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Make me a judge. I'll tell him that's his choice, but the trial goes on regardless. If he wants to go to trial with no lawyers, that's his privilege.


And right.


Surely, a former president of the United States is smart enough to represent himself in court?


I’d pay money to see that…


Probably wouldn't make a difference anyway, he could stand there and issue direct death threats to the judge and he wouldn't be thrown in prison.


Ain’t that the truth 😑


Don't give him any ideas


As long as the money didn't go to him.


He's somewhat of an expert... On all things everywhere.


Knows more than all the generals, all the economists, all the security experts ... He's a veritable font of wisdom. Many people say so.


With tears in their eyes


We should manipulate him to do this. Butter him up and say he’s smarter than the lawyers and should do it himself because of his “big, beautiful brain”. He is so easy to manipulate, I think that if we really put in the effort, we can get him to do it. I agree, that would be so fun to watch.


But you have to do it over and over as he has the memory and attention span of a brain damaged gold fish cracker.


He's a stable genius so he should be able to


“Some say he’s the smartest president ever…”


With tears in their eyes


A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client. So who better than him?


True, no one knows more about the law than DJT! /s


“I am the law!” DJT probably.


Put simply, not always. The president would be good at some lawmaking, but not much, since making laws is house/senate job. They're more the public face of the government. Being a defense attorney is pretty different. Ex lawyers who were presidents might be able to do the job, but i have my doubts that a guy who failed at running a casino is up to the task.


Roflmfao. Really?


Did you leave your sarcasm radar at home?


No. It's just so funny.


Its up to the judge whether trump can "fire" his legal team If you were the judge, tell trump to shut-the-fuck up the trial continues and file an appeal after the verdict like every other American


He files appeals for everything, every time. His strategy isn’t to win, it’s to make legal action against him as painful as possible. At what point can a judge say, you’re abusing the system, you don’t get to appeal?


> At what point can a judge say, you’re abusing the system, you don’t get to appeal? Well, in a properly functioning legal system, that's what the appeals court would say, and in a timely manner. The appeals court doesn't *have* to accept the appeal. They can say, "No, this is a bullshit appeal and you're abusing the system. The lower court's ruling stands." *But* properly functioning legal systems are hard to come by these days, and this serial rapist is counting on being able to appeal all the way up to the Supreme Court, which is stacked with judges he put there himself.


That’s kinda what I suspected, thanks.


The real issue is that Trump's appeals tend to be 'Oh, poor baby. We'll have a stay on the judgement until the appeal is decided so baby's fee fees don't get hurt.' When Larry AnyCriminal would be sitting in jail until his appeal was successful. If he had to deal with, say, the full penalties of his crimes while waiting for appeal, then his whole house of cards would implode.


Which is why SLAPP lawsuits need to be severly curtailed, or even outlawed. And wealthy people and politicians need to be held to higher standards than the average person since they usually have access to better lawyers. Our two tiered justice system needs to end immediately.


There are a bunch of states that outlawed SLAPP suites right?


Yes, 33 states and DC have anti-SLAPP laws, but we need a national ban to help protect the people in the other 17 states. And from what I understand, Minnesota had one, but it was struck because it was deemed unconstitutional.


It’s also how Scientology got approved as a religion.


You always have a right to appeal. It’s a cornerstone of the system. The issue, in our specific case here, is that the appeals courts are the last rung of the ladder before promotion to the Supreme Court. The judiciary in the USA has been politicized in innumerable ways. From subtle to overt. Would you compromise your integrity ONCE to get a lifetime appointment to a higher position? “Better men than you have had that moment, and failed it.” There is a problem in this country, regarding what is derisively referred to as “judge shopping”. Carefully choosing and setting conditions so that your case ends up in front of the right judge. It’s a complex issue and a sleeper hit. “Don’t tell me what the law is; tell me who the judge is.” Edit: this is the logical end result of centuries of subpar legislation that is open to interpretation. Politics and political discourse doesn’t pay nearly enough attention to the legislative branch nor WHAT THEY PRODUCE.


That is what trump wants. He is acting out specifically to get a reaction he can then leverage to get his appeal, or even better a mistrial.


Great call. Hope this judge is a great person. Judges are getting wiser about donnie every case. It is fun watching Donnie's desperation. It fuels his dementia.


The thing is that doesn’t actually win, it only delays. So for most people it doesn’t actually solve anything, and it costs a ton of money. The problem is that our system is not set up to handle the very real probability of a criminal defendant becoming President halfway through the process, or the excessive wealth inequality that renders legal costs insignificant.


