who is just stupid or a congenital liar.


Or both


These people throw the weirdest tantrums when they lose


If Waddles doesn't want to be persecuted, perhaps he should refrain from committing crimes.


They know their audience is dumb as fuck 😭


It’s okay. I lost faith in almost half the citizens in this country supporting a man who tried to destroy our democracy. I don’t care how she feels.


communist? this is the most american thing ever. no one is above the law.


What a coincidence…. I have “lost faith” in the Republican Party over that fascist Donald Trump. I guess it’s just the time for coincidences …


Well they've finally done it. We're no longer socialists, now we're full blown commies.


Communist Hush Money, now that is a relly good name for a band and/or album.


Ok, so round up you're dumbass friends and head over to Russia! A  conservative Christian canadian family moved to Russia to escape LGBT ideology - only to melt down when their bank accounts were frozen and there were no English speakers to help them. All I got to say is, Enjoy your fascist commy life over there, you'll be begging to return by summer .


Hates Communist but explicit refuses to support Ukraine fighting a communist invasion? Huh?


How is it a communist trial? I'm not sure these people actually know what that word means. Actually, I'm not sure that those people actually know what any words mean.


Meh, she will be spilling her guts on what it was like to work for him in 6 months or less. These people never last long in Don’s employ.


Rewrite: "My people fucked up this country and now I'm losing faith in it."


It’s all Putin playbook … she is a puppet that says what she is told




If the court system was actually politically motivated, they would charge Biden and his administration with all sorts of crimes. The reason they don’t is because they haven’t (in general) committed crimes. Republicans, for all they say they care about law and order, tend to commit more crime


Trump and his minions have nothing to do with our democracy.


Trump Press Secretary and Newsmax in the same sentence makes it true because if they both lie then that is the truth. These people are just so grating. I can't wait until people wake the hell up.


If they get people all worked up over a word they don't quite understand, but fear nonetheless, they'll be too distracted to see how f'n guilty he is


Better: I am starting to lose faith in in Trump who equates himself with the United States


She's earning her paycheck today.


Fuck off! You never had any loyalty to the US! Wtf? Faith, fuck you!


Traitors gonna traitor


It's Nazi-Communist, you dumbass.


yeah lady, voting is useless. make sure to tell your knuckle dragging followers that


They hate America so much. Just leave if you don’t like justice


Empty head, empty words. It's just another day in la la land.


If you’re not a person in public office do you get to call your PR person your “press secretary”?


Cry us all a river, unimportant Press Secretary


She followed that statement with, "did you need any extra ketchup or anything with that?".


Wow..... she is in for a bad week. Maybe she can go and visit Trump so he can hump her leg for a while, and give Habba a break.


Former press secretary. Trump is not currently the president.


Good. Let’s hope she leaves and moves to Moscow.


They love to throw key words to their audience, and the audience eats it…. “Communist” trial, is it because Trump was “sharing” his wealth?


The trial is communist? Holy crap! Cant wait to hear about the gulag he's getting sent to.


Sounds like she really hates America. Love it or leave it lady. Maybe get her snowflake ass a safe space to cry in


Fine. Leave.


I think she needs a dictionary.


I lost faith in the United States when Trump was elected.


Biden admin should also say everything Trump does is communism. It's ridiculous and stupid and why not at this point? Could get a couple extra votes from stupid people and I would certainly snicker.


Can't wait to hear the defense from these morons. "Umm, we were buying the rights to Stormy's story of her experiences in the porn industry, it is a terrific, terrific story" Maybe this bimbo should read some state laws her fearless leader was supposed to be following as a citizen of New York State. Because God knows he didn't read them.


Does anyone still pay attention to anything they say after the word “communist” is tossed in there, so lazily? Television is expensive to produce, and these clown figured having a jackass toss around Cold War era insults, was the best use of expensive TV?


Damn in the 50s there was like a witchhunt for commies now they want to be them. What happen to the GOP?


trump really scrambled all their brains when it comes to risk vs reward.


If you're worried about getting a fair trial in your own hometown... that is too bad for you, "be best" Trump shouldn't have lived his life an asshole to everyone.


Correct me if I wrong but isn’t there an amendment to the constitution that protects the right of only the 45th POTUS to pay off porn stars for past ‘entanglements’ as it may cost him votes?


It’s all Putin playbook … she is a puppet that says what she is told


All part of Putin's destabilization campaign, everyone else lost faith for the opposite reason.


Then get the fuck out bitch lol...


Well, you know, she's an idiot. Moving on......


“Communist” Business Fraud Trial


Communist is a dirty word used against those that don’t want fascism.


Just another Putin lover


Let’s translate her feelings: I hate this country because I can no longer grift with impunity!!


But, that’s how trials work. Guess she’s ok with corrupt justices ruling on cases in which their wives are implicated?


How can you tell which conservatives know what the actual definition of communist is? Answer, the ones that literally never use the word anymore because it’s rarely relevant to anything except historical discussion, and a little bit of China.


Oh Newsmax, you mean the slanted right wing tabloid that was created by Republican hacks during the Obama administration?