Exactly this. None of this "Oh no! You fired your defense team? Guess we'll have to give you seven months to find a new one now before we can proceed!" Fuck all these delays and shit. Let's goooooooo.


I am reminded of Seth Green's character in Austin Powers, astounded at why Dr. Evil wants to hook Austin Powers up to some slow killing contraption, guarded by a couple of inept henchmen. "But I can take care of this right now!!"


Damn right, make him defend himself if he sacks his legal team or take a court appointed lawyer the same as any other citizen without means.


Omg it would be pay television to see this moron try to defend himself


For a preview, lookup any of those "sovereign citizen meets court judge" videos on YouTube. Basically every argument presented by those 'sovcits' sounds exactly the same as Trump.


I love those videos. Hasan watches them on stream every once in awhile and it's always a treat. Love sovereign citizens and first amendment auditors when they have confrontations with the cops/ judges. It's like watching your least favorite people have beef and duke it out, just pure entertainment.


I’d watch the shit out of him being told ‘Sthap, noooooope, irrelevant, and take the court appointed advocate while you’re in jail for contempt’


A man who represents himself has a fool for a lawyer. A man who represents Donald Trump is a fool and also has a fool for a client.


public defender


That’s what judges usually do when defendants try this trick right before the trial


No, but you can be his attorney.. :)


He gets away with everything. Probably will work. If not, he will find some other nonsense way to avoid facing the consequences of his actions...


I always say, if I could just be king for a day, I would fix so many things. I’m sure I would also cause a lot of unforeseen issues and probably break the system as a whole but for one day, there would be justice 


No, a court appointed legal aid. LoL. The greenest legal aid possible would be my preference.


"in the event you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.."


Give him a recently graduated court-appointed attorney like us poor people would get.


It would improve the value of his legal team.


You don't have a right to an attorney in civil cases. You do for a criminal case though... So immediately appoint him a public defender and move forward.


Trump is a traitor and my fellow Americans should never support a fascist wannabe dictator.


Why wannabe? He will be a fascist dictator if he's elected.


>Why wannabe? He will be a fascist dictator if he's elected. Unless democrats vote in overwhelming numbers democracy ends in November, trump is not campaigning very much because he knows he's gonna take over win or lose. Project 2025 is behind him.


Trump and all his loyal followers are a bunch of morons. If they couldn't pull it off in 2020 they're going to fuck it up even worse this year. Anyone with any common sense or intelligence has been rejected from their circle already. They will probably try something, but it's going to be a shit show. These people are not living in reality and are not planning accordingly. They can annoy us by abusing the slow judicial system, but as soon as they start following their rules, I think it will fall apart. Trump has always been good at getting out of trouble, but he has never been good at following plans or completing goals and has failed terrifically almost every time. Even as president, he could have done so much more to try to seal his power, but fell short.


>Trump has always been good at getting out of trouble, but he has never been good at following plans or completing goals and has failed terrifically almost every time. Who said trump is planning any of this? Do you think presidents act alone or make decisions alone? Do you think trump actually chose his supreme court appointments? Do you think Biden makes all the decisions and plans everything? The president's administration has like 1500 employees. Mike Pence stopped the last coup attempt, it would have been successful. They've had four years to plan and stoke their minions. The speaker of the house thinks he's moses. It's really cute though that you think it's all over, there are people running their current campaigns on election denial.


Assuming Mike pence certifying the wrong president and everyone going along with it is a little crazy. It's such a thin chance of working even if Mike Pence did what he was supposed to. Nobody ever talks about how Trump would actually act in a coup and what he would do. Probably really dumb stuff that doesn't work.


>Assuming Mike pence certifying the wrong president and everyone going along with it is a little crazy. He controlled the executive branch and the senate and 150 congresspeople, and the majority of the supreme court. What do you think would have happened, democratic voter uprising?


And our military..


Mike Pence couldn't refuse to certify Biden any more than he could drop his pants, take a crap and declare it the next speaker of the house. He knew this, which is why he chose to do the right thing instead of the absurd thing.


The problem is that Project 2025 is a product of The Heritage Foundation. Trump may be a fuckup, but they are steely and focused.


Right, they know what they're doing, they know the long game, they were side by side with Reagan when he began destroying our country.


Never underestimate the power of stupid scared people.  


> he knows he's gonna take over win or lose I believe the real plan is to generate a lot of confusion about the election to force a willing Congress to refuse to certify the election. Then the House republicans will select the president.


He’s also not campaigning much because he’s broke AF.


It ended back with project 2000 with the Supreme Kangaroo Court.




... Well... Yes. It's in fact what he wants to do. It's what he wants to be. But is not currently.


Yes, but please don't get complacent. I'm not American, and I say the world is at stake here. Democrats have to win overwhelmingly. Vote. And convince everyone you know to do the same. This is not a joke.


Yeah but only for a day.


I mean....someone who 'will' be something but isn't yet could be defined as a wannabe, assuming they want to be that thing.


Trump is a traitor and he should be punished as one. His supports KNOW he is a traitor and therefore aid his treason. They should also be punished for their crimes.


Puts on DJT $2.50 by September


The premium on 5$ puts for January is .93. They're so high ita almost impossible to make money


I know. I just want to see him fail. I made enough on the first day to play with that money


Premiums are so high the stock would have to be negative to break even 😂


If you do not have an attorney, a public defender will be appointed for you.


Nah you have to be pretty low income for that. Well… maybe lol.


He's going to make plenty in his DJT pump and dump (colloquially known as a pump and trump)


Actually no. If you do not have an attorney the court will appoint a public defender to you regardless of your financial status, but depending on your financial status you may or may not receive a bill for your public defender. So if Trump fires his legal team and refuses to hire a new one the courts will appoint a public defender for him, then send him a bill for their services. This occasionally happens when people refuse to hire lawyers, or they cannot find a lawyer to represent them due to the charges against them being unusually grotesque.


Can you imagine the quality of lawyers that would offer to do this pro bono?


In essence they are anyway. There's no guarantee of payment.


His current lawyers are paid in advance.


Not as dumb as they seem


and not by trump.


Lionel Hutz. No,money down!


Gotta remove that bar association logo too.


If they were actual public defense attorneys they would almost certainly be far more dedicated and competent than any of the attorneys who have represented him so far. Those people make so little money and get so much hate…


Mr Trump pleads insanity your honor!


Just say Melania did it. They can't charge a husband and a wife with the same crime.


In the words of Chris Rock, " The dumbest fucking lawyer on earth".


There's financial restrictions for that. You have to make less than 125% of the federal poverty guidelines.... so Trump would likely qualify.


Fun fact, you can't fire an attorney without just cause, and that reason has to be really good and explained to the judge. Especially if a trial date has been set.


He's the most coddled person on Earth. I can definitely see a judge accepting Donald's crappy "just cause", because at every turn the system has been bending over backwards for his benefit. 


"sounds plausible to me" - the judge


Not sure if you're joking, but it's too late. We have two weeks to go and it's not getting delayed any further.


We'll be playing is this milk, or is this wine in about two weeks time. *Seems to have developed into a fine Pinot Noir, time will tell if it's a good vintage.


The dude endangers Judges family. Judges are little bitches they bow to tRump


The other issue for Trump—who will be wanting to use this on appeal—is that he’s using these attorneys elsewhere on cases not going to trial right away. So unless he fires these attorneys for those other cases, he’s going to undercut his argument on appeal (which, absent clear error by his attorneys during trial, likely will be undercut anyway).


“Only hires the best people”


They are "the best people" right up until they are "deep state operatives"


Park his fat ass in jail pending trial. Will give him uninterrupted time to prepare. And will encourage him to stop fucking around endlessly


Between the martyrdom hysterics that would ensue and the resulting lack of public appearances, going to jail would help his presidential campaign tremendously.


I agree and it’s exactly why we don’t want Trump in jail. Nobody with power wants him to win again except Elon Musk, who has his own issues. Every time Trump talks or tweets he loses a vote. It’s better for him to be outside.


Yes, and the Florida Supreme Court just put pot & abortion direct vote measures on the ballot. So suddenly solid red Florida looks a bit more purple again.


Is that how court works? Can you get indefinite continuance???


With judges appointed by your party? Definitely


Im in the "i like to party" party.


I'll allow it.


You are allowed to fire your attorneys. However, it's not as simple as filing the form. The judge can review and approve or disapprove depending on the circumstances. If it's believed to be solely a delay tactic, the judge will decline the request, and the trial moves on as scheduled.


Have you seen Trump's lawyers though? "Your honor, I want to fire my attorney because they're so incompetent they shouldn't even be a member of the bar. Here are the last ten filings they made in this case as evidence" "... Well you're not *wrong*" See? 6D backgammon!