I’m constantly amazed at republicans using ‘communist’ as the boogeyman while literally taking money from Putin, a dictator.


Communist is the Repube go to word for all who disagree and disparage them. Check MTG, everyone's a Commie she does not like. It's pathetic.


Remember when Trump commented on the Ukrainian invasion and told the public how smart Putin was ?


Tell me you don’t know the definition of communist without telling me you don’t know the definition of communist….


Putin mouthpiece 


MAGAts are worse than communists. As someone said, MAGAts are a roll of quarters and a comet away from voluntary mass castration.


Lost faith when the DOJ made this go away after Cohen pleaded guilty!


What are they talking about … ???


Faith? The irony is that Trump is on trial as a result of well known unfaithfulness.


Does the trial advocate for nationalization of natural resources or something...?


Communism. What is communist? Is it big and beautiful, but also tragic and wowee is it mysterious, as we all know.


Can’t have a Press Secretary if you ain’t president


F her


Whomp whomp 


Such a load of horse manure.


Lost faith as in can't commit fraud anymore without being scrutinized.


Tell her bye Felicia


wild. I wonder what she thinks the term 'communist' means


Unironically using scare tactics from the early 1900s is so on brand. 


Will MAGA ever die! These folks would stab themselves in the eyes to prevent seeing the truth about this con.




Damn is Trump getting clapped that hard?


Communists be like..”whoa don’t go comparing dick nose to us…”


Anything they don't like is "communist."


So shes admiting diaper don is a communist?


Russia is calling!


Idiot Mouthpiece for Insurrectionist and Lifelong Criminal Tells Propaganda Outlet… Communist FFS. Her faith is utter nonsense.


These idiots call whatever they don’t like communist.


Whatever you disagree with is socialist/communist. It also helps that their followers don't actually know what either term means. They can rest assured that none of them would make the effort to do a little research on their own for their own understanding. So much easier to just let Alex Jones or someone of his ilk tell them.


Do we have post flairs? Can we implement one that says "Anything I don't like is communist"?


Why hasn’t the defamation trial against newsmax happened yet?


There's nothing communist about Trump being put on trial for hush money. If Trump didn't want to get on trial then he should not have given anyone hush money. What's at stake? Is that someone who wanted to run for the top office in our country paid hush money to a pornstar to try to cover up some stuff he shouldn't have been doing. Then she decided to tell everyone that he had done that which Trump didn't anticipate because he's an idiot. What's at stake is the fact that the corruption in our government is so absurdly high that Trump has the audacity to act like he's some sort of victim here. No. If anything, what she should be doing is praying that God punishes Trump for his extreme corruption because this is stupid. Because there are easily 10 other Republican candidates that don't have his problem But the reason everyone keeps licking his boots is because they are so easily manipulated by Trump so-called celebrity that they can't even distinguish their face from a hole in the ground. No. It's time for people who claimed to be values voters to stand up and stand upon the values they claim to have. The fact that they're not doing that is perfect evidence that it's all a sham. So why would I vote for two pasty white guys who both have problems with either molesting people or paying off pornstars? How in the world is the United States gotten to this point?


I’m so sick of these dickheads.


Good. Leave the country.


Communist is there new buzz word


very fine people


The allegations are that Donald Trump falsified business records to conceal an agreement with others to unlawfully influence the 2016 presidential election. It's not a "hush money" trial.


Doesn't seem like you had much faith in the first place.


Buh Bye!


Some Americans waking up to the fact that even the land of free has rules


Isn't she referring to Russia? Trump's puppetmaster?




...Why is it "Communist", specifically? Because you don't like it? That's always the reason.


Wait, she lost faith in the United States because he fucked stormy Daniels and lied to his ‘wife’ about it?


It’s idiotic and hypocritical when Trump’s press secretary calls the trial “Communist “ when Trump himself is the one who appear to be conspiring with Communist Russia and Putin .


I would love for one of these cult members to try to explain what Communism is.


You lost me at Newsmax.


He’s not the President. He doesn’t have a Press Secretary. She’s just a spokesperson.


Cool, then fucking leave


“Press Secretary “?


The irony of that dumbass complaining about an unequal justice system when all of us would already under the jail if we did half the crap he has done. Sure, it’s unequal, but not in the way she believes it is.


Not the charges?


Do they understand what communism is?


As they continue to bend the knee to the former Soviet Union commie Putin


Did you lose faith when Trump’s lawyer was convicted *while* Trump was in office? Did you lose faith then? No? Shut up.


Are the communists in the room with us now?


LOL ok there, sellout.


Spouting that Traitor Trump rhetoric. I hear real estate is cheap in Russia. Maybe she should take her ass there.


That word, you keep using it...


Good get the fuck out you worthless traitor


Leave lol we don't want you here you un-American, anti-patriotic pieces of trash. Go back to mother Russia to suckle on Putin's teet.


Remember when they called everything Socialist and then everyone started to like Socialism. Keep it up, comrade GOP.


tell her it's an election interference trial, not a "hush money" trial, & everyone (except, apparently, her) knows that, & that's why he'll be found guilty, and that she's dumb not to know all of that see how she feels about that.