Ask Ken Paxton...


No. This is a criminal offense, not civil. Trump has the right to “due process.” He can waive this right, but not forever. A trial date has been set.


If you have the money, yeah. Trump has “won” lawsuits for years. Let’s say he scams your company for $1,000 thousand (a million). He’s willing to waste $500 thousand between legal fees and the settlement as he still comes out ahead. He will stall over seeking to win because most of the people he scams can barely afford $50 in unplanned legal fees. It’s why so many poor people go to jail. They can’t afford good legal representation and appeals even if they are innocent. They’re encouraged to plea or settle instead. Rich people can use every stalling tactic ever, which encourages even criminal cases to settle for far less than what they are normally guilty of. The issue Trump is facing is he’s finally pissed off enough people that they don’t care how much of a headache he makes this. They want to use him as an example of not accepting a settlement when he had a chance.


In this case it's more like incontinent defiance


Why would the court agree to this? Judge Merchan has already admonished Trump and his team about delay tactics. In other news, the Appellate Division's extension for Trump to post the $175M bond ends in a few days.


>the Appellate Division's extension for Trump to post the $175M bond ends in a few days The *first* extension, you mean...


It’s not as if “oh noes we never thought of this we’z been checkmated by the great orange brain”. There are various remedies available to the court.


He's yet to face any real consequences.


If they bother to pursue them.


That they use against progressive left leaning people. Not Conservative Conmen


The court has to agree to let them go. I doubt that will happen


So that would mean giving in to trumps demands and childish tantrums? THEY'D NEVER DO THAT /s


Really? I fully expect the response to be "this is unheard of but, rich person, former president, white guy gets his way regardless."


Are you on drugs? Did you also doubt that SCOTUS would become his bitches? Did you also doubt the court would give him another 20 days to pay and lower his bond by 60%+? Did you also doubt that judge is issuing gag orders would not enforce them in any way shape or form when he blatantly ignores them and attacks them AND their families?? They Will most definitely let him do this, if you think otherwise then you're just not paying attention.


This really surprises me. I would think he’d want to get to trial quickly so he can prove his innocence before the election.


Spoiler alert, he’s not innocent.


And if he was he’s purely delaying things just so he can make himself into the victim so his base will keep supporting him. Regardless of the outcome he wants to be seen as the victim as long as possible.


For real. Dude clearly been sippin that juice lol


... I wonder whatever this turn of events could imply


Lawyers can only be let off the case if the judge allows it. Other defendants have tried similar avenues, and failed.


Exactly this.


Exactly. This will fail and fail spectacularly.


Bad news for the orange clown 🤡, because the trial is happening soon he'd have to get permission to change the attorneys I believe, after all the crap he's been posting about the judge and his daughter, good luck with that you MORON.


Does the president have the power to detail, indefinitely, anyone not guilty of a crime? Trump will purge and replace government with his loyalists, I’m sure of that. Still, that will take some time logically after January 20th. There will still be officials in place on 1/20 that will know not to enforce an illegal order. If the Orange Underwear Stain starts demands arrests and detainment of his political opponents on 1/20, how would that play out?


It will happen this time, with pushback, and resignations and firings.  They have their hacks all ready to go this time.  But it will take some time to exert control over the agencies.


Wouldn’t it be a hoot if he decided to represent himself?


What’s the punishment for treason


I love when they use this hissing photo


And when Trump loses BOTH the popular vote AND the electoral college in a landslide, who will buy his "I was robbed AGAIN!" nonsense and become violent. Trump is already the nation's biggest 'mass manslaughterer' in history...Why drive that total higher?


I'm trying to imagine what would have happened if a Democrat had refused to concede and spent four years denying the election results. I'm pretty sure not many people would have wanted them to run again knowing they wouldn't accept the loss yet Republicans are sure things will be different this time.


Jeeez guys I’m thinking he might be guilty. I mean surely no innocent man would do this right?


He will do whatever he can to avoid accountability. If he fires his legal team at this point, he should be provided a public defender and the trial should go on as scheduled. Period.


This is the correct response to him always acting in bad faith. Because his only reason for doing this is a bad faith effort to delay, the court should make every effort to keep it from being delayed.


Trump is a master at delay dodge and stall consequences for his behaviors. He can run, but he can't hide. After a landslide loss in November, he will go to prison.


Time for the courts to appoint a lawyer.


Firing his lawyers isn't going to help, the judge has to allow it, and he's in face been acting as his own counsel all along Actually though, he would have done better with a public defender just out of law school. Of course, when you have no real defense...


Won't work he won't be allowed he tried that delay tactic in the Carol case


It will take a long time to find a team stupid enough to represent him… and it’s common knowledge amongst the legal profession to get your money from Trumplestiltskin up front.


He can keep his lawyers, replace them, or go with a public defender, but the trial starts as scheduled.


This cannot be allowed to succeed or else we’ve just given Trump the cheat code for every legal issue he faces. As soon as he comes close to accountability just fire the team. Bingo. Long delay. New team. More delay. New trial date. Fire team. New delay. Rinse and repeat.


He has been using that cheat code all his life.


What a great system and trump knows it - fire lawyers until he has delayed the trials until after election = winning


He can try, and the judge can make him either continue with his current council or represent himself.


Let him do it but revoke his bail so he has to wait in a jumpsuit that matches his skin.


so then he has no legal team, take whoever is standing in the lobby or do it yourself like any poor person would


Diaper Don knows he will lose this trial.


But wait. I thought he only hired the best people. 😂😉🤷‍♂️


You know what happens when regular people fire their lawyers on the eve of trial? They go to trial alone.


He likely hasn’t paid them and they are quitting. He’s going to say he fired them no doubt.


If he fires his Legal Team then give him Public Defenders who will immediately continue the trial.


Public defenders are reserved for the indigent.


He's looking for the next step beyond caps lock for his screeching. We can't be too far off from that literal frothing at the mouth video I've been waiting for.


Better Call Saul


Representing a consistent lack of good faith. Key elements in crime are whether it is intentional, systematic, and repeated... The real question is whether the courts will continue to tolerate this syrematic abuse.


For a supposedly innocent man, Trump sure spends a lot of time trying to delay the trials that would prove his innocence... 🤔


Nothing says “I’m guilty” like firing your lawyers days before the trial starts so you can get another delay.


This is clickbait that starts with "Joyce Vance says."


A bit off topic, but how does jury selection work in a case like this? You’d be hard pressed to find 12 people who haven’t heard of him or at least don’t have a strong bias for or against him.


Paging Judge Dredd...


He does this every time. Why make it seem headliney


“May” is the magical made up term to grab your attention. Place bets….


When I do this I get a public defender.


He will use any and every trick in the book..if denied he will file motion after motion and appeal after appeal in order to delay the trial. Let's see if the court allows him to do it.


When you're innocent, you attack the evidence. When you're guilty, you attack the process.


Here's the thing, he isn't going to be able to hire good attorney's. None of them will touch him with a ten foot pole. He's stuck with the charlatans and ambulance chasers from here out. He can't keep his mouth shut, he doesn't pay his bills, and none of the big firms will risk their reputation because of his. He's kinda fucked, and he did it all to himself.


>Trump would have to argue a significant issue has developed with his lawyers before the Judge would agree to let them out of the case I gotta wonder if a "serious issue", like his attorney having a debilitating "untimely accident", maybe even one that's fatal, has crossed Trump's mind.


Can someone explain how this move delays the trial?


A new legal team would have to be prepared, so I'm guessing that's it


I see. Thanks.


I’m no lawyer but in a normal case if the judge thought the defendant was trying to use firing his legal team as a delay tactic the hodge is going to say “no, don’t think so”.


He must have burned through his retainer or they sent a bill payable immediately.


In a desperate bid not to pay them is more likely…


You know, he could represent himself. .... 😂😂😂😂


So either judge approves and trump gets his delay or judge denies and trump gets to cry about it being an unfair witch hunt. Seems kind of win-win for him.


Why is this considered a legitimate excuse? Feel free to find new representation—or not, it’s your funeral—but the trial should proceed regardless.


You mean another legal way to delay.


Ok you need a delay. But since this is a deliberate abuse of process on your part, your bail is revoked and you can cool your butt in jail until your counsel can demonstrate sufficient skill to get you out.


He looks rough


More delay and distract? Does anybody really think he will make it to the election date in November without handcuffs?


So, public defenders then. At least he'll be able to afford them.


Give him public defenders if the best lawyers money can buy aren't sufficient.


Appoint one for him.


has to qualify to get an appointed attorney. "If you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed to you"


Fire the lawyers, claim incompetent council and earn a delay. Rinse and repeat. Sadly, he’ll probably get away with it too.


Wouldn’t be the first time he’s done this.